< Acts 9 >

1 And Saul yet brethynge oute threatnynges and slaughter agaynst ye disciples of the lorde went vnto ye hye preste
tatkAlaparyyanataM shaulaH prabhoH shiShyANAM prAtikUlyena tADanAbadhayoH kathAM niHsArayan mahAyAjakasya sannidhiM gatvA
2 and desyred of him letters to Damasco to ye synagoges: that yf he founde eny of this waye whether they were men or wemen he myght bringe them bounde vnto Ierusalem.
striyaM puruSha ncha tanmatagrAhiNaM yaM ka nchit pashyati tAn dhR^itvA baddhvA yirUshAlamam AnayatItyAshayena dammeShaknagarIyaM dharmmasamAjAn prati patraM yAchitavAn|
3 But as he went on his iorney it fortuned yt he drue nye to Damasco and sodenly ther shyned rounde about him a lyght fro heven.
gachChan tu dammeShaknagaranikaTa upasthitavAn; tato. akasmAd AkAshAt tasya chaturdikShu tejasaH prakAshanAt sa bhUmAvapatat|
4 And he fell to ye erth and hearde a voyce sayinge to him: Saul Saul why persecutest thou me?
pashchAt he shaula he shaula kuto mAM tADayasi? svaM prati proktam etaM shabdaM shrutvA
5 And he sayde what arte thou lorde? And the lorde sayd I am Iesus whom thou persecutest it shalbe harde for ye to kycke agaynst ye pricke.
sa pR^iShTavAn, he prabho bhavAn kaH? tadA prabhurakathayat yaM yIshuM tvaM tADayasi sa evAhaM; kaNTakasya mukhe padAghAtakaraNaM tava kaShTam|
6 And he bothe tremblynge and astonyed sayde: Lorde what wilt thou have me to do? And ye Lorde sayde vnto him: aryse and goo into the cite and it shalbe tolde the what thou shalt do.
tadA kampamAno vismayApannashcha sovadat he prabho mayA kiM karttavyaM? bhavata ichChA kA? tataH prabhurAj nApayad utthAya nagaraM gachCha tatra tvayA yat karttavyaM tad vadiShyate|
7 The men which iornayed with him stode amased for they herde a voyce but sawe no man.
tasya sa Ngino lokA api taM shabdaM shrutavantaH kintu kamapi na dR^iShTvA stabdhAH santaH sthitavantaH|
8 And Saul arose from the erth and opened his eyes but sawe no man. Then ledde they him by the honde and brought him into Damasco.
anantaraM shaulo bhUmita utthAya chakShuShI unmIlya kamapi na dR^iShTavAn| tadA lokAstasya hastau dhR^itvA dammeShaknagaram Anayan|
9 And he was. iii. dayes with out syght and nether ate nor dranke.
tataH sa dinatrayaM yAvad andho bhUtvA na bhuktavAn pItavAMshcha|
10 And ther was a certayne disciple at Damasco named Ananias and to him sayde the lorde in a vision: Ananias. And the he sayde: beholde I am here lorde.
tadanantaraM prabhustaddammeShaknagaravAsina ekasmai shiShyAya darshanaM datvA AhUtavAn he ananiya| tataH sa pratyavAdIt, he prabho pashya shR^iNomi|
11 And the lorde sayde to him: aryse and goo into the strete which is called strayght and seke in the housse of Iudas after one called Saul of Tharsus. For beholde he prayeth
tadA prabhustamAj nApayat tvamutthAya saralanAmAnaM mArgaM gatvA yihUdAniveshane tArShanagarIyaM shaulanAmAnaM janaM gaveShayan pR^ichCha;
12 and hath sene in a vision a man named Ananias comynge in to him and puttynge his hondes on him that he myght receave his syght.
pashya sa prArthayate, tathA ananiyanAmaka eko janastasya samIpam Agatya tasya gAtre hastArpaNaM kR^itvA dR^iShTiM dadAtItthaM svapne dR^iShTavAn|
13 Then Ananias answered: Lorde I have hearde by many of this man how moche evell he hath done to thy sainctes at Ierusalem
tasmAd ananiyaH pratyavadat he prabho yirUshAlami pavitralokAn prati so. anekahiMsAM kR^itavAn;
14 and here he hath auctorite of the hye prestes to bynde all that call on thy name.
atra sthAne cha ye lokAstava nAmni prArthayanti tAnapi baddhuM sa pradhAnayAjakebhyaH shaktiM prAptavAn, imAM kathAm aham anekeShAM mukhebhyaH shrutavAn|
15 The lorde sayde vnto him: Goo thy wayes: for he is a chosen vessell vnto me to beare my name before the gentyls and kynges and the chyldren of Israel.
kintu prabhurakathayat, yAhi bhinnadeshIyalokAnAM bhUpatInAm isrAyellokAnA ncha nikaTe mama nAma prachArayituM sa jano mama manonItapAtramAste|
16 For I will shewe him how great thinges he must suffre for my names sake.
mama nAmanimitta ncha tena kiyAn mahAn klesho bhoktavya etat taM darshayiShyAmi|
17 Ananias went his waye and entryd into ye housse and put his hondes on him and sayde: brother Saul the lorde that apperyd vnto the in the waye as thou camst hath sent me that thou myghtest receave thy syght and be filled with the holy goost.
tato. ananiyo gatvA gR^ihaM pravishya tasya gAtre hastArpraNaM kR^itvA kathitavAn, he bhrAtaH shaula tvaM yathA dR^iShTiM prApnoShi pavitreNAtmanA paripUrNo bhavasi cha, tadarthaM tavAgamanakAle yaH prabhuyIshustubhyaM darshanam adadAt sa mAM preShitavAn|
18 And immediatly ther fell from his eyes as it had bene scales and he receaved syght and arose and was baptised
ityuktamAtre tasya chakShurbhyAm mInashalkavad vastuni nirgate tatkShaNAt sa prasannachakShu rbhUtvA protthAya majjito. abhavat bhuktvA pItvA sabalobhavachcha|
19 and receaved meate and was comforted. Then was Saul a certayne daye wt the disciples which were at Damasco.
tataH paraM shaulaH shiShyaiH saha katipayadivasAn tasmin dammeShakanagare sthitvA. avilambaM
20 And streyght waye he preached Christ in the synagoges how that he was the sonne of God.
sarvvabhajanabhavanAni gatvA yIshurIshvarasya putra imAM kathAM prAchArayat|
21 All that hearde him were amased and sayde: is not this he that spoyled the which called on this name in Ierusalem and came hyther for ye entent that he shuld bringe the bounde vnto the hye prestes?
tasmAt sarvve shrotArashchamatkR^itya kathitavanto yo yirUshAlamnagara etannAmnA prArthayitR^ilokAn vinAshitavAn evam etAdR^ishalokAn baddhvA pradhAnayAjakanikaTaM nayatItyAshayA etatsthAnamapyAgachChat saeva kimayaM na bhavati?
22 But Saul encreased in stregth and confounded the Iewes which dwelte at Damasco affirminge that this was very Christ.
kintu shaulaH kramasha utsAhavAn bhUtvA yIshurIshvareNAbhiShikto jana etasmin pramANaM datvA dammeShak-nivAsiyihUdIyalokAn niruttarAn akarot|
23 And after a good whyle ye Iewes toke counsell to gether to kyll him.
itthaM bahutithe kAle gate yihUdIyalokAstaM hantuM mantrayAmAsuH
24 But their layinge awayte was knowen of Saul. And they watched at the gates daye and nyght to kyll him.
kintu shaulasteShAmetasyA mantraNAyA vArttAM prAptavAn| te taM hantuM tu divAnishaM guptAH santo nagarasya dvAre. atiShThan;
25 Then ye disciples toke him by night and put him thorow the wall and let him doune in a basket.
tasmAt shiShyAstaM nItvA rAtrau piTake nidhAya prAchIreNAvArohayan|
26 And when Saul was come to Ierusalem he assayde to cople him silfe with ye discyples and they were all afrayde of hym and beleued not that he was a disciple.
tataH paraM shaulo yirUshAlamaM gatvA shiShyagaNena sArddhaM sthAtum aihat, kintu sarvve tasmAdabibhayuH sa shiShya iti cha na pratyayan|
27 But Bernabas toke hym and brought hym to ye apostles and declared to the how he had sene ye Lorde in ye waye and had spoke wyth hym: and how he had done boldely at damasco in the name of Iesu.
etasmAd barNabbAstaM gR^ihItvA preritAnAM samIpamAnIya mArgamadhye prabhuH kathaM tasmai darshanaM dattavAn yAH kathAshcha kathitavAn sa cha yathAkShobhaH san dammeShaknagare yIsho rnAma prAchArayat etAn sarvvavR^ittAntAn tAn j nApitavAn|
28 And he had his conuersacion with them at Ierusalem
tataH shaulastaiH saha yirUshAlami kAlaM yApayan nirbhayaM prabho ryIsho rnAma prAchArayat|
29 and quit hym silfe boldly in the name of the lorde Iesu. And he spake and disputed wyth the grekes: and they went aboute to slee hym.
tasmAd anyadeshIyalokaiH sArddhaM vivAdasyopasthitatvAt te taM hantum acheShTanta|
30 But when the brethren knew of that they brought hym to cesarea and sent hym forth to Tharsus.
kintu bhrAtR^igaNastajj nAtvA taM kaisariyAnagaraM nItvA tArShanagaraM preShitavAn|
31 Then had ye congregacios rest thorowoute all Iewry and galile and Samary and were edified and walked in the feare of the lorde and multiplied by the comforte of the holy gost.
itthaM sati yihUdiyAgAlIlshomiroNadeshIyAH sarvvA maNDalyo vishrAmaM prAptAstatastAsAM niShThAbhavat prabho rbhiyA pavitrasyAtmanaH sAntvanayA cha kAlaM kShepayitvA bahusaMkhyA abhavan|
32 And it chaunsed yt as Peter walked throughoute all quarters he ca to ye saynctes which dwelt at Lydda
tataH paraM pitaraH sthAne sthAne bhramitvA sheShe lodnagaranivAsipavitralokAnAM samIpe sthitavAn|
33 and there he foude a certayne ma namyd Eneas whych had kepte hys bed viii. yere sicke of the palsie.
tadA tatra pakShAghAtavyAdhinAShTau vatsarAn shayyAgatam aineyanAmAnaM manuShyaM sAkShat prApya tamavadat,
34 Then sayde Peter vnto hym: Eneas Iesus Christ make ye whole. Aryse and make thy beed. And he arose immedyatly.
he aineya yIshukhrIShTastvAM svastham akArShIt, tvamutthAya svashayyAM nikShipa, ityuktamAtre sa udatiShThat|
35 And all that dwelt at lydda and assaron sawe hym and tourned to the lorde.
etAdR^ishaM dR^iShTvA lodshAroNanivAsino lokAH prabhuM prati parAvarttanta|
36 Ther was at Ioppe a certayne woma (whiche was a disciple named Tabitha which by interpretacion is called dorcas) the same was full of good workes and almes dedes which she did.
apara ncha bhikShAdAnAdiShu nAnakriyAsu nityaM pravR^ittA yA yAphonagaranivAsinI TAbithAnAmA shiShyA yAM darkkAM arthAd hariNImayuktvA Ahvayan sA nArI
37 And it chaunsed in those dayes that she was sicke and dyed. When they had wesshed her and layd her in a chamber:
tasmin samaye rugnA satI prANAn atyajat, tato lokAstAM prakShAlyoparisthaprakoShThe shAyayitvAsthApayan|
38 Because Lydda was nye to Ioppa and the disciples had hearde that Peter was there they sent vnto hym desyrynge him that he wolde not be greved to come vnto them.
lodnagaraM yAphonagarasya samIpasthaM tasmAttatra pitara Aste, iti vArttAM shrutvA tUrNaM tasyAgamanArthaM tasmin vinayamuktvA shiShyagaNo dvau manujau preShitavAn|
39 Peter arose and came with them and when he was come they brought him in to ye chamber. And all ye wydowes stode roude aboute hym wepynge and shewynge the cotes and garmentes which Dorcas made whill she was with the.
tasmAt pitara utthAya tAbhyAM sArddham AgachChat, tatra tasmin upasthita uparisthaprakoShThaM samAnIte cha vidhavAH svAbhiH saha sthitikAle darkkayA kR^itAni yAnyuttarIyANi paridheyAni cha tAni sarvvANi taM darshayitvA rudatyashchatasR^iShu dikShvatiShThan|
40 And Peter put the all forth and kneled doune and prayde and turned him to ye body and sayde: Tabitha aryse. And she opened her eyes and whe she sawe Peter she sat vp.
kintu pitarastAH sarvvA bahiH kR^itvA jAnunI pAtayitvA prArthitavAn; pashchAt shavaM prati dR^iShTiM kR^itvA kathitavAn, he TAbIthe tvamuttiShTha, iti vAkya ukte sA strI chakShuShI pronmIlya pitaram avalokyotthAyopAvishat|
41 And he gave her ye honde and lyft her up and called the sainctes and wydowes and shewed her alyve.
tataH pitarastasyAH karau dhR^itvA uttolya pavitralokAn vidhavAshchAhUya teShAM nikaTe sajIvAM tAM samArpayat|
42 And it was knowne throwout all Ioppa and many beleved on the Lorde.
eShA kathA samastayAphonagaraM vyAptA tasmAd aneke lokAH prabhau vyashvasan|
43 And it fortuned that he taryed many dayes in Ioppa with one Simon a tanner.
apara ncha pitarastadyAphonagarIyasya kasyachit shimonnAmnashcharmmakArasya gR^ihe bahudinAni nyavasat|

< Acts 9 >