< Acts 17 >

1 As they made their iorney thorow Amphipolis and Appolonia they came to Thessalonica where was a synagoge of the Iewes.
Muda bapeta katika niji ya Amfipoli na Apolonia, baisile mpaka mji wa Thesalonike ambao pabile na sinagogi lya Ayahudi.
2 And Paul as his maner was went in vnto them and thre saboth doyes declared oute of the scripture vnto them
Mana yaibile kawaida ya Paulo, ateyenda kwao, na kwa muda wa masoba matatu ga Sabato atijadiliana nabo nnani ya maandiko.
3 openynge and allegynge that Christ must nedes have suffred and rysen agayne from deeth and that this Iesus was Christ whom (sayde he) I preache to you.
Abile akibafungulia maandiko na kubaelekeza kuwa, impalike Kristo ateseke na boka po atifufuka kae na boka kwa bandu ba kiwo. Atiamakiya, “Yolo Yesu ywaniabakiye habari yake nga Kristo”
4 And some of them beleved and came and companyed with Paul and Sylas: also of the honourable Grekes a greate multitude and of the chefe wemen not a feawe.
Baadhi ya Ayahudi batishawishika na kukengama na Paulo na Sila, pamope na Agiliki achaNnongo, alwawa banyansima baongofu na likundi likolo lya bandu.
5 But the Iewes which beleved not havynge indignacio toke vnto the evyll men which were vagabondes and gadered a company and set all the cite on a roore and made asaute vnto the housse of Iason and sought to bringe the out to the people.
Lakini baadhi ya Ayahudi baaminiya kwaa, batwelile na bwiu, batiyenda kusoko na kubatola baadhi ya bandu baovu, batikusanya kipenga sa bandu pamope, na kusababisha ghasia mjini, boka po batiivamia nyumba ya Jason, bapala kubakamwa Paulo na Sila ili kubaleta nnongi ya bandu.
6 But when they founde them not they drue Iason and certayne brethren vnto the heedes of the cite cryinge: these that trouble the worlde are come hydder also
Lakini batiwakosa, bankamwile Yasoni na baadhi ya alongo benge na kubapeleka nnongi ya maofisa ba mji, bakombwa ndoti, “Aba analome batiupimdua ulimwengu baikite mpaka huku pia,
7 which Iason hath receaved prevely. And these all do contrary to the elders of Cesar affirmynge another kynge one Iesus.
Analome aha batikaribishwa na Yasoni batiiharibia saliya ya Kaisaria, babaya pabile na mpwalume ywenge ywakemelwa Yesu.
8 And they troubled the people and the officers of the cite when they hearde these thinges.
Kipenga sa bandu na maofisa ba mji pabayowine makowe ago, bajingii na wasiwasi.
9 And when they were sufficiently answered of Iason and of the other they let the goo.
Badala ya kuwa bayomwile kutola mbanje ya thamani ya ulinzi boka kwa Yasoni na benge, batibaachia bayende.
10 And the brethren immediatly sent awaye Paul and Sylas by nyght vnto Berrea. Which when they were come thyther they entred into ye synagoge of the Iewes.
Kilo chelo alongo batintuma Paulo na Sila Beroya. Na balipofika kolyo batiyenda katika lisinagogi lya Ayahudi.
11 These were the noblest of byrthe amonge the of Thessalonia which receaved the worde wt all diligence of mynde and searched ye scriptures dayly whether those thinges were even so.
Bandu balo babile na uwerevu nkolo kuliko balo bandu ba Thesalonike, kwa sababu babile na utayari wa kulipokya neno kwa ajili yabe, na kuchunguza maandiko kila lisoba ili kuona mana maneno galongelwa nga yabile kati yayabile.
12 And many of the beleved: also of worshipfull weme which were Grekes and of men not a feawe.
Kwa eyo baingi babe batiamini, babile na anwawa babile na ushawishi nkolo ba Kigiriki na analome banyansima.
13 When the Iewes of Thessalonia had knowledge that ye worde of God was preached of Paul at Berrea they came there and moved the people.
Lakini Ayahudi na Thesalonike pabatigundua panga Paulo anatangaza neno lya Nnongo kolyo Beroya, batiyenda kolyo na kuchochea na boka po kuanzisha ghasia kwa bandu.
14 And then by and by ye brethre sent awaye Paul to goo as it were to ye see: but Sylas and Timotheus abode there still.
Kwa haraka, alongo batimpeleka Paulo kwa ndela ya ziwa, Lakini Sila na Timotheo babaki kolyo.
15 And they that gyded Paul brought him vnto Attens and receaved a comaundment vnto Sylas and Timotheus for to come to him at once and came their waye.
Balo alongo batimpeleka Paulo batiyenda niywembe hadi Athene, banlekite Paulo kolyo, batipokya maagizo boka kwake kuwa, Sila na Timotheo baise kwa haraka yaiwezekana.
16 Whyll Paul wayted for them at Attens his sprete was moved in him to se the cite geven to worshippinge of ymages.
Na muda akibalenda kolyo Athene, roho yake itikasirishwa nkati yake kwa namna yaaubweni mji utwelilwe sanamu zanyansima.
17 Then he disputed in the synagoge wt the Iewes and with the devout persones and in the market dayly with the that came vnto him.
Nga nyoo atilongela katika sinagogi na Ayahudi balo batincha Nnongo na kwa balo akwembine nabo kila lisoba mu'soko.
18 Certayne philosophers of ye Epicures and of ye stoyckes disputed with him. And some ther were which sayde: what will this babler saye. Other sayd: he semeth to be a tydynges bringer of newe devyls because he preached vnto them Iesus and the resurreccion.
Lakini baadhi ya Banafalsafa ba Baepikureo na Wetoiko batibakabili. Benge babaya, “Namani chaakilongela yolo mlongelaji nchunu? Benge babaya, “Ibonekana atihubiri habari ya nnongo mgeni,” kwa sababu ahubiria habari ya Yesu na ufufuo.
19 And they toke him and brought him into Marsestrete sayinge: maye we not knowe what this newe doctrine wher of thou speakest is?
Kabantola Paulo na kunneta Areopago, babaya, “Twaweza yowa aga mafundisho mapya yaugalongela?
20 For thou bringest straunge tydynges to oure eares. We wolde knowe therfore what these thinges meane.
Kwa mana waletya makowe gayambe katika makutu yitu. Kwa eyo twapala kugatanga makowe yabile ba maana gani?”
21 For all the Attenians and straungers which were there gave the selves to nothinge els but ether to tell or to heare newe tydynges.
(Na bandu bote ba Athene pamope na ageni babile kwao, utumia muda wao katika longela na kusikiliza nnani ya likowe lya ayambe.
22 Paul stode in the myddes of Marse strete and sayde: ye men of Attens I perceave that in all thinges ye are to supersticious.
Kwa eyo Paulo ayemi nkati ya bandu ba Areopago no baya, “Mwenga mwa bandu, naboa kuwa mwenga mwa bandu ba dini kwa kila namna,
23 For as I passed by and behelde the maner how ye worship youre goddes I founde an aultre wher in was written: vnto ye vnknowen god. Whom ye then ignoratly worship him shewe I vnto you.
Kwani katika pitya kwango na kulola ilebe yinu ya kuabudu, niabweni maneno yatiandikwa katika jimo ya madhabahu yinu, labaya, “KWA NNONGO YWAJULIKANA KWAA,” Nga nyo bai, yolo mwamumwabudia bila tanga, ywamwajulisha mwenga.
24 God that made the worlde and all that are in it seynge that he is Lorde of heven and erth he dwelleth not in temples made with hondes
Nnongo ywaiumbile dunia na kila kilebe chabile nkati, kwa mana ni Ngwana wa kumaunde na nchi, aweza kwaa tama mu'mahekalu gachengwile na maboko.
25 nether is worshipped with mennes hondes as though he neded of eny thinge seinge he him selfe geveth lyfe and breeth to all men every where
Na utmikiwa kwaa na maboko ga bandu kati panga wahitaji kilebe kwabe, kwani ywembe mwene awapeya bandu na pumzi na ilebe yenge yote.
26 and hath made of one bloud all nacions of men for to dwell on all the face of the erthe and hath assigned before how longe tyme and also the endes of their inhabitacion
Pitya mundu yumo, apangite mataifa gote ya bandu batama nnani ya minyo ga dunia, na atibabekya muda na mipaka katika maeneo batama.
27 that they shuld seke God yf they myght fele and fynde him though he be not farre from every one of vs.
Kwa eyo, baloba kumpala Nnongo, na yamkini bamfikie na kumpata, na kwa uhakika abile kwaa mbale na kila yumo witu.
28 For in him we lyve move and have oure beynge as certayne of youre awne Poetes sayde. For we are also his generacion.
Kwake twatama, twatyanga na kuwa na ukoto witu, mana chelo mtunzi winu yumo wa shairi alongela 'tubile abelekwi bake'.
29 For as moche then as we are the generacion of God we ought not to thynke that the godhed is lyke vnto golde silver or stone graven by crafte and ymaginacion of man.
Kwa eyo, mana itei twenga nin abelekwi ba Nnongo, twapalikwa kwaa kufikiri kuwa uungu ni kati dhahabu, au shaba, au maliwe, sanamu yaichongwa kwa ustadi na malango ga bandu.
30 And the tyme of this ignoraunce God regarded not: but now he byddeth all men every where repent
Kwa eyo, Nnongo atinyamaza muda wolo wa ulalo, lakini nambeambe atiamuru bandu bote kila mahali bapate kutubu.
31 because he hath apoynted a daye in the which he will iudge the worlde acordynge to ryghtewesses by that man whom he hath apoynted and hath offered faith to all men after that he had raysed him from deeth.
Ayee nga sababu atibeka lisoba lyapala kuihukumu dunia kwa haki kwa mundu ywabile atimchawa. Nnongo atitoa uhakika wa mundu yolo kwa kila mundu kolyo atiyoka boka mu'kiwo.
32 When they hearde of ye resurreccion from deeth some mocked and other sayde: we will heare the agayne of this matter.
Na bandu ba Athene bayowine habari ya kufufuliwa kwa bandu ba kiwo, baadhi yao batimdhihaki Paulo, ila benge babaya, “Twalowa kukuyowa kae kwa habari ya likowe lee”
33 So Paul departed from amonge them.
Baada ya hapo, Paulo atibaleka.
34 Howbeit certayne men clave vnto Paul and beleved amonge the which was Dionysius a senatour and a woman named Damaris and other with them.
Lakini baadhi ya bandu batikengamana niywembe baaminiya, na Dionisio Mwareopago, na Nwawa akemelwa Damari na ywenge pamope nabembe.

< Acts 17 >