< Acts 19 >

1 It fortuned whyll Appollo was at Corinthum that Paul passed thorow the vpper costes and came to Ephesus and foude certayne disciples
Apollos Korint shehiridiki waqtida, Pawlus seper qilip, ichki quruqluq arqiliq Efesus shehirige keldi. U yerde bezi muxlislar bilen uchriship,
2 and sayd vnto them: have ye receaved the holy gost sence ye beleved? And they sayde vnto him: no we have not hearde whether ther be eny holy goost or no.
ulardin: — Siler étiqad qilghininglarda, Muqeddes Roh silerge ata qilin’ghanmu? — dep soridi. — Yaq, biz hetta Muqeddes Roh bar dégenni zadi anglimaptikenmiz, — dep jawab berdi ular.
3 And he sayd vnto them: wher wt were ye then baptised? And they sayd: with Iohns baptim
Pawlus yene: — Undaqta, siler qandaq chömüldürülüshte chömüldürülgensiler? — dep soridi. — Biz Yehya [peyghember] yetküzgen chömüldürülüshni qobul qilduq, — dédi ular.
4 Then sayde Paul: Iohn verely bapiised with the baptim of repentaunce sayinge vnto the people that they shuld beleve on him which shuld come after him: that is on Christ Iesus.
Pawlus: — Yehya [peyghember] xelqqe yetküzgen chömüldülürüsh bolsa gunahlargha towa qilishni bildüridighan chömüldürülüsh bolup, ulargha özidin kéyin kelgüchige, yeni Eysagha étiqad qilish kéreklikini tapilighanidi, — dédi.
5 When they hearde that they were baptised in the name of the lorde Iesu.
Ular buni anglap, Reb Eysaning namida chömüldürülüshni qobul qildi.
6 And Paul layde his hondes apon them and the holy gost came on them and they spake with tonges and prophesied
Pawlus qolini ularning üstige tegküzüp turushi bilen, Muqeddes Roh ulargha chüshti. Buning bilen ular namelum tillarda sözleshke hem peyghemberlerche wehiy-bésharetlerni yetküzüshke bashlidi.
7 and all the men were aboute. xii.
Ular texminen on ikki erkek kishi idi.
8 And he went into the synagoge and behaved him selfe boldely for the space of thre monethes disputynge and gevynge them exhortacions of the kyngdome of God.
Pawlus üch ay dawamida [Efesus shehiridiki] sinagogqa kirip, yüreklik bilen söz qilip, ular bilen Xudaning padishahliqidiki ishlar toghrisida munaziriliship qayil qilishqa tirishti.
9 When dyvers wexed harde herted and beleved not but spake evyll of the waye and that before the multitude: he departed from them and seperated the disciples. And disputed dayly in ye scole of one called Tyranus.
Lékin beziliri jahilliq qilip ishinishni ret qilip, xalayiq aldida [Rebning] yoligha haqaret keltürgende, Pawlus ulardin chiqip, muxlislarnimu ayrip chiqti. U herküni Tirannus isimlik ademning léksiyixanisida munazire-muzakire ötküzdi.
10 And this contynued by the space of two yeares: so yt all they which dwelt in Asia hearde the worde of the lorde Iesu bothe Iewes and Grekes.
Bu ish ikki yil dawamlashti. Netijide, Asiya ölkisidiki pütün xelq, Yehudiylar bolsun, Grékler bolsun hemmeylen Rebning söz-kalamini anglidi.
11 And god wrought no small miracles by the hondes of Paul:
Xuda Pawlusning qolliri arqiliq karamet möjizilerni yaratti.
12 so that from his body were brought vnto the sicke napkyns or partlettes and the diseases departed from the and the evyll spretes went out of them.
Kishiler hetta qol yaghliq we pertuqlarni Pawlusning ténige tegküzüp, andin késellerning yénigha apirip, ularning üstige yapatti. Netijide, késeller saqiyip, yaman rohlar ulardin chiqip kétetti.
13 Then certayne of the vagabounde Iewes exorcistes toke apon them to call over them which had evyll spretes the name of the lorde Iesus sayinge: We adiure you by Iesu who Paul preacheth.
Lékin shu etrapta yüridighan, «jinkesh» Yehudiylarin bezilirimu Reb Eysaning namini ishlitip baqqusi kélip, jin chaplashqanlar üstide turup jinlargha: «Pawlus jakarlawatqan Eysaning namidin sanga qattiq buyruq bérimen!» deydighan boldi.
14 And ther were seven sonnes of one Sceva a Iewe and chefe of the prestes which dyd so.
Bu ishni qilidighanlarning arisida Skéwa isimlik bir Yehudiy bash kahinning yette oghlimu bar idi.
15 And the evyll sprete answered and sayde: Iesus I knowe and Paul I knowe: but who are ye?
Lékin [ular qoghliwetmekchi bolghan] yaman Roh ulargha jawaben: — Eysani tonuymen, Pawlustin xewirim bar, biraq özünglar kim bolisiler?! — déwidi,
16 And ye man in who the evyll sprete was ranne on the and overcame the and prevayled agaynst them so that they fledde out of that housse naked and wouded.
yaman Roh chaplishiwalghan kishi ulargha étilip chiqip, ularni urup shama qilip, ularning üstidin ghalib keldi. Ular yalingach we yarilan’ghan halda öydin qéchip chiqip ketti.
17 And this was knowen to all ye Iewes and Grekes also which dwelt at Ephesus and feare came on them all and they magnified the name of ye lorde Iesus.
Bu ish Efesus shehiride turuwatqan barliq Yehudiylar we Gréklergimu melum bolup, qorqunch hemmisini basti we Reb Eysaning nami ulughlandi.
18 And many yt beleved came and confessed and shewed their workes.
Netijide, nurghun étiqadchilar burunqi qilghanlirini iqrar qilip, aldigha chiqti.
19 Many of the which vsed curious craftes brought their bokes and burned the before all men and they counted the price of the and foude it fifty thousande silverlynges.
Séhirgerlik qilghanlardin nurghun ademler özlirining séhirgerlik kitab-palnamilirini ekélip [bir yerge döwilep], köpchilikning aldida köydürüshti. Bu kitablarning qimmiti jemiy ellik ming kümüsh tenggige yétetti.
20 So myghtely grewe ye worde of god and prevayled.
Shundaq qilip, Rebning söz-kalami küchge ige bolup, berq urup üstünlükke ötti.
21 After these thinges were ended Paul purposed in the sprete to passe over Macedonia and Achaia and to goo to Ierusalem saying: After I have bene there I must also se Rome.
Bu ishlar yüz bergendin kéyin, Pawlus könglide, Makédoniye we Axaya ölkisidin ötüp Yérusalémgha bérishqa niyet baghlidi. U: — U yerge barghandin kéyin, Rim shehirini körüp kélishim kérek, — dédi.
22 So sent he into Macedonia two of the that ministred vnto him Timotheus and Erastus: but he him selfe remayned in Asia for a season.
Shuning bilen, u özige yardemde boluwatqanlardin Timotiy bilen Érastus ikkiylenni Makédoniyege ewetiwétip, özi yene bir mezgil Asiya ölkiside turdi.
23 The same tyme ther arose no lytell a do aboute that waye.
Del shu chaghda, [Efesus shehiride] [Rebning] yoli toghruluq éghir malimachiliq kötürüldi.
24 For a certayne man named Demetrius a silvermyth which made silver schrynes for Diana was not a lytell beneficiall vnto the craftes men.
Ayal ilah Artémisni süretlep kümüsh tekche-heykellerni yasighuchi Dimitriy isimlik bir zerger bar idi. Uning bu ishi hünerwenlerge köp payda tapquzatti.
25 Which he called to geder with the worke men of lyke occupacion and sayd: Syrs ye knowe that by this crafte we have vauntage.
Dimitriy hünerwenlerni we shuninggha oxshash ishlar bilen shughulliniwatqan bashqa ustilarni yighip, ulargha: — Buraderler, bizning güllinishimizning bu ish bilen baghliq ikenlikini bilisiler;
26 Moreover ye se and heare that not alone at Ephesus but almost thorowe oute all Asia this Paul hath persuaded and turned awaye moche people saying yt they be not goddes which are made wt hondes.
hazir héliqi Pawlusning néme ishlarni qilip yürgenlikini anglighan hem körgen bolushunglar kérek. U: «Qol bilen yasiwalghan nersiler ilahlar emes» déyish bilen, peqet Efesusta emes, belki pütkül Asiya ölkiside dégüdek nurghunlighan kishilerni qayil qilip, azdurup burawatidu.
27 So that not only this oure crafte cometh into parell to be set at nought: but also that ye temple of ye greate goddas Diana shuld be despysed and her magnificence shuld be destroyed which all Asia and the worlde worshippeth.
Emdi hazir bizning bu sodimizgha betnam chaplash xewpi bolupla qalmay, belki büyük ayal ilah Artémisning butxanisimu erzimes dep qarilip, hetta Asiya ölkisi we pütkül jahan ibadet qilidighan [bu ayal ilahimizning] shan-sheripimu yoqilish xewpige duch kéliwatidu! — dédi.
28 When they hearde these sayinges they were full of wrathe and cryed out saying: Greate is Diana of the Ephesians.
Bu sözlerni anglighan köpchilik ghezepke chömüp, qayta-qayta: — Efesusluqlarning Artémisimiz büyüktur! — dep chuqan kötürüshke bashlidi.
29 And all the cite was on a roore and they russhed in to the comen hall with one assent and caught Gayus and Aristarcus men of Macedonia Pauls companios.
Buning bilen pütkül sheher malimatang bolup ketti. Xalayiq Pawlusning seperdashliridin Makédoniyelik Gayus we Aristarxuslarni tutup sörep, sérk meydanigha tengla yopurulup mangdi.
30 When Paul wolde have entred in vnto the people ye disciples suffered him not.
Pawlus xalayiq arisigha kirmekchi bolghanidi, lékin muxlislar uning kirishige yol qoymidi.
31 Certayne also of ye chefe of Asia which were his frendes sent vnto him desyrynge him that he wolde not preace into the comen hall.
Hetta Pawlusning dostliri bolghan ölke emeldarliridin bézilirimu uninggha xewer yetküzüp, uni sérk meydanigha bérishqa tewekkül qilmasliqqa jékilidi.
32 Some cryed one thinge and some another and the congregacion was all out of quiet and ye moare parte knewe not wherfore they were come togeder.
Emdi beziler buni dep warqirisa, beziler uni dep warqiriship, pütün sorun warang-churunggha toldi; kishilerning köpinchisi özlirining némige yighilghanliqinimu bilmeytti.
33 Some of the company drue forth Alexander the Iewes thrustynge him forwardes. Alexander beckened with the honde and wolde have geven ye people an answer.
Yehudiylar Iskender isimlik ademni aldigha ittirip chiqiriwidi, köpchilik uni aldigha turghuzdi. Iskender köpchilikke qol ishariti qilip, [Yehudiylarni] aqlimaqchi boldi.
34 When they knewe ye he was a Iewe ther arose a shoute almost for the space of two houres of all men cryinge greate is Diana of the Ephesians.
Biraq köpchilik uning Yehudiy ikenlikini bilip qélip, hemmisi tengla: — Efesusluqlarning Artémisimiz büyüktur! — dep ikki saetche chuqan kötürüp turushti.
35 When the toune clarcke had ceased the people he sayd: ye men of Ephesus what man is it that knoweth not how that the cite of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddas Diana and of ye ymage which came fro heven.
Axirda, sheherning bash mirzisi xalayiqni tinchlandurup mundaq dédi: — Ey Efesusluqlar! Biz Efesusluqlarning shehirining büyük Artémisning butxanisining we uning asmandin chüshken süritining qoghdighuchisi ikenlikini bilmeydighan kim bar!
36 Seinge then yt no man sayth here agaynst ye ought to be content and to do nothinge rasshly:
Bu ishlarni inkar qilalmighaniken, özünglarni bésiwélishinglar, bashbashtaqliq qilmasliqinglar kérek.
37 For ye have brought hyther these me whiche are nether robbers of churches nor yet despisers of youre goddes.
Chünki siler bu kishilerni bu yerge [soraqqa tartishqa] élip keldinglar; lékin ular ya butxanilarni bulghuchilar ya bizning ayal ilahimizgha kupurluq qilghuchilardin emes.
38 Wherfore yf Demetrius and the craftes men which are wt him have eny sayinge to eny man the lawe is open and ther are ruelars let the accuse one another.
Eger Dimitriy we uninggha qoshulghan hünerwenlerning melum bir kishining üstidin shikayiti bolsa, soraqxanilar ochuq turmaqta we soraqchi waliylarmu bar. Ular shu yerlerde bir-biri bilen dewalashsun;
39 Yf ye goo about eny other thinge it maye be determined in a lawfull cogregacion
we bashqa birer mesililiringlar bolsa, resmiy sorunda bir terep qilinishi lazim.
40 For we are in ieoperdy to be accused of this dayes busines: for as moche as ther is no cause wherby we maye geve a rekenynge of this concourse of people.
Biz emdi yene bügünki weqeni topilang dep erz qilinish xewpide turuwatimiz; chünki bu malimanchliqning héch sewebi körsitilmigechke, hésabinimu bérelmeymiz-de!
41 And when he had thus spoken he let the congregacion departe.
Bu sözlerni qilip bolup, u yighilghan xalayiqni tarqitiwetti.

< Acts 19 >