< Acts 17 >

1 As they made their iorney thorow Amphipolis and Appolonia they came to Thessalonica where was a synagoge of the Iewes.
paulasīlau āmphipalyāpalloniyānagarābhyāṁ gatvā yatra yihūdīyānāṁ bhajanabhavanamekam āste tatra thiṣalanīkīnagara upasthitau|
2 And Paul as his maner was went in vnto them and thre saboth doyes declared oute of the scripture vnto them
tadā paulaḥ svācārānusāreṇa teṣāṁ samīpaṁ gatvā viśrāmavāratraye taiḥ sārddhaṁ dharmmapustakīyakathāyā vicāraṁ kṛtavān|
3 openynge and allegynge that Christ must nedes have suffred and rysen agayne from deeth and that this Iesus was Christ whom (sayde he) I preache to you.
phalataḥ khrīṣṭena duḥkhabhogaḥ karttavyaḥ śmaśānadutthānañca karttavyaṁ yuṣmākaṁ sannidhau yasya yīśoḥ prastāvaṁ karomi sa īśvareṇābhiṣiktaḥ sa etāḥ kathāḥ prakāśya pramāṇaṁ datvā sthirīkṛtavān|
4 And some of them beleved and came and companyed with Paul and Sylas: also of the honourable Grekes a greate multitude and of the chefe wemen not a feawe.
tasmāt teṣāṁ katipayajanā anyadeśīyā bahavo bhaktalokā bahyaḥ pradhānanāryyaśca viśvasya paulasīlayoḥ paścādgāmino jātāḥ|
5 But the Iewes which beleved not havynge indignacio toke vnto the evyll men which were vagabondes and gadered a company and set all the cite on a roore and made asaute vnto the housse of Iason and sought to bringe the out to the people.
kintu viśvāsahīnā yihūdīyalokā īrṣyayā paripūrṇāḥ santo haṭaṭsya katinayalampaṭalokān saṅginaḥ kṛtvā janatayā nagaramadhye mahākalahaṁ kṛtvā yāsono gṛham ākramya preritān dhṛtvā lokanivahasya samīpam ānetuṁ ceṣṭitavantaḥ|
6 But when they founde them not they drue Iason and certayne brethren vnto the heedes of the cite cryinge: these that trouble the worlde are come hydder also
teṣāmuddeśam aprāpya ca yāsonaṁ katipayān bhrātṛṁśca dhṛtvā nagarādhipatīnāṁ nikaṭamānīya proccaiḥ kathitavanto ye manuṣyā jagadudvāṭitavantaste 'trāpyupasthitāḥ santi,
7 which Iason hath receaved prevely. And these all do contrary to the elders of Cesar affirmynge another kynge one Iesus.
eṣa yāson ātithyaṁ kṛtvā tān gṛhītavān| yīśunāmaka eko rājastīti kathayantaste kaisarasyājñāviruddhaṁ karmma kurvvati|
8 And they troubled the people and the officers of the cite when they hearde these thinges.
teṣāṁ kathāmimāṁ śrutvā lokanivaho nagarādhipatayaśca samudvignā abhavan|
9 And when they were sufficiently answered of Iason and of the other they let the goo.
tadā yāsonastadanyeṣāñca dhanadaṇḍaṁ gṛhītvā tān parityaktavantaḥ|
10 And the brethren immediatly sent awaye Paul and Sylas by nyght vnto Berrea. Which when they were come thyther they entred into ye synagoge of the Iewes.
tataḥ paraṁ bhrātṛgaṇo rajanyāṁ paulasīlau śīghraṁ birayānagaraṁ preṣitavān tau tatropasthāya yihūdīyānāṁ bhajanabhavanaṁ gatavantau|
11 These were the noblest of byrthe amonge the of Thessalonia which receaved the worde wt all diligence of mynde and searched ye scriptures dayly whether those thinges were even so.
tatrasthā lokāḥ thiṣalanīkīsthalokebhyo mahātmāna āsan yata itthaṁ bhavati na veti jñātuṁ dine dine dharmmagranthasyālocanāṁ kṛtvā svairaṁ kathām agṛhlan|
12 And many of the beleved: also of worshipfull weme which were Grekes and of men not a feawe.
tasmād aneke yihūdīyā anyadeśīyānāṁ mānyā striyaḥ puruṣāścāneke vyaśvasan|
13 When the Iewes of Thessalonia had knowledge that ye worde of God was preached of Paul at Berrea they came there and moved the people.
kintu birayānagare pauleneśvarīyā kathā pracāryyata iti thiṣalanīkīsthā yihūdīyā jñātvā tatsthānamapyāgatya lokānāṁ kupravṛttim ajanayan|
14 And then by and by ye brethre sent awaye Paul to goo as it were to ye see: but Sylas and Timotheus abode there still.
ataeva tasmāt sthānāt samudreṇa yāntīti darśayitvā bhrātaraḥ kṣipraṁ paulaṁ prāhiṇvan kintu sīlatīmathiyau tatra sthitavantau|
15 And they that gyded Paul brought him vnto Attens and receaved a comaundment vnto Sylas and Timotheus for to come to him at once and came their waye.
tataḥ paraṁ paulasya mārgadarśakāstam āthīnīnagara upasthāpayan paścād yuvāṁ tūrṇam etat sthānaṁ āgamiṣyathaḥ sīlatīmathiyau pratīmām ājñāṁ prāpya te pratyāgatāḥ|
16 Whyll Paul wayted for them at Attens his sprete was moved in him to se the cite geven to worshippinge of ymages.
paula āthīnīnagare tāvapekṣya tiṣṭhan tannagaraṁ pratimābhiḥ paripūrṇaṁ dṛṣṭvā santaptahṛdayo 'bhavat|
17 Then he disputed in the synagoge wt the Iewes and with the devout persones and in the market dayly with the that came vnto him.
tataḥ sa bhajanabhavane yān yihūdīyān bhaktalokāṁśca haṭṭe ca yān apaśyat taiḥ saha pratidinaṁ vicāritavān|
18 Certayne philosophers of ye Epicures and of ye stoyckes disputed with him. And some ther were which sayde: what will this babler saye. Other sayd: he semeth to be a tydynges bringer of newe devyls because he preached vnto them Iesus and the resurreccion.
kintvipikūrīyamatagrahiṇaḥ stoyikīyamatagrāhiṇaśca kiyanto janāstena sārddhaṁ vyavadanta| tatra kecid akathayan eṣa vācālaḥ kiṁ vaktum icchati? apare kecid eṣa janaḥ keṣāñcid videśīyadevānāṁ pracāraka ityanumīyate yataḥ sa yīśum utthitiñca pracārayat|
19 And they toke him and brought him into Marsestrete sayinge: maye we not knowe what this newe doctrine wher of thou speakest is?
te tam areyapāganāma vicārasthānam ānīya prāvocan idaṁ yannavīnaṁ mataṁ tvaṁ prācīkaśa idaṁ kīdṛśaṁ etad asmān śrāvaya;
20 For thou bringest straunge tydynges to oure eares. We wolde knowe therfore what these thinges meane.
yāmimām asambhavakathām asmākaṁ karṇagocarīkṛtavān asyā bhāvārthaḥ ka iti vayaṁ jñātum icchāmaḥ|
21 For all the Attenians and straungers which were there gave the selves to nothinge els but ether to tell or to heare newe tydynges.
tadāthīnīnivāsinastannagarapravāsinaśca kevalaṁ kasyāścana navīnakathāyāḥ śravaṇena pracāraṇena ca kālam ayāpayan|
22 Paul stode in the myddes of Marse strete and sayde: ye men of Attens I perceave that in all thinges ye are to supersticious.
paulo'reyapāgasya madhye tiṣṭhan etāṁ kathāṁ pracāritavān, he āthīnīyalokā yūyaṁ sarvvathā devapūjāyām āsaktā ityaha pratyakṣaṁ paśyāmi|
23 For as I passed by and behelde the maner how ye worship youre goddes I founde an aultre wher in was written: vnto ye vnknowen god. Whom ye then ignoratly worship him shewe I vnto you.
yataḥ paryyaṭanakāle yuṣmākaṁ pūjanīyāni paśyan ‘avijñāteśvarāya’ etallipiyuktāṁ yajñavedīmekāṁ dṛṣṭavān; ato na viditvā yaṁ pūjayadhve tasyaiva tatvaṁ yuṣmān prati pracārayāmi|
24 God that made the worlde and all that are in it seynge that he is Lorde of heven and erth he dwelleth not in temples made with hondes
jagato jagatsthānāṁ sarvvavastūnāñca sraṣṭā ya īśvaraḥ sa svargapṛthivyorekādhipatiḥ san karanirmmitamandireṣu na nivasati;
25 nether is worshipped with mennes hondes as though he neded of eny thinge seinge he him selfe geveth lyfe and breeth to all men every where
sa eva sarvvebhyo jīvanaṁ prāṇān sarvvasāmagrīśca pradadāti; ataeva sa kasyāścit sāmagyrā abhāvaheto rmanuṣyāṇāṁ hastaiḥ sevito bhavatīti na|
26 and hath made of one bloud all nacions of men for to dwell on all the face of the erthe and hath assigned before how longe tyme and also the endes of their inhabitacion
sa bhūmaṇḍale nivāsārtham ekasmāt śoṇitāt sarvvān manuṣyān sṛṣṭvā teṣāṁ pūrvvanirūpitasamayaṁ vasatisīmāñca niracinot;
27 that they shuld seke God yf they myght fele and fynde him though he be not farre from every one of vs.
tasmāt lokaiḥ kenāpi prakāreṇa mṛgayitvā parameśvarasya tatvaṁ prāptuṁ tasya gaveṣaṇaṁ karaṇīyam|
28 For in him we lyve move and have oure beynge as certayne of youre awne Poetes sayde. For we are also his generacion.
kintu so'smākaṁ kasmāccidapi dūre tiṣṭhatīti nahi, vayaṁ tena niśvasanapraśvasanagamanāgamanaprāṇadhāraṇāni kurmmaḥ, punaśca yuṣmākameva katipayāḥ kavayaḥ kathayanti ‘tasya vaṁśā vayaṁ smo hi’ iti|
29 For as moche then as we are the generacion of God we ought not to thynke that the godhed is lyke vnto golde silver or stone graven by crafte and ymaginacion of man.
ataeva yadi vayam īśvarasya vaṁśā bhavāmastarhi manuṣyai rvidyayā kauśalena ca takṣitaṁ svarṇaṁ rūpyaṁ dṛṣad vaiteṣāmīśvaratvam asmābhi rna jñātavyaṁ|
30 And the tyme of this ignoraunce God regarded not: but now he byddeth all men every where repent
teṣāṁ pūrvvīyalokānām ajñānatāṁ pratīśvaro yadyapi nāvādhatta tathāpīdānīṁ sarvvatra sarvvān manaḥ parivarttayitum ājñāpayati,
31 because he hath apoynted a daye in the which he will iudge the worlde acordynge to ryghtewesses by that man whom he hath apoynted and hath offered faith to all men after that he had raysed him from deeth.
yataḥ svaniyuktena puruṣeṇa yadā sa pṛthivīsthānāṁ sarvvalokānāṁ vicāraṁ kariṣyati taddinaṁ nyarūpayat; tasya śmaśānotthāpanena tasmin sarvvebhyaḥ pramāṇaṁ prādāt|
32 When they hearde of ye resurreccion from deeth some mocked and other sayde: we will heare the agayne of this matter.
tadā śmaśānād utthānasya kathāṁ śrutvā kecid upāhaman, kecidavadan enāṁ kathāṁ punarapi tvattaḥ śroṣyāmaḥ|
33 So Paul departed from amonge them.
tataḥ paulasteṣāṁ samīpāt prasthitavān|
34 Howbeit certayne men clave vnto Paul and beleved amonge the which was Dionysius a senatour and a woman named Damaris and other with them.
tathāpi kecillokāstena sārddhaṁ militvā vyaśvasan teṣāṁ madhye 'reyapāgīyadiyanusiyo dāmārīnāmā kācinnārī kiyanto narāścāsan|

< Acts 17 >