< Luke 1 >

1 For as moche as many have take in hand to compyle a treates of thoo thinges which are surely knowen amonge vs
Mutane da yawa sun ɗau niyyar rubuta labarin abubuwan da aka cika a cikinmu,
2 even as they declared them vnto vs which from the beginnynge sawe them their selves and were ministers at the doyng:
kamar yadda muka karɓe su daga waɗanda tun farko shaidu ne da kuma masu hidimar bishara.
3 I determined also assone as I had searched out diligently all thinges from the beginnynge that then I wolde wryte vnto the good Theophilus:
Saboda haka, da yake ni da kaina na binciko kome a hankali daga farko, na ga ya yi kyau in rubuta maka labarin dalla-dalla, ya mafifici Tiyofilus,
4 that thou myghtest knowe the certente of thoo thinges wher of thou arte informed.
don ka san tabbacin abubuwan da aka koyar da kai.
5 There was in the dayes of Herode kynge of Iurie a certayne prest named Zacharias of ye course of Abia. And his wyfe was of ye doughters of Aaron: And her name was Elizabeth.
A lokacin da Hiridus ne yake sarautar Yahudiya, an yi wani firist mai suna Zakariya, na sashin firistoci gidan Abiya. Matarsa Elizabet ma’yar zuriyar Haruna ce.
6 Booth were perfect before God and walked in all the lawes and ordinaces of the Lorde that no man coulde fynde fawte with them.
Dukansu biyu kuwa masu adalci ne a gaban Allah, suna kuma bin umarnan Ubangiji da farillansa duka da halin rashin zargi.
7 And they had no chylde because that Elizabeth was barre and booth were well stricken in age.
Sai dai ba su da’ya’ya, domin Elizabet bakararriya ce; kuma dukansu biyu sun tsufa.
8 And it cam to passe as he executed the prestes office before god as his course came
Wata rana da lokacin aikin firistoci na sashen Zakariya na yin hidima ya kewayo, yana kuma cikin hidimarsa ta firist a gaban Allah,
9 (accordinge to the custome of the prestes office) his lot was to bourne incece.
sai aka zaɓe shi ta wurin ƙuri’a, bisa ga al’adar aikin firist, yă shiga haikalin Ubangiji yă ƙone turare.
10 And wet into ye teple of ye Lorde and the whoale multitude of ye people were with out in prayer whill the incense was aburnynge.
Da lokacin ƙone turare ya yi, duk taron masu sujada suna a waje suna addu’a.
11 And ther appered vnto him an angell of the lorde stondinge on the ryght syde of the altare of incense.
Sai mala’ikan Ubangiji ya bayyana gare shi, tsaye a dama da bagaden turare.
12 And when Zacharias sawe him he was abasshed and feare came on him.
Da Zakariya ya gan shi sai ya firgita, tsoro kuma ya kama shi.
13 And the angell sayde vnto him: feare not Zachary for thy prayer is hearde: And thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare ye a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iohn
Amma mala’ikan ya ce masa, “Kada ka ji tsoro, Zakariya; an ji addu’arka. Matarka Elizabet za tă haifa maka ɗa, za ka kuma ba shi suna Yohanna.
14 and thou shalt have ioye and gladnes and many shall reioyce at his birth.
Zai zama abin murna da farin ciki a gare ka, mutane da yawa kuwa za su yi murna don haihuwarsa,
15 For he shalbe greate in the sight of the lorde and shall nether drinke wyne ner stronge drinke. And he shalbe filled with the holy goost even in his mothers wombe:
gama zai zama mai girma a gaban Ubangiji. Ba kuwa zai taɓa shan ruwan inabi ko wani abu mai sa maye ba. Zai cika da Ruhu Mai Tsarki tun haihuwa.
16 and many of the chyldren of Israel shall he tourne to their Lorde God.
Shi ne zai juye mutanen Isra’ila da yawa zuwa wurin Ubangiji Allahnsu.
17 And he shall goo before him in the sprete and power of Helyas to tourne the hertes of the fathers to the chyldren and the vnbelevers to the wysdom of the iuste men: to make the people redy for the Lorde.
Zai sha gaban Ubangiji, a ruhu da kuma iko irin na Iliya, domin yă juye zukatan iyaye ga’ya’yansu, marasa biyayya kuma ga zama masu biyayya don yă kintsa mutane su zama shiryayyu domin Ubangiji.”
18 And Zacharias sayde vnto ye angell: Wher by shall I knowe this? seinge that I am olde and my wyfe well stricken in yeares.
Sai Zakariya ya tambayi mala’ikan ya ce, “Yaya zan tabbatar da wannan? Ga ni tsoho, matana kuma ta kwana biyu.”
19 And the angell answered and sayde vnto him: I am Gabriell that stonde in the presens of God and am sent to speake vnto the: and to shewe the these glad tydinges.
Mala’ikan ya ce, “Ni ne Jibra’ilu. Ina tsaya a gaban Allah, an kuma aiko ni in yi maka magana, in kuma faɗa maka wannan labari mai daɗi.
20 And beholde thou shalt be domme and not able to speake vntyll the tyme that these thinges be performed because thou belevedst not my wordes which shalbe fulfilled in their season.
Yanzu za ka zama bebe, ba za ka ƙara iya magana ba sai ranar da wannan magana ta cika, saboda ba ka gaskata da kalmomina waɗanda za su zama gaskiya a daidai lokacinsu ba.”
21 And the people wayted for Zacharias and mervelled that he taryed in the temple.
Ana cikin haka, mutane suna jiran Zakariya, suna kuma mamaki me ya sa ya daɗe haka a cikin haikali.
22 And whe he cam oute he could not speake vnto them. Wherby they perceaved that he had sene some vision in the temple. And he beckened vnto them and remayned speachlesse.
Da ya fito, bai iya yin musu magana ba. Sai suka gane, ya ga wahayi ne a haikali, domin ya dinga yin musu alamu, amma ya kāsa yin magana.
23 And it fortuned assone as ye tyme of his office was oute he departed home into his awne housse.
Da lokacin hidimarsa ya cika, sai ya koma gida.
24 And after thoose dayes his wyfe Elizabeth coceaved and hyd her sylfe. v. monethes sayinge:
Bayan wannan, matarsa Elizabet ta yi ciki, ta kuma riƙa ɓuya har wata biyar.
25 This wyse hath God dealte wt me in ye dayes when he loked on me to take from me the rebuke yt I suffred amonge men.
Sai ta ce, “Ubangiji ne ya yi mini wannan. A waɗannan kwanaki ya nuna tagomashinsa ya kuma kawar mini da kunya a cikin mutane.”
26 And in ye. vi. moneth ye angell Gabriel was sent fro god vnto a cite of Galile named Nazareth
A wata na shida, sai Allah ya aiki mala’ika Jibra’ilu zuwa Nazaret, wani gari a Galili,
27 to a virgin spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph of ye housse of David and ye virgins name was Mary.
gun wata budurwar da aka yi alkawarin aurenta ga wani mutum mai suna Yusuf daga zuriyar Dawuda. Sunan budurwar Maryamu.
28 And ye angell went in vnto her and sayde: Hayle full of grace ye Lorde is with ye: blessed arte thou amonge wemen.
Mala’ikan ya je wurinta ya ce, “A gaishe ki, ya ke da kika sami tagomashi ƙwarai! Ubangiji yana tare da ke.”
29 When she sawe him she was abasshed at his sayinge: and cast in her mynde what maner of salutacion yt shuld be.
Maryamu ta damu ƙwarai da kalmominsa, tana tunani wace irin gaisuwa ce haka?
30 And ye angell sayde vnto her: feare not Mary: for thou hast founde grace wt god.
Amma mala’ikan ya ce mata, “Kada ki ji tsoro, Maryamu, kin sami tagomashi a wurin Allah.
31 Loo: thou shalt coceave in thy wombe and shalt beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus.
Ga shi za ki yi ciki ki kuma haifi ɗa, za ki kuma ba shi suna Yesu.
32 He shalbe greate and shalbe called the sonne of the hyest. And ye lorde God shall geve vnto him the seate of his father David
Zai zama mai girma, za a kuma kira shi Ɗan Maɗaukaki. Ubangiji Allah zai ba shi gadon sarautar kakansa Dawuda,
33 and he shall raygne over ye housse of Iacob forever and of his kyngdome shalbe none ende. (aiōn g165)
zai yi mulkin gidan Yaƙub har abada, mulkinsa kuma ba zai taɓa ƙare ba.” (aiōn g165)
34 Then sayd Mary vnto ye angell: How shall this be seinge I knowe not a man?
Maryamu ta tambayi mala’ikan ta ce, “Yaya wannan zai yiwu, da yake ni budurwa ce?”
35 And ye angell answered and sayd vnto her: The holy goost shall come apon the and ye power of ye hyest shall over shaddowe ye. Therfore also yt holy thinge which shalbe borne shalbe called ye sonne of god.
Mala’ikan ya amsa ya ce, “Ruhu Mai Tsarki zai sauko miki, ikon Maɗaukaki kuma zai rufe ke. Saboda haka, Mai Tsarkin nan da za a haifa, za a kira shi Ɗan Allah.
36 And beholde thy cosen Elizabeth she hath also conceaved a sonne in her age. And this is hyr sixte moneth though she be called barren:
’Yar’uwarki Elizabet ma za tă haifi ɗa a tsufanta, ita da aka ce bakararriya, ga shi tana a watanta na shida.
37 for wt god can nothinge be vnpossible.
Gama ba abin da zai gagari Allah.”
38 And Mary sayd: beholde ye honde mayden of ye lorde be it vnto me even as thou hast sayde. And the angell departed from her.
Maryamu ta amsa ta ce, “To, ni baiwar Allah ce, bari yă zama mini kamar yadda ka faɗa.” Sai mala’ikan ya tafi abinsa.
39 And Mary arose in thoose dayes and went into ye mountayns wt hast into a cite of Iurie
A lokacin sai Maryamu ta shirya ta gaggauta zuwa wani gari a ƙasar tudu ta Yahudiya,
40 and entred into the housse of zachary and saluted Elizabeth.
inda ta shiga gidan Zakariya ta kuma gai da Elizabet.
41 And it fortuned as Elizabeth hearde ye salutacion of Mary the babe spronge in her belly. And Elizabeth was filled with the holy goost
Da Elizabet ta ji gaisuwar Maryamu, sai jaririn da yake a cikinta ya yi motsi. Elizabet kuma ta cika da Ruhu Mai Tsarki.
42 and cryed with a loude voyce and sayde: Blessed arte thou amonge wemen and blessed is the frute of thy wombe.
Sai ta ɗaga murya da ƙarfi ta ce, “Ke mai albarka ce a cikin mata. Mai albarka ne kuma ɗan da za ki haifa!
43 And whence hapeneth this to me that the mother of my Lorde shuld come to me?
Me ya sa na sami wannan tagomashi har da mahaifiyar Ubangijina za tă zo wurina?
44 For loo assone as the voyce of thy salutacion sownded in myne eares the babe sprange in my belly for ioye.
Da jin gaisuwarki, sai jaririn da yake cikina ya yi motsi don murna.
45 And blessed arte thou that belevedst: for thoose thinges shalbe performed wich were tolde ye from the lorde.
Mai albarka ce wadda ta gaskata cewa abin da Ubangiji ya faɗa mata zai cika!”
46 And Mary sayde. My soule magnifieth the Lorde.
Sai Maryamu ta ce, “Raina yana ɗaukaka Ubangiji
47 And my sprete reioyseth in god my savioure
ruhuna kuma yana farin ciki da Allah Mai Cetona,
48 For he hath loked on the povre degre of his honde mayde. Beholde now from hence forth shall all generacions call me blessed.
gama ya lura da ƙasƙancin baiwarsa. Daga yanzu nan gaba dukan zamanai za su ce da ni mai albarka,
49 For he that is myghty hath done to me greate thinges and holye is his name.
gama Mai Iko Duka ya yi mini manyan abubuwa, sunansa labudda Mai Tsarki ne.
50 And his mercy is on them that feare him thorow oute all generacions.
Jinƙansa ya kai ga masu tsoronsa, daga zamani zuwa zamani.
51 He sheweth strength with his arme he scattereth them that are proude in the ymaginacion of their hertes.
Ya aikata manyan ayyuka da hannunsa; ya watsar da waɗanda suke masu girman kai a zurfin tunaninsu.
52 He putteth doune the myghty from their seates and exalteth them of lowe degre.
Ya saukar da masu mulki daga gadajen sarautarsu amma ya ɗaukaka ƙasƙantattu.
53 He filleth the hongry with good thinges: and sendeth awaye the ryche emptye.
Ya ƙosar da masu yunwa da kyawawan abubuwa amma ya sallami mawadata hannu wofi.
54 He remenbreth mercy: and helpeth his servaunt Israel.
Ya taimaki bawansa Isra’ila, yana tunawa yă nuna jinƙai
55 Even as he promised to oure fathers Abraham and to his seede for ever. (aiōn g165)
ga Ibrahim da zuriyarsa har abada, kamar yadda ya faɗa wa kakanninmu.” (aiōn g165)
56 And mary aboode with hyr aboute a. iii. monethes and retourned agayne to hyr awne housse.
Maryamu ta zauna da Elizabet kusan wata uku sa’an nan ta koma gida.
57 Elizabethes tyme was come that she shuld be delyvered and she brought forth a sonne.
Sa’ad da kwanaki suka yi don Elizabet ta haihu, sai ta haifi ɗa.
58 And her neghboures and her cosins hearde tell how the lorde had shewed great mercy vpon her and they reioysed with her.
Maƙwabtanta da’yan’uwanta suka ji cewa Ubangiji ya nuna mata jinƙai mai yawa, suka kuma taya ta farin ciki.
59 And it fortuned ye eyght daye: they cam to circumcise the chylde: and called his name zacharias after the name of his father.
A rana ta takwas, sai suka zo don a yi wa yaron kaciya, dā za su sa masa sunan mahaifinsa Zakariya ne,
60 How be it his mother answered and sayd: not so but he shalbe called Ihon.
amma mahaifiyar yaron ta ce, “A’a! Za a ce da shi Yohanna.”
61 And they sayd vnto hyr: Ther is none of thy kynne that is named wt this name.
Sai suka ce mata, “Ba wani a cikin danginku mai wannan suna.”
62 And they made signes to his father how he wolde have him called.
Sai suka yi alamu wa mahaifinsa, don su san sunan da zai su a kira yaron.
63 And he axed for wrytynge tables and wroote saying: his name is Iohn. And they marvelled all.
Ya yi alama a kawo masa allo, a gaban kowa sai ya rubuta, “Sunansa Yohanna.” Dukan mutane kuwa suka yi mamaki.
64 And his mouthe was opened immediatly and his tonge also and he spake lawdynge God.
Nan da nan bakinsa ya buɗe harshensa kuma ya saku, sai ya fara magana yana yabon Allah.
65 And feare came on all the that dwelt nye vnto them. And all these sayinges were noysed abroade throughout all ye hyll coutre of Iurie
Maƙwabta duk suka cika da tsoro, mutane kuwa suka yi ta yin magana game da dukan waɗannan abubuwa a ko’ina a cikin ƙasar tudu ta Yahudiya.
66 and all they yt herde the layde them vp in their hertes saying: What maner chylde shall this be? And the honde of ye lorde was with him.
Duk waɗanda suka ji wannan kuwa sun yi mamaki suna cewa, “To, me yaron nan zai zama?” Gama hannun Ubangiji yana tare da shi.
67 And his father zacharias was filled with the holy goost and prophisyed sayinge:
Mahaifinsa Zakariya ya cika da Ruhu Mai Tsarki sai ya yi annabci ya ce,
68 Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel for he hath visited and redemed his people.
“Yabo ya tabbata ga Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, domin ya zo ya kuma fanshe mutanensa.
69 And hath reysed vp an horne of salvacion vnto vs in the housse of his servaunt David.
Ya tā mana ƙahon ceto a gidan bawansa Dawuda
70 Even as he promised by ye mouth of his holy prophetes which were sens ye worlde began (aiōn g165)
(yadda ya yi magana tun tuni ta wurin annabawansa masu tsarki), (aiōn g165)
71 That we shuld be saved from oure enemies and from the hondis of all that hate vs:
cewa zai cece mu daga abokan gābanmu daga kuma hannun dukan waɗanda suke ƙinmu
72 To fulfill the mercy promised to oure fathers and to remember his holy covenaunt.
don yă nuna jinƙai ga kakanninmu, yă kuma tuna da alkawarinsa mai tsarki,
73 And to performe the oothe which he sware to oure father Adraham
rantsuwar da ya yi wa mahaifinmu Ibrahim,
74 for to geve vs. That we delyvered oute of ye hondes of oure enemyes myght serve him with oute feare
don yă kuɓutar da mu daga hannun abokan gābanmu, yă kuma sa mu iya yin masa hidima babu tsoro,
75 all the dayes of oure lyfe in suche holynes and ryghtewesnes that are accept before him.
cikin tsarki da adalci a gabansa dukan kwanakinmu.
76 And thou chylde shalt be called the Prophet of the hyest: for thou shalt goo before the face of the lorde to prepare his wayes:
“Kai kuma, ɗana, za a ce da kai annabin Maɗaukaki; gama za ka sha gaban Ubangiji don ka shirya masa hanya,
77 And to geve knowlege of salvacion vnto his people for the remission of synnes:
don ka sanar da mutanensa ceto, ta wurin gafarar zunubansu,
78 Through the tender mercy of oure God wherby the daye springe from an hye hath visited vs.
saboda jinƙai na Allahnmu mai ƙauna, hasken nan na ceto zai ɓullo mana daga sama,
79 To geve light to the that sate in darcknes and in shadowe of deth and to gyde oure fete into the waye of peace.
don yă haskaka a kan waɗanda suke zama cikin duhu, da kuma cikin inuwar mutuwa, don yă bi da ƙafafunmu a hanyar salama.”
80 And the chylde grew and wexed stronge in sprete and was in wyldernes tyll the daye cam when he shuld shewe him sylfe vnto the Israhelites.
Yaron kuwa ya yi girma ya kuma ƙarfafa a ruhu; ya zauna a hamada sai lokacin da ya fito a fili ga mutanen Isra’ila.

< Luke 1 >