< Luke 12 >

1 As ther gadered together an innumerable multitude of people (in so moche that they trood one another) he began to saye vnto his disciples: Fyrst of all beware of the leve of the Pharises which is ypocrisy.
Muna thangu yina, nkangu wu batu wuwombo-wombo wukutakana, babandiatasana bawu na bawu mu malu. Buna Yesu wutona kamba theti minlonguki miandi: —Lulubukila luvi lu Bafalisi. Mayuya mawu luawu luvi beni.
2 For ther is no thinge covered that shall not be vncovered: nether hyd that shall not be knowen.
Bila kuisi ko diambu disuama diela kambu zabukusu voti kuisi ko matsueki mela kambu zabakana.
3 For whatsoever ye have spoken in in darknes: that same shalbe hearde in light. And that which ye have spoken in the the eare eve in secret places shalbe preached even on the toppe of the housses.
Diawu mambu moso luyolukila mu tombi mela wakakana ku kiezila ayi momo luyolukila va dikutu, mu bivinga, mela yamukusu ku mbata muangu.
4 I saye vnto you my fredes: Be not afrayde of them that kyll the body and after that have no moare that they can do.
Ndikulukamba, beno bakundi bama, lubika mona tsisi bobo balenda vonda nitu bila bawu vonga bobo balendi buela vanga diambu dinkaka ko.
5 But I will shewe you whom ye shall feare. Feare him which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell. Ye I saye vnto you him feare. (Geenna g1067)
Vayi ndieka kulumonisa bobo lufueti mona tsisi: Lutina mutu wowo beki lulendo lu lozila ku bulungi bu kameni vonda. Bukiedikandikulukamba, niandi mutu lufueti mona tsisi. (Geenna g1067)
6 Are not five sparowes bought for two farthinges? And yet not one of them is forgotten of God.
Basumbisanga ko zitsiodila zitanu mu zimbongo zizole zi bisengo e? Vayi Nzambi kasi zimbakana ko kadi yimosi mu zizioso.
7 Also even the very heres of youre heedes are nombred. Feare not therfore: ye are moare of value then many sparowes.
Ayi zitsuki zi mintu mieno zidi zitangu. Lubika mona tsisibila lulutidi nkangu wu zitsiodila mu luvalu.
8 I saye vnto you: Whosoever confesseth me before men eve him shall ye sonne of man confesse also before ye angels of God.
Bukiedika ndikulukamba ti woso mutu wela kuntelimina kimbangi vameso ma batu, muana mutu mamvandi wela kuntelimina kimbangi va meso ma zimbasi zi Nzambi.
9 And he that denyeth me before men: shalbe denyed before ye angels of God.
Vayi woso mutu wela kuthunuka va meso ma batu, mamvama ndielakuntunuka va meso ma zimbasi zi Nzambi.
10 And whosoever speaketh a worde agaynst ye sonne of ma it shalbe forgeven him. But vnto him yt blasphemeth the holy goost it shall not be forgeven.
Woso mutu wela yolukila mambimbi mu diambu di Muana mutu wela lemvukulu vayi woso mutu wela finga Mpeve yinlongo kalendi lemvukulu ko.
11 When they bringe you vnto the synagoges and vnto the rulers and officers take no thought how or what thinge ye shall answer or what ye shall speake.
Mu thangu bela kulunata va ntuala zinzo zi lukutukunu, va ntualamazuzi ayi va ntuala bapfumu, lubika ba mayindu mu zaba buevi luelakukitabila ayi diambu mbi luela vutula ayi buevi lueta yolukila.
12 For the holy goost shall teache you in the same houre what ye ought to saye.
Bila Mpeve yinlongo wela kuluvana mambu momo luela tuba mu thangu yina kaka.
13 One of the company sayde vnto hym: Master byd my brother devide the enheritauce with me.
Mutu wumosi wuba muna nkangu, wukamba Yesu: —A nlongi, khambila khombꞌama tukabana yandi kiuka.
14 And he sayde vnto him: Man who made me a iudge or a devider over you?
Vayi Yesu wumvutudila: —A Nkundi ama, nani wumbiekidi zuzi dieno voti nkabudi wu kiuka kieno e?
15 Wherfore he sayde vnto them: take hede and beware of covetousnes. For no mannes lyfe stondeth in the aboundaunce of the thinges which he possesseth.
Bosi wuba kamba: —Lulubuka luedi ba tsuina yi phila yina bila luzingu lu mutu luisi ko mu tezo ki bima biandi.
16 And he put forth a similitude vnto them sayinge: The groude of a certayne riche ma brought forth frutes plenteously
Buna wuba kamba nongo yayi: —Zitsola zi mutu wumosi wu busina zibutu ngolo.
17 and he thought in himsilfe sayinge: what shall I do? because I have noo roume where to bestowe my frutes?
Buna mutu beni wuyindula mu ntimꞌandi ti: “Mbi mfueti vanga? Bila ndisi ko bibuangu biobi mfueti lundila mbongo ama!
18 And he sayde: This will I do. I will destroye my barnes and bilde greater and therin will I gadder all my frutes and my goodes:
Buna wukamba, tala diambu diodi ndieka vanga: Ndieka tiolumuna bilundulu biama ayi ndieka tunga bilutidi tola. Muawu ndiela lundila mbongoꞌama yoso ayi bima biama.
19 and I will saye to my soule: Soule thou hast moch goodes layde vp in stoore for many yeares take thyne ease: eate drinke and be mery.
Buna ndiela kamba muelꞌama: A muelꞌama: bima biwombo bieka yaku mutezo ki mimvu miwombo. Vunda kuaku, dia, nua ayi mona khini.”
20 But God sayde vnto him: Thou fole this night will they fetche awaye thy soule agayne from the. Then whose shall thoose thinges be which thou hast provyded?
Vayi Nzambi wunkamba: “vungisi! Builu buabu kuandi maba lomba muelꞌaku! Buna bima bioso biobi wukubikidi biela ba bi nani e?”
21 So is it with him that gadereth ryches and is not ryche in God.
Buawu bobo buididi mutu wunyidikanga busina mu diambu di niandiveka; vayi kasi sina ko mu mambu ma Nzambi.
22 And he spake vnto his disciples: Therfore I saye vnto you: take no thought for youre lyfe what ye shall eate nether for youre body what ye shall put on.
Yesu wukamba minlonguki miandi: —Diawu ndikulukambila; lubika bela luzingu mayindu mu diambu di biobi luela dia; lubika bela nitu mayindu mu diambu di biobi luela vuata.
23 The lyfe is moare then meate and the bodye is moare then rayment.
Luzingu luviatukidi bidia ayi nitu yi vuatukidi minledi.
24 Considre the ravens for they nether sowe nor repe which nether have stoorehousse ner barne and yet God fedeth them. How moche are ye better then the foules.
Lutala zinuni ziozi beti tedilanga “minganga”, zikunanga ko ayi zitotanga bidia ko; zisi ko kadi nzo voti lundulu vayi Nzambi wukuzidikila. Keti beno luvalu luidi viokila zinuni.
25 Which of you with takynge thought can adde to his stature one cubit?
Nani mu beno, mu diambu di mayindu mandi, lenda buela yika luzingu luandi ntela e?
26 Yf ye then be not able to do that thinge which is least: why take ye thought for the remmaunt?
Enati luisi ko kadi lulendo mu mambu mama mafioti, buna bila mbi luididi mayindu mu diambu di momo mankaka e?
27 Considre the lylies how they growe: They laboure not: they spyn not: and yet I saye vnto you that Salomon in all this royalte was not clothed lyke to one of these.
Lutala biteka; buevi bieti kudilanga, bisalanga ko, bitungangako vayi ndikulukamba, banza Salomo munkembo andi woso kasia vuata banga kiteka kimosi ko mu biteka biobi.
28 Yf the grasse which is todaye in the felde and tomorowe shalbe cast into the fornace God so clothe: how moche moore will he clothe you o ye endued wt litell faith?
Enati Nzambi wuvuatisa kunusu kidi buabu ku tsola vayi mbazi ki lozolo ku mbazu. Buna buevi kela luta kuluvuatisila beno batu ba minu kifioti e?
29 And axe not what ye shall eate or what ye shall drinke nether clyme ye vp an hye
Lubika banga mayindu mu diambu di tomba biobi luela dia ayi luela nua e? Lubika kukiyamisa mu mambu momo.
30 for all suche thinges the hethen people of the worlde seke for. Youre father knoweth that ye have nede of suche thinges.
Bila Bapakanu ba ntoto bawu bantombanga mambu moso momo. Vayi Dise dieno zebi ti mfunu luvuidi bima biobi.
31 Wherfore seke ye after the kyngedome of God and all these thinges shalbe ministred vnto you.
Vayi lutomba kipfumu kiandi buna bima bioso biobi bela kulubuedila biawu.
32 Feare not litell floocke for it is youre fathers pleasure to geve you a kingdome.
Bika mona tsisi, ngeyo nkangu wu mameme! Bila Dise dieno dimuenikhini mu kuluvana kipfumu.
33 Sell that ye have and geve almes. And make you bagges which wexe not olde and treasure that fayleth not in heaven where noo these commeth nether moth corrupteth.
—Sumbisanu bima biobi bidi yenu ayi lukabudila minsukami. Bika lukikubikila ziphotomoni ziozi kazi fuanganga ko ayi lukikubikila kiuka, mu diyilu, kioki kakilendi suka ko, bila kuna muivi kalendi kukiyiba ko ayi zitselele zilendi bunga ko.
34 For where youre treasure is there will youre hertes be also.
Bila koso kiudi kiuka kiaku kuna kuidi ntimꞌaku.
35 Let youre loynes be gerdde about and youre lightes brennynge
—Luba bakubama mu kisalu ayi bika minda mienu milema.
36 and ye youre selves lyke vnto men that wayte for their master when he will returne fro a weddinge: that assone as he cometh and knocketh they maye ope vnto him.
Banu banga bisadi bimvingila pfumu awu mu yoso thangu bu kayendaku nyengo wu makuela, mu diambu bu kela vutuka ayi kela kokuta, bisadi biandi biela kunzibudila.
37 Happy are those servauntes which the Lorde when he cometh shall fynde wakynge. Verely I saye vnto you he will gerdde him selfe about and make them sit doune to meate and walke by and minister vnto them.
Khini kuidi bisadi biobi Pfumu awu bu kela vutuka, wela kuiza bata badi bakubama. Bukiedika ndikulukamba, niandi wela vuata minledi mi kisaluayi wela vuandisa bisadi biandi va meza wela fikama ayi wela kuba tudila bidia.
38 And yf he come in the seconde watche ye if he come in the thyrde watche and shall fynde them soo happy are those servauntes.
Kiza va midi mi phipa voti va nkielo wu buisi, wukuiza babati buna badi bakubama, buna khini kuidi bisadi bina.
39 This vnderstonde that yf the good man of the housse knewe what houre ye these wolde come he wolde suerly watche: and not suffer his housse to be broken vp.
Vayi luzaba kueno ti enati pfumu yi nzo zebi thangu mbi muivikankuizila, nganu wuleka nkielo ayi kasia tala ko bayiba nzo andi.
40 Be ye prepared therfore: for the sonne of man will come at an houre when ye thinke not.
Beno mamveno, banganu bakubama bila mu thangu yoyi lunkambubela mayindu yawu yinkuizila muana mutu.
41 Then Peter sayde vnto him: Master tellest thou this similitude vnto vs or to all men?
Piela wunyuvula: —A Pfumu, tubidi nongo yoyo mu diambu di beto kaka voti mu diambu di batu boso e?
42 And the Lorde sayde: If there be any faith full servaut and wise whom his Lorde shall make ruler over his housholde to geve them their duetie of meate at due season:
Pfumu wuvutula: —Buna nani kisadi kikuikama ayi ki diela kioki Pfumu kavana minsua mu yadila bisadi binkaka bi nzo andi mu kuba vananga kuku kiawuki ble mu thangu yifuana e?
43 happy is that servaunt whom his master when he cometh shall finde soo doinge.
Khini kuidi kisadi kioki, pfumu andi bu kela vutuka, wela buanu wunsala, boso bu kantumina.
44 Of a trueth I saye vnto you: that he will make him ruler over all that he hath.
Bukiedika ndikulukamba pfumu andi wela kumvana minsua mu yadilabima biandi bioso.
45 But and yf the evyll servaunt shall saye in his hert: My master wyll differre his cominge and shall beginne to smyte the servauntes and maydens and to eate and drinke and to be dronken:
Vayi enati kisadi beni yindudi mu ntimꞌandi ti: “Pfumu amakakadi vika vutuka” ayi tonini yamisa bisadi bi babakala ayi bi bakieto, tonini dia, nua ayi kolu,
46 the Lorde of that servaunt will come in a daye when he thinketh not and at an houre when he is not ware and will devyde him and will geve him his rewarde with the vnbelevers.
pfumu yi kisadi kina wela kuiza, mu lumbu kioki kela kambu bela mayindu ayi mu thangu yoyi kakambulu zaba. Buna pfumu andi wela kunloza ayi wela kumvana thumbudulu yi ngolo va kimosi ayi bakambulu bakuikama.
47 The servaut that knewe his masters will and prepared not him selfe nether dyd accordinge to his will shalbe bete with many strypes.
Kisadi kioki kizaba luzolo lu Pfumu andi vayi kasia kubama ko ayi kasia vanga ko boso buididi luzolo lu pfumu andi, wela zububikoti biwombo.
48 But he that knewe not and yet dyd committe thinges worthy of strypes shalbe beaten with feawe strypes. For vnto whom moche is geven of him shalbe moche requyred. And to whom men moche commyt the moare of him will they axe.
Vayi kisadi kioki kikambu zaba luzolo lu Pfumu andi ayi vengi mambu makalenda zubulu bikoti, wela zubu bikoti bifioti. Bila bela tomba biwombo kuidi mutu wowo bavana biwombo, ayi kuidimutu wowo bayekudila biwombo bela tombulu biwombo.
49 I am come to sende fyre on erth: and what is my dysyre but that it were all redy kyndled?
—Mbazu ndiyizidi loza va ntoto ayi diambu mbi nzodidi enatimbazu beni yikikuikulu?
50 Not with stondinge I must de baptised with a baptyme: and how am I payned till it be ended?
Vayi vadi mbotokolo yimfueti botama ayi ndikidi ku tsi mayindu nate yela vangama.
51 Suppose ye that I am come to sende peace on erth? I tell you naye: but rather debate.
—Beno lumbanzila ti minu ndembama ndineti vava ntoto e? Nana vayi khabunu.
52 For fro hence forthe ther shalbe five in one housse devided thre agaynst two and two agaynst thre.
Bila tona buabi, enati batu batanu badi mu nzo, bela ba bavasana: batatu bela ba ku ndambu yimosi bosi babuadi bela ba ku ndambu yinkaka.
53 The father shalbe devided agaynst the sonne and the sonne agaynst the father. The mother agaynst the doughter and the doughter agaynst the mother. The motereleawe agaynst hir doughterelawe and the doughterelawe agaynst hir motherelawe.
Dise diela fuemina muana wubakala ayi muana wubakala welafuemina Dise. Ngudi wela fuemina muana wunketo ayi muana wunketo wela fuemina ngudi. Nzitu wunketo wela fuemina nketo wu muanꞌandi ayinketo wu muana wela fuemina nzitu andi wunketo.
54 Then sayde he to the people: when ye se a cloude ryse out of the west strayght waye ye saye: we shall have a shower and soo it is.
Bosi Yesu wubuela kamba nkangu wu batu: —Bu lueti monanga dituti ku ndambu wesite, buna lueti tuba: “mvula ma yinoka”, buna bobo bueta bela.
55 And when ye se the south wynde blow ye saye: we shall have heet and it cometh to passe.
Bu lueti monanga phemo wu sude weka vevumuka, buna luetituba: “muini mawu ba wu ngolo”; buna bobo bueta bela.
56 Ypocrites ye can skyll of the fassion of the erth and of the skye: but what is ye cause that ye canot skyll of this time?
Bankua mayuya! Luzebi bakula bidimbu bi ntoto ayi bi diyilubuna buevi lunkambu bakudilanga thangu yayi e?
57 Ye and why iudge ye not of youre selves what is righte?
—Bila mbi lunkambu sudikilanga, mu beno veka, mambu masonga e?
58 Whill thou goest with thyne adversary to the ruler: as thou arte in the waye geve diligence that thou mayst be delivered fro him least he bringe the to the iudge and the iudge delyver the to the iaylar and the iaylar cast the in to preson.
Diawu bu lulembu yendi ku tilibinadu ayi mutu wowo wufundidibuna nuana mu dedikisa mambu beni bu lukidi mu nzila. Bila nganu wela ku funda kuidi zuzi ayi niandi wela kuyekula mu mioko mi masodi ayi mawu mela kukotisa mu nloko.
59 I tell ye thou departest not thence tyll thou have made good ye vtmost myte.
Muaki bukiedika ndikukamba wulendi totuka muna ko nate wela futazimbongo zioso zi tsuka.

< Luke 12 >