< Luke 21 >

1 Looking up, Jesus saw the rich people putting their gifts into the chests for the Temple offerings.
Kor buu u eegay, oo wuxuu arkay kuwa hodanka ah oo hadiyadahoodii khasnadda ku ridaya.
2 He saw, too, a widow in poor circumstances putting two farthings into them.
Wuxuuna arkay carmal miskiin ah oo meeshaas laba lacag ah oo yaryar ku ridaysa.
3 On this he said: “I tell you that this poor widow has put in more than all the others;
Markaasuu yidhi, Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Carmalkan miskiinta ah waxay ku ridday wax ka badan wixii ay dhammaan ku rideen.
4 for every one else here put in something from what he had to spare, while she, in her need, has put in all she had to live upon.”
Waayo, kuwaas oo dhan waxoodii badnaa ayay wax kaga rideen hadiyadaha, iyaduse miskiinnimadeeda waxay kaga ridday wixii ay ku noolaan lahayd oo dhan.
5 When some of them spoke about the Temple being decorated with beautiful stones and offerings, Jesus said:
Oo qaar kolkay macbudka ka hadlayeen in dhagaxyo wanaagsan iyo hadiyado lagu qurxiyey, wuxuu yidhi,
6 “As for these things that you are looking at, a time is coming when not one stone will be left upon another here, which will not be thrown down.”
Waxaa imanaya maalmo goortii kuwaas aad arkaysaan aan dhagax dhagax kale dushiisa lagu dul dayn doonin oo aan la dumin doonin.
7 So the disciples questioned Jesus: “But, Teacher, when will this be? and what sign will there be when this is near?”
Markaasay weyddiiyeen oo ku yidhaahdeen, Macallimow, goormay waxyaalahanu ahaan doonaan, oo calaamadu maxay ahaan doontaa goortii waxyaalahanu ay dhowaan doonaan?
8 And Jesus said: “See that you are not led astray; for many will take my name, and come saying ‘I am He,’ and ‘The time is close at hand.’ Do not follow them.
Markaasuu yidhi, Iska eega yaan laydin khiyaanayn, waayo, qaar badan ayaa magacayga ku iman doona, oo waxay odhan doonaan, Anigu waxaan ahay isaga; iyo, Wakhtigu waa soo dhowaaday. Ha raacina.
9 And, when you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified, for these things must occur first; but the end will not be at once.”
Oo markaad dagaallo iyo rabshooyin maqashaan ha baqanina, waayo, kolka hore waxyaalahanu waa inay dhacaan, laakiin dhammaadku kolkiiba ma aha.
10 Then he said to them: “‘Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom,’
Markaasuu ku yidhi, Quruunba quruun bay ku kici doontaa, boqortooyona boqortooyo.
11 And there will be great earthquakes, and plagues and famines in various places, and there will be terrible appearances and signs in the heavens.
Waxaa meelo kala duwan ka dhici doona dhulgariir iyo abaaro iyo cudurro, samadana waxaa laga arki doonaa waxyaalo cabsi leh iyo calaamooyin waaweyn.
12 Before all this, they will lay hands on you and persecute you, and they will betray you to Synagogues and put you in prison, when you will be brought before kings and governors for the sake of my Name.
Waxyaalahan oo dhan hortood gacmahooday idin saari doonaan oo idin silcin doonaan oo idiin dhiibi doonaan sunagogyada iyo xabsiyada, oo waxaa magacayga aawadiis laydiin hor geeyn doonaa boqorro iyo taliyayaal.
13 Then will be your opportunity of witnessing for me.
Waxayna idinku noqon doontaa marag.
14 Make up your minds, therefore, not to prepare your defence;
Sidaa darteed qalbiyadiinna geliya inaydnaan hore ugu fikirin waxaad ku jawaabi doontaan.
15 for I will myself give you words, and a wisdom which all your opponents together will be unable to resist or defy.
Waayo, waxaan idin siin doonaa af iyo xigmad aanay cadaawayaashiinna oo dhammu ka adkaan karin oo aanay ka gees hadli karin.
16 You will be betrayed even by your parents and brothers and sisters and relations and friends, and they will cause some of you to be put to death,
Laakiin idinka waxaa idin gacangelin doona waalidkiinna, iyo walaalahiinna, iyo xigaalkiinna, iyo saaxiibbadiinna, qaarkiinnana waa la dili doonaa.
17 and you will be hated by every one on account of my Name.
Dadka oo dhan ayaa magacayga aawadiis idiin necbaan doona.
18 Yet not a single hair of your heads shall be lost!
Tinna madaxiinna kama lumi doono.
19 By your endurance you shall win yourselves Life.
Waa inaad naftiinna ku haysataan dulqaadashadiinna.
20 As soon, however, as you see Jerusalem surrounded by armed camps, then you may know that the hour of her desecration is at hand.
Laakiin goortaad aragtaan Yeruusaalem oo colal ku wareegsan yihiin, markaas ogaada in hallaynteedu dhow dahay.
21 Then those of you who are in Judea must take refuge in the mountains, those who are in Jerusalem must leave at once, and those who are in the country places must not go into it.
Markaas kuwa Yahuudiya joogaa buuraha ha u carareen, kuwa gudaheeda ku jiraana ha ka baxeen, kuwa beeraha joogaana yaanay gelin.
22 For these are to be the Days of Vengeance, when all that Scripture says will be fulfilled.
Waayo, kuwanu waa maalmo aargudasho in wixii la qoray oo dhammu ay noqdaan.
23 Alas for the women that are with child, and for those that are nursing infants in those days! For there will be great suffering in the land, and anger against this people.
Laakiin waa u hoog kuwa uurka leh iyo kuwa wakhtigaas ilmo nuujinaya, waayo, dhulka dhib weyn ayaa ka dhici doonta, dadkanna cadho.
24 They will fall by the edge of the sword, and will be taken prisoners to every land, and ‘Jerusalem will be under the heel of the Gentiles,’ until their day is over — as it shall be.
Waxayna ku dhici doonaan seef afkeeda, oo waa la qabsan doonaa, oo quruumaha oo dhan la geeyn doonaa; quruumuhuna Yeruusaalem ayay ku tuman doonaan ilaa wakhtiga quruumuhu ka dhammaado.
25 There will be signs, too, in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth despair among the nations, in their dismay at the roar of the sea and the surge.
Calaamooyin ayaa laga arki doonaa qorraxda, iyo dayaxa, iyo xiddigaha; dhulkana waxaa ku jiri doona dhib quruumahu ka welwelaan guuxa badda iyo hirarka aawadood.
26 Men’s hearts will fail them through dread of what is coming upon the world; for ‘the forces of the heavens will be convulsed.’
Dadkuna waxay la suuxi doonaan baqdin iyo filasho waxa dunida iman doona, waayo, xoogagga cirka ayaa la gariirin doonaa.
27 Then will be seen the ‘Son of Man coming in a cloud’ with power and great glory.
Markaasay arki doonaan Wiilka Aadanaha oo daruur ku imanaya, isagoo leh xoog iyo ammaan weyn.
28 And, when these things begin to occur, look upwards and lift your heads, for your deliverance will be at hand.”
Laakiin goortii ay waxaasu bilaabaan inay dhacaan, kor eega, madaxyadiinnana kor u qaada, waayo, madaxfurashadiinnu waa dhow dahay.
29 Then he taught them a lesson thus — “Look at the fig tree and all the other trees.
Markaasuu masaal kula hadlay, Bal eega berdaha iyo dhirta oo dhan;
30 As soon as they shoot, you know, as you look at them, without being told, that summer is near.
goortay caleemo bixiyaan waad arkaysaan oo garanaysaan inuu roobku haddaba dhow yahay.
31 And so may you, as soon as you see these things happening, know that the Kingdom of God is near.
Sidaas oo kale idinkuna goortaad aragtaan waxaas oo dhacaya, garta in boqortooyadii Ilaah dhow dahay.
32 I tell you that even the present generation will not pass away till all has taken place.
Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Qarniganu ma idlaan doono intaanay wax walba dhicin.
33 The heavens and the earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
Cirka iyo dhulku waa idlaan doonaan, laakiinse ereyadaydu ma idlaan doonaan.
34 Be on your guard lest your minds should ever be dulled by debauches or drunkenness or the anxieties of life, and lest ‘That Day’ should come suddenly upon you, like a snare.
Laakiin iska jira, yaan qalbiyadiinnu la cuslaan dhereg badan iyo sakhraannimo iyo ka welwelidda ifkan, oo yaan maalintaasu idiin soo kedin sida dabin oo kale.
35 For come it will upon all who are living upon the face of the whole earth.
Waayo, sidaas oo kale ayaa ku dhacaysa kulli kuwa dunida oo dhan jooga.
36 Be on the watch at all times, and pray that you may have strength to escape all that is destined to happen, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man.”
Laakiin wakhti walbaba soo jeeda, idinkoo Ilaah baryaya inaad xoog yeelataan si aad uga baxsataan waxaas dhici doonaa oo dhan, oo aad Wiilka Aadanaha isu hor taagtaan.
37 During the days, Jesus continued to teach in the Temple Courts, but he went out and spent the nights on the hill called the ‘Mount of Olives.’
Maalin walba ayuu macbudka wax ku bari jiray, habeen walbana dibadda ayuu u bixi jiray, oo wuxuu baryi jiray buurta la odhan jiray Buur Saytuun.
38 And all the people would get up early in the morning and come to listen to him in the Temple Courts.
Dadka oo dhammuna aroortii ayay macbudka ugu iman jireen inay dhegaystaan.

< Luke 21 >