< 1 Corinthians 10 >

1 Brethren I wolde not that ye shuld be ignoraunt of this how yt oure fathers were all vnder a cloude and all passed thorow the see
Beno bakhomba, mbengi ti lubika zaba ti bakulu beto badiatila ku tsi dituti ayi bawu boso badiatila va mbu;
2 and were all baptised vnder Moses in the cloude and in the see:
bawu boso babotama mu Moyize mu dituti ayi mu mbu;
3 and dyd all eate of one spirituall meate
baboso badia bidia bimosi bi kiphevi
4 and did all drincke of one maner of spirituall drincke. And they dranke of that spretuall rocke that folowed them which rocke was Christ.
ayi baboso banua nduinu yimosi yi kiphevi. Bila banua nlangu wutotukila mu ditadi di Kipheve diodi diba kuba landakananga. Ditadi beni Klisto.
5 But in many of them had god no delite. For they were overthrowen in the wildernes.
Vayi Nzambi kasia mona khini ko mu bawombo mu bawu; diawu bafuila mu dikanga.
6 These are ensamples to vs that we shuld not lust after evyll thinges as they lusted
Mambu mama madi bifuani kuidi beto mu diambu tubika zinina mambu mambimbi banga bawu bu bazinina moyo.
7 Nether be ye worshippers of Images as were some of them accordynge as it is written: The people sate doune to eate and drynke and rose vp agayne to playe.
Lubika sambilanga bitumba banga bubela bankaka mu bawu. Banga bu sonimina: batu bavuanda mu diambu di dia ayi nua bosi bawu boso batelama mu diambu di sakana.
8 Nether let vs comit fornicacion as some of them committed fornicacion and were destroyed in one daye. xxiii. thousande.
Tubika kukiyekula mu kitsuza banga bu vangila bankaka mu bawu. Bunamakumuadi mili tatu yi batu bafua mu lumbu kimosi.
9 Nether let vs tempte Christ as some of them tempted and were destroyed of serpentes.
Tubikanu tota Pfumu banga buvangila bankaka mu bawu, buna mbungi wuba bunga.
10 Nether murmure ye as some of them murmured and were destroyed of ye destroyer
Lubika niunguta, banga bu niungutila bankaka mu bawu. Mu bila kioki mbasi yi lufua yiba vonda.
11 All these thinges happened vnto them for ensamples and were written to put vs in remembraunce whom the endes of the worlde are come apon. (aiōn g165)
Mamoso momo ma babuila madi kifuani kuidi beto. Mambu beni masonoko mu kutulubula, beto tulembo zingi mu thangu yi tsuka. (aiōn g165)
12 Wherfore let hym that thynketh he stodeth take hede least he fall.
Diawu woso mutu wumbanza ti widi wutelama kakeba kedi bua.
13 There hath none other temptacion taken you but soche as foloweth ye nature of ma. But God is faythfull which shall not suffer you to be tempted above youre strenght: but shall in the myddes of the temptacion make awaye to escape out.
Ziphukumunu zioso zibuila batu ziba ziphukumunu ziozi batu boso balenda nunga. Vayi Nzambi widi wukuikama, kalendi tala ko ti phukumunu yiluviatukila ngolo. Vayi phukumunu bu yizidi, niandi kafueti kuluvana diluaku di lufueti totukila muingi lubaka bu vibidila yawu.
14 Wherfore my deare beloued fle from worshippynge of ydols.
Diawu bakundi bama ba luzolo, lutina sambilanga bitumba.
15 I speake as vnto them which have discrecion Iudge ye what I saye.
Minu ndinyoluka kuidi batu badi banga batu badiela, diawu luzenga beno veka mu momo ma ndilembo tubi.
16 Ys not the cuppe of blessinge which we blesse partakynge of ye bloude of Christ? ys not the breed which we breake partetakynge of the body of Christ?
“Mbungu yi lusakumunu” yi tunsakumunanga yisi kithuadi ayi mengama Klisto ko e? Dipha diodi tueti bukunanga, disi kithuadi, ki nitu yi Klisto ko e?
17 because that we (though we be many) yet are one breed and one bodye in as moch as we all are partetakers of one breed.
Bila dipha dimosi didi vayi beto tuidi bawombo, tuidi nitu yimosi bila beto boso bueti kabananga dipha dimosi kaka.
18 Beholde Israhell which walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyse partetakers of the aultre?
Lutala Iseli, mu kinsuni, bobo bandianga makaba, basi mu kithuadi ayi ntala ko e?
19 What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thinge? or that it which is offered to ymages is eny thinge?
Mbi thidi tuba? Kani kima kioki kitambuku kuidi tumba mfunu kidi? Kani tumba beni mfunu kidi e?
20 Nay but I saye that those thinges which the gentyle offer they offer to devyls and not to god. And I wolde not that ye shuld have fellishippe with ye devils
Nana. Vayi makaba momo Bapakanu bantambikanga, bantambikanga mawu kuidi eipheve zimbimbi, vayi bika kuidi Nzambi. Mbengi ti luba kithuadi ayi ziphevi zimbimbi.
21 Ye canot drincke of the cup of the lorde and of yt cup of ye deuyls. Ye cnanot be partetakers of the lordes table and of the table of deuelles.
Lulendi ko nua mu mbungu yi Pfumu ayi mu mbungu yi ziphevi zimbimbi. Lulendi ko dia va meza yi Pfumu ayi va meza yi ziphevi zimbimbi.
22 Ether shall we provoke the lorde? Or are we stronger then he? All thynges are laufull vnto me but all thynges are not expedient.
Voti tutidi soka kiphala ki Nzambi e? A buevi, beto tulutidi ngolo ayi niandi?
23 All thynges are lawfull to me but all thinges edifye not.
“Minsua midi mu mambu moso”. Muaki mambu moso masi mfunu ko. Voti minsua midi mu mambu moso vayi mambu moso matunganga ko.
24 Let no man seke his awne proffet: but let every man seke anothers welthe.
Mutu kabika tombanga mamboti mandi veka vayi bika kadika mutu katomba mamboti ma ndiandi.
25 What soever is solde in the market that eate and axe no questions for conscience sake
Ludia bima bioso bintekosongo ku zandu, mu kambu yamisa mayindu ma ntima.
26 For the erth is the lordis and all that therein is.
Bila Pfumu niandi vuidi ntoto ayi bima bioso bidi muawu.
27 Yf eny of them which beleve not bid you to a feest and yf ye be disposed to goo what soever is seet before you: eate axinge no question for conscience sake.
Enati mutu wukambu wilukila wulutumisini mu dia ayi enati lutidi kuenda buna ludia bibio bakulutudila mu kambu yamisa mayindu ma mintima mieno.
28 But and yf eny man saye vnto you: this is dedicate vnto ydols eate not of it for his sake that shewed it and for hurtynge of conscience.
Vayi enati mutu wulukembi ti: “biabi bidi bitambuku” buna lubika ku bidia mu diambu di mutu wowo wululubudi ayi mu kambu yamisa mayindu ma ntima.
29 Conscience I saye not thyne: but the coscieuce of that other. For why shuld my liberte be iudged of another manes conscience:
Ndikadi yolukila mayindu maku ma ntima vayi mayindu ma mutu wunkaka. Bila mbi mayindu ma ntima ma mutu wunkaka mafueti sambisila kiphuanza kiama?
30 For yf I take my parte with thakes: why am I evell spoken of for that thynge wherfore I geve thankes.
Enati ndimvutula matondo bu ndindianga buna bila mbi mfueti tubudulu mu diambu di bidia bi ndimvutudilanga matondo e?
31 Whether therfore ye eate or dryncke or what soever ye do do all to the prayse of God.
Diawu banza ti dia lundia, nua lu nua voti dioso kuandi diambu lumvanga, luvanga diawu mu diambu di nkembo wu Nzambi.
32 Se that ye geve occasion of evell nether to ye Iewes nor yet to the gentyls nether to ye cogregacion of god:
Lubika kituka diluaku di mbuminina batu thutu, buba kuidi Bayuda, kuidi Bapakanu voti kuidi dibundu di Nzambi.
33 euen as I please all men in all thinges not sekynge myne awne proffet but the proffet of many that they myght be saved. Folowe me as I do Christ.
Banga minu bu ndieti vanganga. Ndintulanga ngolo mu monisa batu boso khini, mu mambu moso, mu kambu tombanga mamboti mama vekavayi mamboti ma bawombo mu diambu bavuka.

< 1 Corinthians 10 >