< Luke 3 >

1 In the fiftenthe yeare of the raygne of Tiberius the Emperoure Pontius Pylate beinge leftenaut of Iurie and Herode beinge Tetrach of Galile and his brother Philip Tetrach in Iturea and in the region of Traconites and Lysanias the Tetrach of Abyline
Saat ini adalah tahun ke lima belas Tiberius menjadi Kaisar di Roma. Pontius Pilatus menjadi Gubernur di wilayah Yudea. Herodes adalah penguasa Galilea, dan Filipus adalah penguasa Iturea dan Trakonitis, serta Lisanias sebagai penguasa daerah Abilene.
2 when Anna and Cayphas were the hye prestes: the worde of God came vnto Iohn ye sonne of zacharias in the wildernes.
Hanas dan Kayafas adalah imam besar yang bertanggung jawab. Pada masa inilah Firman Allah datang kepada Yohanes, anak Zakaria, yang hidup di padang gurun.
3 And he came in to all the coostes aboute Iordan preachynge the baptyme of repentaunce for the remission of synnes
Yohanes pergi ke seluruh wilayah Sungai Yordan, mengumumkan kepada setiap orang bahwa mereka harus dibaptis sebagai tanda pertobatan dan bahwa dosa-dosa mereka sudah diampuni.
4 at it is written in the boke of the sayinges of Esaias ye Prophet which sayeth: The voyce of a cryar in wyldernes prepare the waye of the Lorde make hys pathes strayght.
Seperti yang sudah ditulis oleh nabi Yesaya: “Terdengar suara di padang gurun yang berteriak, ‘Persiapkanlah jalan bagi Tuhan: luruskanlah jalan-Nya.
5 Every valley shalbe fylled and every moutayne and hyll shalbe brought lowe. And crocked thinges shalbe made streight: and the rough wayes shalbe made smoth:
Setiap lembah akan ditinggikan, setiap gunung dan bukit akan diratakan. Jalan yang bengkok akan diluruskan, dan jalan yang berbatu-batu akan dihaluskan.
6 and all flesshe shall se the saveour sent of God.
Dan setiap orang akan melihat keselamatan yang datang dari Allah.’”
7 Then sayde he to the people that were come to be baptysed of him: O generacion of vipers who hath taught you to flye from the wrath to come?
Tetapi ketika Yohanes melihat banyak orang Farisi dan Saduki yang datang dan minta diri untuk dibaptis, berkatalah dia kepada mereka, “Dasar kalian keturunan ular berbisa! Siapa yang bilang kalian bisa melarikan diri dari penghukuman yang akan datang?
8 Bringe forth due frutes of repentaunce and begynne not to saye in youre selves we have Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you: God is able of these stones to reyse vp chyldren vnto Abraham.
Tunjukkan dengan perbuatan kalian bahwa kalian sungguh-sungguh bertobat. Jangan sekali-kali membenarkan diri kalian dengan mengatakan, ‘Kami ini keturunan Abraham.’ Biar saya katakan kepada kalian, Allah bisa menciptakan anak-anak bagi Abraham dari batu-batu ini.
9 Now also ys the axe leyd vnto the rote of the trees: so yt every tree which bringeth not forth good frute shalbe hewe doune and caste in to ye fyre.
Kapak diatur untuk mulai menebang di pangkal pohon. Setiap pohon yang tidak menghasilkan buah yang baik akan ditebang dan dibuang ke dalam api.”
10 And the people axed him sayinge: What shall we do then?
“Jadi, apa yang harus kami lakukan?” tanya orang banyak kepadanya.
11 He answered and sayde vnto them: He that hath two coottes let him parte with him that hath none: and he that hath meate let him do lyke wyse.
“Jika kalian punya dua jubah, maka bagilah dengan mereka yang tidak punya. Jika kalian punya makanan, maka berbagilah kepada mereka yang tidak punya,” katanya kepada mereka.
12 Then came ther Publicans to be baptised and sayde vnto him: Master what shall we do?
Dan beberapa penagih pajak juga datang untuk dibaptis. “Guru, apakah yang harus kami lakukan?” tanya mereka.
13 And he sayde vnto the: requyre no more then that which ys appoynted vnto you.
“Janganlah menagih pajak lebih dari yang seharusnya,” jawab Yohanes.
14 The soudyoures lyke wyse demaunded of hym sayinge: and what shall we do? And he sayde to them: Do violence to noo ma: nether trouble eny man wrongfully: but be content with youre wages.
“Bagaimana dengan kami?” beberapa prajurit bertanya. “Apa yang harus kami lakukan?” “Jangan meminta uang dengan ancaman kekejaman. Jangan membuat tuduhan yang tidak benar. Cukupkanlah dirimu dengan gajimu,” jawab Yohanes.
15 As the people were in a doute and all men disputed in their hertes of Iohn whether he were very Christ:
Orang-orang menantikan dengan penuh harap, dan bertanya-tanya apakah Yohanes adalah Mesias itu sendiri.
16 Ihon answered and sayde to them all: I baptyse you wt water but a stronger then I cometh after me whose shue latchet I am not worthy to vnlouse: he will baptise you with the holy goost and with fyre:
Yohanes menjawab dan menjelaskan kepada semua orang, “Benar, saya membaptis kalian dengan air. Tetapi Dia yang akan datang lebih penting dariku, dan saya bahkan tidak layak untuk melepaskan sandal-Nya. Dia akan membaptis kalian dengan Roh Kudus dan dengan api.
17 which hath his fanne in his hond and will pourge his floore and will gader the corne into his barne: but the chaffe wyll he bourne with fyre that never shalbe quenched.
Alat penampi sudah ada di tangan-Nya dan dia siap untuk memisahkan gandum dari kulitnya pada tempat pengirikan. Dia akan mengumpulkan biji-biji gandum di gudang penyimpanan, sedangkan kulitnya akan dibakar dengan api yang tidak bisa padam.”
18 And many other thinges in his exhortacion preached he vnto the people.
Yohanes memberikan banyak peringatan seperti ini ketika dia memberitakan tentang kabar baik itu kepada orang-orang.
19 Then Herode the Tetrach (when he was rebuked of him for Herodias his brother Philippes wyfe and for all the evyls which Herod had done)
Tetapi ketika Yohanes menegur Herodes sang penguasa karena menikah dengan Herodias yang adalah istri saudaranya, dan tentang segala kejahatan yang sudah dilakukan Herodes,
20 added this above all and leyd Iohn in preson.
maka Herodes menambahkan kejahatannya dengan memasukan Yohanes ke dalam penjara.
21 And yt fortuned as all the people receaved baptyme (and when Iesus was baptised and dyd praye) that heave was opened
Ternyata terjadi ketika sesudah semua orang dibaptis, Yesuspun dibaptis juga. Dan ketika Dia berdoa, surga terbuka,
22 and the holy goost came doune in a bodely shape lyke a dove vpo him and a voyce came fro heve sayinge: Thou arte my dere sonne in the do I delyte.
dan Roh Kudus turun ke atas-Nya, dengan mengambil wujud seekor burung merpati. Dan terdengar suara dari surga, berkata, “Engkaulah anak-Ku, yang Ku kasihi. Aku sungguh berkenan kepada-Mu.”
23 And Iesus him silfe was about thirty yere of age when he begane beinge as men supposed the sonne of Ioseph. which Ioseph was the sonne of Heli
Yesus berumur sekitar tiga puluh tahun ketika memulai pelayanan-Nya secara umum. Orang-orang menduga bahwa Dia adalah anak Yusuf. Yusuf adalah anak Eli,
24 which was the sonne of Mathat which was the sonne of Levi: which was the sonne of Melchi: which was the sonne of Ianna: which was the sonne of Ioseph:
anak Matat, anak Lewi, anak Malki, anak Yanai, anak Yusuf,
25 which was the sonne of Matatthias: which was the sonne of Amos: which was the sonne of Nahum: which was the sonne of Esli: which was the sonne of Nagge:
anak Matatias, anak Amos, anak Nahum, anak Esli, anak Nagai,
26 which was the sonne of Maath: which was the sonne of Matathias: which was the sonne of Semei: which was the sonne of Ioseph: which was the sonne of Iuda:
anak Maat, anak Matatias, anak Simei, anak Yosek, anak Yoda,
27 which was the sonne of Iohanna: which was the sonne of Rhesya: which was the sonne of zorobabel: which was the sonne of Salathiel: which was the sonne of Neri:
anak Yohanan, anak Resa, anak Zerubabel, anak Sealtiel, anak Neri,
28 which was the sonne of Melchi: which was the sonne of Addi: which was the sonne of Cosam: which was the sonne of Helmadam: which was the sonne of Her:
anak Malki, anak Adi, anak Kosam, anak Elmadam, anak Er,
29 which was the sonne of Ieso: which was the sonne of Helieser: which was the sonne of Ioram: which was the sonne of Mattha: which was the sonne of Levi:
anak Yesua, anak Eliezer, anak Yorim, anak Matat, anak Lewi,
30 which was the sonne of Simeon: which was the sonne of Iuda: which was the sonne of Ioseph: which was the sonne of Ionam: which was the sonne of Heliachim:
anak Simeon, anak Yehuda, anak Yusuf, anak Yonam, anak Elyakim,
31 which was the sonne of Melea: which was the sonne of Menam: which was the sonne of Mathathan: which was the sonne of Nathan: which was the sonne of David:
anak Melea, anak Mina, anak Matata, anak Natan, anak Daud,
32 which was the sonne of Iesse: which was the sonne of Obed: which was the sonne of Boos: which was the sonne of Salmon: which was the sonne of Naason:
anak Isai, anak Obed, anak Boas, anak Salmon, anak Nahason,
33 which was the sonne of Aminadab: which was the sonne of Aram: which was the sonne of Esrom: which was the sonne of Phares: which was the sonne of Iuda:
anak Aminadab, anak Aram, anak Hesro, anak Peres, anak Yehuda,
34 which was the sonne of Iacob: which was the sonne of Ysaac: which was the sonne of Abraham: which was the sonne of Tharra: which was the sonne of Nachor:
anak Yakub, anak Isak, anak Abraham, anak Terah, anak Nahor,
35 which was the sonne of Saruch: which was the sonne of Ragau: which was the sonne of Phalec: which was the sonne of Heber: which was the sonne of Sala:
anak Serug, anak Ragau, anak Peleg, anak Eber, anak Salmon,
36 which was the sonne of Cainan: which was the sonne of Arphaxat: which was the sonne of Sem: which was the sonne of Noe: which was the sonne of Lameth:
anak Kenan, anak Arfaksad, anak Sem, anak Nuh, anak Lamek,
37 which was the sonne of Mathusala: which was the sonne of Enoch: which was the sonne of Iareth: which was the sonne of Malalehel. which was the sonne of Cainan:
anak Metusalah, anak Henok, anak Yared, anak Mahalaleel, anak Kenan,
38 which was the sonne of Enos: which was the sonne of Seth: which was the sonne of Adam: which was the sonne of God.
anak Enos, anak Set, anak Adam, anak Allah.

< Luke 3 >