< Luke 11 >

1 And it fortuned as he was prayinge in a certayne place: when he ceased one of his disciples sayde vnto him: Master teache vs to praye as Iohn taught his disciples.
Hypoet taw Bawipa Jesu amah doeng hun oet awh cykcah hy. Ak cykcah coengawh, a hubat pynoet ing a venawh, “Bawipa, Johan ing a hubatkhqi cykcahnaak a cawngpyi a myihna cykcahnaak ni cawngpyi lawt lah,” tina hy.
2 And he sayd vnto the: When ye praye saye: O oure father which arte in heave halowed be thy name. Thy kyngdome come. Thy will be fulfilled even in erth as it is in heaven.
Cedawngawh a mingmih a venawh, “Namik cykcah awh vemyihna cykcah uh, “Kaimih a Pa, nang ming kqihchahnaak awm seh,
3 Oure dayly breed geve vs evermore.
Myngawi ai tat buh ni pek khqi lah.
4 And forgeve vs oure synnes: For eve we forgeve every man yt treaspaseth vs. And ledde vs not into teptacio. But deliver vs fro evill.
Thlakthawlh ak khan awh qeenkhaw ka ming ngai a myihna, kaimih a thawlhnaak awh qeenkhaw ngai law lah. Sykzoeknaak awh koeh ni sawi khqi,” tinak khqi hy.
5 And he sayde vnto them: if any of you shuld have a frede and shuld goo to him at mid nyght and saye vnto him: frende lende me thre loves
Cekcoengawh a mingmih a venawh, “Nangmih ak khuiawh thlang pynoet ing pyi pynoet ta mai lah seh, thanlung awh cawhkaw a pyi pynoet a venawh cet nawh, ‘Ka pyi, phaihpi cun thum awh nik pu cang lah,
6 for a frende of myne is come out of the waye to me and I have nothinge to set before him:
khawlawng nakaw ka pyi law nawh, ka toen peek ham ikaw am ta nyng,' tina hy.
7 and he within shuld answere and saye trouble me not the dore is now sheet and my servautes are with me in the chamber I canot ryse and geve them to the.
Cawh ipkhui na ak awm thlang ing, ‘koeh ni ngeu koeh ni lawn; chawh khai hawh nyng, ka cakhqi awm ip boeih hawh uhy, tho nawh am ni pe hly thai voel nyng,’ tina hy.
8 I saye vnto you though he wold not aryse and geve him because he is his frede: yet because of his importunite he wold rise and geve him as many as he neded.
Ka nik kqawn peek khqi, anih ce am tho nawh phaihpi ce am pe thai hy, thoeh khak saw a pyi na a awm a dawngawh tho kawmsaw a ngaih zah pe kaw.
9 And I saye vnto you: axe and it shalbe geven you. Seke and ye shall fynde. knocke and it shalbe opened vnto you.
Cedawngawh ka nik kqawn peek khqi: Thoeh lah ni pe kaw; sui lah hu kawp ti; khoek lah nang aham awngna awm kaw.
10 For every one that axeth receaveth: and he that seketh fyndeth: and to him that knocketh shall it be openned.
Ak thoeh ingtaw dang nawh; ak sui ingtaw hu hy; ak khoek thlang aham chawh ce awng pe kaw.
11 Yf the sonne shall axe breed of eny of you that is a father: wyll he geve him a stone? Or yf he axe fisshe wyll he for a fysshe geve him a serpent?
Nangmih pa na namik awmkhqi ak khuiawh, na ca ing phaihpi a thoeh mantaw lung ak pe namik awm hly nu? Nga a thoeh awh khqui namik pe hly nu?
12 Or yf he axe an egge: wyll he offer him a scorpion?
Aihtui a thoeh mantaw ceita-ai namik pe hly nu?
13 Yf ye then which are evyll canne geve good giftes vnto youre chyldren how moche more shall the father of heaven geve an holy sprete to them that desyre it of him?
Nangmih thlak leek am khqi ing za, nami cakhqi aham ik-oeih leek peek aham nami sim awhtaw, khawk khan nakaw ak awm pa ing ak thoehkhqi venawh Ciim Myihla ce izah nu a peek khqoet kaw!” tinak khqi hy.
14 And he was a castynge out a devyll which was dome. And it folowed when the devyll was gone out the domme spake and the people wondred.
Jesu ing awi amak pau thai thlang ak kawk khui awhkawng qaai ce hqek pehy. Qaai ing anih ce a cehtaak coengawh, awi ak myh thlang ce pau hy, cedawngawh thlang kqeng amik kawpoek kyi hy.
15 But some of the sayde: he casteth out devyls by the power of Belzebub the chefe of the devyls.
Cehlai thlang kqeng ingtaw, “Beelzebub” qaaikhqi ak caming ni qaai a hqek,” tina uhy.
16 And other tempted him sekinge of him a signe fro heave.
Ak chang tloek bai ingtaw, khan benna kaw hatnaak huh sak aham noek a dak uhy.
17 But he knewe their thoughtes and sayde vnto them: Every kingdome devided with in it silfe shalbe desolate: and one housse shall fall vpon another.
Jesu ing a mingmih ak kawpoek ce a sim dawngawh a mingmih a venawh: “Qam awm a ming phek bo qu awhtaw qeeng kaw; ipkhui awm aming phek bo qu awhtaw tlu kaw.
18 So if Satan be devided with in him silfe: how shall his kyngdome endure? Because ye saye that I cast out devyls by the power of Belzebub.
Setan awm a ming phek bo qu mantaw, ikawmyihna a qam ang dyih thai kaw? Kai ing Beelzebub ak caming qaaikhqi hqek hy namiti a dawngawh ve ak awi ka nik kqawn peek khqi.
19 Yf I by the power of Belzebub caste oute devyls: by whome do youre chyldren cast them out? Therfore shall they be youre iudges.
Kai ing qaaikhqi ce Beelzebub ak caming ka hqek khqi awhtaw u ak caming nu nangmih a hubatkhqi ing qaaikhqi ami hqek lawt? Cawhtaw a mingmih ce nangmih awi anik dengkungkhqi na awm hawh kawm uh ce.
20 But if I with ye finger of God cast out devyls noo doute the kyngdome of God is come vpon you.
Cehlai qaaikhqi ce Khawsa kutply ing ka hqek awhtaw, Khawsa qam taw nangmih a venawh pha hawh hy.
21 When a stronge man armed watcheth his housse: yt he possesseth is in peace.
Ak thamah thlang ing, ak cimsum pala toen nawh a im ce a qeh awhtaw a khawhkhamkhqi ce syng hy.”
22 But when a stronger then he cometh vpo him and overcometh him: he taketh from him his harnes wherin he trusted and devideth his gooddes.
Cehlai ak thamah khqoet thlang ing anih ce tu nawh a noeng awhtaw, anih ing a ypnaak cimsum pala ce a lawh peek coengawh a khawhkhamkhqi ce plam pe kaw.
23 He that is not with me is agaynst me. And he that gadereth not with me scattereth.
U awm kai ama nik dyih pyi taw kai anik qaalnaak na awm nawh, u awm kai ama nik cawi pyi taw ak theh thlang na awm hy.
24 When the vnclene sprete is gone out of a man he walketh through waterlesse places sekinge reest. And when he fyndeth none he sayeth: I will returne agayne vnto my housse whence I came out.
Qaaiche pynoet ce thlang ak kawk khuiawh kawng ak cawn coengawh, cet hyhy nawh dymnaak ce sui hlai hy am hu hy. Cekcoengawh taw, ‘ka cehtaak im na ce cet tlaih mai vang nyng,’ tihy.
25 And when he cometh he fyndeth it swept and garnissed.
Voei tlaih nawh a toek awh, im nawt qu hqeet nawh ak cimcaih na ak awm ce hu hy.
26 Then goeth he and taketh to him seve other spretes worsse then himsilfe: and they enter in and dwell there. And the ende of that man is worsse then the begynninge.
Cawhtaw amah anglakawh ak se khqoet qaai khqih ce law pyi nawh ami lut coengawh awm uhy. Cawh cawhkaw thlang ce ak cyk awhkawng lakawh nauh khqoet hy,” tinak khqi hy.
27 And it fortuned as he spake those thinges a certayne woman of the copany lyfte vp her voyce and sayde vnto him: Happy is the wombe that bare the and the pappes which gave the sucke.
Ve ak awi ve Jesu ing ak kqawn awh, thlang kqeng ak khuiawh kaw nu pynoet ing, “Nang anik takung ingkaw suk anik awk sakkung nu taw a zoseen soeih hy,” tina hy.
28 But he sayde: Ye happy are they that heare the worde of God and kepe it.
Jesu ing, “Khawsa ak awi za nawh ak ngaikhqi ce ami zoseen khqoet hy,” tina hy.
29 When the people were gadered thicke to geder: he began to saye. This is an evyll nacion: they seke a signe and ther shall no signe be geven them but the signe of Ionas the Prophet.
Thlang a doem law khqoet khqoet awh, Jesu ing, “Tuhawhkaw cadilkhqi ve cadil chekhqi ni. Kawpoek kyi hatnaak ce sui hlai uhy, Jonah a hatnaak doeng am awhtaw ak chang hatnaak am hu kawm uh.
30 For as Ionas was a signe to the Ninivites so shall ye sonne of ma be to this nacio.
Jonah taw Nenivi thlangkhqi hatnaak na a awm myihna, Thlanghqing Capa awm tuhawhkaw cadilkhqi hamna hatnaak na awm lawt kaw.
31 The quene of the southe shall ryse at iudgement with the men of this generacio and condempne them: for she came fro the ende of the worlde to heare the wysdome of Salomon. And beholde a greater then Salomon is here.
Awi dengnaak khawnghi awh kham benna kaw Sangphrang nu taw ve a cadil awhkaw thlangkhqi mi dyi haih kawmsaw a mingmih ce thawlh sak kaw; kawtih anih cetaw Solomon a cyihnaak ak ngai na law hy, tuh Solomon anglakawh ak bau khqoet awm hy.
32 The men of Ninive shall ryse at the iudgement wt this generacio and shall condepne the: for they repented at the preachinge of Ionas. And beholde a greater then Ionas is here.
Nenivi awhkaw thlangkhqi ce awidengnaak nyn awh ve a cadil awhkaw thlangkhqi ing boe hly sak uhy; kawtih a mingmih cetaw Jonah ak awih kqawnnaak awh zut uhy, Jonah anglakawh ak bau khqoet ce vawh awm hy.
33 Noo man lighteth a candell and putteth it in a previe place nether vnder a busshell: But on a candelsticke that they that come in maye se ye light.
U ingawm mai a vang awh ik-oeih ing a hlipnaak awh am ta khawi hy, dawn ingawm am myk khawi hy. Ipkhui awh amik law thlangkhqi ing vangnaak ce ami huh thainaak aham, maih vang a mim hawihnaak awh ni a mim hawih hy.
34 The light of thy body is the eye. Therfore when thine eye is single: then is all thy body full of light. But if thine eye be evyll: then shall thy body also be full of darknes.
Mik taw pum a maivang na awm hy. Na mik a leek mantaw na pum boeih ce dang hy.
35 Take hede therfore that the light which is in the be not darknes.
Na pum awhkaw maihvang ak awm ce amam thannaak aham ngaih ta lah uh.
36 For if all thy body shalbe light havynge noo parte darke: then shall all be full of light even as when a candell doeth light the with his brightnes.
Cedawngawh, na pum boeih ce dang nawh, am thannaak ve tehca awm ama awm awhtaw, na pum ce maivang ing ak coei amyihna dang boeih kaw,” tinaak khqi hy.
37 And as he spake a certayne Pharise besought him to dyne with him: and he went in and sate doune to meate.
Ve ak awikhqi ak kqawn boeih coengawh, Farasi thlang pynoet ing a im awh buh ak pan na Jesu ce khy hy; cedawngawh anih a im na buh ak pan na cet hy.
38 When the Pharise sawe that he marveylled yt he had not fyrst wesshed before dyner.
Cehlai Jesu ing kut a silh kaana buh a ai ce Farasi thlang ing a huh awh ang ngaih na kyi hy.
39 And ye Lorde sayde to him: Now do ye Pharises make clene the out side of the cup and of the platter: but youre inwarde parties are full of raveninge and wickednes.
Cawh Bawipa ing a venawh, “Nangmih Farasikhqi ing boet awm, beei awm a leng ben taw sil pai hlai uhyk ti, ak khui benna taw ak pyh ngaihnaak ingkaw thawlhnaak ing be uhy.
40 Ye foles dyd not he that made that which is without: make that which is within also?
Nangmih thlakqawkhqi! Ak khan ben ak silkung ing ak khui ben awm am sil nawh nu?
41 Neverthelesse geve almose of that ye have and beholde all is clene to you.
Beei ak khuiawh ak awmkhqi ce hahqahkhqi venawh pe lah uh, cawhtaw nangmih aham ik-oeihkhqi boeih ce caih kaw.
42 But wo be to you Pharises for ye tithe the mynt and rewe and all manner erbes and passe over iudgment and the love of God. These ought ye to have done and yet not to have left the other vndone.
Nangmih Farasi tloek, khaw map uhyk ti, nangmih ing sawngsing paiboeng ingkaw tawi a an soepkep dyt awh pahqa pynoet pe pai hlai uhyk ti, dyngnaak ingkaw Khawsa a lungnaak ce dalqa na uhyk ti. A hu awh kawk khqi ve a hlah phlam kaana lamma awhkawk khqi ce awm nami sai aham awm hy.
43 Wo be to you Pharises: for ye love the vppermost seates in the synagoges and gretinges in the markets.
Nangmih Farasi tloek, khaw map uhyk ti, sinakawk awh ngawihnaak ak leek leek awh na ming ngawih lungna unawh ik-oeih zawihnaak hun awh thlang ing kqihchahnaak ani peekkhqi ce ngaih uhyk ti.
44 Wo be to you scribes and pharises ypocrites for ye are as graves which appere not and the men yt walke over the are not ware of the.
Nangmih khaw map uhyk ti, nangmih taw mik hatnaak amak awm phyi, thlang ing a leh mailai ing myih uhyk ti,” tinak khqi hy.
45 Then answered one of the lawears and sayd vnto him: Master thus sayinge thou puttest vs to rebuke also.
Anaa awi ak lah ing Jesu ak awi ce hlat pehy, “Cawngpyikung, ve a ik-oeihkhqi ve nak kqawn awh kaimih awm ni zyi khqi pahoei hawh hyk ti,” tina hy.
46 Then he sayde: Wo be to you also ye lawears: for ye lade men with burthens greveous to be borne and ye youre selves touche not ye packes wt one of youre fyngers.
Jesu ing, “Nangmih anaa awi ak sim tloek, khaw map uhyk ti, thlang ing a noeng tloei phyih ce phyih sak uhyk ti, cehlai na mimah ingtaw nami kutply pynoet ca ingawm bi aham am ngaih uhyk ti.
47 Wo be to you: ye bylde the sepulchres of the Prophetes and youre fathers killed the:
Nangmih khaw map uhyk ti, nami pakhqi ing ami na him tawnghakhqi ak phyi imkhqi ce sak pe uhyk ti.
48 truly ye beare witnes that ye alowe the dedes of youre fathers for they kylled them and ye bylde their sepulchres.
Cedawngawh nami pakhqi ing ami na sai ce nangmih ing caksak hawh uhyk ti; nami pakhqi ing tawnghakhqi ce ana him uhy, nangmih ing tawnghakhqi ak phyi im ce sak pe uhyk ti.
49 Therfore sayde ye wisdome of God: I will send them Prophetes and Apostles and of them they shall slee and persecute:
Ve a dawngawh, Khawsa ing a cyihnaak ing, ‘Tawnghakhqi ingkaw ceityihkhqi ce a mingmih a venawh tyih pe kawng nyng saw, thlang vang ce a mingmih ing him kawm uh, thlang vang ce the a kha na kawm uh,’ tina hy.
50 that the bloude of all Prophetes which was sheed fro the beginninge of the worlde maye be requyred of this generacion
Cedawngawh khawmdek a syn cyk awhkawng tawnghakhqi boeih a thi ak lawng ce ve a khuk awhkaw thlangkhqi a hut na awm hawh hy.
51 from the bloud of Abell vnto the bloud of zachary which perisshed bitwene the aulter and the temple. Verely I saye vnto you: it shalbe requyred of this nacion.
A bel a thi awhkawng bawkthang ingkaw beeknaak a hun anglak law awh ami him Zekariah a thi dyna. Oeih, ka nik kqawn peek khqi, vemyihkhqi boeih ve ve a khuk awhkaw thlangkhqi hut na awm kaw.
52 Wo be to you lawears: for ye have taken awaye ye keye of knowledge ye entred not in youre selves and them that came in ye forbade.
Anaa awi ak sim nangmih tloek, khaw map uhyk ti, nangmih ing cyihnaak cabi ce ak chang na ta valh uhyk ti. Na mimah awm am kun uhyk ti, kun aham ak ngaih thlangkhqi aham awm kham pe lak law uhyk ti,” tinak khqi hy.
53 When he thus spake vnto them the lawears and the Pharises began to wexe busye about him and to stop his mouth with many questions
Jesu ing ce a hun ce a cehtaak coengawh, Farasikhqi ingkaw anaa awi cawngpyikungkhqi ing anih ak khanawh amik kaw am law nawh awi khawzah doet uhy,
54 layinge wayte for him and sekinge to catche somethinge of his mought wherby they might accuse him.
awi ak kqawnnaak awh a thawlhnaak tu peek aham doen uhy.

< Luke 11 >