< Acts 6 >

1 In those dayes as the nombre of the disciples grewe ther arose a grudge amonge the Grekes agaynst the Ebrues be cause their wyddowes were despysed in the dayly mynystracion.
Ce tloek awh hubat a pung a tai hqui voe voe awh, them aming paa awh nuhaikhqi ami hlah phlam adawngawh Greek awi na amik pau Judakhqi ing Hebrai awi na ak pau Judakhqi ak khan awh sai bi uhy.
2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples to gether and sayde: it is not mete that we shuld leave the worde of God and serve at the tables.
Cedawngawh thlanghqa hlaihih tloek ing hubatkhqi boeih ce khy unawh, “Khawsa ak awikqawn plal nawh aawk ai cabawi awh bi ni bi awhtaw am thym kaw.
3 Wherfore brethren loke ye out amoge you seven men of honest reporte and full of the holy goost and wysdome which we maye apoynte to this nedfull busynes.
Ceamyihna awmsaw, koeinaakhqi aw, na mimah ak khui awhkaw Myihla ingkaw cyihnaak ing ak be thlang khqih awh tyk uh. Vawhkaw bibi ve cekkhqi venawh pe u sih,
4 But we will geve oure selves cotinually to prayer and to the ministracion of ye worde.
cawh ni cykcahnaak ingkaw awikqawn bibinaak benawh ni ngaih hqytnaak hly thai uhy,” tinak khqi uhy.
5 And the sayinge pleased the whoale multitude. And they chose Steven a man full of fayth and of the holy goost and Philip and Prochorus and Nichanor and Timon and Permenas and Nicholas a converte of Antioche.
Ce ak awi aming zaak awh thlangkhqi amik kaw zeel hy. Cedawngawh cangnaak ingkaw Ciim Myihla ing ak be Stephen, cekcoengawh Philip, Pqokorus, Nikanor, Timon, Parmenas ingkaw Antiok khaw awhkaw Juda phung na ak hawi qu Nikola ce tyk uhy.
6 Which they set before the Apostles and they prayed and layde their hondes on them.
Ce ak thlangkhqi ce ceityihkhqi venna khyn uhy, ceityihkhqi ing ami lu ak khan awh kut tloeng unawh cykcah pek khqi uhy.
7 And the worde of God encreased and the noubre of the disciples multiplied in Ierusalem greatly and a great company of the prestes were obedient to the faythe.
Ceamyihna Khawsak awi ce pung a tai hqui nawh Jerusalem khaw awh hubat thlang thlangmi awm pung hqui khqoet khqoet inawh, khawsoeihkhqi ingawm cangnaak awi ce ngai uhy.
8 And Steven full of faythe and power dyd great wondres and myracles amoge ye people.
Khawsa qeennaak saithainaak ing ak be Stephen ing, thlangkhqi anglakawh kawpoek kyi themkhqi ingkaw hatnaakkhqi ce sai hy.
9 Then ther arose certayne of the synagoge which are called Lybertines and Syrenites and of Alexandria and of Cilicia and Asia and disputed with Steven.
Cehlai, anih amak ngaih thlangkhqi Tamnaa Loetkhqi, Cyqene ingkaw Alexandria khaw awhkaw khqi, Kilikia ingkaw Asia qam awhkaw Juda thlangkhqi ing Stephen ce oelh uhy.
10 And they coulde not resist the wysdome and the sprete with which he spake.
Cehlai cekkhqi ing a cyihnaak ingkaw awi ak kqawn sakkung Myihla cetaw am oelh thai uhy.
11 Then sent they in men which sayd: we have hearde him speake blasphemous wordes agaynst Moses and agaynst God.
Cedawngawh thlang pynoet venawh, “Stephen ing Mosi ingkaw Khawsa a kqawn seetnaak awi za unyng,” tinawh kqawn aham ang hypna awi yn uhy.
12 And they moved ye people and the elders and the scribes: and came apon him and caught him and brought him to the counsell
Ceamyihna thlang kqeng ingkaw a hqamcakhqi, anaa awi qeekungkhqi venawh kqawn pe uhy. Stephen ce tu unawh Sanhedrin a haina sawi uhy.
13 and brought forth falce witnesses which sayde. This ma ceasith not to speake blasphemous wordes agaynst this holy place and the lawe:
Simpyikung amak thym ta unawh, cekkhqi ing, “Ve ak thlang ing vawhkaw hun ciim ingkaw anaa awi ce ak che che na kqawn hy.
14 for we hearde him saye: this Iesus of Nazareth shall destroye this place and shall chaunge the ordinaunces which Moses gave vs.
Vawhkaw Nazareth Jesu ing ve im ve hqe kawmsaw Mosi ing a cehtaak phung alamkhqi awm hqe kaw, tinawh ve ak thlang ing ak kqawn awh za unyng,” tina uhy.
15 And all that sate in ye counsell loked stedfastly on him and sawe his face as it had bene the face of an angell.
Sanhedrin awh ak ngawikhqi boeih ing Stephen ce toek ceet uhy, cawh khan ceityih a haai amyihna a haai ce hu uhy.

< Acts 6 >