< Acts 12 >

1 In that tyme Herode the kynge stretched forthe his handes to vexe certayne of the congregacion.
Unsiki ughuo untua u Herode akagholosia uluvoko lwa mwene kuvamonga vala vano vihuma kukipugha ulwakuti vavapumusie.
2 And he kylled Iames the brother of Iohn with the swerde:
Akam'buda u Yakobo unyalukolo ghwa Yohana ni bamba.
3 and because he sawe that it pleased ye Iewes he proceded forther and toke Peter also. Then were the dayes of swete breed.
Ye alolile kuuti ava Yahudi vikela isio, akankola naju Pettrokange. Ulu lulilya amasiki agha makate aghasita kilule.
4 And when he had caught him he put him in preson and delyvered him to. iiii. quaternios of soudiers to be kepte entendynge after ester to brynge him forth to the people.
Ye an'kolile, akamponia mu ndinde pe akavika ifipugha fine fya vasikari ulwakuti vamulolelaghe, alyale ihuvila kuntwala kuvanhu yekikilile ikimike kya pasaka.
5 Then was Peter kepte in preson. But prayer was made with out ceasynge of the congregacion vnto God for him.
U Petro akabukua mundinde, looli inyifunyo sikavombua ni ngufu ni kipugha vwimila vwa mwene kwa Nguluve.
6 And when Herode wolde have brought him oute vnto the people the same nyght slepte Peter bitwene two soudiers bounde with two chaynes and the kepers before the dore kepte the preson.
Ikighono yekikiale u Herode nalutile kukumumia, ikilo ijio akaghonile pakati na Kate pa vasikali vavili kumo akungilue na manyololo ghavili, navaloleli pavulongolo pa muliango vakava vilolela indinde.
7 And beholde the angell of ye Lorde was there present and a lyght shyned in the lodge. And smote Peter on the syde and steryd him vp sayinge: aryse vp quyckly. And his cheynes fell of fro his hondes.
Lolagha, u nyamola ghwa Mutwa nakalingi akamumia nu lumuli lukamulika nkate. Akantova u Petro muluvafu na pikunsisimula akati, “Sisimuka ng'aning'ani.” apuo amanyororo ghoni ghano akakungilue ghakavopoka mumavoko gha mwene.
8 And the angell sayd vnto him: gyrde thy selfe and bynde on thy sandales. And so he dyd. And he sayde vnto him: cast thy mantle aboute the and folowe me.
U munyamola akambula, “Fwala Amanda ghako na fifilato fyako.” U Petro akavimba vulevule. U Munyamola akam'bula, “fwala umwenda ghwako pe umbingililaghe.”
9 And he came oute and folowed him and wist not that it was truthe which was done by the angell but thought he had sene a vision.
Apuo u Petro akambingilila u Munyamola akahuma kunji. Nalyakitang'inie kind kilyavombilue nu Munyamola kuuti sa kyang'ani. Akahwanagha ighonela injosi.
10 When they were past ye fyrst and ye seconde watche they came vnto yt yron gate yt ledeth vnto the cyte which opened to them by his awne accorde. And they went out and passed thorowe one strete and by and by the angell departed fro him.
Ye akiling'inie ikilolelo ikilongosi ni kyavuvili vakafika palilyingo ilya kyuma ilya kwingilila kuluta kulikaja, likadinduka lyene vwimila vwa mwene. Vakahuma mulikaja kunji vakika mum'pulo, nakalingi u Nyamola akamuleka.
11 And when Peter was come to him selfe he sayde: now I knowe of a surety that the Lorde hath sent his angell and hath delyvered me out of the honde of Herode and from all the waytynge for of the people of ye Iewes.
U Petro ye itang'inie, akati, “Lino nitike kuuti Mutwa amwomwile u Munyamola ghwa mwene ulwakuti anyimie mumavoko gha Herode, namuhuvilo sa vanhu vooni ava muvu Yahudi.”
12 And as he consydred the thinge he cam to ye housse of Mary the mother of one Iohn which was called Marke also where many were gaddered to gedder in prayer.
Ye akagwile isi, akaluta kunyumba ja Mariamu ung'ina wawa Yohana juno ghwe Marko; Avakilisite vinga valyakong'anile vikufunya.
13 As Peter knocked at the entry dore a damsell cam forth to herken named Rhoda.
Ye ahodisie kumulyango ughwa kisighililo, u-mbombi jumo uminja juno itambulivua Roda akisa kudindula.
14 And when she knew Peters voyce she opened not the entrey for gladnes but ran in and told how Peter stode before the entrey.
Ye akaguile lisio lya Petro, nu lukelo akakunua kudindula umulyango; pa uluo, akakimbilila nkate mu kyumba; nakuvavula kuuti u Petro imile kuvulongolo ku mulyingo.
15 And they sayde vnto her: thou arte mad. And she bare them doune yt it was even so. Then sayde they: it is his angell.
Apuo, vakajova kwa mwene, “Uve ulinyalukwale” looli akakangasia kuuti sakyang'ani ghwe mwene. Vakati “Ujuo ghwe Munyamola ghwa mwene.”
16 Peter cotynued knockinge. When they had opened the dore and sawe him they were astonyed.
Looli u Petro akajigha ifidudusia, ye vadindwile umulyango, vakamwagha vakadegha kyingo. U Petro akavanyamasia nu luvoko Kimie Kimmie pe akavavula ndavule u Mutwa amumisie kuhuma mundinde akati,
17 And he beckened vnto them with ye honde to holde their peace and tolde them by what meanes ye Lorde had brought him oute of the preson. And sayde: goo shew these thinges vnto Iames and to the brethren. And he departed and went into a nother place.
“Vavule isi u YakoboYakobo na vanyalukolo va mwene.” Apuo pe akavuka kuluta ku vunge.
18 Assone as it was daye ther was no lyttell a doo amoge the soudyers what was becum of Peter.
Pano kukava mwisi, lukava lusukunalo mun'kate muva sikali, kuhumilanila na kino kihumile kwa Petro.
19 When Herode had called for him and founde him not he examined the kepers and comaunded to departe. And he descended from Iewry to Cesarea and ther abode.
U Herode ye amulondile nalyambweene akavaposia avaloleli pe akalaghila vabudue. Akaluta kuhuma kuvu Yahudi kuhuma kuvu Kaisaria pe akikala kukuo.
20 Herode was displeased with them of Tyre and Sydon. And they came all at once and made intercession vnto Blastus the kynges chamberlen and desyred peace because their countrey was norysshed by the kynges londe.
U Herode alyale ni ng'alasi vwimila vwa vaanhu ava Tiro ni Sidonia. Vakaluta palikimo kwa mwene. Vakava nikimanyani nu Blasto untangili ghwa Ntua, kuuti avatange. Kange vakasuma ulutengano, ulwakuva iisi jave jilyaplilue ikyakulia kuhuma mu iisi ja Ntua.
21 And upon a daye appoynted Herode arayed him in royall apparell and set him in his seate and made an oraycon vnto them.
Ikighono kinokilyavikilue u Herode akafwala amenda agha kitua napikukala pakitengo ikyamwene ikya vutua, pe akavadalikila.
22 And the people gave a shoute sayinge: it is ye voyce of a God and not of a man.
anhuAvanhu vakajeghela, “Ili lye lisio lya Nguluve nambe nalisio lya munhu!”
23 And immediatly the angell of ye Lorde smote him because he gave not God the honoure and he was eatyn of wormes and gave vp the goost.
Nakalingi u Nyamola akantova, ulwakuva nalyampelile u Nguluve ulwimiko; akalivua namatekenya akafua
24 And ye worde of God grewe and multiplied.
Looli ilisio lya Nguluve likakula na kukwilana.
25 And Barnabas and Paul returned to Ierusalem when they had fulfilled their office and toke with them Iohn which was also called Marcus.
U Sauli nu Barnaba ye vakwisisie imbombo jivanave vakavuka pala vakagomoka ku Yerusalemu, vakantola nu Yohana juno ilitavua ilyakuholua ghwe Marko

< Acts 12 >