< 1 Corinthians 14 >

1 Labour for love and covet spretuall giftes: and most chefly forto prophesye.
Lungnaak ve hquut unawh taw myihla ben kutdo ve ngaih soeih lah uh, kutdo ak khuiawh awikqawnnaak ve ngaih khqoet lah uh.
2 For he that speaketh with toges speaketh not vnto men but vnto god for no man heareth him how be it in the sprete he speaketh misteries.
Ikawtih amsim awi na ak pau ing thlang a venawh am pau nawh Khawsa venawh ni a pau hy. Amsim awina awihkqawn ing thlanghqing venawh awi ak kqawnna am awm nawh, Khawsa venawh ak kqawn ni, u ingawm ak awihkqawn ce am zasim uhy; cehlai myihla ing awihyp ak kqawn ni.
3 But he that prophesieth speaketh vnto men to edifyinge to exhortacion and to comforte.
Cehlai awi ak kqawn ingtaw thlang ak thaawmnaak, thapeeknaak ingkaw ngaihdingnaak aham awi kqawn pehy.
4 He that speaketh with tonges proffiteth him silfe: he that prophesyeth edifieth the congregacion.
Amsim awi ak pau ing amah doeng tlaihvawng nawh, awihkqawnkung ingtaw thlangboel tlaihvawng hy.
5 I wolde that ye all spake with tonges: but rather that ye prophesied. For greater is he that prophisieth? then he yt speaketh with tonges except he expounde it also that the congregacion maye have edifyinge.
Amsim awi nami pau boeih aham ngaih hlai nyng, cehlai awi namik kqawn a hamna ni ngaih pyi khqi bet nyng. Amsim awi ak pau ing thlangboel a hawihkhangnaak aham kqawn caihnaak ama taak awhtaw, amsim awi pau anglakawh awi ak kqawn taw leek bet hy.
6 Now brehren if I come vnto you speakige wt tonges: what shall I profit you excepte I speake vnto you other by revelacio or knowledge or prophesyinge or doctrine.
Koeinaakhqi, nangmih a venawh law nawh amsim awina kqawn nawh, simsaknaak mai aw, simnaak mai aw, awikqawnnaak mai aw, cawngpyinaak mai aw nami venawh am kak kqawn mantaw nangmih hamna ikaw phu a taak kaw?
7 Moreover whe thinges with out lyfe geve sounde: whether it be a pype or an harpe: except they make a distinccion in the soundes: how shall it be knowen what is pyped or harped?
Ik-oeih hqingnaak amak awm, ak qeng thai, khqung maiaw, tingtoeng mai aw thlang ing a oei awm kaana a tum sawhqat mantaw u ing ang zak thai kaw?
8 And also if the trope geve an vncertayne voyce who shall prepare him silfe to fyght?
Uut awm a lawng a lam na ama qeng mantaw, qaal tuk aham u nu ak hlah kaw?
9 Eve so lykwyse whe ye speake with toges excepte ye speake wordes that have signification how shall yt be vnderstonde what is spoke? For ye shall but speake in the ayer.
Cemyih nani nangmih awm nami awm hly. Nam lai ing zaksim kawi awi am nak kqawn ce u ing ang zaksim kaw? Zilh awh awi nak kqawn amyihna man a awm kaw.
10 Many kyndes of voyces are in the worlde and none of them are with out signification.
Khawmdek khan awh awi khawzah awm hlai hy, zaksim na amak awm awi pynoet awm am awm hy.
11 If I knowe not what the voyce meaneth I shalbe vnto him that speaketh an alient: and and he that speaketh shalbe an alient vnto me
Thlang ing awi ak kqawn ce am kang zaksim mantaw, kai taw anih aham thlanglang na awm kawng nyng saw, anih awm kai aham thlanglang na awm kaw.
12 Eve so ye (for as moche as ye covet spretuall giftes) seke that ye maye have plentye vnto ye edifyinge of the congregacion.
Cemyihna ce nangmih awm Myihla ben thempeek ce huh aham nami ngaih adawngawh, thlangboel hamna a hawihkhang naak hly ben thempeek ce ngaih lah uh.
13 Wherfore let him that speaketh with tonges praye that he maye interpret also.
Ve a dawngawh amsim awi ak pau ing ak kqawncaihnaak thai a hamna cykcah seh nyng.
14 If I praye with tonge my sprete prayeth: but my mynde is with out frute.
Amsim awi na kak cykcah mantaw kang myihla ni ak cykcah hy, cehlai ka simnaak ing am hawihkhaang hy.
15 What is it then? I will praye with the sprete ad will praye wt the mynde also. I will singe with the sprete and will singe with the mynde also.
Cawhtaw ikawmyihna nu ka ti hly? Myihla ing cykcah kawng nyng saw, kak kawlung ingawm cykcah kawng; myihla ing laa sa kawng nyng saw, kawlung ingawm laa sa kawng.
16 For els when thou blessest with ye sprete how shall he that occupieth the roume of the vnlearned saye amen at thy gevinge of thankes seynge he vnderstondeth not what thou sayest
Myihla ing Khawsa namim kyihcah mantaw nami venawh ak awm amak zasimkhqi ing ikawmyihnanu nangmih a zeelnaak awi kqawnnaak awh ce, “Amen” ami ti thai kaw?
17 Thou verely gevest thankes well but the other is not edyfied.
Nangmih ingtaw zeelnaak awi kqawn hly pai hlai uhyk ti, thlakchang aham hawihkhang naak am awm hy.
18 I thanke my god I speake with toges moare then ye all.
Nangmih boeih anglakawh amsim awi khawzah ngaina ka pau dawngawh Khawsa kyihcah nyng.
19 Yet had I lever in ye cogregacio to speake five wordes with my mynde to ye informacio of other rather then ten thousande wordes wt the tonge.
Cehlai thlangboel ak khuiawh amsim awi thonghqa kqawn anglakawh thlang cukkiknaak aham thlang ing ang zaksim awi lung nga ni kak kqawn hly lat hy.
20 Brethre be not chyldre in witte. How be it as cocerninge maliciousnes be chyldre: but in witte be perfet.
Koeinaakhqi, kawpoeknaak benawh koeh nasen voel uh; cehlai thawlh sainaak awhtaw nasen unawh, kawpoeknaak awhtaw hqamca law uh.
21 In the lawe it is written with other toges and with other lyppes wyll I speake vnto this people and yet for all that will they not heare me sayth the Lorde.
Anaa awi awh, “Thlak chang awi ak paukhqi ingkaw qapchang thlangkhqi a hui am lai hawnaak ing, ve thlangkhqi venawh awi kqawn kawng, cawh pateng awm kak awi ve am ngai kawm uh,” tinawh Bawipa ing kqawn hy.
22 Wherfore tonges are for a signe not to them that beleve: but to them that beleve not. Contrary wyse prophesyinge serveth not for them that beleve not: but for them which beleve.
Amsim awi vetaw, ak cangnaak thlangkhqi ham am nawh amak cangnaak thlangkhqi aham hatnaak ni; cehlai awiphawng taw amak cangnaak thlangkhqi aham am nawh ak cangnaak thlangkhqi ham ni.
23 Yf therfore when all the cogregacion is come to gedder and all speake with tonges ther come in they yt are vnlearned or they which beleve not: will they not saye that ye are out of youre wittes?
Thlangboelkhqi pynoet na a ming cun awh amsim awi na ami pau boeih mantaw, cawhkaw ak awm amsim awi na amak pau thlang, am awhtaw amak cangnaak thlangkhqi ing, nangmih ve ami cyih am awm voel hy, amni tina hlyk khqi nawh nu?
24 But and yf all prophesy and ther come in one that beleveth not or one vnlearned he is rebuked of all men and is iudged of every man:
Cehlai nangmih ing awi namik kqawn awh, amsim awi amak zasim ingkaw amak cangnaak thlang ce a law mantaw, anih ce nangmih ing ak nepna namik kqawn peeknaak ak caming thlakthawlh na awm nyng, tice sim kaw,
25 and so are ye secretes of his hert opened and so falleth he doune on his face and worshippeth God and sayth yt God is wt you in dede.
ang hyp kawlung poeknaakkhqi boeih ce dang sak na awm kaw. Cawhtaw anih ing khuk sym doena Khawsa ce bawk kaw, “Nangmih anglakawh Khawsa awm tang tang hy!” ti kaw.
26 How is it then brethre? When ye come to gedder every ma hath his songe hath his doctryne hath his toge hath his revelacio hath his interpretacio. Let all thinges be done vnto edifyinge.
Cawhtaw Koeinaakhqi ikawmyihna nu ni ti lah voei uh? Kutnoet na naming cun law awh, laa sak ham, am awhtaw nyhtahnaak awi aw, awiphawng ham aw, amsim awi pau ham aw, am awhtaw kqawncaih ham aw ta qip uhyk ti. Vemyihkhqi boeih ve thlangboel thaawmnaak aham nami sai aham awm hy.
27 If eny man speake wt tonges let it be two at once or at the most thre at once and that by course: and let another interprete it.
Amsim awi ak pau a awm awhtaw, thlang pakkhih pakthum ce pynoet na pau kawm usaw, cawh thlang pynoet ing ak kqawn caih aham awm hy.
28 But yf ther be no interpreter let him kepe silence in the cogregacion and let him speake to him selfe and to God.
Ak kqawn, caihkung ama awm awhtaw, thlangboel anglakawh amsim awi ak pau ce awm dym seitaw amah ingkaw Khawsa anglak law awh pau seh nyng.
29 Let the Prophetes speake two at once or thre at once and let other iudge.
Thlang pakkhih pakthum ing awi phawng kawmsaw, thlak chang ing cawhkaw awi ce ak nepna a nai a nawng aham awm hy.
30 Yf eny revelacio be made to another that sitteth by let the fyrst holde his peace.
Ak ngawi thlang a venawh phawng hly kawi awi a pha awhtaw, awi ak kqawn lamma ce ang dym aham awm hy.
31 For ye maye all prophesy one by one that all maye learne and all maye have comforte.
Thlang boeih cukkik na awm nawh thaawmnaak a mi huh thainaak aham, pynoet qip ing awikqawn thai uhyk ti.
32 For ye spretes of the Prophetes are in the power of the Prophetes.
Awi ak phawngkungkhqi ang myihla taw awi phawngkung a hquinaak khuiawh ni a awm.
33 For God is not causer of stryfe: but of peace as he is in all other congregacions of the saynctes.
Ikawtih Khawsa taw kqonaak Khawsa am nawh qoepnaak Khawsa ni. Thlakciimkhqi cunnaak thlangboel khuiawh a awm amyihna.
34 Let youre wyves kepe silence in the cogregacions. For it is not permitted vnto them to speake: but let them be vnder obedience as sayth the lawe.
Nukhqi ing awi kqawn kaana ami awm dym aham awm hy. A mingmih aham awi kqawn thainaak am awm hy. Anaa awi ing ak kqawn amyihna awi ngainaak ing ami awm aham awm hy.
35 If they will learne enythinge let the axe their husbandes at home. For it is a shame for wemen to speake in the cogregacio.
Ik-oeih akawng sim aham ami ngaih awhtaw, im na ami vaakhqi ce doet u seh; kawtih nu ing thlangboel khuiawh awi ak kqawn ve chahqai na awm hy.
36 Sproge ye worde of god fro you? Ether came it vnto you only?
Nangmih a venawh nu Khawsak awi ve a law ma? Am awhtaw nangmih doeng nu ak pha ma na nami awm uh?
37 Yf eny ma thinke him sylfe a prophet ether spirituall: let him vnderstonde what thinges I write vnto you. For they are the comaundementes of the Lorde.
U ingawm tawngha am awhtaw myihla kutdo ak hu na ang ngai qu awhtaw, kai ing nangmih a venawh ka qee law awi ve Bawipa ak awipeek ni ti sim seh.
38 But and yf eny man be ignorat let him be ignorant.
Cehlai Ikawna ama sui awhtaw anih awm Ikawna am sui lawt kaw.
39 Wherfore brethren covet to prophesye and forbyd not to speake with tonges.
Cedawngawh, koeinaakhqi, awiphawng ve ngaih bet uh, Cehlai amsim awi pau awm koeh kham law uh.
40 And let all thinges be done honestly and in order.
Ik-oeih soepkep ve a lawng a im amyihna ang qoep cana sai aham awm hy.

< 1 Corinthians 14 >