< Luke 21 >

1 As he behelde he sawe the ryche men how they cast in their offeringes into the treasury.
U béshini kötürüp qariwidi, baylarning öz sediqilirini [ibadetxanidiki] iane sanduqigha tashlighinini kördi.
2 And he sawe also a certayne povre widdowe which cast in thyther two mites.
U yene sanduqqa ikki tiyinni tashlawatqan bir namrat tul ayalnimu kördi.
3 And he sayde: of a trueth I saye vnto you this poore wyddowe hath put in moare then they all.
Shuning bilen u: — Men silerge berheq shuni éytip qoyayki, bu namrat tul ayalning tashlighini hemmeylenningkidin köptur.
4 For they all have of their superfluyte added vnto the offerynge of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the substaunce that she had.
Chünki ularning hemmisi özlirining ashqanliridin iane qilip, Xudagha atighan sadiqilerge qoshup tashlidi; lékin bu ayal namratliqigha qarimay, özining tirikchilik qilidighinining hemmisini iane qilip tashlidi.
5 As some spake of the teple how it was garnesshed with goodly stones and iewels he sayde.
We beziler ibadetxanining nepis tashlar we Xudagha sunulghan hediyeler bilen qandaq bézelgenliki toghrisida sözlishiwatatti. U:
6 The dayes will come whe of these thynges which ye se shall not be lefte stone apon stone that shall not be throwen doune.
— Siler körüwatqan bu barliq nersilerge nisbeten, shu künler kéliduki, hetta bir tal tashmu tash üstide qaldurulmay, hemmisi gumran qilinidu, — dédi.
7 And they axed him sayinge: Master whe shall these thinges be and what signe will therbe whe suche thinges shall come to passe.
Ular uningdin: — Ustaz, bu dégenliring qachan yüz béridu? Bu ishlarning yüz béridighanliqini ayan qilidighan qandaq alamet bolidu? — dep soridi.
8 And he sayd: take hede that ye be not deceaved. For many will come in my name saying: I am he: and the tyme draweth neare. Folowe ye not them therfore.
U mundaq dédi: — Azdurulup kétishtin hézi bolunglar. Chünki tola kishiler méning namimni sétip: «Mana özüm shudurmen!» we «Ashu waqit yéqinlashti!» deydu. Shunga ularning keynige kirmenglar.
9 But when ye heare of warre and of dissencion: be not afrayd. For these thinges must fyrst come: but the ende foloweth not by and by.
Siler urush we topilanglarning xewirini anglighan waqtinglardimu wehimige chüshmenglar; chünki bu ishlarning awwal yüz bérishi muqerrer. Lékin bular, zaman axiri yétip keldi, dégenlik emes.
10 Then sayd he vnto the: Nacion shall ryse agaynst nacion and kingdom agaynst kyngdome
Andin u yene mundaq dédi: — Bir millet yene bir millet bilen urushqa chiqidu, bir padishahliq yene bir padishahliq bilen urushqa chiqidu.
11 and greate erthquakes shall be in all quarters and honger and pestilence: and fearfull thinges. And greate signes shall therbe from heven.
Jay-jaylarda shiddetlik yer tewreshler, acharchiliqlar we wabalar bolidu, [yer yüzide] wehshetler we asmanda heywetlik alametler körünidu.
12 But before all these they shall laye their hondes on you and persecute you delyueringe you vp to the sinagoges and into preson and bringe you before kynges and rulers for my names sake.
Biraq bu herbir weqeler yüz bérishtin ilgiri, kishiler silerge qol sélip tutqun qilidu we silerge ziyankeshlik qilip, silerni sinagoglarning soraqlirigha tapshuridu, zindanlargha tashlaydu; ular méning namim tüpeylidin silerni padishah we hökümdarlarning aldigha élip baridu,
13 And this shall chaunce you for a testimoniall.
we buning bilen [ularning aldida] guwahliq bérish pursitinglar chiqidu.
14 Let it sticke therfore faste in youre hertes not once to stody before what ye shall answere:
Uning üchün erzge qandaq jawab bérish toghrisida aldin’ala héch oylanmasliqqa qelbinglarda qet’iy niyet qilinglar.
15 for I will geve you a mouth and wisdome where agaynste all youre adversarys shall not be able to speake nor resist.
Chünki men silerge barliq düshmenliringlar reddiye we ret qilalmighudek pasahetlik til we danishmenlik ata qilimen.
16 Ye and ye shalbe betrayed of youre fathers and mothers and of youre brethren and kynsmen and lovers aud some of you shall they put to deeth.
Hetta ata-ana, aka-uka, uruq-tughqan we yar-buraderliringlarmu silerge xainliq qilip tutup béridu we ular aranglardiki beziliringlarni öltüridu.
17 And hated shall ye be of all men for my names sake.
Siler méning namim tüpeylidin hemme ademning nepritige uchraysiler.
18 Yet ther shall not one heer of youre heedes perisshe.
Halbuki, béshinglardiki bir tal chachmu halak bolmaydu!
19 With youre pacience possesse youre soules.
Sewr-chidamliq bolghininglarda, jéninglargha ige bolalaysiler.
20 And when ye se Ierusalem beseged with an hoste then vnderstonde that the desolacio of the same is nye.
— Lékin Yérusalémning [düshmen] qoshunliri teripidin qorshiwélin’ghanliqini körgininglarda, uning weyran bolush waqti yéqinliship qaptu, dep bilinglar.
21 Then let them which are in Iewrye flye to the mountaynes. And let them which are in the middes of it departe oute. And let not them that are in other countreis enter ther in.
U chaghda Yehudiye ölkiside turuwatqanlar taghlargha qachsun, sheher ichide turuwatqanlar uningdin chiqip ketsun, yézilarda turuwatqanlar sheherge kirmisun.
22 For these be the dayes of vengeance to fulfill all that are writte.
Chünki shu chagh «intiqam jazasini tartidighan künler»dur; shuning bilen [muqeddes yazmilarda] barliq pütülgenler emelge ashurulidu.
23 But wo be to them that be with chylde and to them that geve sucke in those dayes: for ther shalbe greate trouble in the londe and wrath over all this people.
Emdi shu künlerde hamilidar ayallar we bala émitidighanlarning haligha way! Chünki bu zéminda éghir qischiliq bolidu we [ershtiki] ghezep bu xelqning béshigha chüshidu;
24 And they shall fall on the edge of the swearde and shalbe leed captive into all nacions. And Ierusalem shalbe trooden vnder fote of the gentyls vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfilled.
Ular qilichning bisida yiqitilidu we tutqun qilinip, barliq ellerge élip kétilidu; «yat ellerning waqti» toshquche, Yérusalém yat ellerning ayagh astida qalidu.
25 And ther shalbe signes in the sunne ad in the mone and in the starres: and in ye erth the people shalbe in soche perplexite yt they shall not tell which waye to turne them selves. The see and the waters shall roore
— Quyash, ay, yultuzlardimu alametler bolidu; yer yüzidiki eller arisida déngiz-okyanlarning güldürlishidin we dolqunlarning dawalghushliridin parakendichilik bolidu.
26 and menes hertes shall fayle them for feare and for lokinge after thoose thinges which shall come on the erth. For the powers of heve shall move.
Ademler qorqup, yer yüzige kélidighan apetlerni wehime ichide kütüp es-hoshini yoqitidu; chünki asmandiki küchler lerzige kélidu.
27 And then shall they se the sonne of ma come in a clowde with power and greate glory.
Andin kishiler Insan’oghlining küch-qudret we ulugh shan-sherep bilen bir bulut ichide kéliwatqanliqini köridu.
28 When these thinges begyn to come to passe: then loke vp and lifte vp youre heddes for youre redemcion draweth neye.
Lékin bu alametler körünüshke bashlighanda, qeddinglarni ruslap béshinglarni kötürünglar, chünki bu silerni azad qilishtiki nijat yéqinlashti, dégenliktur.
29 And he shewed the a similitude: beholde ye fygge tree and all other trees
U ulargha mundaq bir temsilni sözlep berdi: — Enjür derixi we bashqa barliq derexlerge qaranglar.
30 when they shute forth their buddes ye se and knowe of youre awne selves that sommer is then nye at hod.
Ularning yéngidin bixlan’ghanda ulargha qarap, özünglar yazning yétip kélishige az qalghanliqini bilisiler.
31 So lyke wyse ye (when ye se these thinges come to passe) vnderstonde that the kyngdome of God is neye.
Shuningdek, baya déyilgen alametlerning yüz bériwatqanliqini körgininglarda, Xudaning padishahliqining yéqin qalghalnliqini bilinglar.
32 Verely I saye vnto you: this generacion shall not passe tyll all be fulfilled.
Men silerge berheq shuni éytip qoyayki, bu alametlerning hemmisi emelge ashurulmay turup, bu dewr ötmeydu.
33 Heaven and erth shall passe: but my wordes shall not passe.
Asman-zémin yoqilidu, biraq méning sözlirim hergiz yoqalmaydu.
34 Take hede to youre selves lest youre hertes be overcome with surfettinge and dronkennes and cares of this worlde: and that that daye come on you vnwares.
— Lékin özünglargha agah bolunglarki, köngülliringlar eysh-ishret, meyxorluq we tirikchilikning ghem-endishiliri bilen bixudlashmisun, shu küni üstünglargha tuyuqsiz chüshmisun.
35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that sit on the face of the erthe.
Chünki u goya tuzaqtek barliq yer yüzide herbir turuwatqanlarning béshigha chüshidu.
36 Watche therfore continually and praye that ye maye obtayne grace to flye all this that shall come and that ye maye stonde before the sonne of man.
Shunga herqandaq waqitlarda hoshyar bolunglar, yüz bérish aldida turuwatqan bu ishlardin özünglarni qachurup Insan’oghli aldida hazir bolup turushqa layiq hésablinish üchün herdaim dua qilinglar, — dédi.
37 In the daye tyme he taught in the temple and at night he went out and had abydinge in the mount olivete.
Emdi u kündüzliri ibadetxanida telim béretti, axshamliri sheherdin chiqip, kéchini Zeytun téghi dep atalghan taghda ötküzetti.
38 And all the people came in the morninge to him in the temple for to heare him.
We barliq xelq uning telimini anglighili tang seherde ibadetxanigha kirip, uning yénigha kéletti.

< Luke 21 >