< John 3 >

1 Ther was a man of the pharises named Nicodemus a ruler amonge ye Iewes.
nikadimanAmA yihUdIyAnAm adhipatiH phirUshI kShaNadAyAM
2 The same cam to Iesus by nyght and sayde vnto him: Rabbi we knowe that thou arte a teacher whiche arte come from God. For no man coulde do suche miracles as thou doest except God were with him.
yIshaurabhyarNam Avrajya vyAhArShIt, he guro bhavAn IshvarAd Agat eka upadeShTA, etad asmAbhirj nAyate; yato bhavatA yAnyAshcharyyakarmmANi kriyante parameshvarasya sAhAyyaM vinA kenApi tattatkarmmANi karttuM na shakyante|
3 Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: except a man be boren a newe he cannot se the kyngdom of God.
tadA yIshuruttaraM dattavAn tavAhaM yathArthataraM vyAharAmi punarjanmani na sati kopi mAnava Ishvarasya rAjyaM draShTuM na shaknoti|
4 Nicodemus sayde vnto him: how can a man be boren when he is olde? can he enter into his moders wombe and be boren agayne?
tato nikadImaH pratyavochat manujo vR^iddho bhUtvA kathaM janiShyate? sa kiM puna rmAtR^irjaTharaM pravishya janituM shaknoti?
5 Iesus answered: verely verely I saye vnto the: except that a man be boren of water and of ye sprete he cannot enter into the kyngdome of god.
yIshuravAdId yathArthataram ahaM kathayAmi manuje toyAtmabhyAM puna rna jAte sa Ishvarasya rAjyaM praveShTuM na shaknoti|
6 That which is boren of the flesshe is flesshe: and that which is boren of the sprete is sprete.
mAMsAd yat jAyate tan mAMsameva tathAtmano yo jAyate sa Atmaiva|
7 Marvayle not that I sayd to the ye must be boren a newe.
yuShmAbhiH puna rjanitavyaM mamaitasyAM kathAyAm AshcharyaM mA maMsthAH|
8 The wynde bloweth where he listeth and thou hearest his sounde: but canst not tell whence he cometh and whether he goeth. So is every man that is boren of the sprete.
sadAgatiryAM dishamichChati tasyAmeva dishi vAti, tvaM tasya svanaM shuNoShi kintu sa kuta AyAti kutra yAti vA kimapi na jAnAsi tadvAd AtmanaH sakAshAt sarvveShAM manujAnAM janma bhavati|
9 And Nicodemus answered and sayde vnto him: how can these thinges be?
tadA nikadImaH pR^iShTavAn etat kathaM bhavituM shaknoti?
10 Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: arte thou a master in Israel and knowest not these thinges?
yIshuH pratyaktavAn tvamisrAyelo gururbhUtvApi kimetAM kathAM na vetsi?
11 Verely verely I saye vnto the we speake that we knowe and testify that we have sene: and ye receave not oure witnes.
tubhyaM yathArthaM kathayAmi, vayaM yad vidmastad vachmaH yaMchcha pashyAmastasyaiva sAkShyaM dadmaH kintu yuShmAbhirasmAkaM sAkShitvaM na gR^ihyate|
12 Yf when I tell you erthely thinges ye beleve not: how shuld ye beleve yf I shall tell you of hevenly thinges?
etasya saMsArasya kathAyAM kathitAyAM yadi yUyaM na vishvasitha tarhi svargIyAyAM kathAyAM kathaM vishvasiShyatha?
13 And no man ascendeth vp to heaven but he that came doune from heaven that is to saye the sonne of man which is in heaven.
yaH svarge. asti yaM cha svargAd avArohat taM mAnavatanayaM vinA kopi svargaM nArohat|
14 And as Moses lifte vp the serpent in the wyldernes even so must the sonne of man be lifte vp
apara ncha mUsA yathA prAntare sarpaM protthApitavAn manuShyaputro. api tathaivotthApitavyaH;
15 that none that beleveth in him perisshe: but have eternall lyfe. (aiōnios g166)
tasmAd yaH kashchit tasmin vishvasiShyati so. avinAshyaH san anantAyuH prApsyati| (aiōnios g166)
16 For God so loveth the worlde yt he hath geven his only sonne that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe. (aiōnios g166)
Ishvara itthaM jagadadayata yat svamadvitIyaM tanayaM prAdadAt tato yaH kashchit tasmin vishvasiShyati so. avinAshyaH san anantAyuH prApsyati| (aiōnios g166)
17 For God sent not his sonne into the worlde to condepne the worlde: but that the worlde through him might be saved.
Ishvaro jagato lokAn daNDayituM svaputraM na preShya tAn paritrAtuM preShitavAn|
18 He that beleveth on him shall not be condepned. But he that beleveth not is condempned all redy be cause he beleveth not in the name of the only sonne of God.
ataeva yaH kashchit tasmin vishvasiti sa daNDArho na bhavati kintu yaH kashchit tasmin na vishvasiti sa idAnImeva daNDArho bhavati, yataH sa IshvarasyAdvitIyaputrasya nAmani pratyayaM na karoti|
19 And this is the condempnacion: that light is come into the worlde and the me loved darcknes more then light because their dedes were evill.
jagato madhye jyotiH prAkAshata kintu manuShyANAM karmmaNAM dR^iShTatvAt te jyotiShopi timire prIyante etadeva daNDasya kAraNAM bhavati|
20 For every man that evyll doeth hateth the light: nether commeth to light lest his dedes shuld be reproved.
yaH kukarmma karoti tasyAchArasya dR^iShTatvAt sa jyotirR^ItIyitvA tannikaTaM nAyAti;
21 But he that doth truth commeth to the light that his dedes might be knowen how that they are wrought in God.
kintu yaH satkarmma karoti tasya sarvvANi karmmANIshvareNa kR^itAnIti sathA prakAshate tadabhiprAyeNa sa jyotiShaH sannidhim AyAti|
22 After these thinges cam Iesus and his disciples into the Iewes londe and ther he haunted with them and baptised.
tataH param yIshuH shiShyaiH sArddhaM yihUdIyadeshaM gatvA tatra sthitvA majjayitum Arabhata|
23 And Iohn also baptised in Enon besydes Salim because ther was moche water there and they came and were baptised.
tadA shAlam nagarasya samIpasthAyini ainan grAme bahutaratoyasthitestatra yohan amajjayat tathA cha lokA Agatya tena majjitA abhavan|
24 For Iohn was not yet cast into preson.
tadA yohan kArAyAM na baddhaH|
25 And ther arose a questio bitwene Iohns disciples and the Iewes about purifiynge.
apara ncha shAchakarmmaNi yohAnaH shiShyaiH saha yihUdIyalokAnAM vivAde jAte, te yohanaH saMnnidhiM gatvAkathayan,
26 And they came vnto Iohn and sayde vnto him: Rabbi he that was with the beyonde Iordan to whom thou barest witnes. Beholde the same baptyseth and all me come to him.
he guro yarddananadyAH pAre bhavatA sArddhaM ya AsIt yasmiMshcha bhavAn sAkShyaM pradadAt pashyatu sopi majjayati sarvve tasya samIpaM yAnti cha|
27 Iohn answered and sayde: a man can receave no thinge at all except it be geve him fro heaven.
tadA yohan pratyavochad IshvareNa na datte kopi manujaH kimapi prAptuM na shaknoti|
28 Ye youre selves are witnesses how that I sayde: I am not Christ but am sent before him.
ahaM abhiShikto na bhavAmi kintu tadagre preShitosmi yAmimAM kathAM kathitavAnAhaM tatra yUyaM sarvve sAkShiNaH stha|
29 He that hath the bryde is the brydegrome. But the frende of the brydegrome which stondeth by and heareth him reioyseth greately of the brydgromes voyce. Tis my ioye is fulfilled.
yo janaH kanyAM labhate sa eva varaH kintu varasya sannidhau daNDAyamAnaM tasya yanmitraM tena varasya shabde shrute. atIvAhlAdyate mamApi tadvad AnandasiddhirjAtA|
30 He must increace: and I muste decreace.
tena kramasho varddhitavyaM kintu mayA hsitavyaM|
31 He that commeth from an hye is above all: He that is of ye erth is of the erth and speaketh of the erth. He that cometh from heaven is above all
ya UrdhvAdAgachChat sa sarvveShAM mukhyo yashcha saMsArAd udapadyata sa sAMsArikaH saMsArIyAM kathA ncha kathayati yastu svargAdAgachChat sa sarvveShAM mukhyaH|
32 and what he hath sene and hearde: that he testifieth: but no man receaveth his testimonye.
sa yadapashyadashR^iNochcha tasminneva sAkShyaM dadAti tathApi prAyashaH kashchit tasya sAkShyaM na gR^ihlAti;
33 How be it he that hath receaved hys testimonye hath set to his seale that God is true.
kintu yo gR^ihlAti sa Ishvarasya satyavAditvaM mudrA NgitaM karoti|
34 For he whom God hath sent speaketh the wordes of God. For God geveth not the sprete by measure.
IshvareNa yaH preritaH saeva IshvarIyakathAM kathayati yata Ishvara AtmAnaM tasmai aparimitam adadAt|
35 The father loveth the sonne and hath geven all thinges into his honde.
pitA putre snehaM kR^itvA tasya haste sarvvANi samarpitavAn|
36 He that beleveth on the sonne hath everlastynge lyfe: and he that beleveth not the sonne shall not se lyfe but the wrathe of God abydeth on him. (aiōnios g166)
yaH kashchit putre vishvasiti sa evAnantam paramAyuH prApnoti kintu yaH kashchit putre na vishvasiti sa paramAyuSho darshanaM na prApnoti kintvIshvarasya kopabhAjanaM bhUtvA tiShThati| (aiōnios g166)

< John 3 >