< Acts 15 >

1 Then cam certayne from Iewrie and taught the brethren: excepte ye be circumcysed after the maner of Moses ye cannot be saved.
Ndambu yi batu baba ku Yuda, balonga bakhomba, bu batuba: —Enati lukadi zengoso nitu yi kibakala banga bu tumina Mina mi Moyize, buna lulendi vuka ko.
2 And when ther was rysen dissencion and disputinge not a litle vnto Paul and Barnabas agaynst them. They determined that Paul and Barnabas and certayne other of them shuld ascende to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles and elders aboute this question.
Polo ayi Balinabasi baba vunisa ayi baba findisa ziphaka. Diawu babakila lukanu ti Polo ayi Balinabasi ayi ndambu yi batu mu bawu bafueti kuenda ku Yelusalemi kuidi bamvuala ayi bakulutu mu diambu di nsamu wowo.
3 And after they were brought on their waye by the congregacion they passed over Phenices and Samaria declarynge the conuersion of the getyls and they brought great ioye vnto all ye brethren.
Dibundu diba sindika mu nzilꞌawu. Baviokila ku Fenisi ayi Samali. Buna basamuna phulusu yi Bapakanu; khini yiwombo bamonisa bakhomba.
4 And when they were come to Ierusalem they were receaved of the congregacion and of the Apostles and elders. And they declared what thinges God had done by them.
Bu batula ku Yelusalemi, bayakulu kuidi dibundu, kuidi bamvuala ayi bakulutu ba dibundu. Bamana samuna mambu moso momo mavanga Nzambi mu nzilꞌawu.
5 Then arose ther vp certayne that were of the secte of the Pharises and dyd beleve sayinge that it was nedfull to circucise them and to enioyne the to kepe ye lawe of Moses.
Vayi ndambu yi batu, bobo bawilukila, baba mu dikabu di Bafalisi batelama ayi batuba ti: bufueni bazengoso nitu yi kibakala ayi balandakana Mina mi Moyize.
6 And ye Apostles and elders came to geder to reason of this matter.
Bamvuala ayi bakulutu ba dibundu bakutakana mu diambu di yindula nsamu wowo.
7 And when ther was moche disputinge Peter rose vp and sayde vnto them: Ye men and brethren ye knowe how that a good whyle agoo God chose amoge vs that the getyls by my mouth shuld heare the worde of the gospell and beleve.
Ziphaka zingolo zibua, buna Piela wutelama ayi wuba kamba: —A bakhomba! Luzebi beno veka ti tona thama, Nzambi wutsobula va khatitsikꞌeno mu diambu di longa Nsamu Wumboti kuidi Bapakanu muingi bawu bawilukila.
8 And God which knoweth the herte bare them witnes and gave vnto them the holy goost eve as he dyd vnto vs
Nzambi zebi mintima mi batu, wuba telimina kimbangi bu kaba vana Pheve Yinlongo banga bu katuvanina.
9 and he put no difference bitwene them and vs but with fayth purified their hertes.
Niandi kasia tula kadi luviakunu ko va khatitsika beto ayi bawu bu kavedisa mintima miawu mu minu.
10 Now therfore why tempte ye God that ye wolde put a yoke on the disciples neckes which nether oure fathers nor we were able to beare.
Vayi buabu bila mbi lueka totila Nzambi mu kuika va tsingu yi minlonguki mfuna wowo bakulu beto ayi beto veka katulendi natikisa ko e?
11 But we beleve that thorowe the grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ we shalbe saved as they doo.
Vayi beto tuwilukidi ti mu nlemvo wu Pfumu eto Yesu tuvukidi. Buawu bobo buididi kuidi bawu mamvawu.
12 Then all the multitude was peased and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul which tolde what signes and wondres God had shewed amonge the gentyls by them.
Nkangu woso wuba dio sui! Bosi batu boso bawa Balinabasi ayi Polo basamuna bikumu ayi mambu manneni momo Nzambi kavanga mu bawu va khatitsika Bapakanu.
13 And when they helde their peace Iames answered sayinge: Men and brethren herken vnto me.
Buna bamanisa, Yoluka, Zaki wuvutula: —A zinkomba ziama, bika luwa mambu ndieka tuba!
14 Simeon tolde how God at the begynnynge dyd visit the gentyls and receaved of them people vnto his name.
Simoni samuni buevi tona vana thonono Nzambi kabuminina Bapakanu mu diambu di sobula va khatitsikꞌawu dikanda di batu difueni muba batu bandi veka.
15 And to this agreith ye wordes of ye Prophetes as it is written.
Buawu bobo budedikinini mambu matuba mimbikudi, boso bu sonimina:
16 After this I will returne and wyll bylde agayne the tabernacle of David which is fallen doune and that which is fallen in dekey of it will I bilde agayne and I will set it vp
Mambu momo mawu vioka, ndiela vutuka; ayi ndiela buela tunga nzo yi Davidi, yoyi yibua. Ndiela buela tunga bibuangu bioso bitiolumuka, ndiela buela bifuanisa
17 that the residue of men might seke after the Lorde and also the gentyls vpo whom my name is named saith ye Lorde which doth all these thinges:
muingi batu bobo basiala batomba Pfumu va kimosi ayi Bapakanu boso bakubuku muba batu bama. Buawu bobo butubidi Pfumu Wuvanga mambu mama
18 knowne vnto God are all his workes from the begynninge of the worlde. (aiōn g165)
Mazabikini mu zithangu zioso. (aiōn g165)
19 Wherfore my sentece is yt we trouble not them which fro amonge the gentyls are turned to God:
Diawu minu mbueni, tubika yamisa Bapakanu bobo balembo baluka kuidi Nzambi.
20 but yt we write vnto them yt they abstayne them selves fro filthynes of ymages fro fornicacio from straglyd and fro bloude.
Vayi mboti tuba sonikina, mu kuba kamba ti: babika dianga zimbizi zisumuka, zitambuku makaba kuidi bitumba, babika kitsuza ayi babika dianga bibulu biobi bifuidi mu kambu totuka menga ayi babika dianga menga.
21 For Moses of olde tyme hath in every cite that preache him and he is rede in the synagoges every saboth daye.
Bila mu zitsungi zithama, Moyize beki mu kadika divula minlongi miandi mieti tanga Mina mu bilumbu bioso bi saba mu zinzo zi zikhutukunu.
22 Then pleased it the Apostles and elders wt the whole congregacio to sende chosyn men of their owne copany to Antioche with Paul and Barnabas. They sent Iudas called also Barsabas and Silas which were chefe men amonge the brethre
Bosi bamvuala ayi bakulutu ba dibundu ayi badibundu boso bawizana mu sobula batu mu bawu ayi kuba fidisa ku Antioshi va kimosi ayi Polo ayi Balinabasi. Basobula Sila ayi Yuda diodi baba ntedilanga “Balisabasi” baba bakulutu va khatitsika bakhomba.
23 and gave them lettres in their hondes after this maner. The Apostles elders and brethren send gretynges vnto the brethre which are of the gentyls in Antioche Siria and Celicia.
Tala busonimina nkanda wowo babavana: —Beto bamvuala, bakulutu ba dibundu ayi bakhomba zieno, tueti vana mboti kuidi bakhomba badi mu makanda ma Bapakanu madi ku Antioshi, ku Sili ayi ku Silisi.
24 For as moche as we have hearde yt certayne which departed fro vs have troubled you with wordes and combred youre myndes sayinge: Ye must be circumcised and kepe the lawe to whom we gave no soche comaundemet.
Banga bu tuwilu ti bakhomba bankaka zitotukila kuidi beto bayiza lusia mu divuda, mu diambu di mu mambu batuba bosi bayiza vudikisa miela mieno. Beto tusia bavana kadi lutumunu ko.
25 It semed therfore to vs a good thinge when we were come to gedder with one accorde to sende chosyn men vnto you with oure beloved Barnabas and Paul
Tumueni ti didi diambu dimboti, bu tumeni wizana, mu sobula batu buadi mu beto ayi kulufidisila bawu va kimosi ayi bakhomba zieto zi luzolo Balinabasi ayi Polo;
26 men that have ieoperded their lyves for the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ.
bobo bayekula luzingu luawu mu diambu di dizina di Pfumu eto Yesu Klisto.
27 We have sent therfore Iudas and Sylas which shall also tell you the same thinges by mouth.
Tufidisidi Yuda ayi Sila, bawu bela kulukamba mambu tulusonikini.
28 For it semed good to the holy gost and to vs to put no grevous thinge to you more then these necessary thinges:
Bila dimonikini diambu dimboti kuidi Pheve Yinlongo ayi beto mu kambu kulukuika bizitu binkaka vayi mambu mama kaka ma nfunu:
29 that is to saye that ye abstayne from thinges offered to ymages from bloud from strangled and fornicacion. From which yf ye kepe youre selves ye shall do well. So fare ye well.
lubika dianga zimbizi zitambuku makaba kuidi bitumba, lubika dianga menga, lubika dianga bibulu bifuidi mu kambu totuka menga; lubika kitsuza. Enati lukikebidi mu mambu momo, buna luvengi diambu di mboti. Lusiala mboti.
30 When they were departed they came to Antioche and gaddred the multitude togeder and delyvered ye pistle.
Bawu bu basinduku, bayenda ku Antioshi. Bakutikisa nkangu wu batu, babavana nkanda beni.
31 When they had redde it they reioysed of that consolacion.
Batu bamona khini bu bamana tanga nkanda beni bila wuba bomba.
32 And Iudas and Sylas beinge prophetes exhorted the brethren with moche preachynge and strengthed them.
Yuda ayi Sila sumbu baba mimbikudi, balonga bakhomba mu mambu mawombo ayi baba kindisa.
33 And after they had taryed there a space they were let goo in peace of the brethren vnto the Apostles.
Bu bavuanda kuna ndambu bilumbu; bakhomba baba sindika mu ndembama kuidi bobo baba fidisa. [
34 Not with stondynge it pleasyd Sylas to abyde there still.
Vayi Sila wuzenga mu siala ku Antioshi; Yuda wuvutuka niandi veka ku Yelusalemi.]
35 Paul and Barnabas continued in Antioche teachynge and preachynge the worde of the Lorde with other many.
Polo ayi Balinabasi bavuanda ku Antioshi, va kimosi ayi bankaka, balonga ayi basamuna Mambu ma Pfumu.
36 But after a certayne space Paul sayde vnto Barnabas: Let vs goo agayne and visite oure brethren in every cite where we have shewed the worde of the Lorde and se how they do.
Ndambu bilumbu bu bivioka, Polo wukamba Balinabasi: —Bika tuvutuka bumina bakhomba badi mu mavula moso momo tulonga mambu ma Pfumu muingi tutala buevi badidi.
37 And Barnabas gave counsell to take wt them Iohn called also Marke.
Balinabasi wuzola nata Yowani, diodi baba ntedilanga Malako.
38 But Paul thought it not mete to take him vnto their company whiche departed from them at Pamphylia and went not with them to the worke.
Vayi Polo wumona ti buisi fuana ko mu nata mutu wowo wusia kuba tina tona ku Pamfili ayi wukambu sala yawu va kimosi.
39 And the dissencion was so sharpe bitwene them that they departed a sunder one from the other: so that Barnabas toke Marke and sayled vnto Cypers.
Polo ayi Balinabasi bazonza ayi bayiza vambana. Balinabasi wunata Malako, wukota mu masuwa ayi wuyenda ku Sipeli.
40 And Paul chose Sylas and departed delyvered of ye brethren vnto the grace of god.
Polo wubonga Sila ayi bayenda bakhomba bu zimana kuba yekula mu mioko mi Pfumu.
41 And he went thorowe all Cyria and Cilicia stablisshynge the congregacions.
Wuviokila mu Sili ayi mu Silisi, wukindisa mabundu.

< Acts 15 >