< Revelation 19 >

1 After this, I heard what seemed to be a great shout from a vast throng in Heaven, crying — ‘Hallelujah! To our God belong Salvation, and Glory, and Power,
Kꞌa te riꞌ xinta kichꞌabꞌal sibꞌalaj e kꞌi winaq ri e kꞌo pa ri kaj jewaꞌ xkibꞌij: ¡Qꞌijilaꞌtal ri Ajawxel! Ri kolotajem, ri juluwem ri kwinem e rech ri qaDios.
2 for true and righteous are his judgments. For he has passed judgment upon the Great Harlot who was corrupting the earth by her licentiousness, and he has taken vengeance upon her for the blood of his servants.’
Rumal cher sibꞌalaj qas tzij xuqujeꞌ sukꞌ ri uqꞌatoj tzij: Xuqꞌat tzij puꞌwiꞌ ri ixoq ri ubꞌanom nimalaj mak kukꞌ taq achyabꞌ, we ixoq riꞌ xuyojij ri uwachulew rukꞌ ri umak, rumal riꞌ xqꞌat tzij puꞌwiꞌ rech jeriꞌ xtoj che ri kꞌax ri xubꞌano rumal cher xuꞌkamisaj ri e patanil taq rech ri Dios.
3 Again they cried — ‘Hallelujah!’ And the smoke from her ruins rises for ever and ever. (aiōn g165)
Ri winaq xkibꞌij chi junmul: Konojel kiqꞌijilaꞌj ri Dios. Ri usibꞌal ri qꞌaqꞌ jawjeꞌ ri xporox wi ri ajmak ixoq man kataniꞌ ta wi. (aiōn g165)
4 Then the twenty-four Councillors and the Four Creatures prostrated themselves and worshiped God who was seated upon the throne, crying — ‘Amen, Hallelujah!’;
Ri juwinaq kajibꞌ kꞌamal taq bꞌe rachiꞌl ri e kajibꞌ kꞌaslik taq winaqil xexukiꞌk pa ri ulew xkiqꞌijilaꞌj ri Dios ri tꞌuyul pa ri tꞌuyulibꞌal xuqujeꞌ xkibꞌij: Jeriꞌ, chiqꞌijilaꞌj ri Dios iwonojel.
5 and from the throne there came a voice which said — ‘Praise our God all you who serve him, You who reverence him, both high and low.’
Xel kꞌu loq jun chꞌabꞌal rukꞌ ri tꞌuyulibꞌal ri xubꞌij: Chiqꞌijilaꞌj ri qaDios iwonojel ri ix patanil taq rech, ta kꞌu ix nitzꞌ o ix nimaꞌq, ix ri kipatanij ri Dios rukꞌ mochꞌochꞌem.
6 Then I heard ‘what seemed to be the shout of a vast throng, like the sound of many waters,’ and like the sound of loud peals of thunder, crying — ‘Hallelujah! For the Lord is King, our God, the Almighty.
Xuqujeꞌ xinta kichꞌabꞌal sibꞌalaj e kꞌi winaq kajunumataj rukꞌ ri uchojojem sibꞌalaj kꞌi jaꞌ je xuqujeꞌ je katataj ri sibꞌalaj kꞌi kaqulja, jewaꞌ xkibꞌij: ¡Chiqꞌijilaꞌj ri Dios iwonojel! Rumal cher ri qaDios sibꞌalaj kwinel xuchapleꞌj ri utaqanik.
7 Let us rejoice and exalt; and we will pay him honour, for the hour for the Marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready.
Chujkiꞌkot xuqujeꞌ chujtzꞌetzatoq qaya ri juluwem che ri Dios rumal cher xopan ri qꞌij are kakꞌuliꞌ ri alaj Chij, ri rixoqil usukꞌumam chi apanoq ribꞌ.
8 And to her it has been granted to robe herself in fine linen, white and pure, for that linen is the good deeds of the People of Christ.’
Yaꞌtal kꞌu che ri rixoqil chi karatzꞌyaqibꞌej chꞌajchꞌoj, kachuplinik xuqujeꞌ sibꞌalaj paqal rajil ri lino. Ri chꞌajchꞌoj lino karetwachij ri utz taq chak ke konojel ri kojonelabꞌ.
9 Then a voice said to me ‘Write — “Blessed are those who have been summoned to the marriage feast of the Lamb.”’ And the voice said — ‘These words of God are true.’
Ri ángel xubꞌij chwe: chatzꞌibꞌaj we riꞌ: “Utz ke ri e sikꞌital pa ri waꞌim rech bꞌenaq qꞌij rech ri alaj Chij” xuqujeꞌ xubꞌij: “We riꞌ qas utzij ri Dios wi.”
10 I prostrated myself at the feet of him who spoke to worship him, but he said to me — ‘Forbear; I am your fellow-servant, and the fellow-servant of your Brothers who bear their testimony to Jesus. Worship God. For to bear testimony to Jesus needs the inspiration of the Prophets.’
Xinxukiꞌ cho ri ángel chuqꞌijilaꞌxik, xpe kꞌut xubꞌij chwe: Chatwaꞌjiloq, man katxukiꞌ ta chinuwach are chaqꞌijilaꞌj ri Dios in in awach patanijel jeꞌ jas ri aꞌwachalal ri e kojoninaq che ri Jesús. Jeriꞌ rumal ri ukꞌutuꞌn ri Jesús are ketaqchiꞌn ri winaq rech amaqꞌel kakitzijoj.
11 Then I saw that Heaven lay open. There appears a white horse; its rider is called ‘Faithful’ and ‘True’; righteously does he judge and make war.
Kꞌa te riꞌ xinwilo ri kaj jaqalik, xuqujeꞌ xukꞌut ribꞌ jun saq kej. Ri kejeninaq chirij ubꞌiꞌnam Sukꞌ xuqujeꞌ Qas tzij. Rumal cher sibꞌalaj sukꞌ chubꞌanik ri utaqanik xuqujeꞌ sukꞌ kanoꞌjinik are kachꞌoꞌjinik.
12 His eyes are flaming fires; on his head there are many diadems, and he bears a name, written, which no one knows but himself;
Ri ubꞌoqꞌoch kajunumataj rukꞌ ri qꞌaqꞌ are karepepik, xuqujeꞌ kꞌo sibꞌalaj kꞌi korona pa ri ujolom kꞌa te riꞌ tzꞌibꞌatal jun bꞌiꞌaj ri xwi Areꞌ etaꞌmaninaq.
13 he has been clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood; and the name by which he is called is ‘The Word of God.’
Ukojom jun ratzꞌyaq ri muꞌtal pa kikꞌ, ri ubꞌiꞌ are: UTZIJ RI DIOS.
14 The armies of Heaven followed him, mounted on white horses and clothed in fine linen, white and pure.
Tereneꞌtal kumal ri ajchꞌoꞌjabꞌ chajil tinimit kikojom chꞌajchꞌoj katzꞌyaq bꞌantal che saq lino sibꞌalaj paqal rajil xuqujeꞌ e kejeninaq chirij saq taq kej.
15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which ‘to smite the nations; and he will rule them with an iron rod.’ He ‘treads the grapes in the press’ of the maddening wine of the Wrath of Almighty God;
Kel loq puꞌchiꞌ jun sakꞌibꞌal ri kꞌo upuꞌchiꞌ, are waꞌ kukoj na chubꞌanik kꞌax chike ri winaq pa ronojel tinimit. Areꞌ kataqan na pa kiwiꞌ ri tinimit rukꞌ chꞌichꞌa bꞌara. Areꞌ kapichꞌow na ri uvas xuqujeꞌ karesaj na ri uwaꞌl ri karetwachij ri nimalaj royawal ri nimalaj kwinel laj Dios.
16 and on his robe and on his thigh he has this name written — ‘KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.’
Tzꞌibꞌatal che ri ratzꞌyaq xuqujeꞌ che ri raqan we bꞌiꞌaj riꞌ: TAQANEL pa kiwiꞌ taqanelabꞌ xuqujeꞌ AJAWXEL pa kiwiꞌ ajawxelabꞌ.
17 Then I saw an angel standing on the sun. He cried in a loud voice to all the birds that fly in mid-heaven — ‘Gather and come to the great feast of God,
Xuqujeꞌ xinwil jun ángel ri takꞌal cho ri qꞌij, xuraq uchiꞌ chike konojel ri aꞌwaj ri kerapin cho ri kaj xubꞌij: Chixpetoq chimulij iwibꞌ rech kixwaꞌ pa ri urekeqꞌij ri Dios.
18 to eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of commanders, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all freemen and slaves, and of high and low.’
Chixpetoq jilitija kityoꞌjal e taqanelabꞌ, kityoꞌjal nimaq taq kꞌamal kibꞌe ajchꞌoꞌjabꞌ, kityoꞌjal winaq nimaq taq kibꞌantajik, kityoꞌjal kej xuqujeꞌ ri e winaq ri e kejeninaq loq, kityoꞌjal winaq ri kepe pa ronojel tinimit rech ri uwachulew kech winaq ri e tzoqopitalik xuqujeꞌ ajchakibꞌ, e nimaꞌq xuqujeꞌ e nitzꞌ.
19 Then I saw the Beast and the kings of the earth and their armies, gathered together to fight with him who sat on the horse and with his army.
Kꞌa te riꞌ xinwil ri nimalaj awaj e rachiꞌl ri e taqanelabꞌ rech ri uwachulew e kachiꞌl ri e kajchꞌoꞌjabꞌ, kimulim kibꞌ rech kechꞌoꞌjin rukꞌ ri kejeninaq chirij ri kej e rachiꞌl ri rajchꞌoꞌjabꞌ.
20 The Beast was captured, and with him was taken the false Prophet, who performed the marvels before the eyes of the Beast, with which he deceived those who had received the brand of the Beast and those who worshiped his image. Alive, they were thrown, both of them, into the fiery lake ‘of burning sulphur.’ (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
Xchap kꞌu ri nimalaj awaj rachiꞌl ri xujaluj chi qꞌalajisal tzij are waꞌ ri xubꞌan kꞌutbꞌal chikimenkꞌetixik ri xkikꞌam ri retal ri aꞌwaj xuqujeꞌ man xkiqꞌijilaꞌj ta ri tzꞌaq rech ri awaj. Kikobꞌchal e kꞌaslik xekꞌyaq bꞌik pa ri cho rech qꞌaqꞌ ri yaꞌtal azufre chupam. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
21 The rest were killed by the sword which came out of the mouth of him who rode upon the horse; and all the birds fed upon their flesh.
Are kꞌu ri nikꞌaj chik, xekamisax rukꞌ ri sakꞌibꞌal ri kel loq puꞌchiꞌ ri kejeninaq ri saq kej. Konojel ri aꞌwaj ri kerapinik xenojik rumal cher xkitij ri kityoꞌjal konojel ri winaq.

< Revelation 19 >