< Acts 5 >

1 A certayne man named Ananias with Saphira his wyfe solde a possession
tadA anAniyanAmaka eko jano yasya bhAryyAyA nAma saphIrA sa svAdhikAraM vikrIya
2 and kepte awaye parte of the pryce (his wyfe also beynge of counsell) and brought a certayne parte and layde it doune at the Apostles fete.
svabhAryyAM j nApayitvA tanmUlyasyaikAMshaM sa Ngopya sthApayitvA tadanyAMshamAtramAnIya preritAnAM charaNeShu samarpitavAn|
3 Then sayde Peter: Ananias how is it that Satan hath filled thyne hert that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost and kepe awaye parte of the pryce of the lyvelod:
tasmAt pitarokathayat he anAniya bhUme rmUlyaM ki nchit sa Ngopya sthApayituM pavitrasyAtmanaH sannidhau mR^iShAvAkyaM kathayitu ncha shaitAn kutastavAntaHkaraNe pravR^ittimajanayat?
4 Pertayned it not vnto the only and after it was solde was not the pryce in thyne awne power? How is it that thou hast coceaved this thinge in thyne herte? Thou hast not lyed vnto men but vnto God.
sA bhUmi ryadA tava hastagatA tadA kiM tava svIyA nAsIt? tarhi svAntaHkaraNe kuta etAdR^ishI kukalpanA tvayA kR^itA? tvaM kevalamanuShyasya nikaTe mR^iShAvAkyaM nAvAdIH kintvIshvarasya nikaTe. api|
5 When Ananias herde these wordes. he fell doune and gave vp the goost. And great feare came on all the that these thinges hearde.
etAM kathAM shrutvaiva so. anAniyo bhUmau patan prANAn atyajat, tadvR^ittAntaM yAvanto lokA ashR^iNvan teShAM sarvveShAM mahAbhayam ajAyat|
6 And the yonge men roose vp and put him a parte and caryed him out and buryed him.
tadA yuvalokAstaM vastreNAchChAdya bahi rnItvA shmashAne. asthApayan|
7 And it fortuned as it were aboute the space of. iii. houres after that his wyfe came in ignoraunt of that which was done.
tataH praharaikAnantaraM kiM vR^ittaM tannAvagatya tasya bhAryyApi tatra samupasthitA|
8 And Peter sayde vnto her: Tell me gave ye the londe for so moche? And she sayde: ye for so moche
tataH pitarastAm apR^ichChat, yuvAbhyAm etAvanmudrAbhyo bhUmi rvikrItA na vA? etatvaM vada; tadA sA pratyavAdIt satyam etAvadbhyo mudrAbhya eva|
9 Then Peter sayde vnto her: why have ye agreed to gether to tept the sprete of the Lorde? Beholde the fete of them which have buryed thy husbande are at the dore and shall cary the out.
tataH pitarokathayat yuvAM kathaM parameshvarasyAtmAnaM parIkShitum ekamantraNAvabhavatAM? pashya ye tava patiM shmashAne sthApitavantaste dvArasya samIpe samupatiShThanti tvAmapi bahirneShyanti|
10 Then she fell doune strayght waye at his fete and yelded vp the goost. And the yonge men came in and founde her ded and caryed her out and buryed her by her husbande.
tataH sApi tasya charaNasannidhau patitvA prANAn atyAkShIt| pashchAt te yuvAno. abhyantaram Agatya tAmapi mR^itAM dR^iShTvA bahi rnItvA tasyAH patyuH pArshve shmashAne sthApitavantaH|
11 And great feare came on all the congregacion and on as many as hearde it.
tasmAt maNDalyAH sarvve lokA anyalokAshcha tAM vArttAM shrutvA sAdhvasaM gatAH|
12 By the hondes of the Apostles were many signes and wondres shewed amoge the people. And they were all together with one acorde in Salomons porche.
tataH paraM preritAnAM hastai rlokAnAM madhye bahvAshcharyyANyadbhutAni karmmANyakriyanta; tadA shiShyAH sarvva ekachittIbhUya sulemAno. alinde sambhUyAsan|
13 And of other durst no man ioyne him selfe to them: neverthelater the people magnyfied them.
teShAM sa NghAntargo bhavituM kopi pragalbhatAM nAgamat kintu lokAstAn samAdriyanta|
14 The noumbre of them that beleved in the Lorde bothe of men and wemen grewe moare and moare:
striyaH puruShAshcha bahavo lokA vishvAsya prabhuM sharaNamApannAH|
15 in so moche that they brought the sicke into the strettes and layde them on beddes and palettes that at the lest waye the shadowe of Peter when he came by myght shadowe some of them.
pitarasya gamanAgamanAbhyAM kenApi prakAreNa tasya ChAyA kasmiMshchijjane lagiShyatItyAshayA lokA rogiNaH shivikayA khaTvayA chAnIya pathi pathi sthApitavantaH|
16 There came also a multitude out of ye cities roud about vnto Ierusalem bringynge sicke folkes and them which were vexed with vnclene spretes. And they were healed every one.
chaturdiksthanagarebhyo bahavo lokAH sambhUya rogiNo. apavitrabhutagrastAMshcha yirUshAlamam Anayan tataH sarvve svasthA akriyanta|
17 Then ye chefe preste rose vp and all they that were with him (which is the secte of the Saduces) and were full of indignacion
anantaraM mahAyAjakaH sidUkinAM matagrAhiNasteShAM sahacharAshcha
18 and layde hondes on the Apostles and put them in the comen preson.
mahAkrodhAntvitAH santaH preritAn dhR^itvA nIchalokAnAM kArAyAM baddhvA sthApitavantaH|
19 But the angell of the Lorde by nyght openned the preson dores and brought them forthe and sayde:
kintu rAtrau parameshvarasya dUtaH kArAyA dvAraM mochayitvA tAn bahirAnIyAkathayat,
20 goo steppe forthe and speake in the temple to the people all the wordes of this lyfe.
yUyaM gatvA mandire daNDAyamAnAH santo lokAn pratImAM jIvanadAyikAM sarvvAM kathAM prachArayata|
21 When they hearde that they entred into the temple erly in the morninge and taught. The chefe prest came and they that were with him and called a counsell to gedder and all the elders of the chyldren of Israel and sent to the preson to fet them.
iti shrutvA te pratyUShe mandira upasthAya upadiShTavantaH| tadA sahacharagaNena sahito mahAyAjaka Agatya mantrigaNam isrAyelvaMshasya sarvvAn rAjasabhAsadaH sabhAsthAn kR^itvA kArAyAstAn ApayituM padAtigaNaM preritavAn|
22 When the ministres came and founde them not in the preson they returned and tolde
tataste gatvA kArAyAM tAn aprApya pratyAgatya iti vArttAm avAdiShuH,
23 sayinge: the preson founde we shut as sure as was possible and the kepers stondynge with out before ye dores. But whe we had opened we founde no man with in.
vayaM tatra gatvA nirvvighnaM kArAyA dvAraM ruddhaM rakShakAMshcha dvArasya bahirdaNDAyamAnAn adarshAma eva kintu dvAraM mochayitvA tanmadhye kamapi draShTuM na prAptAH|
24 When the chefe prest of all and the ruler of the temple and the hye prestes hearde these thinges they douted of them whervnto this wolde growe.
etAM kathAM shrutvA mahAyAjako mandirasya senApatiH pradhAnayAjakAshcha, ita paraM kimaparaM bhaviShyatIti chintayitvA sandigdhachittA abhavan|
25 Then came one and shewed them: beholde ye men yt ye put in preson stonde in the teple and teache the people.
etasminneva samaye kashchit jana Agatya vArttAmetAm avadat pashyata yUyaM yAn mAnavAn kArAyAm asthApayata te mandire tiShThanto lokAn upadishanti|
26 Then went the ruler of the teple with ministers and brought the with out violence. For they feared the people lest they shuld have bene stoned.
tadA mandirasya senApatiH padAtayashcha tatra gatvA chellokAH pAShANAn nikShipyAsmAn mArayantIti bhiyA vinatyAchAraM tAn Anayan|
27 And when they had brought them they set them before the counsell. And ye chefe preste axed the
te mahAsabhAyA madhye tAn asthApayan tataH paraM mahAyAjakastAn apR^ichChat,
28 sayinge: dyd not we straytely comaunde you that ye shuld not teache in this name? And beholde ye have filled Ierusalem with youre doctrine and ye intende to brynge this mans bloud vpon vs.
anena nAmnA samupadeShTuM vayaM kiM dR^iDhaM na nyaShedhAma? tathApi pashyata yUyaM sveShAM tenopadeshene yirUshAlamaM paripUrNaM kR^itvA tasya janasya raktapAtajanitAparAdham asmAn pratyAnetuM cheShTadhve|
29 Peter and the other Apostles answered and sayde: We ought moare to obey God then men.
tataH pitaronyapreritAshcha pratyavadan mAnuShasyAj nAgrahaNAd IshvarasyAj nAgrahaNam asmAkamuchitam|
30 The God of oure fathers raysed vp Ie Iesus whom ye slewe and hanged on tre.
yaM yIshuM yUyaM krushe vedhitvAhata tam asmAkaM paitR^ika Ishvara utthApya
31 Him hath god lifte vp with his right hand to be a ruler and a savioure for to geve repetauce to Israell and forgevenes of synnes.
isrAyelvaMshAnAM manaHparivarttanaM pApakShamA ncha karttuM rAjAnaM paritrAtAra ncha kR^itvA svadakShiNapArshve tasyAnnatim akarot|
32 And we are his recordes concernynge these thinges and also the holy goost whom God hath geve to them yt obey him.
etasmin vayamapi sAkShiNa Asmahe, tat kevalaM nahi, Ishvara Aj nAgrAhibhyo yaM pavitram AtmanaM dattavAn sopi sAkShyasti|
33 When they hearde yt they clave asunder: and sought meanes to slee them.
etadvAkye shrute teShAM hR^idayAni viddhAnyabhavan tataste tAn hantuM mantritavantaH|
34 Then stode ther vp one in ye counsell a Pharisey named Gamaliel a doctoure of lawe had in auctorite amoge all the people and commaunded to put the Apostles a syde a lytell space
etasminneva samaye tatsabhAsthAnAM sarvvalokAnAM madhye sukhyAto gamilIyelnAmaka eko jano vyavasthApakaH phirUshiloka utthAya preritAn kShaNArthaM sthAnAntaraM gantum Adishya kathitavAn,
35 and sayde vnto them: Men of Israel take hede to youre selves what ye entende to do as touchinge these men
he isrAyelvaMshIyAH sarvve yUyam etAn mAnuShAn prati yat karttum udyatAstasmin sAvadhAnA bhavata|
36 Before these dayes rose vp one Theudas bostinge him selfe to whom resorted a nombre of men about a foure hondred which was slayn and they all which beleved him were scatred a broode and brought to nought.
itaH pUrvvaM thUdAnAmaiko jana upasthAya svaM kamapi mahApuruSham avadat, tataH prAyeNa chatuHshatalokAstasya matagrAhiNobhavan pashchAt sa hatobhavat tasyAj nAgrAhiNo yAvanto lokAste sarvve virkIrNAH santo. akR^itakAryyA abhavan|
37 After this man arose ther vp one Iudas of Galile in the tyme when tribute began and drewe awaye moche people after him. He also perisshed: and all even as many as harkened to him are scattered a brood.
tasmAjjanAt paraM nAmalekhanasamaye gAlIlIyayihUdAnAmaiko jana upasthAya bahUllokAn svamataM grAhItavAn tataH sopi vyanashyat tasyAj nAgrAhiNo yAvanto lokA Asan te sarvve vikIrNA abhavan|
38 And now I saye vnto you: refrayne youre selves from these men let them alone. For yf ye cousell or this worke be of men it will come to nought.
adhunA vadAmi, yUyam etAn manuShyAn prati kimapi na kR^itvA kShAntA bhavata, yata eSha sa Nkalpa etat karmma cha yadi manuShyAdabhavat tarhi viphalaM bhaviShyati|
39 But and yf it be of God ye can not destroye it lest haply ye be founde to stryve agaynst God.
yadIshvarAdabhavat tarhi yUyaM tasyAnyathA karttuM na shakShyatha, varam IshvararodhakA bhaviShyatha|
40 And to him they agreed and called the Apostles and bet them and comaunded that they shuld not speake in ye name of Iesu and let them goo.
tadA tasya mantraNAM svIkR^itya te preritAn AhUya prahR^itya yIsho rnAmnA kAmapi kathAM kathayituM niShidhya vyasarjan|
41 And they departed from the counsell reioysynge yt they were counted worthy to soffre rebuke for his name.
kintu tasya nAmArthaM vayaM lajjAbhogasya yogyatvena gaNitA ityatra te sAnandAH santaH sabhAsthAnAM sAkShAd agachChan|
42 And dayly in the teple and in every housse they ceased not teachinge and preachinge Iesus Christ.
tataH paraM pratidinaM mandire gR^ihe gR^ihe chAvishrAmam upadishya yIshukhrIShTasya susaMvAdaM prachAritavantaH|

< Acts 5 >