< Luke 20 >

1 And yt fortuned in one of those dayes as he taught the people in the temple and preached the gospell: the hye prestes and the scribes came with the elders
Ăn una zuvă kănd Isusu ănvăca ăn dvorištja alu Hramuluj š rubja alu lumjej Bună vorbă d Dimizov avinjit upruapje la jel glavni popurlje š učitelji d zakonu alu Mojsije š vođilje.
2 and spake vnto him sayinge. Tell vs by what auctorite thou doest these thinges? Ether who is he yt gave ye this auctorite?
Š jej la antribat: “Zi nuavă, dundjec pravo s fač aštja stvarurj? Činje ca dat vlast d asta?”
3 He answered and saide vnto the: I also will axe you a questio and answer me.
A Isusu lja zăs alor: “Š jo osă ăntrijeb p voj. Zăčec mije
4 The baptyme of Iohn: was it from heaven or of men?
činje adat vlast alu Ivan karje bătjază s rubjaskă š s fakă aja ča fukut, Dimizov ili lumja?”
5 And they thought with in them selves sayinge: yf we shall saye from heave: he will saye: why then beleved ye him not?
Jej raspravlja ăntră jej če s zăkă alu Isusuluj. Jej azăs: “Akă zăčem: ‘Dimizov’, osă nji ăntrjabă: ‘Dăče atunča nu ja krizut?’
6 But and yf we shall saye of men all ye people will stone vs. For they be persuaded that Ihon is a Prophet.
A akă zăčem: ‘Lumja’, tuată lumja osă arunče buluvanji š osă nji muară daja če je uvjeric k je Ivan proroku.”
7 And they answered that they coulde not tell whence it was.
Atunča jej zăče alu Isusuluj k jej nu štije činje adat vlast alu Ivan.
8 And Iesus sayde vnto them: nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges.
A Isusu lja zăs: “Kum voj mije nu zăčec činje alu Ivan adat vlast, š jo nu zăk vuavă činje mije adat vlast!”
9 Then begane he to put forthe to the people this similitude. A certayne man planted a vyneyarde and let it forthe to fermers and went him selfe into a straunge countre for a greate season.
Atunča Isusu lji spunje asta vorbă alu lumjej: “Njeki om asadit vinograd š adat ăn zajam alu omuluj karje lukrjază ku vinogradu. Atunča omula apljikat š na vinjit mult lunj.
10 And when the tyme was come he sent a servaut to his tennauntes that they shuld geve him of the frutes of the vyneyarde. And the tennauntes dyd bet him and sent him awaye empty.
Kănd avinjit vrijamja d strugurj s lja dună, atrimjes gazda alu vinograduluj p argatu aluj s ja talu aluj d berbă. Ali lumja karje lukrjază ăn vinograd je la butut p argatu š la trimjes ăndrăt ku mănilje gualje.
11 And agayne he sent yet another servaunt. And they dyd bet him and foule entreated him also and sent him awaye emptye.
Atrimjes omu p altu argat, ali š p jel la butut š la dat d rušunje š la trimjes ăndrăt ku mănilje gualje.
12 Moreover he sent the thyrde to and him they wouded and cast out.
Gazda alu vinograduluj atrimjes aldă trje argat, ali jej p jel la ranit š la putirit.
13 Then sayde the lorde of the vyneyarde: what shall I do? I will sende my deare sonne him peradventure they will reverence when they se him.
Atunča gazda alu vinograduluj zăče: ‘Če s fakă? Osă trimjet p bijatu mjov karje jo vrjauv. Vjerovatno p jel osă l poštujaskă.’
14 But when the fermers sawe him they thought in them selves sayinge: this is the heyre come let vs kyll him that the inheritaunce maye be oures.
Ali kănd lumja dăn vinograd avizut p bijatu, sa dogovorit š azăs: ‘Ăsta osă nasljedjaskă imanja. L umurăm š atunča imanja osă fije nostru!’
15 And they cast him out of the vyneyarde and kylled him. Now what shall the Lorde of the vyneyarde do vnto them?
La putirit dăn vinograd š la umurăt. Če găndic k osă fakă gazda alu vinograduluj kănd osă audă ča fost?
16 He will come and destroye those fermers and will let out his vyneyarde to other. When they hearde that they sayde: God forbyd.
Osă vije š osă umuară p lumja dăn vinograd, a vinogradu osă dja ăn najam alu alcilor.” Lumja karje punje urjajke la Isusu, ja zăs: “Nikad nu fičem nješto aša rov!”
17 And he behelde them and sayde: what meaneth this then yt is wrytten: The stone that the bylders refused the same is made ye heed corner stone?
Atunča Isusu binje s ujtă p jej š zăče: “A če značaštje atunča aja čije skrisă ăn Svăntă pismă: ‘Buluvan karje graditelji arunkat postanit glavni buluvan alu zgradej’?
18 whosoever stomble at that stone shalbe broken: but on whosoever it faul vpon it wyll grynde him to powder.
Toc karje kadje p buluvanula osă sparđje kašă găvanu d glină, š akă kadje ăla buluvanu p njeko osă fije măčinat.”
19 And the hye Prestes and the Scribes the same howre went about to laye hondes on him but they feared the people. For they perceaved that he had spoken this similitude agaynst them.
Učitelji d zakonu alu Mojsije š glavni popurlje avrut odma s la puče p Isusu d aja k jej binje aštijut k Isusu rubjaštje aja vorbă d jej. Ali na fukut aja k lji irja frikă k lumja osă okrunjaskă păntruv jej.
20 And they watched him and sent forth spies which shuld fayne them selves perfecte to take him in his wordes and to delyvre him vnto the power and auctorite of the debite.
Učitelji d zakon alu Mojsije š glavni popurlje la sljedit p Isusu š atrimjes dăpă jel špijunurj karje sa fukut k je iskreni. Avrut s apuče p Isusu k azăs nješto rov kum s l predajaskă alu upravitelj alu rimuluj ăn asta regija kum aputja s kaznjaskă p Isusu.
21 And they axed him sayinge: Master we knowe that thou sayest and teachest ryght nother cosiderest thou eny manes degre but teachest the waye of God truly.
Špijunurlje azăs alu Isusuluj, “Učiteljulje, štijem k rubješt š ănvăc istină š k nu ješt naklon alu unu om maj mult d altu, već ispravno ănvăc p lumja s trijaskă aša kum Dimizov vrja s jej trijaskă.
22 Ys it laufull for vs to geve Cesar tribute or no?
Spunje nuavă dali je dopustit s platim porezu alu caru alu Rimuluj ili nuje.”
23 He perceaved their craftynes and sayde vnto them: why tept ye me?
Ali Isusu avizut k pokuša s l puče ăn zamkă š lja zăs:
24 Shewe me a peny. Whose ymage and superscripcio hath it? They answered and sayde: Cesars.
“Rătăcăm kovanica d arđint ku karje s platjaštje porezu. Alu činje je slikaja š alu činje lumje p ja?” Jej aodgovorit: “Alu caruluj.”
25 And he sayde vnto them: Geve then vnto Cesar that which belongeth vnto Cesar: and to God that which pertayneth to God.
Isusu lji zăča: “Atunča dăc alu caru čije alu caruluj, ali alu Dimizov dăc čije alu Dimizovuluj.”
26 And they coulde not reprove his sayinge before the people. But they marvayled at his answer and helde their peace.
Daja na putut p Isusu pănglă toc s l optužaskă k azăs nješto če nuje binje, već atikut š sa mirat la vorbaja.
27 Then came to him certayne of the Saduces which denye that ther is eny resurreccio. And they axed him
Atunča avinjit la Isusu njeki saduceji. Saduceji nu kridja k lumja s skuală dăla morc, daja jej azăs alu Isusu:
28 sayinge: Master Moses wrote vnto vs if eny mannes brother dye havinge a wyfe and the same dye with out yssue: that then his brother shuld take his wyfe and reyse vp seede vnto his brother.
“Učiteljulje, Mojsije askris ăn zakonu alu nostru k akă njeki om amurit š alăsat dăpă jel mujarja ali na vut kupi, fratilje aluj mora s ănsuarje p mujarja alu fratusov kum ja aputja s fakă bijat. Ăla bijat osă fije nasljedniku alu pămăntuluj alu omula karje amurit š s adukă lumje aluj.
29 Ther were seven brethren and the fyrste toke a wyfe and dyed with out children.
Udată afost šaptje frac. Prvi fratje sa ănsurat š amurit frzdă kupi.
30 And the seconde toke the wyfe and he dyed chyldlesse.
Atunča altu fratje sa ănsurat ku mujarja alu fratusov karje amurit, ali š jel amurit.
31 And the thyrde toke her and in lyke wyse the resydue of the seven and leeft no chyldren be hynde them and dyed.
Isto aša aldă trje fratje sa ănsurat š amurit. Š toc fracă karje arămas sa ănsurat ku ja š toc d šaptje frac amurit frzdă kupi.
32 Last of all the woma dyed also.
Maj ănklo amurit š mujarja.
33 Now at the resurreccio whose wyfe of them shall she be? For seven had her to wyfe.
Akă una zuvă toc morcă osă skualje, alu činje ja osă fije mujarja ăn zuvaja kănd irja mărtată dăpă toc šaptje frac?”
34 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. The chyldre of this worlde mary wyves and are maryed (aiōn g165)
Isusu lja zăs: “Lumja p pămăntusta s suară š s mărită. (aiōn g165)
35 but they which shalbe made worthy to enioye that worlde and the resurreccion from deeth nether mary wyves nether are maryed (aiōn g165)
Ali lumja karje s skuală dăla morc trijaštje p pămăntu alu nov. Š p ălja karje Dimizov smatraštje k je dostojni s trijaskă p pămăntula, nusă ănsuară nič s miritje. (aiōn g165)
36 nor yet can dye eny moare. For they are equall vnto the angels: and are the sonnes of God in as moche as they are the chyldre of the resurreccion.
Osă fije kašă anđeli daja če nikad nusă muară. Jej jaštje kupi alu Dimizov daja če Dimizov lja tors dăla morc.
37 And that the deed shall ryse agayne even Moses signified besydes the busshe when he sayde: the Lorde God of Adraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob.
Ali akuma, dal morcă osă skualje dăla muartje? Čak š Mojsije apokazăt k morcă osă skualje. Mojsije aja apokazăt ăn odlomaku d grmu karje ardje undje Mojsije azăs k Domnu jaštje ‘Dimizov alu Abraham š alu Izak š alu Jakov.’ A jej amurit mult aj majdată Mojsije azăs aja.
38 For he is not the God of the deed but of them which live. For all live in him.
A Dimizov nuje Dimizov alu ălja karje rămănje morc, već Dimizov alu lumje karje vije! Dimizov p tuată lumja smatrjaštje k jej vij.”
39 Then certayne of the Pharises answered and sayde: Master thou hast well sayde.
Atunča azăs njeki učitelji d zakonu alu Mojsije: “Učiteljulje, binje ajzăs!”
40 And after that durst they not axe him eny question at all.
Dăpă aja nu sa osudit s ăntrijabă p Isusu aša pitanja.
41 Then sayde he vnto them: how saye they that Christ is Davids sonne?
Atunča Isusu lja tribat p lumja: “Dăče učitelji zăče k je Kristu bijatu alu Caru David?
42 And David him selfe sayth in the boke of the Psalmes: The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde syt on my right honde
K David săngur zăče ăn knjigă alu Psalam undje askris: ‘Domnu azăs alu Domnuluj alu mjov: Šăz p dirjaptă amja, s vladješt ku minje
43 tyll I make thine enemys thy fothe stole.
pănd nu puj p dušmanji alji tej kašă klupa dusu pičuarje alji tijalje.’
44 Seinge David calleth him Lorde: How is he then his sonne.
Jasno je k David p Mesija akimat ‘Domnu alu mjov’. Kum atunča Mesija puatje s fije samo potomaku alu David?”
45 Then in the audience of all the people he sayde vnto his disciples
Pănd narodu apus urjajke, Isusu azăs alu učenikurlje aluj:
46 beware of the Scribes which desyre to goo in longe clothinge: and love gretynges in the markets and the hyest seates in the synagoges and chefe roumes at feastes
“Păzăcăvă d učitelji d zakonu alu Mojsije! Jej vrja s umblje okolo ku aljinilje alji marj š lumja s lji pozdravjaskă ku marje poštujală p ulic. Jej vrja s šagă p počasne lokurj ăn sinagogje š la nutje.
47 which devoure widdowes houses and that vnder a coloure of longe prayinge: the same shall receave greater damnacion.
P prjevară ja imanja alu udovicilor, a s ruagă mult s puată lumja s lji vjadă. Jej osă fije kaznic maj rov d alcă lumje.”

< Luke 20 >