< Luke 20 >

1 And yt fortuned in one of those dayes as he taught the people in the temple and preached the gospell: the hye prestes and the scribes came with the elders
Ligono limonga, Yesu peavi mukuwula vandu mu Nyumba ya Chapanga na kuvakokosela Lilovi la Bwina, vakulu va kuteta na vawula va malagizu ga Chapanga geampeli Musa na vagogo va Vayawudi, vamhambili.
2 and spake vnto him sayinge. Tell vs by what auctorite thou doest these thinges? Ether who is he yt gave ye this auctorite?
Vakajova, “Utijovelayi! Wikita mambu aga kwa uhotola gani?” Ndi yani mweakupelili uhotola wenuwo?
3 He answered and saide vnto the: I also will axe you a questio and answer me.
Yesu akavajovela, “Na nene yati nikuvakota likotesi,
4 The baptyme of Iohn: was it from heaven or of men?
wu, uhotola wa Yohani wa kubatiza, wahumili kwa Chapanga amala kwa vandu?”
5 And they thought with in them selves sayinge: yf we shall saye from heave: he will saye: why then beleved ye him not?
Vakakotana vene kwa vene, “Tikajova wahumili kwa Chapanga, yati akutikota, ‘Ndava kyani mwamsadiki lepi?’
6 But and yf we shall saye of men all ye people will stone vs. For they be persuaded that Ihon is a Prophet.
Nambu tikajova wahumili kwa vandu, vandu voha yati vakutikoma na maganga, muni woha visadika kuvya Yohani avi mlota wa Chapanga.”
7 And they answered that they coulde not tell whence it was.
Vakamyangula, “Timmanyi lepi kwegahumili.”
8 And Iesus sayde vnto them: nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges.
Yesu akavajovela, “Na nene nikuvajovela lepi nikita mambu genago kwa uhotola wa yani.”
9 Then begane he to put forthe to the people this similitude. A certayne man planted a vyneyarde and let it forthe to fermers and went him selfe into a straunge countre for a greate season.
Yesu akayendelela kuvajovela luhumu ulu, “Mundu mmonga alimili mgunda wa mizabibu, avakodishi valimaji, kangi akahamba mulugendu mbaka mulima wa kutali, akatama kwenuko magono gamahele.
10 And when the tyme was come he sent a servaut to his tennauntes that they shuld geve him of the frutes of the vyneyarde. And the tennauntes dyd bet him and sent him awaye empty.
Lukumbi lwa kubena mizabibu mundu mwenuyo, amtumili mvanda waki akatola lilundu laki kuhuma ku mgunda. Nambu valimaji wa mumgunda wula vakamtova mvanda yula vakamvinga mawoko gawaka.
11 And agayne he sent yet another servaunt. And they dyd bet him and foule entreated him also and sent him awaye emptye.
Mkolo mgunda amtumili kavili mvanda yungi, nambu vene mewawa vakamtova na kumliga na kumvinga mawoko gawaka.
12 Moreover he sent the thyrde to and him they wouded and cast out.
Kangi akamutuma mvanda wa datu, mwenuyo ndi vakamulemasa na kumtaga kuvala.
13 Then sayde the lorde of the vyneyarde: what shall I do? I will sende my deare sonne him peradventure they will reverence when they se him.
Mkolo mgunda yula akahololela, ‘Yati nikita kyani? Yati nikumtuma mwana vangu ngayuyoyo wa chiganu, manya mwenuyo yati vakumtopesa.
14 But when the fermers sawe him they thought in them selves sayinge: this is the heyre come let vs kyll him that the inheritaunce maye be oures.
Nambu valimaji vala, pevamuweni, vakajovesana, mwenuyu ndi mhali waki. Hinu timkomayi muni uhali waki uvya witu!’
15 And they cast him out of the vyneyarde and kylled him. Now what shall the Lorde of the vyneyarde do vnto them?
Ndi, vakamuwusa kuvala ya mgunda wula wa mizabibu, vakamukoma.” Yesu akavakota, “Mkolo mgunda yula yati akuvakita kyani valimaji vala?”
16 He will come and destroye those fermers and will let out his vyneyarde to other. When they hearde that they sayde: God forbyd.
“Yati ibwela kuvakoma valimaji venavo, na kuvapela vangi mgunda wenuwo.” Vandu pevayuwini genago, vakajova, “Lepi! Gakotoka kuhumila hati padebe.”
17 And he behelde them and sayde: what meaneth this then yt is wrytten: The stone that the bylders refused the same is made ye heed corner stone?
Nambu Yesu akavalolokesa na kuvakota. Mayandiku Gamsopi aga mana yaki kyani? Liganga levabeli vajengaji, hinu ndi liganga likulu la kutumbula pakujenga.
18 whosoever stomble at that stone shalbe broken: but on whosoever it faul vpon it wyll grynde him to powder.
Mundu yoyoha akagwilila panani ya liganga lenilo yati idenyekana hipandi hipandi, na liganga lenilo lakamgwilila mundu yoyoha ndi likumuyaga nyiminyimi.
19 And the hye Prestes and the Scribes the same howre went about to laye hondes on him but they feared the people. For they perceaved that he had spoken this similitude agaynst them.
Vawula va Malagizu na vakulu va kuteta vamanyili kuvya luhumu lwenuwo ukuvavala vene, ndi vaganayi kumkamula bahapo, nambu vayogwipi vandu.
20 And they watched him and sent forth spies which shuld fayne them selves perfecte to take him in his wordes and to delyvre him vnto the power and auctorite of the debite.
Vamlandili cha papipi. Kangi vakavatuma vamang'omesi, vevajidekisi vandu vabwina muni vamyonja kwa malovi gaki, vakitili genago muni vahotola kumkamula na kumgotola muuhotola wa mkulu wa mkowa.
21 And they axed him sayinge: Master we knowe that thou sayest and teachest ryght nother cosiderest thou eny manes degre but teachest the waye of God truly.
Vamang'omesi vala vakamjovela, “Muwula timanyili kuvya wijova na wiwula mambu gachakaka, wala nakumlola mundu pamihu ndi wiwula uchakaka munjila ya Chapanga.
22 Ys it laufull for vs to geve Cesar tribute or no?
Ndi utijovela, wu! Chabwina amala, lepi tete kulipa kodi kwa nkosi wa ku Loma?”
23 He perceaved their craftynes and sayde vnto them: why tept ye me?
Nambu Yesu amanyili likoka lavi, akavajovela,
24 Shewe me a peny. Whose ymage and superscripcio hath it? They answered and sayde: Cesars.
“Munilangisa salafu ya lishonga. Wu, pamihu na liina ndi vya yani?” Vakamyangula, “Vya nkosi wa ku Loma.”
25 And he sayde vnto them: Geve then vnto Cesar that which belongeth vnto Cesar: and to God that which pertayneth to God.
Yesu akavajovela, “Hinu mumpela nkosi wa ku Loma vyaki nkosi wa ku Loma na mumpela Chapanga vyaki Chapanga.”
26 And they coulde not reprove his sayinge before the people. But they marvayled at his answer and helde their peace.
Vahotwili lepi kumyonjola hati kwa lilovi limonga palongolo ya vandu, vakakangasa kwa mayangula gaki vakaguna.
27 Then came to him certayne of the Saduces which denye that ther is eny resurreccio. And they axed him
Kangi Vasadukayu, vevijova kuvya vevafwili viyuka lepi, vakambwelela Yesu, vakajova,
28 sayinge: Master Moses wrote vnto vs if eny mannes brother dye havinge a wyfe and the same dye with out yssue: that then his brother shuld take his wyfe and reyse vp seede vnto his brother.
“Muwula, Musa atiyandikili ngati mlongo mundu afwili na amlekili mdala waki changali vana, yikumgana mhaja waki amhalayi lipwela mwenuyo, muni ambabakisila vana mlongo waki.
29 Ther were seven brethren and the fyrste toke a wyfe and dyed with out children.
Hinu, kwavili na valongo saba va lukolo lumonga. Mhaja wavi agegili mdala, afwili changaleka mwana.
30 And the seconde toke the wyfe and he dyed chyldlesse.
Mbena waki yula akamhala lipwela, mwene mewa afwili changali mwana,
31 And the thyrde toke her and in lyke wyse the resydue of the seven and leeft no chyldren be hynde them and dyed.
hati mbena waki wa datu akamhala, mambu gakavya galagala voha saba vafwili, changali kuvelekisa vana.
32 Last of all the woma dyed also.
Pamwishu, mdala yula afwili.
33 Now at the resurreccio whose wyfe of them shall she be? For seven had her to wyfe.
Wu, palukumbi lwa vevafwili kuyukiswa, mdala yula alavya mdala wa yani? Muni agegiwi na voha saba.”
34 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. The chyldre of this worlde mary wyves and are maryed (aiōn g165)
Yesu akayangula, “Vandu va lusenje lwa hinu vigega na kugegewa, (aiōn g165)
35 but they which shalbe made worthy to enioye that worlde and the resurreccion from deeth nether mary wyves nether are maryed (aiōn g165)
Nambu vala vevahaguliwi na veviganikiwa kupewa wumi wa mulima wula, na kuyukiswa kula kuhuma kwa vevafwili, vigega lepi amala kugegewa. (aiōn g165)
36 nor yet can dye eny moare. For they are equall vnto the angels: and are the sonnes of God in as moche as they are the chyldre of the resurreccion.
Chakaka vifwa lepi kavili ndava viwanangana na vamitumu va kunani kwa Chapanga, ndi vana vaki Chapanga, ndava ya kuyukiswa kwavi.
37 And that the deed shall ryse agayne even Moses signified besydes the busshe when he sayde: the Lorde God of Adraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob.
Hati, Musa atilangisi njwe, kuvya vevafwili yati viyukiswa, mu Mayandiku Gamsopi. Pamihu ga padahi pepiyaka motu, akumuluwula Bambu Chapanga ngati Chapanga wa Ibulahimu na Chapanga wa Izaki na Chapanga wa Yakobo.
38 For he is not the God of the deed but of them which live. For all live in him.
Mwene, lepi Chapanga wa vevafwili nambu kwa vamumi, ndava muni kwa mwene voha vilama.”
39 Then certayne of the Pharises answered and sayde: Master thou hast well sayde.
Vawula va malagizu vangi va Musa vakajova, “Muwula, uvayangwili hotohoto!”
40 And after that durst they not axe him eny question at all.
Vandu vala vayogwipi kumkota kavili makotesi gangi.
41 Then sayde he vnto them: how saye they that Christ is Davids sonne?
Yesu akavakota, vandu vijova wuli, Kilisitu Msangula ndi mwana wa chiveleku cha Daudi?
42 And David him selfe sayth in the boke of the Psalmes: The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde syt on my right honde
Muni Daudi mwene ajovili muchitabu cha Zabuli, Bambu, amjovili Bambu wangu, Tama muchiwoko changu cha kulyela
43 tyll I make thine enemys thy fothe stole.
hati nivavika makoko vaku pahi pa magendelu gaku.
44 Seinge David calleth him Lorde: How is he then his sonne.
Ngati Daudi akumkemela mwene, Bambu, hinu yihotoleka wuli, kuvya mwana waki?
45 Then in the audience of all the people he sayde vnto his disciples
Yesu avajovili vawuliwa vaki palongolo ya vandu voha,
46 beware of the Scribes which desyre to goo in longe clothinge: and love gretynges in the markets and the hyest seates in the synagoges and chefe roumes at feastes
“Mujiyangalila na vawula va Malagizu ga Chapanga geampeli Musa, vevigana kugendagenda kuni vawalili magwanda gatali. Vigana kujambuswa chakufugwamila pandu pakugulisila vindu, kutama muvigoda vya kulongolo mu nyumba za kukonganekela Vayawudi, kutama muvigoda vya kulongolo ku mselebuko.
47 which devoure widdowes houses and that vnder a coloure of longe prayinge: the same shall receave greater damnacion.
Vinyaga nyumba za vapwela kwa kuchenjela, na viyupa kwa Chapanga lukumbi lutali, muni valolekanayi na vandu kuvya vabwina. Yati vihamuliwa neju kuliku vangi!”

< Luke 20 >