< Luke 22 >

1 The feaste of swete breed drue nye whiche is called ester
Basi Sikukuu ya Mkate Usiyotiwa Chachu ilikuwa imekaribia, ambayo inaitwa Pasaka.
2 and the hye prestes and Scribes sought how to kyll him but they feared the people.
Makuhani wakuu na waandishi wakajadiliana namna ya kumuua Yesu, kwa sababu waliwaogopa watu.
3 Then entred Satan into Iudas whose syr name was Iscariot (which was of the nombre of the twelve)
Shetani akaingia ndani ya Yuda Iskariote, mmoja wa wale wanafunzi Kumi na mbili.
4 and he went his waye and comuned with the hye Prestes and officers how he might betraye him to them.
Yuda akaenda kujadiliana na wakuu wa makuhani na wakuu namna ambavyo atamkabidhi Yesu kwao.
5 And they were glad: and promysed to geve him money.
Walifurahi, na kukubaliana kumpa fedha.
6 And he consented and sought oportunite to betraye him vnto them when the people were awaye.
Yeye aliridhia, na alitafuta fursa ya kumkabidhi Yesu kwao mbali na kundi la watu.
7 Then came ye daye of swete breed when of necessite the esterlambe must be offered.
Siku ya mikate isiyotiwa chachu ikafika, ambapo kondoo wa Pasaka lazima atolewe.
8 And he sent Peter and Iohn sayinge: Goo and prepare vs the ester lambe that we maye eate.
Yesu akawatuma Petro na Yohana, akasema, “Nendeni mkatuandalie chakula cha Pasaka ili tuje tukile.”
9 They sayde to him. Where wilt thou yt we prepare?
Wakamuuliza, “Wapi unataka tuyafanyie hayo maandalizi?”
10 And he sayd vnto them. Beholde when ye be entred into the cite ther shall a man mete you bearinge a pitcher of water him folowe into the same housse yt he entreth in
Akawajibu, “Sikilizeni, mtakapokuwa mmeingia mjini, mwanamume ambaye amebeba mtungi wa maji atakutana na ninyi. Mfuateni kwenye nyumba ambayo ataingia.
11 and saye vnto ye good ma of ye housse. The master sayeth vnto ye: where is ye gest chamber where I shall eate myne ester lambe wt my disciples?
Kisha mwambieni bwana wa nyumba, “Mwalimu anakwambia, “Kiko wapi chumba cha wageni, mahali ambapo nitakula Pasaka na wanafunzi wangu?”
12 And he shall shew you a greate parloure paved. Ther make redy.
Atawaonyesha chumba cha ghorofani ambacho kiko tayari. Fanyeni maandalizi humo.”
13 And they wet and foude as he had sayd vnto the: and made redy ye ester lambe.
Hivyo wakaenda, na wakakuta kila kitu kama alivyowaambia. Kisha wakaandaa chakula cha Pasaka.
14 And when the houre was come he sate doune and the twelve Apostles with him.
Muda ulipofika alikaa na wale mitume.
15 And he sayde vnto them: I have inwardly desyred to eate this ester lambe with you before yt I suffre.
Kisha akawaambia, “Nina shauku kubwa ya kula sikukuu hii ya Pasaka na ninyi kabla ya kuteswa kwangu.
16 For I saye vnto you: hence forthe I will not eate of it eny moore vntill it be fulfilled in the kingdome of God.
Kwa maana nawaambieni, sitakula tena mpaka itakapotimizwa katika ufalme wa Mungu.”
17 And he toke the cup and gave thankes and sayde. Take this and devyde it amonge you.
Kisha Yesu akachukua kikombe, na alipokwisha kushukuru, akasema, “Chukueni hiki, na mgawane ninyi kwa ninyi.
18 For I saye vnto you: I will not drinke of the frute of the vyne vntill the kingdome of God be come.
Kwa maana nawaambia, sitakunywa tena mzao wa mzabibu, mpaka ufalme wa Mungu utakapokuja.”
19 And he toke breed gave thankes and gave to them sayinge: This is my body which is geven for you. This do in the remembraunce of me.
Kisha akachukua mkate, na alipokwisha kushukuru, akaumega, na kuwapa, akisema, “Huu ni mwili wangu ambao umetolewa kwa ajili yenu. Fanyeni hivi kwa kunikumbuka mimi.”
20 Lykewyse also when they had supped he toke the cup sayinge: This cup is the newe testament in my bloud which shall for you be shedde.
Akachukua kikombe vivyo hivyo baada ya chakula cha usiku akisema, “Kikombe hiki ni agano jipya katika damu yangu, ambayo imemwagika kwa ajili yenu.
21 Yet beholde the honde of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table.
Lakini angalieni. Yule anisalitie yuko pamoja nami mezani.
22 And ye sonne of man goeth as it is appoynted: But wo be to yt man by whom he is betrayed.
Kwa maana Mwana wa Adamu kwa kweli aenda zake kama ilivyokwisha amuliwa. Lakini ole kwa mtu yule ambaye kupitia yeye Mwana wa Adamu asalitiwa!”
23 And they began to enquyre amoge them selves which of them it shuld be that shuld do that.
Wakaanza kuulizana wao kwa wao, nani miongoni mwao ambaye angefanya jambo hili.
24 And ther was a stryfe amoge the which of them shuld be taken for the greatest.
Kisha yakatokea mabishano katikati yao kwamba ni nani anaye dhaniwa kuwa mkuu kuliko wote.
25 And he sayde vnto them: the kynges of the getyls raygne over them and they that beare rule over them are called gracious lordes.
Akawaambia, “Wafalme wa watu wa mataifa wana ubwana juu yao, na wale mwenye mamlaka juu yao wanaitwa waheshimiwa watawala.
26 But ye shall not be so. But he that is greatest amonge you shalbe as the yongest: and he that is chefe shalbe as the minister.
Lakini haitakiwi kabisa kuwa hivi kwenu ninyi. Badala yake, acha yule ambaye ni mkubwa kati yenu awe kama mdogo. Na yule ambaye ni wa muhimu sana awe kama atumikaye.
27 For whether is greater he that sitteth at meate: or he that serveth? Is not he that sitteth at meate? And I am amoge you as he that ministreth.
Kwa sababu yupi mkubwa, yule akaaye mezani au yule anayetumika? Je si yule aketie mezani? Na mimi bado ni kati yenu kama atumikaye.
28 Ye are they which have bidden with me in my temptacions.
Lakini ninyi ndio ambao mmeendelea kuwa nami katika majaribu yangu.
29 And I apoynt vnto you a kyngdome as my father hath appoynted to me:
Nawapa ninyi ufalme, kama vile Baba alivyonipa mimi ufalme,
30 that ye maye eate and drynke at my table in my kyngdome and sit on seates and iudge the twelve tribes of Israell.
kwamba mpate kula na kunywa mezani kwangu kwenye ufalme wangu. Na mtakaa kwenye viti vya enzi mkizihukumu kabila kumi na mbili za Israel.
31 And the Lorde sayde: Simon Simon beholde Satan hath desired you to sifte you as it were wheate:
Simoni, Simoni, fahamu kwamba, Shetani ameomba awapate ili awapepete kama ngano.
32 bnt I have prayed for the that thy faith fayle not. And when thou arte converted strengthe thy brethre.
Lakini nimekuombea, kwamba imani yako isishindwe. Baada ya kuwa umerudi tena, waimarishe ndugu zako.”
33 And he sayd vnto him. Lorde I am redy to go with the in to preson and to deth.
Petro akamwambia, “Bwana, niko tayari kwenda na wewe gerezani na hata katika mauti.”
34 And he sayde: I tell the Peter the cocke shall not crowe this daye tyll thou have thryse denyed yt thou knewest me.
Yesu akajibu, “Nakwambia, Petro, Jogoo hatawika leo, kabla hujanikana mara tatu kwamba unanijua.”
35 And he sayde vnto them: when I sent you with out wallet and scripe and shoes? lacked ye eny thinge? And they sayd no.
Kisha Yesu akawaambia, “Nilipowapeleka ninyi bila mfuko, kikapu cha vyakula, ua viatu, je mlipungukiwa na kitu?” Wakajibu “Hakuna.”
36 And he sayde to them: but nowe he that hath a wallet let him take it vp and lykewyse his scrippe. And he that hath no swearde let him sell his coote and bye one.
Kisha akawaambia, “Lakini sasa, kila mwenye mfuko, na auchukue pamoja na kikapu cha vyakula. Yule ambaye hana upanga imempasa auze joho lake anunue mmoja.
37 For I saye vnto you that yet that which is written must be performed in me: even with the wycked was he nombred. For those thinges which are written of me have an ende.
Kwa sababu nawaambia, yote ambayo yameandikwa kwa ajili yangu lazima yatimilike, 'Na alichukuliwa kama mtu ambaye anavunja torati.' Kwa sababu kile kilichotabiriwa kwa ajili yangu kinatimizwa.”
38 And they sayde: Lorde beholde here are two sweardes. And he sayde vnto them: it is ynough.
Kisha wakasema, “Bwana, tazama! Hizi hapa panga mbili.” Na akawaambia”yatosha.”
39 And he came out and went as he was wote to mounte olivete. And the disciples folowed him.
Baada ya chakula cha usiku, Yesu aliondoka, kama ambavyo amekuwa akifanya mara kwa mara, akaenda mlima wa Mzeituni, na wanafunzi wakamfuata.
40 And when he came to the place he sayde to the: praye lest ye fall into temptacio.
Walipofika, aliwaambia, “Ombeni kwamba msiingie majaribuni.”
41 And he gate him selfe from them about a stones cast and kneled doune and prayed
Akaenda mbali na wao kama mrusho wa jiwe, akapiga magoti akaomba,
42 sayinge: Father yf thou wilt withdrawe this cup fro me. Neverthelesse not my will but thyne be be fulfilled.
akisema, “Baba, kama unataka, niondolee kikombe hiki. Lakini si kama nitakavyo mimi, lakini mapenzi yako yafanyike.”
43 And ther appered an angell vnto him from heaven confortinge him.
Kisha malaika kutoka mbinguni akamtokea, akamtia nguvu.
44 And he was in an agonye and prayed somwhat longer. And hys sweate was lyke droppes of bloud tricklynge doune to the grounde.
Akiwa katika kuugua, akaomba kwa dhati zaidi, na jasho lake likawa kama matone makubwa ya damu yakidondoka chini.
45 And he rose vp from prayer and came to his disciples and foude them slepinge for sorowe
Wakati alipoamka kutoka katika maombi yake, alikuja kwa wanafunzi, na akawakuta wamelala kwa sababu ya huzuni yao,
46 and sayde vnto them: Why slepe ye? Ryse and praye lest ye fall into temptacion.
na akawauliza, “Kwanini mnalala? Amkeni muombe, kwamba msiingie majaribuni.”
47 Whill he yet spake: beholde ther came a company and he that was called Iudas one of the twelve wet before them and preased nye vnto Iesus to kysse him.
Wakati alipokuwa bado akiongea, tazama, kundi kubwa la watu likatokea, na Yuda, mmoja wa mitume kumi na wawili akiwaongoza. Akaja karibu na Yesu ili ambusu,
48 And Iesus sayd vnto him: Iudas betrayest thou ye sonne of man with a kysse?
lakini Yesu akamwambia, “Yuda, je unamsaliti Mwana wa Adamu kwa busu?”
49 When they which were about him sawe what wolde folow they sayde vnto him. Lorde shall we smite with swearde.
Wakati wale waliokuwa karibu na Yesu walipoona hayo yanayotokea, wakasema, “Bwana, je tuwapige kwa upanga?”
50 And one of them smote a servaut of ye hiest preste of all and smote of his right eare.
Kisha mmoja wao akampiga mtumishi wa kuhani mkuu, akamkata sikio lake la kulia.
51 And Iesus answered and sayd: Soffre ye thus farre forthe. And he touched his eare and healed him.
Yesu akasema, “hii inatosha. Na akagusa sikio lake, akamponya.
52 Then Iesus sayde vnto the hye prestes and rulers of the temple and the elders which were come to him. Be ye come out as vnto a thefe with sweardes and staves?
Yesu akasema kwa kuhani mkuu, na kwa wakuu wa hekalu, na kwa wazee waliokuja kinyume chake, “Je mnakuja kana kwamba mnakuja kupambana na mnyang'anyi, na marungu na mapanga?
53 When I was dayly with you in the teple ye stretched not forth hondes agaynst me. But this is even youre very houre and the power of darcknes.
Nilipokuwa pamoja nanyi siku zote kwenye hekalu, hamkuweka mikono yenu juu yangu. Lakini hii ni saa yako, na mamlaka ya giza.”
54 Then toke they him and ledde him and brought him to the hye prestes housse. And peter folowed a farre of.
Wakamkamata, wakamuongoza, wakamleta nyumbani mwa kuhani mkuu. Lakini Petro akamfuatilia kwa mbali.
55 When they had kyndled a fyre in the middes of the palys and were set doune to geder Peter also sate doune amonge them.
Baada ya kuwa wamewasha moto katika ule uwanda wa ndani na walipokwisha kukaa chini pamoja, Petro akakaa katikati yao.
56 And wone of the wenches behelde him as he sate by the fyer and set good eyesight on him and sayde: this same was also with him.
Mtumishi mmoja wa kike akamuona Petro alipokuwa amekaa katika mwanga utokanao na moto, akamtazama akamwambia, “Huyu mtu pia alikuwa pamoja naye.”
57 Then he denyed hym sayinge: woman I knowe him not
Lakini Petro akakana, akasema, “mwanamke, mimi simjui.”
58 And after a lytell whyle another sawe him and sayde: thou arte also of them. And Peter sayd man I am not.
Baada ya muda kidogo, mtu mwingine akamuona akasema “Wewe pia ni mmoja wao”. Lakini Petro akajibu, “Mwanaume, mimi siyo.”
59 And aboute the space of an houre after another affirmed sayinge: verely even this felowe was with hym for he is of Galile
Baada ya kama saa moja hivi, mwanaume mmoja akasisitiza akasema, “Kweli kabisa huyu mtu pia alikuwa pamoja naye, maana ni Mgalilaya.”
60 and Peter sayde: ma I woote not what thou sayest. And immediatly whyll he yet spake the cocke crewe.
Lakini Petro akasema, “Mwanaume, sijui usemalo.” Na mara, wakati akiongea, jogoo akawika.
61 And the Lorde tourned backe and loked apon Peter. And Peter remembred the wordes of the Lorde how he sayde vnto him before ye cocke crowe thou shalt denye me thryse.
Akageuka, Bwana akamtazama Petro. Na Petro akalikumbuka neno la Bwana, pale alipomwambia, “Kabla ya jogoo kuwika leo, utanikana mimi mara tatu.”
62 And Peter went out and wepte bitterly.
Akienda nje, Petro akalia kwa uchungu mwingi.
63 And the men that stode about Iesus mocked him and smoote him
Kisha wale wanaume waliokuwa wakimlinda Yesu, wakamdhihaki na kumpiga.
64 and blyndfolded him and smoote his face. And axed him sayinge: arede who it is that smoote ye?
Baada ya kumfunika macho, wakamuuliza, wakisema, “Tabiri! Ni nani aliyekupiga?”
65 And many other thinges despytfullye sayd they agaynst him.
Wakaongea mambo mengine mengi kinyume cha Yesu na kumkufuru yeye.
66 And assone as it was daye the elders of the people and the hye prestes and scribes came to gedder and ledde him into their counsell sayinge:
Mara ilipokuwa asubuhi, wazee wa watu walikusanyika pamoja, wakuu wa makuhani na waandishi. Wakampeleka kwenye Baraza,
67 arte thou very Christ? tell vs. And he sayde vnto the: yf I shall tell you ye will not beleve
wakisema, “Kama wewe ni Kristo, tuambie.” Lakini yeye akawaambia, “Kama nikiwaambia, hamtaniamini,
68 And yf also I axe you ye will not answere me or let me goo.
na kama nikiwauliza hamtanijibu.”
69 Herafter shall the sonne of man sit on the ryght honde of the power of God.
Lakini kuanzia sasa na kuendelea, Mwana wa Adamu atakuwa amekaa mkono wa kuume wa nguvu ya Mungu.”
70 Then sayde they all: Arte thou then the sonne of God? He sayd to them: ye saye yt I am.
Wote wakasema, “Kwa hiyo wewe ni Mwana wa Mungu?” Na Yesu akawaambia, “Ninyi mmesema mimi ndiye.”
71 Then sayde they: what nede we eny further witnes? We oure selves have herde of his awne mouthe.
Wakasema, “Kwa nini bado tunahitaji tena ushahidi? Kwa sababu sisi wenyewe tumesikia kutoka katika kinywa chake mwenyewe.”

< Luke 22 >