< John 20 >

1 The morow after the saboth daye came Mary Magdalene erly when it was yet darcke vnto ye sepulcre and sawe the stone taken awaye from ye toumbe.
anantaraM saptAhasya prathamadine. atipratyUShe. andhakAre tiShThati magdalInI mariyam tasya shmashAnasya nikaTaM gatvA shmashAnasya mukhAt prastaramapasAritam apashyat|
2 Then she ranne and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whome Iesus loved and sayde vnto them. They have taken awaye the Lorde out of the toumbe and we cannot tell where they have layde him.
pashchAd dhAvitvA shimonpitarAya yIshoH priyatamashiShyAya chedam akathayat, lokAH shmashAnAt prabhuM nItvA kutrAsthApayan tad vaktuM na shaknomi|
3 Peter went forth and that other disciple and came vnto the sepulcre.
ataH pitaraH sonyashiShyashcha barhi rbhutvA shmashAnasthAnaM gantum ArabhetAM|
4 They ranne bothe to gether and that other disciple dyd out runne Peter and came fyrst to the sepulcre.
ubhayordhAvatoH sonyashiShyaH pitaraM pashchAt tyaktvA pUrvvaM shmashAnasthAna upasthitavAn|
5 And he stouped doune and sawe the lynnen clothes lyinge yet wet he not in.
tadA prahvIbhUya sthApitavastrANi dR^iShTavAn kintu na prAvishat|
6 Then came Simon Peter folowynge him and went into ye sepulcre and sawe the lynnen clothes lye
aparaM shimonpitara Agatya shmashAnasthAnaM pravishya
7 and the napkyn that was aboute his heed not lyinge with the lynnen clothe but wrapped togeder in a place by it selfe.
sthApitavastrANi mastakasya vastra ncha pR^ithak sthAnAntare sthApitaM dR^iShTavAn|
8 Then went in also that other disciple which came fyrst to the sepulcre and he sawe and beleved.
tataH shmashAnasthAnaM pUrvvam Agato yonyashiShyaH sopi pravishya tAdR^ishaM dR^iShTA vyashvasIt|
9 For as yet they knew not the scriptures that he shuld ryse agayne from deeth.
yataH shmashAnAt sa utthApayitavya etasya dharmmapustakavachanasya bhAvaM te tadA voddhuM nAshankuvan|
10 And the disciples wet awaye agayne vnto their awne home.
anantaraM tau dvau shiShyau svaM svaM gR^ihaM parAvR^ityAgachChatAm|
11 Mary stode with out at the sepulcre wepynge. And as she wept she bowed her selfe into the sepulcre
tataH paraM mariyam shmashAnadvArasya bahiH sthitvA roditum Arabhata tato rudatI prahvIbhUya shmashAnaM vilokya
12 and sawe two angels in whyte sittyng the one at the heed and the other at the fete where they had layde the body of Iesus.
yIshoH shayanasthAnasya shiraHsthAne padatale cha dvayo rdisho dvau svargIyadUtAvupaviShTau samapashyat|
13 And they sayde vnto her: woman why wepest thou? She sayde vnto the: For they have taken awaye my lorde and I wote not where they have layde him.
tau pR^iShTavantau he nAri kuto rodiShi? sAvadat lokA mama prabhuM nItvA kutrAsthApayan iti na jAnAmi|
14 When she had thus sayde she turned her selfe backe and sawe Iesus stondynge and knewe not that it was Iesus.
ityuktvA mukhaM parAvR^itya yIshuM daNDAyamAnam apashyat kintu sa yIshuriti sA j nAtuM nAshaknot|
15 Iesus sayde vnto her: woman why wepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She supposynge that he had bene the gardener sayde vnto him. Syr yf thou have borne him hece tell me where thou hast layde him that I maye fet him.
tadA yIshustAm apR^ichChat he nAri kuto rodiShi? kaM vA mR^igayase? tataH sA tam udyAnasevakaM j nAtvA vyAharat, he mahechCha tvaM yadItaH sthAnAt taM nItavAn tarhi kutrAsthApayastad vada tatsthAnAt tam AnayAmi|
16 Iesus sayde vnto her: Mary. She turned her selfe and sayde vnto him: Rabboni which is to saye master.
tadA yIshustAm avadat he mariyam| tataH sA parAvR^itya pratyavadat he rabbUnI arthAt he guro|
17 Iesus sayde vnto her touche me not for I am not yet ascended to my father. But goo to my brethren and saye vnto them I ascende vnto my father and youre father to: my god and youre god.
tadA yIshuravadat mAM mA dhara, idAnIM pituH samIpe UrddhvagamanaM na karomi kintu yo mama yuShmAka ncha pitA mama yuShmAka ncheshvarastasya nikaTa UrddhvagamanaM karttum udyatosmi, imAM kathAM tvaM gatvA mama bhrAtR^igaNaM j nApaya|
18 Mary Magdalene came and tolde the disciples yt she had sene the lorde and yt he had spoken soche thinges vnto her.
tato magdalInImariyam tatkShaNAd gatvA prabhustasyai darshanaM dattvA kathA etA akathayad iti vArttAM shiShyebhyo. akathayat|
19 The same daye at nyght which was the morowe after ye saboth daye when the dores were shut where the disciples were assembled to geder for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stode in the myddes and sayd to the: peace be with you.
tataH paraM saptAhasya prathamadinasya sandhyAsamaye shiShyA ekatra militvA yihUdIyebhyo bhiyA dvAraruddham akurvvan, etasmin kAle yIshusteShAM madhyasthAne tiShThan akathayad yuShmAkaM kalyANaM bhUyAt|
20 And when he had so sayde he shewed vnto them his hondes and his syde. Then were the disciples glad when they sawe the Lorde.
ityuktvA nijahastaM kukShi ncha darshitavAn, tataH shiShyAH prabhuM dR^iShTvA hR^iShTA abhavan|
21 Then sayde Iesus to them agayne: peace be with you. As my father sent me even so sende I you.
yIshuH punaravadad yuShmAkaM kalyANaM bhUyAt pitA yathA mAM praiShayat tathAhamapi yuShmAn preShayAmi|
22 And when he had sayde that he brethed on them and sayde vnto the: Receave ye holy goost.
ityuktvA sa teShAmupari dIrghaprashvAsaM dattvA kathitavAn pavitram AtmAnaM gR^ihlIta|
23 Whosoevers synnes ye remyt they are remitted vnto the. And whosoevers synnes ye retayne they are retayned.
yUyaM yeShAM pApAni mochayiShyatha te mochayiShyante yeShA ncha pApAti na mochayiShyatha te na mochayiShyante|
24 But Thomas one of ye twelve called Didymus was not with the when Iesus came.
dvAdashamadhye gaNito yamajo thomAnAmA shiShyo yIshorAgamanakAlai taiH sArddhaM nAsIt|
25 The other disciples sayd vnto him: we have sene ye lorde. And he sayde vnto the: except I se in his hondes the prent of the nayles and put my fynger in the holes of the nayles and thrust my honde into his syde I will not beleve.
ato vayaM prabhUm apashyAmeti vAkye. anyashiShyairukte sovadat, tasya hastayo rlauhakIlakAnAM chihnaM na vilokya tachchihnam a NgulyA na spR^iShTvA tasya kukShau hastaM nAropya chAhaM na vishvasiShyAmi|
26 And after. viii. dayes agayne his disciples were with in and Thomas with them. Then came Iesus when the dores were shut and stode in the myddes and sayde: peace be with you.
aparam aShTame. ahni gate sati thomAsahitaH shiShyagaNa ekatra militvA dvAraM ruddhvAbhyantara AsIt, etarhi yIshusteShAM madhyasthAne tiShThan akathayat, yuShmAkaM kushalaM bhUyAt|
27 After that sayde he to Thomas: bringe thy fynger hether and se my hondes and bringe thy honde and thrust it into my syde and be not faythlesse but belevynge.
pashchAt thAmai kathitavAn tvam a NgulIm atrArpayitvA mama karau pashya karaM prasAryya mama kukShAvarpaya nAvishvasya|
28 Thomas answered and sayde vnto him: my Lorde and my God.
tadA thomA avadat, he mama prabho he madIshvara|
29 Iesus sayde vnto him. Thomas because thou hast sene me therfore thou belevest: Happy are they that have not sene and yet beleve.
yIshurakathayat, he thomA mAM nirIkShya vishvasiShi ye na dR^iShTvA vishvasanti taeva dhanyAH|
30 And many other signes dyd Iesus in the presence of his disciples which are not written in this boke.
etadanyAni pustake. asmin alikhitAni bahUnyAshcharyyakarmmANi yIshuH shiShyANAM purastAd akarot|
31 These are written that ye myght beleve that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God and that in belevynge ye myght have lyfe thorowe his name.
kintu yIshurIshvarasyAbhiShiktaH suta eveti yathA yUyaM vishvasitha vishvasya cha tasya nAmnA paramAyuH prApnutha tadartham etAni sarvvANyalikhyanta|

< John 20 >