< Hebrews 13 +

1 Let brotherly love continue.
Uugwa ulowa nua kinyandugu nu ulongoleke.
2 Be not forgetfull to lodge straungers. For therby have dyvers receaved angels into their houses vnwares.
Muleke kiwa kuasingiilya ia ziila, ndogoelyo ku kituma iti, ang'wi a asingiiye i amalaika ize shanga alingile.
3 Remember them that are in bondes even as though ye were bounde with them. Be myndfull of them which are in adversitie as ye which are yet in youre bodies.
Kimbukiilya ihi niamoli mu kadulumu, anga kina ai mukoli nienso kuko palung'wi ni enso, hangi anga ize i miili anyu ai itendilwe anga enso.
4 Let wedlocke be had in pryce in all poyntes and let the chamber be vndefiled: for whore kepers and advoutrars god will iudge.
Uugwa witeni nu ukuligwe ni ihi nu ulili nua witini nu uzipigwe kutula uziza, ku ndogoelyo Itunda ukualamula i asambo ni agoolya.
5 Let youre conversacion be with out coveteousnes and be contet with that ye have all redy. For he verely sayd: I will not fayle the nether forsake the:
Uugwa inzila nianyu nia wikalo itule ndyuuku mu ulowa nua mpia, Mutule meikuti mu intu ni muikete, kuiti Itunda mukola ai uligitilye, “Shanga kumuleka unyenye nangaluu, ang'wi kumugumaniilya unyenye.”
6 that we maye boldly saye: the lorde is my helper and I will not feare what man doeth vnto me.
Uugwa kikute iti kuligitye ku ukamatiku, “uMukulu ingi muaiilya nuane; Shanga kitumba. uNg'wana Adamu uhumile kuntendeela ntuni?”
7 Remember them which have the oversight of you which have declared vnto you the worde of god. The ende of whose conversacion se that ye looke vpon and folowe their fayth.
Asigiili awo nai amutongile, awo nai aligitilye u lukani nulang'wa Itunda kitalanyu, hangi kimbukiilyi i mapumilo a ngendo niao; Tyatishi u uhuiili nuao.
8 Iesus Christ yesterdaye and to daye and the same continueth for ever. (aiōn g165)
uYesu Kristo ingi ng'wenso igulo, lelo, hangi ga ni kali na kali. (aiōn g165)
9 Be not caryed aboute with divers and straunge learnynge. For it is a good thynge that the herte be stablisshed with grace and not with meates which have not proffeted them that have had their pastyme in them.
Uleke kutongeelwa nu umanyisigwa nui kuli kuli nua kiziila kuiti ingi iziza kina inkolo izengwe ku ukende, hangi shanga ku malagiilyo kutula ndya nanso shanga aku a aiilya awo ni ikie ku nanso.
10 We have an altre wherof they maye not eate which serve in the tabernacle.
Ku kete i matekeelo nai iza awo ni iaiilya mukati a kizindaalo agila i tai ane a kulya.
11 For ye bodies of those beastes whose bloud is brought into the holy place by the hie prest to pourge sinne are burnt with out the tentes.
Ku nsoko i sakami a ikali, napumigwe ipolya ku nsoko a milandu, ai iletilwe nu kuhani nu mukulu mukati a kipango ni kelu, kuiti i miili ao ai isonsilwe kunzi a nkango.
12 Therfore Iesus to sanctifye the people with his awne bloud suffered with out the gate.
Ku lulo uYesu nu ng'wenso ai wagile kunzi a mumpita nua kisali, iti kina kuika wakfu antu kung'wa Itunda kukiila sakama akwe.
13 Let vs goo forth therfore out of the tentes and suffer rebuke with him.
Ni ku lulo kweni kitalakwe kunzi a nkango, kuze kukenkile i kimeli ni kakwe.
14 For here have we no continuynge citie: but we seke one to come.
Kuiti kiagila u likalo nulikiie mu kisali iki. Badala akwe kudume i kisali naza kipembilye.
15 For by him offer we the sacrifice of laude allwayes to god: that is to saye the frute of those lyppes which confesse his name.
Ku kiila uYesu mutakiwe nkua ku nkua kipumya isongelyo nila kumukulya Itunda, kumulumba kina nkali a milomo itu lilape i lina nilakwe.
16 To do good and to distribute forget not for with suche sacrifises god is pleased.
Hangi uleke kiwa kituma ni maziza nu kiaiilya nyenye ku nyenye, Ku nsoko ingi ku isongelyo anga ize nanso yiyo Itunda wiloeeligwa ikulu.
17 Obeye the that have the oversight of you and submit youre selves to them for they watch for youre soules even as they that must geve a comptes: that they maye do it with ioye and not with grefe. For that is an vnproffitable thynge for you.
Iji nu kisimya ku alukolongo anyu, kuiti alongolekile kumusunja ku nsoko a ung'yenyi nuanyu, anga awo ni ikapumya u aligwa. Iji iti kina i a lukolongo anyu ahume kumusunja ku ulowa, ni shanga ku kinya uwai, nai iza shanga ikumuaiilya.
18 Praye for vs. We have confidence because we have a good conscience in all thynges and desyre to live honestly.
Kulompeeli, kuiti kukete i kulu kuulu kina kukete isigo iziza, kukete i nsula a kikie likalo nula ukulu mu makani ihi.
19 I desire you therfore somwhat the moare aboundantly that ye so do that I maye be restored to you quyckly.
Hangi yihi nikamukinyila ikilo mitume izi, iti kina nihume kusuka kitalanyu itungo nila pakupi.
20 The god of peace that brought agayne fro deth oure lorde Iesus the gret shepperde of the shepe thorowe the bloud of the everlastynge testamet (aiōnios g166)
Itungili Itunda nua ulyuuku, nai iza umuletile hangi kupuma mu ashi u mudimi nu mukulu nua nkolo, Mukulu nuitu uYesu, ku sakami a ilago nila kali na kali. (aiōnios g166)
21 make you parfect in all good workes to do his will workynge in you yt which is pleasaut in his syght thorow Iesus christ To whom be prayse for ever whill the worlde endureth Amen. (aiōn g165)
Ukuminkiilya u uhumi ku kila ikani niza kituma u ulowa nuakwe, wazituma i milimo mukati itu nikoli miziza ni iloeeye mu miho akwe, kukiila uYesu Kristo, kitalakwe itule ikulyo i kali na kali. Amina. (aiōn g165)
22 I beseche you brethren suffre the wordes of exhortacio: For we have written vnto you in feawe wordes:
Itungili nika kusamiilya, munyandugu, kihoeela nu lukani nula kusamiilya nai iza ku ukupi ai nulukilisilye kitalanyu.
23 knowe the brother Timothe whom we have sent fro vs with whom (yf he come shortly) I will se you.
Linga kina u munyandugu nuitu uTimotheo walekelwaa ilyuuku, nai iza palung'wi nu ng'wenso nikamihenga anga ize uzile apa ikupi.
24 Salute the that have the oversight of you and all the saynctes. They of Italy salute you.
Lamusha i a lukolongo ako ihi ni ahuiili ihi. Awo niapembeeye ku Italia akulamukilye.
25 Grace be with you all. Amen.
Nu ukende utule nu nyenye mihi.

< Hebrews 13 +