< Acts 5 >

1 A certayne man named Ananias with Saphira his wyfe solde a possession
Ananias ak mingnaak thlang pynoet ing a zu Sapphira ingqawi khawhun ani taak ce zawi hy nih.
2 and kepte awaye parte of the pryce (his wyfe also beynge of counsell) and brought a certayne parte and layde it doune at the Apostles fete.
A zu a simpyinaak ing tangka a vang ce amah aham a taak coengawh, a vang ce ceityihkhqi a khawkung awh tloeng hy nih.
3 Then sayde Peter: Ananias how is it that Satan hath filled thyne hert that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy goost and kepe awaye parte of the pryce of the lyvelod:
Piter ing, “Ananias, kawtih setan nak kawlung khuiawh be sak nawh Ciim Myihla ce na thai na latnaak? Khawhun phu tangka a vang ce namah aham ta hyk ti.
4 Pertayned it not vnto the only and after it was solde was not the pryce in thyne awne power? How is it that thou hast coceaved this thinge in thyne herte? Thou hast not lyed vnto men but vnto God.
Na zawih hlanawh awm namah a koena ni a awm ka ti koenoek? Na zawih coeng bai awh awm tangka ce namah a ngaihnaak amyihna hawna thai tik saw kaw? Ikaw ing nu vemyihna nak kawlung awh bi a bi? Thlang am thaina tiksaw Khawsa ni na thainaak hy,” tina hy.
5 When Ananias herde these wordes. he fell doune and gave vp the goost. And great feare came on all the that these thinges hearde.
Ananias ing ce ak awi ce ang zaak awh, tlu nawh thi hy. Ce akawng ak zakhqi boeih ing kqih uhy.
6 And the yonge men roose vp and put him a parte and caryed him out and buryed him.
Cawh cadawngkhqi law unawh, a qawk ce ami lawh coengawh, kawt unawh pup uhy.
7 And it fortuned as it were aboute the space of. iii. houres after that his wyfe came in ignoraunt of that which was done.
Khawnoek pathum tluk a awm coengawh a zu cawhkaw akawng ce am sim kana lut lawt hy.
8 And Peter sayde vnto her: Tell me gave ye the londe for so moche? And she sayde: ye for so moche
Piter ing, “Nim then lah, khawhun ce tangka ve zah doeng na nu nani zawih tang?” tina hy. Anih ing, “Oeih, ve zah doeng ni,” tina hy.
9 Then Peter sayde vnto her: why have ye agreed to gether to tept the sprete of the Lorde? Beholde the fete of them which have buryed thy husbande are at the dore and shall cary the out.
Piter ing a venawh, “Ikawmyihna Bawipa ang Myihla noek adak aham naning zaak qu? Toek lah ce! na va amik pukkhqi a khaw ce chawmkeng awh ni a awm hyn ce, nang awm nik kawt pahoei lawt kawm uh,” tina hy.
10 Then she fell doune strayght waye at his fete and yelded vp the goost. And the yonge men came in and founde her ded and caryed her out and buryed her by her husbande.
Cawh Piter a khawkung awh tlu nawh thi pahoei hy. Cadawngkhqi law unawh, a qawk ce ami huh awh kawt unawh a va ak phyi keng awh pup uhy.
11 And great feare came on all the congregacion and on as many as hearde it.
Ce akawng ce thlangboel ingkaw ak zakhqi boeih ing kqih uhy.
12 By the hondes of the Apostles were many signes and wondres shewed amoge the people. And they were all together with one acorde in Salomons porche.
Ceityihkhqi ing kawpoek kyi themkhqi ingkaw hatnaakkhqi sai uhy. Ak cangnaak thlangkhqi boeih ce Solomon Imhloeih awh cun hoeih hoeih uhy.
13 And of other durst no man ioyne him selfe to them: neverthelater the people magnyfied them.
Thlangkhqi ing a mingmih ce kyih am cah khqi hlai uhy, bawng aham taw kqih laklaw uhy.
14 The noumbre of them that beleved in the Lorde bothe of men and wemen grewe moare and moare:
Cehlai, pa ingkaw nu thlang khawzah ing Bawipa ce cang nak khqoet khqoet unawh thlang pung a tai khqoet khqoet hy.
15 in so moche that they brought the sicke into the strettes and layde them on beddes and palettes that at the lest waye the shadowe of Peter when he came by myght shadowe some of them.
Piter a ceh awh ang myihlip ing dah na seh ti unawh, thlaktlokhqi ce lam na law pyi unawh hiphaih ingkaw phakkhqi awh zaih sak uhy.
16 There came also a multitude out of ye cities roud about vnto Ierusalem bringynge sicke folkes and them which were vexed with vnclene spretes. And they were healed every one.
Jerusalem khaw a kengsam awhkaw khawkhqi awhkawng thlang kqeng law unawh thlaktlokhqi ingkaw qaai ing am tukhqi ce law pyi uhy, cekkhqi boeih ing qoeinaak hu uhy.
17 Then ye chefe preste rose vp and all they that were with him (which is the secte of the Saduces) and were full of indignacion
Cawh khawsoeih boei ak hqam soeih ingkaw a pyikhqi, Sadusi anglakawhkaw thlangkhqi ce tlai se uhy.
18 and layde hondes on the Apostles and put them in the comen preson.
Ceityihkhqi ce tu unawh thawngim khuina thlak khqi uhy.
19 But the angell of the Lorde by nyght openned the preson dores and brought them forthe and sayde:
Cehlai khawmthan awh Bawipa ak khan ceityih ing thawngim chawmkeng ce awng nawh a mingmih ce a leng na sawi khqi hy.
20 goo steppe forthe and speake in the temple to the people all the wordes of this lyfe.
“Cet unawh taw bawkim awh dyi unawh thlang boeih venawh ve hqingnaak awi ve vak kqawn uh,” tinak khqi hy.
21 When they hearde that they entred into the temple erly in the morninge and taught. The chefe prest came and they that were with him and called a counsell to gedder and all the elders of the chyldren of Israel and sent to the preson to fet them.
Khaw a dai law awhtaw bawkim ak khuina lut tlaih unawh, khan ceityih ing ak kqawn peek amyihna, thlangkhqi ce cawngpyi uhy. Khawsoih boei ak hqam soeih ingkaw a pyikhqi ce ami pha awhtaw Israel a hqamcakhqi ngawih cunnaak – Sanhedrin ce khy unawh thawngim khuiawh kaw ceityihkhqi ce lawh sak khqi ham thlang tyi uhy.
22 When the ministres came and founde them not in the preson they returned and tolde
Cehlai thawngim ce ami pha awh, thawnguk boei ing cekkhqi ce am hu voel hy. Hlat tlaih unawh,
23 sayinge: the preson founde we shut as sure as was possible and the kepers stondynge with out before ye dores. But whe we had opened we founde no man with in.
“Thawngim awm ak nep na khai qu nawh, thawngim ak qehkhqi awm chawmkeng awh ak nep cana awm uhy; cehlai chawh ka mim awng law awhtaw ak khuiawh u awm am awm voel hy,” tina uhy.
24 When the chefe prest of all and the ruler of the temple and the hye prestes hearde these thinges they douted of them whervnto this wolde growe.
Ce ak awi ce a ming zaak awh, bawkim ak temkung qaal boei ingkaw khawsoeih boeikhqi ce a mingngaih na kyi hy, “Ikawmyihna a awmnaak hy voei?” ti uhy.
25 Then came one and shewed them: beholde ye men yt ye put in preson stonde in the teple and teache the people.
Cawh thlang pynoet ce law nawh, “Toek lah uh! Nangmih ing thawng namik thlak ce bawkim awh dyi unawh thlang cawngpyi uhy,” tinak khqi hy.
26 Then went the ruler of the teple with ministers and brought the with out violence. For they feared the people lest they shuld have bene stoned.
Cawh qaal boei ce a bibikungkhqi mi cet unawh ceityihkhqi ce lawpyi uhy. Thlangkhqi ing lung ing nik khawng khqi hau kaw ti unawh awih zoei cana lawpyi dym uhy.
27 And when they had brought them they set them before the counsell. And ye chefe preste axed the
Ceityihkhqi ce ami lawpyi coengawh, khawsoeih boei ak hqam soeih ing a doet ham Sanhedrin haiawh khy uhy.
28 sayinge: dyd not we straytely comaunde you that ye shuld not teache in this name? And beholde ye have filled Ierusalem with youre doctrine and ye intende to brynge this mans bloud vpon vs.
“Ve ang ming ing am nami cawngpyi aham ni yn khqi ceet ceet hawh unyng. Cehlai ve cawngpyinaak ing Jerusalem nami be sak coengawh ve ak thlang a thi awh kaimih ve thawlh puk aham cai uhyk ti,” tina uhy.
29 Peter and the other Apostles answered and sayde: We ought moare to obey God then men.
Piter ingkaw ak chang ceityihkhqi ing: “Thlanghqing ak awi anglakawh Khawsak awi ni ka ming ngai hly bet hy!
30 The God of oure fathers raysed vp Ie Iesus whom ye slewe and hanged on tre.
Nangmih a pa a Khawsa ing, nangmih ing thing awh tai unawh nami him Jesu ce, thihnaak awhkawng thawh tlaih hawh hy.
31 Him hath god lifte vp with his right hand to be a ruler and a savioure for to geve repetauce to Israell and forgevenes of synnes.
Zutnaak ing thawlh qeenkhaw ngainaak ce Israelkhqi venawh a peeknaak thai aham Khawsa ing anih ce ak tang benawh boei ingkaw hulkung na zoeksang hawh hy.
32 And we are his recordes concernynge these thinges and also the holy goost whom God hath geve to them yt obey him.
Ve a kawnglam awh ve kaimih taw simpyikung na awm unyng, amah ak awi ak ngaikhqi venawh Khawsa ing a peek Ciim Myihla awm simpyikung na awm hy,” tinak khqi uhy.
33 When they hearde yt they clave asunder: and sought meanes to slee them.
Ce ak awi ce a ming zaak awh, amik kaw so nawh cekkhqi ce him aham ngaih uhy.
34 Then stode ther vp one in ye counsell a Pharisey named Gamaliel a doctoure of lawe had in auctorite amoge all the people and commaunded to put the Apostles a syde a lytell space
Cehlai Gamaliel ak mingnaak Farasi thlang pynoet, anaa awi cawngpyikung, thlang boeih ing ak kqihchah, ce Sanhedrin anglakawh dyi nawh cawhkaw ceityihkhqi ce a leng na ceh sak aham awi pehy.
35 and sayde vnto them: Men of Israel take hede to youre selves what ye entende to do as touchinge these men
Cekcoengawh cekkhqi venawh: “Israel thlangkhqi aw, ve ak thlangkhqik khan awh sai aham naming cai ve ak nep na poek lah uh.
36 Before these dayes rose vp one Theudas bostinge him selfe to whom resorted a nombre of men about a foure hondred which was slayn and they all which beleved him were scatred a broode and brought to nought.
Ma awh Theuda ak mingnaak thlang pynoet ing, thlang mailai am amyihna kqawn qu nawh, thlang zali ing hquut uhy. Cehlai anih ce ami him coengawh taw a hubatkhqi awm plal a tham unawh, ikaw na awm am awm cawh uhy.
37 After this man arose ther vp one Iudas of Galile in the tyme when tribute began and drewe awaye moche people after him. He also perisshed: and all even as many as harkened to him are scattered a brood.
Anih a awm coeng bai awh, Juda ak mingnaak Kalili phyn thlang pynoet ce thlangmi noetnaak a awm tloek awh awm bai nawh thlang pynoet ce qaal na thawh sak hy. Anih awm him bai unawh a hubatkhqi ce plam boeh boeh uhy.
38 And now I saye vnto you: refrayne youre selves from these men let them alone. For yf ye cousell or this worke be of men it will come to nought.
Cedawngawh, ve a kawnglam awh ve awi kqawn law lah vang nyng: Ve ak thlangkhqi ve ta dym mai uh! Ceh sak khqi mai uh! A mingmih ang cainaak ingkaw ami bibinaak ve thlanghqing a sai na a awm awhtaw plal bit kaw.
39 But and yf it be of God ye can not destroye it lest haply ye be founde to stryve agaynst God.
Cehlai Khawsa a sai na a awm awhtaw, am hqee thai kawm uk ti; Khawsa ak oelh na ni awm kqoeng hau kawm uh,” tinak khqi hy.
40 And to him they agreed and called the Apostles and bet them and comaunded that they shuld not speake in ye name of Iesu and let them goo.
Anih ak awih kqawn ing cekkhqi ce noeng khqi hy. Cekcoengawh ceityihkhqi ce ak khuina khy khqi tlaih unawh vyk khqi uhy. Jesu ang ming ing awi ama mik kqawn voel aham awi amik kqawn peek coengawh hlah khqi tlaih uhy.
41 And they departed from the counsell reioysynge yt they were counted worthy to soffre rebuke for his name.
Sanhedrin ce ceityihkhqi ing cehta unawh, ce ang ming awh khuikha kyinaak ami huh aham tyng qoe na a awm a dawngawh zeel uhy.
42 And dayly in the teple and in every housse they ceased not teachinge and preachinge Iesus Christ.
Khawnghi hypoet coengawh hypoet, bawkim awh, im pynoet coeng pynoet awh ang dym kaana thlang cawngpyi unawh Jesu taw Khrih ni ti awithang leek ce khypyi uhy.

< Acts 5 >