< Hebrews 11 >

1 Fayth is a sure confidence of thynges which are hoped for and a certayntie of thynges which are not sene.
2 By it ye elders were well reported of.
3 Thorow fayth we vnderstonde that the worlde was ordeyned by the worde of god: and that thynges which are sene were made of thynges which are not sene. (aiōn g165)
信仰によりて我等は、もろもろの世界の神の言にて造られ、見ゆる物の顯るる物より成らざるを悟る。 (aiōn g165)
4 By fayth Abell offered vnto god a more plenteous sacrifice then Cayn: by which he obteyned witnes that he was righteous god testifyinge of his gyftes: by which also he beynge deed yet speaketh.
5 By fayth was Enoch traslated yt he shuld not se deeth: nether was he founde: for God had taken him awaye. Before he was taken awaye he was reported of that he had pleased God:
6 but with out fayth it is vnpossible to please him. For he that commeth to God must beleve that God is and that he is a rewarder of them that seke him.
7 By fayth Noe honored God after that he was warned of thinges which were not sene and prepared the arcke to the savinge of his houssholde thorowe the which arcke he condempned the worlde and became heyre of the rightewesnes which commeth by fayth.
8 By fayth Abraha whe he was called obeyed to goo out into a place which he shuld afterwarde receave to inheritaunce and he wet out not knowynge whether he shuld goo.
9 By fayth he removed into the londe yt was promysed him as into a straunge countre and dwelt in tabernacles: and so dyd Isaac and Iacob heyres with him of the same promes.
10 For he loked for a citie havinge a foundacio whose bylder and maker is God.
11 Thorow fayth Sara also receaved stregth to be with chylde and was delivered of a chylde when she was past age because she iudged him faythfull which had promysed.
信仰に由りてサラも約束したまふ者の忠實なるを思ひし故に、年 邁ぎたれど胤をやどす力を受けたり。
12 And therfore spronge therof one (and of one which was as good as deed) so many in multitude as the starres of ye skye and as the sond of the see shore which is innumerable.
13 And they all dyed in fayth and receaved not the promyses: but sawe them a farre of and beleved them and saluted them: and confessed that they were straungers and pilgrems on the erthe.
彼 等はみな信仰を懷きて死にたり、未だ約束の物を受けざりしが、遙にこれを見て迎へ、地にては旅人また寓れる者なるを言ひあらはせり。
14 They that saye soche thinges declare that they seke a coutre.
15 Also yf they had bene myndfull of that countre from whence they came oute they had leasure to have returned agayne.
16 But now they desyre a better that is to saye a hevenlye. Wherfore God is not ashamed of them even to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a citie.
されど彼らの慕ふ所は天にある更に勝りたる所なり。この故に神は彼らの神と稱へらるるを恥とし給はず、そは彼 等のために都を備へ給へばなり。
17 In fayth Abraham offered vp Isaac whe he was tempted and he offered him beinge his only begotten sonne which had receaved the promyses
18 of who it was sayde in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
19 for he cosidered that God was able to rayse vp agayne fro deeth. Wherfore receaved he him for an ensample.
20 In fayth Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau concerninge thinges to come.
21 By fayth Iacob when he was a dyinge blessed both the sonnes of Ioseph and bowed him selfe towarde the toppe of his cepter.
信仰に由りてヤコブは死ぬる時ヨセフの子 等をおのおの祝福し、その杖の頭によりて禮拜せり。
22 By fayth Ioseph when he dyed remebred the departinge of the chyldren of Israel and gave commaundement of his bones.
23 By fayth Moses when he was borne was hid thre monethes of his father and mother be cause they sawe he was a proper chylde: nether feared they the kynges commaundemet.
24 By fayth Moses when he was great refused to be called ye sonne of Pharaos doughter
25 and chose rather to suffre adversitie wt the people of God then to enioye the pleasurs of synne for a ceason
26 and estemed the rebuke of Christ greater ryches then the treasure of Egypt. For he had a respect vnto ye rewarde.
27 By fayth he forsoke Egypt and feared not the fearcenes of the kynge. For he endured even as he had sene him which is invisible.
28 Thorow fayth he ordeyned the ester lambe and the effusion of bloud lest he that destroyed the fyrst borne shuld touche them.
29 By fayth they passed thorow the reed see as by drye londe which when the Egypcians had assayed to do they were drouned.
30 By fayth the walles of Ierico fell doune after they were copased about seven dayes.
31 By fayth ye harlot Raab perisshed not with the vnbelevers whe she had receaved the spyes to lodgynge peaseably.
信仰に由りて遊女ラハブは平和をもて間者を接けたれば、不 從順の者とともに亡びざりき。
32 And what shall I more saye ye tyme wold be to short for me to tell of Gedeo of Barach and of Samson and of Iephthae: also of David and Samuel and of the Prophetes:
この外なにを言ふべきか、ギデオン、バラク、サムソン、エフタ、またダビデ、サムエル及び預言者たちに就きて語らば、時 足らざるべし。
33 which thorowe fayth subdued kyngdomes wrought righteousnes obteyned the promyses stopped the mouthes of lyons
34 queched the violence of fyre escaped the edge of the swearde of weake were made stroge waxed valient in fight turned to flyght the armyes of the alientes.
35 And the wemen receaved their deed raysed to lyfe agayne. Other were racked and wolde not be delyvered that they myght receave a better resurreccion.
36 Other tasted of mockynges and scourginginges morover of bondes and presonmet:
37 were stoned were hewen a sunder were tepted were slayne with sweardes walked vppe and doune in shepes skynnes in gotes skynnes in nede tribulacio and vexacio
或 者は石にて撃たれ、試みられ、鐵鋸にて挽かれ、劍にて殺され、羊・山羊の皮を纏ひて經あるき、乏しくなり、惱され、苦しめられ、
38 which ye worlde was not worthy of: they wadred in wildernes in moutaynes in dennes and caves of the erth.
39 And these all thorow fayth obtayned good reporte and receaved not the promes
彼 等はみな信仰に由りて證せられたれども約束のものを得ざりき。
40 God provydinge a better thinge for vs that they with out vs shuld not be made parfecte.

< Hebrews 11 >