< Luke 10 >

1 After these thinges the Lorde apoynted other seventie also and sent them two and two before him into every citie and place whither he him silfe wolde come.
Cekcoengawh Bawipa ing ak chang thlang khqihkip coengawh pakkhih ce caksak nawh amah a cehnaak hly kawi khaw boeih awh lamma na tyi khqi hy.
2 And he sayde vnto them the harvest is greate: but the laborers are feawe. Praye therfore the Lorde of ye harvest to send forth laborers into his hervest.
A mingmih a venawh, “Caang ah ham taw khawzah hlai, bibikung taw zawica hy. Lo khuiawh ce bibikung thlang khawzah a tyihnaak aham, loh toenkung Bawi a venawh thoeh lah uh.
3 Goo youre wayes: beholde I sende you forthe as lambes amonge wolves.
Cet lah uh! Ngentang anglakawh tuu myihna ni tyih khqi nyng.
4 Beare noo wallet nether scryppe nor shues and salute noo man by the waye.
Tangka bawm awm sawngsa awm khawmyk awm koeh khyn uh; lam awh thlang nami huh awh awm koeh voem uh.
5 Into whatsoever housse ye enter fyrst saye: Peace be to this housse.
Ipkhui na nami lut awh, lamma cyk awh, 'Ve ipkhui awh ngaihdingnaak awm seh,' tina uh.
6 And yf ye sonne of peace be theare youre peace shall rest vpon him: yf not yt shall returne to you agayne.
Ngaihding capa a awm awhtaw naming ngaihdingnaak awi ak khanawh awm poe kaw; a ma awm awhtaw nangmih a venna voei law tlaih kaw.
7 And in ye same housse tary still eatinge and drinkinge soche as they have. For the laborer is worthy of his ewarde. Go not fro housse to housse:
Ce a ipkhui awh awm unawh taw, a mingmih ing ami peek saqui ce aw a ai uh, kawtih bibikung taw a bibi phu ce a huh ham tyng hy. Nami im pahnaak koeh chawt uh.
8 and in to whatso ever citye ye enter yf they receave you eate soche thinges as are set before you
Khaw pynoet ak khuiawh nami lut awh nangmih ce a ni do khqi awhtaw, nangmih a haiawh ami toen law saqui ce ai uh.
9 and heale the sicke yt are theare and saye vnto them: the kyngdome of God is come nye vpon you.
Cawh ak awm thlak tlokhqi ce qoei law sak unawh taw 'Khawsa qam taw nangmih a venawh zoe law hawh hy,' tina uh.
10 But into whatsoever citie ye shall enter yf they receave you not goo youre wayes out into the stretes of ye same and saye:
Cehlai khaw pynoet ak khuina nami lut awh a mani do khqi awhtaw, lam hqang cet unawh taw,
11 even the very dust which cleaveth on vs of your citie we wipe of agaynst you: Not withstondinge marke this that ye kyngdome of God was come nie vpon you.
'Nami khaw awhkaw dekvai ka khawpha awh ak kap awm namik khanawh nik khawk sih khqi nyng; cehlai Khawsa ram nami venawh pha law hawh hy tice sim kawm uk ti,' tikawm uk ti.
12 Ye and I saye vnto you: that it shalbe easier in that daye for Sodom then for yt cytie.
Ka nik kqawn peek khqi, ce a khawnghi awh Sodom khaw taw ce a khaw anglakawh ana hawih khang bet kaw.
13 Wo be to the Chorazin: wo be to ye Bethsaida. For yf ye miracles had bene done in Tyre and Sido which have bene done in you they had a greate whyle agone repeted sitting in heere and asshes.
Korazin nang, khaw map hyk ti! Bethsaida nang, khaw map hyk ti! Kawtih nangmih ak khuiawh sai na ak awm kawpoek kyinaak ik-oeihkhqi ce Tura ingkaw Sidon khaw awh sai na ana awm mantaw, tlamhi byng doena vyt ak khan awh ngawi unawh syn deng awh ni a mi nang zut hly hawh hlai hy.
14 Neverthelesse it shalbe easier for Tyre and Sidon at the iudgement then for you.
Awidengnaak khawnghi awh Tura ingkaw Sidon khaw ce nangmih anglakawh ana hawih khang bet kaw.
15 And thou Capernau which art exalted to heave shalt be thrust doune to hell. (Hadēs g86)
Ce, nang Kaperanuam, khan na na hak zoek qu hly tang nu? Kaw ce, hell na man na nung tlaak kaw. (Hadēs g86)
16 He yt heareth you heareth me: and he that dispiseth you despiseth me: and he that dispiseth me despiseth him that sent me.
U awm nangmih ak awi ak ngai taw kai ak awi ak ngai na awm hy; u awm nangmih a nik hoet khqi taw kai a nik hoet na awm hy; u awm kai a nik hoet cetaw kai a nik tyikung ce ak hoet na awm hy,” tinak khqi hy.
17 And the sevetie returned agayne with ioye sayinge: Lorde even the very devyls are subdued to vs thorowe thy name.
Thlang khqihkip coengawh pakkhih taw zeel doena voei law unawh, “Bawipa, qaaikhqi ingawm nang ming ak caming kaimih ak awi ngai uhy,” tina uhy.
18 And he sayde vnto them: I sawe satan as it had bene lightenyng faule doune fro heave.
Anih ing, “Khawphlamyihna khan nakawng Setan a nuk tla law ce hu nyng.
19 Beholde I geve vnto you power to treade on serpetes and scorpions and over all maner power of the enimye and no thinge shall hurte you.
Nangmih a venawh khqui ingkaw cengta-ai leh thainaak ingkaw qaal ak thaawmnaak noeng thainaak ce ni pek khqi hawh nyng; ikaw ingawm nangmih ce amni tlawh sak khqi thai kaw.
20 Neverthelesse in this reioyse not that ye spretes are vnder youre power: but reioyse be cause youre names are wrytten in heaven.
Cehlai qaaikhqi ing nangmih ak awi ang ngai a dawngawh koeh zeel uh, khawk khan na nangmih ang ming qee na a awm hawh a dawngawh zeel bet uh,” tinak khqi hy.
21 That same tyme reioysed Iesus in ye sprete and sayde: I confesse vnto ye father Lorde of heaven and erth yt thou hast hyd these thynges from the wyse and prudent and hast opened them to the babes. Even so father for soo pleased it the.
Cawh Jesu taw Ciim Myihla ak caming zeelnaak ing be nawh, “Ka Pa khawk khan ingkaw khawmdek Bawipa, thlakcyi ingkaw thlakthoemkhqi venawh vawhkaw ik-oeih ve phah pe nawh, naasenkhqi venawh nang dang sak a dawngawh nang ming nim kyih nyng. Oeih, ka Pa ve ve nang a koe ak leek zeelnaak na awm hy.
22 All thinges are geven me of my father. And no man knoweth who the sonne is but the father: nether who the father is save the sonne and he to who the sonne wyll shewe him.
Ik-oeih boeih ve ka Pa ing ka venawh ni pe hawh hy. Pa am kaa taw u ingawm Capa ce am sim hy, ang dang naak aham Capa ing ak tyk thlangkhqi doeng ingkaw Capa am kaa taw u ingawm Pa ce am sim hy,” tinak khqi hy.
23 And he turned to his disciples and sayde secretly: Happy are ye eyes which se yt ye se.
Cekcoengawh a hubatkhqi benna mang nawh, “Nangmih ing nami huh ak hu taw a zoseen hy!
24 For I tell you that many prophetes and kynges have desired to se those thinges which ye se and have not sene them: and to heare those thinges which ye heare and have not hearde them.
Ikawtih ka nik kqawn peek khqi, tawngha khawzah ingkaw sangpahrang khawzah ngawh nangmih ing nami huh ve huh aham ngaih hlai uhy, amna hu uhy, nangmih ing naming zaak ve zaak aham ngaih hlai uhy, am za uhy,” tinak khqi hy.
25 And beholde a certayne Lawere stode vp and tempted him sayinge: Master what shall I do to inheret eternall life? (aiōnios g166)
Cawh anaa awi ak thoem thlang pynoet ing Jesu noek adak aham dyi nawh doet hy. “Cawngpyikung kumqui hqingnaak ka taaknaak aham ikaw ka sai kaw?” tina hy. (aiōnios g166)
26 He sayd vnto him: What is written in the lawe? How redest thou?
Jesu ing, “Anaa awi awh ikaw a qee? ikawmyihna na noet naak?” tina hy.
27 And he answered and sayde: Loue thy Lorde God with all thy hert and with all thy soule and with all thy stregthe and with all thy mynde: and thy neghbour as thy sylfe.
Anih ing ve myihna hlat pehy, 'Bawipa na Khawsa ce nak kawlung boeih, na hqingnaak boeih, nak thaawmnaak boeih, nak kawpoek boeih ing lungna kawp ti,' 'cekcoengawh, 'Na imceng ce namah a pum a myihna lungna lawt kawp ti' tihy,” tina hy.
28 And he sayde vnto him: Thou hast answered right. This do and thou shalt live.
Jesu ing, “Ak thymna nim hlat hyk ti ce; vemihkhqi ve sai lah, cawhtaw hqing kawp ti,” tina hy.
29 He willinge to iustifie him silfe sayde vnto Iesus: Who is then my neghbour?
Cehlai cawhkaw thlang ing ak cang a ngaih a dawngawh Jesu ce doet hy, “Ka imceng ce a u nu?” tina hy.
30 Iesus answered and sayde: A certayne ma descended fro Hierusalem into Hierico and fell in to the hondes of theves which robbed him of his raymet and wounded him and departed levynge him halfe deed.
Jesu ing ak awi am hlatnaak aham vemyihna tina hy; “Thlang pynoet taw Jerusalem awhkawng Jeriko khaw na a nu ceh awh lam awh thlak chekhqi mi hqum qu uhy. A angki hinaak suh pe unawh ak thi tawna vyk unawh cehta uhy.
31 And by chaunce ther came a certayne preste that same waye and when he sawe him he passed by.
Cawh khawsoeih pynoet ce cawhkaw lam awh nu cet lawt hy, cawhkaw thlang ce a huh awh, ak cheng benna qei nawh cehta hy.
32 And lykewyse a Levite when he was come nye to the place wet and loked on him and passed by.
Cemyih bai lawtna, Levi thlang pynoet cawhkaw lam awh ce law bai hy, ce a hun ce pha law nawh thlang ce a huh awh qei nawh cehta bai hy.
33 Then a certayne Samaritane as he iornyed came nye vnto him and when he sawe him had compassion on him
Cehlai Samari thlang pynoet ce, ce ak thlang a awmnaak hun pha law hy, ce ak thlang a huh awh qeen nawh,
34 and went to and bounde vp his woundes and poured in oyle and wyne and put him on his awne beaste and brought him to a comen ynne and made provision for him.
a venna cet nawh, a mynmakhqi ce misur tui ingkaw situi ing a hluk peek coengawh zeen pehy. Cekcoengawh cawhkaw thlang ce amah a meqang awh ngawih sak nawh, ak nep caana a khut a hlep thainaak aham khin pahnaak im na cehpyi hy.
35 And on the morowe when he departed he toke out two pece and gave them to the host and sayde vnto him. Take cure of him and whatsoever thou spedest moare when I come agayne I will recompence the.
A khawngawi awhtaw amah a tangka denari pakkhih ce lo nawh khin pahnaak im ak qehkung a venawh pehy. 'Ak nep na ana toek cang, kang voei law tlaih awh, tangka na hawnaak boeih ce ni thung tlaih bit kawng,” tina hy.
36 Which now of these thre thynkest thou was neighbour vnto him yt fell into ye theves hondes?
Cawhtaw vawhkaw thlang pakthum ak khuiawh a u amih ak thlang nu ami vyyk a imceng na ak awm kaw,” tina hy.
37 And he sayde: he that shewed mercy on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto him. Goo and do thou lyke wyse.
Cawhkaw anaa awi ak thoem thlang ing, “Ak khan awh qeennaak ak ta thlang ce,” tina hy. Jesu ing, “Cet nawh cemyihna ce sai lawt,” tina hy.
38 It fortuned as they wet that he entred in to a certayne toune. And a certayne woman named Martha receaved him into her housse.
Lam ami ceh huili awh, vangca pynoet ce pha uhy, ce a khawk khuiawh kaw ak awm Marta ing anih ce a im awh pah sak hy.
39 And this woman had a sister called Mary which sate at Iesus fete and hearde his preachinge.
Marta ing Meri ak mingnaak a na pynoet tahy, anih ingtaw Bawipa ak awih kqawn ce ngai aham a khawkung awh ngawih pehy.
40 And Martha was combred about moche servinge and stode and sayde: Master doest thou not care that my sister hath leeft me to minister alone? Byd her therfore that she helpe me.
Cehlai Marta taw buh an ang thaawng awh am hoeng hy. Cedawngawh Jesu a venna law nawh, “Bawipa, ka na ing kamah doeng bibi aham a ni hlah phlam ve kawna awm am nak poek hly nawh nu? Kai ani bawm aham kqawn pe lah,” tina hy.
41 And Iesus answered and sayde vnto her: Martha Martha thou carest and arte troubled about many thinges:
Bawipa ing, “Marta, Marta ik-oeih khawzah nak poek aih awh ngaihsa hyk ti.
42 verely one is nedfull. Mary hath chosen her that good parte which shall not be taken awaye from her.
Ik-oeih pynoet doeng ni a ngoe, Meri ingtaw ak nep khqoet ce tyk hawh hy, cece u ingawm am qawt pe thai hy,” tina hy.

< Luke 10 >