< Luke 19 >

1 And he entred in and went thorow Hierico.
O Isus dijas ando Jerihon. Dok naćhelas kroz o gav,
2 And beholde ther was a ma named Zacheus which was a ruler amoge the Publicans and was riche also.
angle leste avilo o manuš savo akhardolas Zakej. Vo sas glavno cariniko thaj sas zurale barvalo.
3 And he made meanes to se Iesus what he shuld be: and coulde not for the preace because he was of a lowe stature.
Probilas te dićhel e Isuse, ali sas zurale cikno manuš thaj naštik dikhlas les katar o but o them savo sas oko leste.
4 Wherfore he ran before and asceded vp into a wilde fygge tree to se him: for he shulde come that same waye.
Vo zato prastaja anglal, thaj lijape opre pe smokva paše savi o Isus trubujas te naćhel te šaj dićhel les.
5 And when Iesus cam to the place he loked vp and sawe him and sayd vnto him: zache attonce come doune for to daye I must abyde at thy housse.
Kana o Isus areslo pe godova than, dikhlas opre thaj phendas lešće: “Zakej, brzo fulji tele! Ađes trubul te avav gosto ande ćiro ćher.”
6 And he came doune hastelye and receaved him ioyfully.
O Zakej brzo fuljisto tele katar e smokva thaj pherdo bah ugostisarda les ande piro ćher.
7 And when they sawe that they all groudged sayinge: He is gone in to tary with a man that is a synner.
A sa save godova dikhline počnisardine te mrmljan: “Đelo ando ćher e bezehalesko!”
8 And zache stode forth and sayd vnto ye Lorde: beholde Lorde ye haulfe of my gooddes I geve to the povre and if I have done eny ma wroge I will restore him fower folde.
A o Zakej ačhilo thaj phendas e Gospodešće: “Gospode ake, opaš mungro barvalipe dava e čorenđe! Thaj ako varekas hohadem, boldav štar drom majbut.”
9 And Iesus sayd to him: this daye is healthe come vnto this housse for as moche as it also is become the chylde of Abraha.
Pe godova o Isus phendas lešće: “Ađes ande akava ćher avilo o spasenje kaj si vi akava manuš e Avraamesko čhavo!
10 For the sonne of ma is come to seke and to save that which was looste.
Me o Čhavo e Manušesko avilem te rodav thaj te spasiv okova so si hasardo!”
11 As they hearde these thinges he added ther to a similitude be cause he was nye to Hierusalem and because also they thought that the kyngdome of God shuld shortely appere.
O but o them sa godova ašunelas, a o Isus phendas lenđe još jek usporedba zato kaj sas o Isus paše pašo Jerusalim thaj gndinas kaj odma pojavilape e Devlesko carstvo.
12 He sayde therfore: a certayne noble man wet into a farre countre to receave him a kyngdome and then to come agayne.
Thaj phendas: “Sas varesavo ugledno manuš savo trubuja te otputuil ande dur phuv te okote okrunin les sago caros, a askal te boldelpe.
13 And he called his ten servauntes and delyvered them ten pounde sayinge vnto them: by and sell till I come.
Zato akhardas pire deš slugonen, dija len svakones po opaš kila rup so sas štar čhonenđi poćin thaj phendas lenđe: ‘Trguin akale rupesa dok či boldav man.’
14 But his citesens hated him and sent messengers after him sayinge: We will not have this man to raygne over vs.
A e manuša andar lešći phuv mrzanas les thaj bičhaldine pale leste e poslaniko te phenen e majbare carošće: ‘Či kamas te akava caruisarel pe amende.’
15 And it came to passe when he was come agayne and had receaved his kyngdome he comaunded these servautes to be called to him (to whom he gave his money) to witt what every man had done.
Kana vo primisarda piro carstvo thaj boldape palpale, naredisarda te anen lešće okolen slugen savenđe dijas o rup te ašunel kozom zaradisardine.
16 Then came ye fyrst sayinge: Lorde thy pounde hath encreased ten poude.
O prvo sluga avilo thaj phendas: ‘Gospodarina, o iznos savo dijan man ćerdem te avel deš drom majbut.’
17 And he sayde vnto him: Well good servaute because thou wast faithfull in a very lytell thynge take thou auctorite over ten cities.
Phendas lešće: ‘But lačhe! Lačho san sluga, zato kaj sanas verno ande cikno, dava tut te vladis pe deš gava!’
18 And the other came sayinge: Lorde thy poude hath encreased fyve pounde.
Aver sluga avilo thaj phendas: ‘Gospodarina o iznos savo dijan man ćerdem te avel pandž drom majbut.’
19 And to ye same he sayde: and be thou also ruler ouer fyve cities.
Phenda lešće: ‘Lačhe! Vladi pe pandž gava!’
20 And the thyrde came and sayde: Lorde beholde here thy pounde which I have kepte in a napkyn
A o trito sluga avilo bi zaradako thaj phendas: ‘Gospodarina, ale tuće ćiro rup, savo dijan man. Arakhavas les garado ando dikhloro.
21 for I feared the because thou arte a strayte man: thou takest vp that thou laydest not doune and repest that thou dyddest not sowe.
Daravas tutar kaj san strogo manuš. Les so či uložisardan, thaj žanjis so či sadisardan.’
22 And he sayde vnto him: Of thine awne mouth iudge I the thou evyll servaunt. knewest thou that I am a strayte man takinge vp that I layde not doune and repinge that I dyd not sowe?
Phendas lešće: ‘Pe ćire alava aveja osudime, bilačho slugona! Džanglan kaj sem strogo manuš, kaj lav so či uložisardem thaj kaj ćidav kaj či sadisardem?
23 Wherfore then gavest not thou my money into the banke that at my cominge I might have required myne awne with vauntage?
Sostar askal či uložisardan mungre love ande banka? Gajda barem dobisardemas e kamatenca.’
24 And he sayde to them that stode by: take fro him that pounde and geve it him that hath ten poude.
Pe godova o caro phendas kolenđe save sas kote ćidine: ‘Len lestar o rup thaj den okolešće saves si deš.’
25 And they sayd vnto him: Lorde he hath ten pounde.
Phendine lešće: ‘Ali gospodarina, pa les već si deš kile rup!’
26 I saye vnto you that vnto all the that have it shalbe geve: and from him yt hath not eve that he hath shalbe taken from him.
O caro phenda lenđe: ‘Phenav tumenđe: Okoles kas si, delape lešće još majbut, a okoles save naj, lelape lestar vi okova cara so siles.
27 Moreover those myne enemys which wolde not that I shuld raigne over them bringe hidder and slee them before me.
A mungre dušmajen okolen save či kamline man te me avav caro, anen len akaring thaj mudaren len angle mande.’”
28 And when he had thus spoken he proceded forthe before a ssendinge vp to Ierusalem.
Nakon so phendas lenđe godova, o Isus teljarda majdur karingal o Jerusalim.
29 And it fortuned when he was come nye to Bethphage and Bethany besydes moute olivete he sent two of his disciples
Kana avilo paše džike gava e Vitfaga thaj e Vitanija save sas pe Maslinsko gora, bičhalda anglal pire duj učenikonen
30 sayinge: Goo ye in to the toune which is over agaynste you. In the which assone as ye are come ye shall finde a colte tyed wheron yet never man sate. Lowse him and bringe him hider.
thaj phendas lenđe: “Džan ando gav savo si angle tumende. Čim den ande leste, araćhena phangle terne magarco saves još khonik či jašisarda. Putren les thaj anen les.
31 And if eny man axe you why that ye loowse him: thus saye vnto him ye lorde hath nede of him.
Ako vareko phučel tumen: ‘Sostar putren e magare?’ Gajda phenen: ‘Trubun e Gospodešće’, thaj odma mućena len.”
32 They that were sent went their waye and founde eve as he had sayde vnto the.
Von đele thaj arakhline e magarco sago kaj o Isus phenda lenđe
33 And as they were aloosinge ye coolte the owners sayde vnto the: why lowse ye ye coolte?
Thaj dok e učenikurja putrenas e magare, e magaresko gospodari phendas lenđe: “Sostar putren e magare?”
34 And they sayde: for ye Lorde hath nede of him.
A von phendine: “Trubul e Gospodešće.”
35 And they brought him to Iesus. And they cast their raymet on ye colte and set Iesus thero.
Andine e magare ko Isus thaj čhutine pire haljine po magarco thaj o Isus bešlo pe leste.
36 And as he wet they spredde their clothes in ye waye.
Thaj dok O Isus gajda džalas po magarco, e manuša buljarenas pire ogrtačurja po drom angle leste te sikaven lešće čast.
37 And when he was now come wheare he shuld goo doune fro the moute olivete ye whole multitude of ye disciples began to reioyce and to lawde God with a loude voyce for all ye miracles yt they had sene
A kana već avilo paše te fuljel katar e Maslinsko gora, e but e manuša save džanas pale leste počnisardine pe sa o glaso te zahvalin e Devlešće pale sa e čudurja save dikhline.
38 sayinge: Blessed be the kynge that cometh in the name of the Lorde: peace in heave and glory in the hyest.
Phenenas: “Blagoslovime o Caro, savo avel ando alav e Gospodesko! Miro po nebo thaj slava e Devlešće ande visine!”
39 And some of ye Pharises of the copany sayde vnto him: Master rebuke thy disciples.
Pe godova varesave fariseja save sas maškar o them phenenas e Isusešće: “Sikamneja, phen ćire učenikonenđe te na phenen godova.”
40 He answered and sayde vnto the: I tell you yf these shuld holde their peace the stones wold crye.
O Isus phendas: “Phenav tumenđe, ako von ačhen, e bara slavina!”
41 And when he was come neare he behelde the citie and wept on it
Kana o Isus avilo paše džiko Jerusalim thaj dikhla o gav, o Isus rujas pale manuša andar leste.
42 sayinge: Yf thou haddest dest knowen those thinges which belonge vn thy peace eve at this thy tyme. But now are they hydde from thyne eyes.
Thaj phendas: “Sar volisardemas te ađes arakhlinesas o drom e mirosko! Ali akana si kasno, thaj o miro si garado tumendar.
43 For the dayes shall come vpo the that thy enemys shall cast a banke aboute the and copasse the rounde and kepe the in on every syde
Avena e đesa kana o dušmano zauzmila ćire zidurja, okolina tut thaj ćićidena tu katar sa e riga.
44 and make the even with the grounde with thy chyldren which are in the. And they shall not leve in the one stone vpo another because thou knewest not the tyme of thy visitacion.
O Jerusalime, sravnina tut e phuvjasa thaj vi ćire čhavren ande tute. Či ačhela tutar ni bar pe bareste kaj či pindžardan e vrjama kana o Del avilo te spasil tut.”
45 And he went in to the temple and begane to cast out them that solde therin and them that bought
Kana o Isus dijas ando Hramo, počnisarda te tradel andar leste e trgovcen.
46 sayinge vnto them yt is written: my housse is the housse of prayer: but ye have made it a den of theves.
Thaj phenda lenđe: “Ando Sveto lil ramol: ‘Mungro Hramo trubul te avel o ćher pale molitva’, a tumen pretvorisardine les ande razbojničko pećina!”
47 And he taught dayly in the temple. The hye Prestes and the Scribes and the chefe of the people went about to destroye him:
Pale godova o Isus svako đes sikavelas ando Hramo, a e šorvale rašaja thaj e sikavne e Mojsiješće zakonestar zajedno e gavešće šorvalenca gndinas sar te mudaren les,
48 but coulde not finde what to do. For all the people stacke by him and gave him audience.
ali či arakhline o način sar te ćeren godova kaj o them pažljivo čholas kan ke lesko sikavipe.

< Luke 19 >