< John 9 >

1 And as Iesus passed by he sawe a man which was blynde from his birth.
A va ceh awh, a thang thai awhkawng a mik ak hyp thlang pynoet ce hu hy.
2 And his disciples axed him sayinge. Master who dyd synne: this man or his father and mother that he was borne blynde?
A hubatkhqi ing, “Cawngpyikung, a u a thawlhnaak nu, amah nu, am awhtaw a nu a pa a thawlhnaak camawh nu, ve ak thlang ve mikhyp na a thang?” tina uhy.
3 Iesus answered: Nether hath this man synned nor yet his father and mother: but that the workes of God shuld be shewed on him.
Jesu ing, “Amah a thawlhnaak awh am nawh a nu a pa a thawlhnaak camawh awm amni, Khawsa a bibinaak ce ve ak thlang a hqingnaak awh ang dangnaak aham ni.
4 I must worke the workes of him that sent me whyll it is daye. The nyght cometh when no man can worke.
Khaw a dai tloek awh ve, kai anik tyikung a bi ve bi aham awm hy. U ingawm bi ama binaak thai khawmthan ce law kaw.
5 As longe as I am in the worlde I am the lyght of the worlde.
Khawmdek awh ka awm tloek awh, kai taw khawmdek vangnaak na awm nyng,” tinak khqi hy.
6 Assone as he had thus spoken he spate on the grounde and made claye of the spetle and rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynde
Ve ak awi ak kqawn boeih coengawh, dek awh cimtui ce sa hy, am cimtui ing dekvai ce cawh nawh, Cekcoengawh mikhyp amik awh ce thut pehy.
7 and sayde vnto him: Goo wesshe the in ye pole of Syloe which by interpretacion signifieth sent. He went his waye and wasshed and cam agayne seinge.
“Cet nawhtaw Siloam Tuili awh sil,” tina hy. (Siloan taw “Tyi” tinaak ni) Ce ak thlang ing cet nawh amik ce sil hy, cawh amik ce dai pahoei hy.
8 The neghboures and they that had sene him before how that he was a begger sayde: is not this he that sate and begged?
A imceng lovaikhqi ingkaw amah ak hukhqi ing anih ve kut ak dun thlang ni, tice ami sim awh, “Anih ve ngawi nawh kut ak dun thlang am nu ve?” ti uhy.
9 Some sayde: this is he. Other sayd: he is lyke him. But he him selfe sayde: I am even he.
Thlang vang tloek ing, “Anih ni,” ti uhy. Thlang vang tloek bai ing, “Am ni, amah ak myih pyi ni,” ti uhy. Cehlai amah ing, “Ce ak thlang ce kai ni,” tinak khqi hy.
10 They sayde vnto him: How are thyne eyes opened then?
Cekkhqi ing, “Cawhtaw ikawmyihna nu na mik ang dangnaak?” tina uhy.
11 He answered and sayde. The ma that is called Iesus made claye and anoynted myne eyes and sayd vnto me: Goo to the pole Syloe and wesshe. I went and wesshed and receaved my syght.
Anih ing, “Jesu ami ti thlang ing dekvai sai nawh, ka mik awh thut law hy. ‘siloam na cet nawhtaw sil,’ ni tina hy. Cet nawh ka va silh awh, ka mik dai pahoei hy,” tinak khqi hy.
12 They sayde vnto him: where is he? He sayde: I cannot tell.
Cekkhqi ing, “Ce ak thlang ce hana nu a awm?” tina uhy. Anih ing, “Am sim nyng” tinak khqi hy.
13 Then brought they to ye pharises him that a lytell before was blynde:
Cawhkaw mikhyp thlang ce Farasi thlangkhqi venna khyn uhy.
14 for it was the Saboth daye when Iesus made the claye and opened his eyes.
Jesu ing dekvai ing amik thut pe nawh a qoei saknaak a khawnghi ce Sabbath nyn na awm hy.
15 Then agayne the pharises also axed him how he had receaved his syght. He sayde vnto the: He put claye apon myne eyes and I wasshed and do se.
Cedawngawh Farasikhqi ingawm ikawmyihna nu amik ang dainaak, tice doet uhy. Anih ing, “Ka mik awh dekvai thut law nawh, sil nyng saw dang pahoei hy,” tinak khqi hy.
16 Then sayde some of the pharises: this man is not of God because he kepeth not the saboth daye. Other sayde: how can a man yt is a synner do suche myracles? And ther was stryfe amonge the.
Farasi thlang pynoet ing, “Sabbath nyn ama zeih dawngawh, ve ak thlang ve Khawsa a venawh kaw thlang amni,” ti uhy. Cehlai thlak chang tloek bai ingtaw, “Ikawmyihna thlak thawlh ing vemyih them a sai thai kaw?” ti uhy. Cedawngawh, pakkhih na pek qu uhy.
17 Then spake they vnto the blynde agayne: What sayst thou of him because he hath openned thyne eyes? And he sayd: He is a Prophet.
A hukhit na mikhyp a venawh, “Namik ak dang sakkung thlang ce, ikawmyihna aw nak poek?” tina uhy. Ce ak thlang ing, “Anih ce tawngha ni,” tinak khqi hy.
18 But the Iewes dyd not beleve of the felowe how that he was blynde and receaved his syght vntyll they had called the father and mother of him that had receaved his syght.
A nu ingkaw a pa a mik khy hlan dy taw ce ak thlang ce ni hu awh amik hyp hlai hy, tuhtaw amik dang tlaih hy, tice Judahkhqi ing ap cangna uhy.
19 And they axed the saying: Is this youre sonne whome ye saye was borne blynde? How doth he now se then?
Anih ve nangmih a capa aw? Anih ve aw a thang thai awhkawng a mik ak hyp, na ti ce? Ikawmyihna aw tuh amik ang dangnaak?” tina a nu ingkaw a pa ce doet uhy.
20 His father and mother answered them and sayde: we wote well that this is oure sonne and that he was borne blynde:
A nu ingkaw a pa ing, Anih ve kai nih a capa ni, a thang thai awhkawng a mik hyp hy.
21 but by what meanes he now seith that can we not tell or who hath opened his eyes can we not tell. He is olde ynough axe him let him answer for him selfe.
Cehlai ikawmyihna aw a mik a dainaak, u ing aw amik a qoei sak, am sim nih nyng, amah doet thaw voei uk ti, a kum hqam hawh saw. Amah akawng ce amah ing kqawn hly ti maw,” tinak khqi hy nih.
22 Suche wordes spake his father and mother because they feared the Iewes. For the Iewes had conspyred all redy that yf eny man dyd confesse that he was Christ he shuld be excommunicat out of the synagoge.
A nu ingkaw a pa ing Judahkhqi ce kqih nih nawh cemyihna ce kqawn hy nih, Judahkhqi ing u awm Jesu Khrih ni, tinawh ak dyihpyi taw sinakawk khuiawh kawng hqek u sih,” tinawh anak kqawn paicai hawh uhy.
23 Therefore sayde his father and mother: he is olde ynough axe him.
Cedawngawh a nu ingkaw a pa ing, “A kum hqam hawh saw, amah doet thaw voei uk ti,” tinak khqi hy nih.
24 Then agayne called they the man that was blynde and sayd vnto him: Geve God the prayse: we knowe that this man is a synner.
Cekcoengawh a hih voei naak na cawhkaw mikhyp ce khy tlaih unawh a venawh, “Khawsa ce kyihcah uh, ve ak thlang ve thlak thawlh ni tice sim unyng,” tina uhy.
25 He answered and sayde: Whyther he be a synner or noo I cannot tell: One thinge I am sure of that I was blynde and now I se.
Anih ing, “Anih ce thlak thawlh aw, thlak thawlh am aw, am sim nyng. Ik-oeih pynoet taw sim nyng. Ni hu awhtaw ka mik ve hyp hlai hy, tuhtaw kamik ve dang hawh hy,” tinak khqi hy.
26 Then sayde they to him agayne. What dyd he to the? How opened he thyne eyes?
Cawh a mingmih ing, “Nak khanawh ikaw a sai law? Ikawmyihna aw na mik a dai law sak?” tina uhy.
27 He answered them I tolde you yerwhyle and ye dyd not heare. Wherfore wolde ye heare it agayne? Will ye also be his disciples?
Anih ing, “Nik kqawn pek khqi hawh hlai nyng, am ngai uhyk ti. Kaw ham aw naming zaak tlaih tlaih nami ngaih? Nangmih awm anih a hubat na coeng aham nami ngaih lawt nawh aw?” tinak khqi hy.
28 Then rated they him and sayde: Thou arte his disciple. We be Moses disciples.
Cawhtaw anih ce zyi unawh, “Nang ve anih a hubat na awm hyk ti ve! Kaimih taw Mosi a hubat na ni kami awm hy!
29 We are sure that God spake with Moses. This felowe we knowe not from whence he is.
Khawsa ing Mosi a venawh awi kqawn hy, tice sim unyng. Cehlai ve ak thlang ve hana kawng a law ti awm am sim unyng,” tina uhy.
30 The man answered and sayde vnto them: this is a merveleous thinge that ye wote not whence he is seinge he hath opened myne eyes.
Ce ak thlang ing, Amah ce qoe ni kawpoek kyi ham ak awm ti ce, hana kaw a law ti am sim thai kana kamik a dai sak ce.
31 For we be sure that God heareth not synners. But yf eny man be a worshipper of God and do his will him heareth he.
Khawsa ing thlak thawlh ak awi am ngai pehy tice ni sim uhy; cehlai u awm Khawsa lungna nawh a ngaihkawi a sai awhtaw Khawsa ing anih ak awi ce ngai pe hy.
32 Sence ye worlde beganne was it not hearde yt eny man opened the eyes of one that was borne blynd. (aiōn g165)
Mik hyp na ak thang amik dai tlaih hy tive khawsyn awhkawng am ning khawi hy. (aiōn g165)
33 If this man were not of God he coulde have done no thinge.
Ve ak thlang ve Khawsa venawh kaw am mantaw, ikaw awm am sai hly thai hy,” tinak khqi hy.
34 They answered and sayd vnto him: thou arte altogeder borne in synne: and dost thou teache vs? And they cast him out.
Cawh cekkhqi ing, “Thawlh doena na thang awh vam hu nu; nang ing awi kqawn law qee lawt hyk ti!” tina uhy. Anih ce ak chang na hqek uhy.
35 Iesus hearde that they had excommunicate him: and assone as he had founde him he sayd vnto him: doest thou beleve on the sonne of God?
Anih hqek uhy, tice Jesu ing ang zaak awh anih ce sui nawh a huh awh, “Thlanghqing Capa ve nak cangnaak aw? tina hy.
36 He answered and sayde: Who is it Lorde that I myght beleve on him?
Ce ak thlang ing, “Anih ce a u nu, Bawipa? Anih ce kak cangnaak aham kqawn law lah,” tina hy.
37 And Iesus sayde vnto him: Thou hast sene him and he it is that talketh with the.
Jesu ing, “Tu awh amah ce hu hawh hyk ti; nang a venawh awi ak kqawn ve anih hawh ni,” tina hy.
38 And he sayde: Lorde I beleve: and worshipped him.
Cawh ce ak thlang ing, “Bawipa, cangna nyng,” tina nawh bawk hy.
39 Iesus sayde: I am come vnto iudgement into this worlde: that they which se not myght se and they which se myght be made blynde.
Jesu ing a venawh, “Awideng aham khawmdek awh law nyng, mikhypkhqi mikdai sak ham ingkaw mikdaikhqi mikhyp sak hamna,” tinak khqi hy.
40 And some of the pharises which were with him hearde these wordes and sayde vnto him: are we then blynde?
Cawh amik awm Farasi thlang pynoet ing ce ak awi ce aming zaak awh, “Ikaw? Kaimih awm kami mik hyp lawt nawh aw?” tina uhy.
41 Iesus sayde vnto them: yf ye were blynde ye shuld have no synne. But now ye saye we se therfore youre synne remayneth.
Jesu ing, “Nami mik a hyp mantaw thawlhnaak am ta hly hlai uhyk ti, cehlai ka mi mik dai hy namiti adawngawh nami thawlhnaak ce awm hun hy,” tinak khqi hy.

< John 9 >