< Luke 20 >

1 And yt fortuned in one of those dayes as he taught the people in the temple and preached the gospell: the hye prestes and the scribes came with the elders
I jekhvar sar o Isus sikaj ine e manušen ano boro e Hramesoro hem vaćeri lenđe ine o Šukar lafi, ale uzalo leste o šerutne sveštenici, o učitelja e Zakonestar hem o starešine
2 and spake vnto him sayinge. Tell vs by what auctorite thou doest these thinges? Ether who is he yt gave ye this auctorite?
hem pučle le: “Vaćer amenđe kotar tuće autoritet te ćere akava? Ko dinđa tut pravo?”
3 He answered and saide vnto the: I also will axe you a questio and answer me.
O Isus phenđa lenđe: “Hem me tumen ka pučav nešto. Vaćeren maje:
4 The baptyme of Iohn: was it from heaven or of men?
Ko dinđa pravo e Jovane te krstini e manušen, o Devel kovai ano nebo ili o manuša?”
5 And they thought with in them selves sayinge: yf we shall saye from heave: he will saye: why then beleved ye him not?
A on raspravinde pe maškara pumende vaćerindoj: “Te phenđam ‘o Devel kovai ano nebo’, ov ka pučel amen sose onda na verujinđam lese.
6 But and yf we shall saye of men all ye people will stone vs. For they be persuaded that Ihon is a Prophet.
A te phenđam ‘o manuša’, sa o manuša ka mudaren amen barencar, adalese soi uverime da o Jovan inele proroko.”
7 And they answered that they coulde not tell whence it was.
Adalese phende e Isusese: “Na džanaja ko dinđa pravo e Jovane.”
8 And Iesus sayde vnto them: nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges.
I o Isus phenđa lenđe: “Ni me onda naka phenav tumenđe kotar maje pravo akava te ćerav.”
9 Then begane he to put forthe to the people this similitude. A certayne man planted a vyneyarde and let it forthe to fermers and went him selfe into a straunge countre for a greate season.
Tegani o Isus lelja te vaćeri e narodose akaja priča: “Nesavo manuš sadinđa vinograd, iznajminđa le nesave vinogradarenđe hem dželo ko drom ko but vreme.
10 And when the tyme was come he sent a servaut to his tennauntes that they shuld geve him of the frutes of the vyneyarde. And the tennauntes dyd bet him and sent him awaye empty.
I kad alo o vreme te čeden pe o drakha, bičhalđa e sluga koro vinogradarija te šaj den le oto bijandipe e drakhakoro. Ali o vinogradarija marde le hem bičhalde le palal čuče vastencar.
11 And agayne he sent yet another servaunt. And they dyd bet him and foule entreated him also and sent him awaye emptye.
I o gospodari bičhalđa avere sluga. Ali on hem ole marde, lađarde le hem bičhalde le palal čuče vastencar.
12 Moreover he sent the thyrde to and him they wouded and cast out.
I palem o gospodari bičhalđa koro lende hem e tritone sluga. A on ćerde le ko rata hem frdinde le avri taro vinograd.
13 Then sayde the lorde of the vyneyarde: what shall I do? I will sende my deare sonne him peradventure they will reverence when they se him.
Tegani o gospodari oto vinograd phenđa: ‘So te ćerav? Ka bičhalav lenđe mle mangle čhave. Šaj ole ka poštujinen.’
14 But when the fermers sawe him they thought in them selves sayinge: this is the heyre come let vs kyll him that the inheritaunce maye be oures.
Ali kad o vinogradarija dikhle le, vaćerde maškara pumende: ‘Akavai o nasledniko. Hajde te mudara le hem amenđe te ačhol o nasledstvo.’
15 And they cast him out of the vyneyarde and kylled him. Now what shall the Lorde of the vyneyarde do vnto them?
I frdinde le avri taro vinograd hem mudarde le. So mislinena, so ka ćerel o gospodari adale vinogradarenđe?
16 He will come and destroye those fermers and will let out his vyneyarde to other. When they hearde that they sayde: God forbyd.
Ka avel hem ka mudari len, a o vinograd ka iznajmini averenđe.” I okola kola šunde adaja priča, phende: “Te na del o Devel adava te ovel!”
17 And he behelde them and sayde: what meaneth this then yt is wrytten: The stone that the bylders refused the same is made ye heed corner stone?
A o Isus dikhlja ano lende hem phenđa: “A so onda značini adava soi pisime ano Sveto lil: ‘O bar savo odbacinde o zidarija ulo najbitno bar e čheresoro’?
18 whosoever stomble at that stone shalbe broken: but on whosoever it faul vpon it wyll grynde him to powder.
Đijekh kova perela upro adava bar, ka phagel pe, a te pelo adava bar upra nekaste, ka zgnječini le.”
19 And the hye Prestes and the Scribes the same howre went about to laye hondes on him but they feared the people. For they perceaved that he had spoken this similitude agaynst them.
A o učitelja e Zakonestar hem o šerutne sveštenici mangle tegani te dolen e Isuse, adalese so džande da akaja priča vaćeri olendar, ali darandile e narodostar.
20 And they watched him and sent forth spies which shuld fayne them selves perfecte to take him in his wordes and to delyvre him vnto the power and auctorite of the debite.
A o učitelja e Zakonestar hem o šerutne sveštenici posmatrinena ine e Isuse. Bičhalde koro leste špijunen, kola ćerde pe dai iskrena, sar te dolen le ko bišukar lafi i te šaj preden le ko upravniko e rimesoro te osudini le.
21 And they axed him sayinge: Master we knowe that thou sayest and teachest ryght nother cosiderest thou eny manes degre but teachest the waye of God truly.
I o špijunja pučle e Isuse: “Učitelju, džanaja da vaćereja hem sikaveja šukar hem na dikheja kovai kova, nego čačimase sikaveja oto drom e Devlesoro.
22 Ys it laufull for vs to geve Cesar tribute or no?
Valjani li amen o Jevreja te platina o porez e rimesere carose ili na?”
23 He perceaved their craftynes and sayde vnto them: why tept ye me?
A o Isus džanđa so on mangle te prevarinen le i phenđa lenđe:
24 Shewe me a peny. Whose ymage and superscripcio hath it? They answered and sayde: Cesars.
“Mothoven maje i kovanica savaja platinena o porez. Kasiri slika hem kasoro anav isi la?” A on phende: “E carosoro.”
25 And he sayde vnto them: Geve then vnto Cesar that which belongeth vnto Cesar: and to God that which pertayneth to God.
Tegani o Isus phenđa lenđe: “Onda den soi e carosoro e carose, a soi e Devlesoro e Devlese.”
26 And they coulde not reprove his sayinge before the people. But they marvayled at his answer and helde their peace.
I ađahar o špijunja našti ine te arakhen ništa bišukar ano okova so o Isus vaćerđa i trainde adalese so inele zadivime lesere vaćeribnaja.
27 Then came to him certayne of the Saduces which denye that ther is eny resurreccio. And they axed him
I ale koro Isus nesave sadukeja kola vaćerena da nane uštiba taro mule, i pučle e Isuse:
28 sayinge: Master Moses wrote vnto vs if eny mannes brother dye havinge a wyfe and the same dye with out yssue: that then his brother shuld take his wyfe and reyse vp seede vnto his brother.
“Učitelju, o Mojsije pisinđa amenđe so te ćerel o manuš te mulo lesoro phral kova pala peste ačhavđa romnja bizo čhave. Adava manuš valjani te lel ple phralesere romnja te šaj oj te bijani čhave kova ka ovel nasledniko e mulesoro.
29 Ther were seven brethren and the fyrste toke a wyfe and dyed with out children.
Ađahar, inele efta phralja. O prvo lelja romnja i mulo, a na ačhavđa pala peste čhaven.
30 And the seconde toke the wyfe and he dyed chyldlesse.
O dujto phral lelja ple phralesere romnja, ali hem ov mulo.
31 And the thyrde toke her and in lyke wyse the resydue of the seven and leeft no chyldren be hynde them and dyed.
Tegani o trito phral lelja adala romnja i mulo hem ađahar sa o efta phralja. I nijekh olendar na ačhavđa čhaven pala peste.
32 Last of all the woma dyed also.
Ko kraj muli hem i romni.
33 Now at the resurreccio whose wyfe of them shall she be? For seven had her to wyfe.
Kasiri onda romni oj ka ovel kad ka uštel pe taro mule, a inele dindi ko sa o efta phralja?”
34 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. The chyldre of this worlde mary wyves and are maryed (aiōn g165)
O Isus phenđa lenđe: “O manuša ko akava sveto lena pe hem dena pe. (aiōn g165)
35 but they which shalbe made worthy to enioye that worlde and the resurreccion from deeth nether mary wyves nether are maryed (aiōn g165)
A okola kolen o Devel smatrini dai dostojna te oven vazdime taro mule hem te živinen ko sveto savo avela, ni ka len pe ni ka den pe. (aiōn g165)
36 nor yet can dye eny moare. For they are equall vnto the angels: and are the sonnes of God in as moche as they are the chyldre of the resurreccion.
Adalese so našti više ni te meren: ka oven sar o anđelja. Oni čhave e Devlesere, adalese so o Devel ka vazdel len taro mule.
37 And that the deed shall ryse agayne even Moses signified besydes the busshe when he sayde: the Lorde God of Adraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob.
A da o mule uštena, mothovđa hem o Mojsije ano Sveto lil kote pisini oto grmo savo ine thabljola. Adathe ov zako Gospod phenela dai ‘Devel e Avraamesoro, e Isaakesoro hem e Jakovesoro’ iako on tegani inele mule.
38 For he is not the God of the deed but of them which live. For all live in him.
A o Devel nane Devel e mulengoro, nego Devel e dživdengoro. Adalese soi on e Devlese pana dživde.”
39 Then certayne of the Pharises answered and sayde: Master thou hast well sayde.
Nesave učitelja e Zakonestar phende e Isusese: “Učitelju, šukar vaćerđan!”
40 And after that durst they not axe him eny question at all.
I nijekh više na tromandilo te pučel le nešto.
41 Then sayde he vnto them: how saye they that Christ is Davids sonne?
Tegani o Isus pučlja okolen so šunena le ine: “Sar šaj te vaćeri pe dai o Hrist samo e Davidesoro čhavo?
42 And David him selfe sayth in the boke of the Psalmes: The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde syt on my right honde
A korkoro o David phenela ano lil oto Psalmija: ‘O Gospod phenđa mle Gospodese: Beš ko počasno than, oti mli desno strana,
43 tyll I make thine enemys thy fothe stole.
đikote na pašljarava te neprijateljen talo te pre!’
44 Seinge David calleth him Lorde: How is he then his sonne.
Te o David vičini le ‘Gospode’, sar onda o Hrist šaj te ovel samo lesoro čhavo?”
45 Then in the audience of all the people he sayde vnto his disciples
Tegani anglo sa o manuša, o Isus phenđa ple učenikonenđe:
46 beware of the Scribes which desyre to goo in longe clothinge: and love gretynges in the markets and the hyest seates in the synagoges and chefe roumes at feastes
“Arakhen tumen e učiteljendar e Zakonestar! On volinena te phiren urjavde ano bare fostanja hem o manuša, ano baro poštujiba, te pozdravinen len ko trgija. Volinena te bešen ko anglune thana ano sinagoge hem ko najšukar thana ko gozbe.
47 which devoure widdowes houses and that vnder a coloure of longe prayinge: the same shall receave greater damnacion.
Hana o imanje e udovicengoro hem ćerena pe dai pobožna ađahar so molinena bare molitve. On ka oven po zorale kaznime nego avera manuša.”

< Luke 20 >