< Luke 17 >

1 Then sayde he to ye disciples it can not be avoyded but that offences will come. Neverthelesse wo be to him thorow whom they come.
U muxlislirigha mundaq dédi: — Insanni putlashturidighan ishlar bolmay qalmaydu; lékin shu putlashturush wasitichisi bolghan ademning haligha way!
2 It were better for him that a mylstone were hanged aboute his necke and that he were cast into ye see then that he shuld offende one of this lytleons.
Bundaq ademning bu kichik balilardin birini [gunahqa] putlashturghan bolsa, boynigha tügmen téshi ésilghan halda déngizgha tashliwétilgini ewzel bolatti.
3 Take hede to youre selves. If thy brother trespas agaynst the rebuke him:
Özünglargha agah bolunglar! Eger qérindishing gunah qilghan bolsa, uninggha tenbih-nesihet qilghin. U towa qilsa uni epu qilghin.
4 and yf he repent forgeve him. And though he sinne agest ye. vii. tymes in a daye and seve tymes in a daye tourne agayne to ye sayinge: it repenteth me forgeve him
Mubada u bir kün ichide sanga yette mertiwe gunah qilsa we yette mertiwe yéninggha kélip: Towa qildim, dése, uni yenila epu qilghin.
5 And the apostles sayde vnto the Lorde: increase oure faith.
Shuning bilen rosullar Rebge: Ishench-étiqadimizni ashurghin, — déyishti.
6 And the Lorde sayde: yf ye had faith lyke a grayne of mustard sede and shuld saye vnto this sycamine tree plucke thy selfe vp by the rootes and plant thy selfe in the see: he should obey you.
We Reb ulargha mundaq dédi: — Silerde qicha uruqidek zerriche ishench bolsa idi, siler awu üjme derixige: «Yiltizingdin qomurulup, déngizgha köchüp tikil!» désenglar, u sözünglarni anglap köchetti.
7 Who is it of you yf he had a servaute plowinge or fedinge catell that wolde saye vnto him when he were come from the felde Goo quickly and syt doune to meate:
Lékin aranglardin kimning yer heydeydighan yaki mal baqidighan bir quli bolsa we u étizliqtin qaytip kelgende, uninggha: «Tézrek kélip dastixanda olturghin», deydighanlar barmu?
8 and wolde not rather saye to him dresse wherwith I maye sup and gyrde vp thy selfe and serve me tyll I have eaten and dronken: and afterwarde eate thou and drinke thou?
U belki uninggha: «Méning tamiqimni teyyar qil, men yep-ichip bolghuche bélingni baghlap méni kütkin, andin özüng yep-ichkin, démesmu?
9 Doeth he thanke that servaunt because he dyd that which was commaunded vnto him? I trowe not.
Qul emr qilin’ghinidek qilghini üchün xojayin uninggha rehmet éytamdu? Méningche, éytmaydu.
10 Soo lyke wyse ye when ye have done all thoose thinges which are commaunded you: saye we are vnprofitable servautes. We have done: ye which was oure duetye to do.
Shuninggha oxshash, silermu özünglargha emr qilin’ghanning hemmisini ada qilghininglardin kéyin: Biz erzimes qullarmiz; biz peqet tégishlik burjimizni ada qilduq, xalas», deydighan bolisiler.
11 And it chaunsed as he went to Ierusalem that he passed thorow Samaria and Galile.
We shundaq boldiki, u Yérusalémgha chiqip kétiwatqanda, Samariye bilen Galiliyening otturisidin ötüp,
12 And as he entred into a certayne toune ther met him ten men yt were lepers. Which stode a farre of
bir kentke kirginide maxaw késilige giriptar bolghan on adem uninggha uchrap, yiraqta toxtap,
13 and put forth their voyces and sayde: Iesu master have mercy on vs.
awazlirini kötürüp: Ey Eysa, ustaz, bizge rehim qilghaysen, dep ötündi.
14 When he sawe the he sayde vnto them: Goo and shewe youre selves to the prestes. And it chaunsed as they went they were clensed.
Ularni körgende u ulargha: Bérip özünglarni kahinlargha körsitinglar, dédi. We shundaq boldiki, ular yolda kétiwatqanda, [maxawdin] paklandi.
15 And one of them when he sawe that he was clensed turned backe agayne and with a loude voyce praysed God
Ulardin bireylen özining saqayghinini körgende yuqiri awaz bilen Xudani ulughlap, keynige burulup, qaytti.
16 and fell doune on his face at his fete and gave him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane.
U kélip Eysaning ayighigha yiqilip düm yétip teshekkür éytti. U Samariyelik idi.
17 And Iesus answered and sayde: are ther not ten clensed? But where are those nyne?
Eysa bu ishqa qarap: Pak qilin’ghanlar on kishi emesmidi? Qalghan toqquzeylen qéni?
18 Ther are not founde that returned agane to geve God prayse save only this straunger.
Bu yat ellik musapirdin bashqa, Xudagha hemdusana oqughili héchkim qaytip kelmeptighu?! — dédi.
19 And he sayde vnto him: aryse and goo thy waye thy faith hath made the whoale.
Andin u héliqi ademge: — «Ornungdin tur, yolunggha mangghin! Étiqading séni saqaytti!» — dédi.
20 When he was demaunded of ye pharises when the kyngdome of God shuld come: he answered them and sayde: The kyngdome of God cometh not with waytinge for.
[Bir küni] Perisiyler uningdin: «Xudaning padishahliqi qachan kélidu?» dep sorighanda u ulargha jawab bérip mundaq dédi: — Xudaning padishahliqining kélishini köz bilen körgili bolmas;
21 Nether shall men saye: Loo here loo there. For beholde the kyngdome of God is with in you.
kishiler: «Qaranglar, u mana bu yerde!» yaki «U yerde!» déyelmeydu. Chünki mana, Xudaning padishahliqi aranglardidur.
22 And he sayde vnto the disciples: The dayes will come when ye shall desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man and ye shall not se it.
Kéyin u muxlislirigha yene mundaq dédi: — «Shundaq künler kéliduki, siler Insan’oghlining künliridin birer künini bolsimu körüshke teshna bolisiler, lékin körelmeysiler.
23 And they shall saye to you: Se here Se there. Goo not after them nor folowe them
Shu chaghda kishiler silerge: «Mana u bu yerde!» we yaki «Mana u u yerde!» deydu; siler ne barmanglar ne ularning keynidin yügürmenglar.
24 for as the lyghtenynge that apereth out of the one parte of the heven and shyneth vnto the other parte of heven: Soo shall the sonne of man be in his dayes.
Chünki goya asmanning bir chétidin chaqmaq chéqip yene bir chétigiche yorutidighandek, Insan’oghlining öz künide hem shundaq bolidu.
25 But fyrst must he suffre many thinges and be refused of this nacion.
Lékin u awwal köp azab-oqubetlerni tartishi bu dewrdikiler teripidin chetke qéqilishi muqerrerdur.
26 As it happened in ye tyme of Noe: So shall it be in the tyme of the sonne of man.
We Nuh [peyghemberning] künliride qandaq bolghan bolsa, Insan’oghlining künliride hem shundaq bolidu.
27 They ate they dranke they maryed wyves and were maryed even vnto yt same daye yt Noe went into ye arke: and ye floud cam and destroyed the all.
Taki Nuh kémige kirip olturghan kün’giche, kishiler yep-ichip, öylinip we yatliq bolup kéliwatqanidi; andin topan kélip hemmisini halak qildi.
28 Lykewyse also as it chaunsed in the dayes of Lot. They ate they dranke they bought they solde they planted they bilte.
Hem yene, Lutning künliride qandaq bolghan bolsa shundaq bolidu — kishiler yep-ichip, soda-sétiq qilip, tériqchiliq qilatti we öylerni salatti.
29 And even the same daye that Lot went out of Zodom it rayned fyre and brymstone from heven and destroyed them all.
Lékin Lut Sodom shehiridin chiqqan küni, asmandin ot bilen günggürt yéghip, [bu sheherdikilerning] hemmisini halak qildi.
30 After these ensamples shall it be in the daye when the sonne of man shall appere.
Emdi Insan’oghli ashkara bolidighan künde ene shundaq bolidu.
31 At that daye he that is on the housse toppe and his stuffe in the housse: let him not come doune to take it out. And lykewyse let not him that is in the feldes turne backe agayne to that he lefte behynde.
Shu küni, herkim ögzide turup, nerse-kérekliri öyide bolsimu, alghili chüshmisun; we shuninggha oxshash kimki étizliqta bolsa [öyige] héch yanmisun.
32 Remember Lottes wyfe.
Lutning ayalini yadinglargha keltürünglar!
33 Whosoever will goo about to save his lyfe shall loose it: And whosoever shall loose his lyfe shall save it.
Kimki öz hayatini qutquzmaqchi bolsa, uningdin mehrum bolidu, lékin öz hayatidin mehrum bolghan kishi uninggha érishidu.
34 I tell you: In that nyght ther shalbe two in one beed the one shalbe receaved and the other shalbe forsaken.
Silerge shuni éytayki, u kéchide ikki adem bir orunda yatidu; ulardin biri élip kétilidu, yene biri qaldurulidu.
35 Two shalbe also a grindynge to gedder: the one shalbe receaved and the other forsaken.
Ikki ayal yarghunchaq béshida turup un tartiwatqan bolidu; ulardin biri élip kétilidu, yene biri qaldurulidu».
37 And they answered and sayde to him: wheare Lorde? And he sayd vnto the: whersoever ye body shalbe thyther will the egles resoorte.
We ular uninggha jawaben: Ey Reb, bu ishlar qeyerde yüz béridu? — dep soridi. U ulargha: Jeset qaysi yerde bolsa, quzghunlar shu yerge toplishidu!

< Luke 17 >