< Hebrews 6 >

1 Therefore, let us leave behind the elementary teaching about the Christ and press on to perfection, not always laying over again a foundation of repentance for a lifeless formality, of faith in God —
Linuhaho, tuhale ka matangilo amulaezo wa Kereste niku yenda habusu bwakuluka. Kanji kuzali hape matangilo akubaka kuzwa kumisebezi ifwile niye tumelo yina kwa Ireeza,
2 teaching concerning baptisms and the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead and a final judgment. (aiōnios g166)
kamba matangilo abuluti bwe kolobezo, kukambika mayaza, kubuka kwabantu bafwile, ni katulo iyakusamani. (aiōnios g166)
3 Yes and, with God’s help, we will.
Mutupange bulyo izi haiba Ireeza utuzuminina.
4 For if those who were once for all brought into the Light, and learned to appreciate the gift from Heaven, and came to share in the Holy Spirit,
Mukuti kese nikuyoleke kwabo baba boniswa, baba sozwa impo zewulu babayabelwe Luhuho Luchenete,
5 and learned to appreciate the beauty of the Divine Message, and the new powers of the Coming Age — (aiōn g165)
imi abo babasolete bulotu bwezwi lya Ireeza ni nguzu bwazilimo zikeza, (aiōn g165)
6 if those, I say, fell away, it would be impossible to bring them again to repentance; they would be crucifying the Son of God over again for themselves, and exposing him to open contempt.
kono abo chibawa mukube kukutu kubozekezwa hape kuti bakabake. Ili njibaka kakuli ba kokotela Mwana wa Ireeza abo bene, imi chiba muswabisisa ipatalaza.
7 Ground that drinks in the showers that from time to time fall upon it, and produces vegetation useful to those for whom it is tilled, receives a blessing from God;
Mukuti ikanda inywa kuvula iza chenanako kuyili, imi iha kuzala kwezi byalatu zinaituso kwabo baba sevezi-iyi nji ikanda itambula imbuyoti zizwa kwe Ireeza.
8 but, if it ‘bears thorns and thistles,’ it is regarded as worthless, it is in danger of being ‘cursed,’ and its end will be the fire.
Kono haiba niyibika miya ni lubangu, kayina intuso imi yina hafuhi ni chikuto. Mamaninizo yina mukujincwa.
9 But about you, dear friends, even though we speak in this way, we are confident of better things — of things that point to your Salvation.
Kono tuhindwa nizitu zishiyeme kuamana nanwe, ba sakakahala, zintu ziamana ni puluso, nihakuba kuti tuwamba buti.
10 For God is not unjust; he will not forget the work that you did, and the love that you showed for his Name, in sending help to your fellow Christians — as you are still doing.
Mukuti Ireeza kahena kuti kashiyeme kuti azibale irato lya misevezi yenu imu ba bonisi mwizina lyakwe, kakuli muba tusi bazumine imi musikwete kubatusa.
11 But our great desire is that every one of you should be equally earnest to attain to a full conviction that our hope will be fulfilled, and that you should keep that hope to the end.
Hape kunungwa ku kando zumwi nizumwi kwenu atondeze ichiseho kukasika kuma maninizo kuamana nikwizula kwesepo ikolete.
12 Then you will not show yourselves slow to learn, but you will copy those who, through faith and patience, are now entering upon the enjoyment of God’s promises.
Linukuti kanji mubi mubakata, kono mulikanyise abo chetumelo ni inkulo inde baba yoli insepiso.
13 When God gave his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater by whom he could swear, he swore by himself.
Mukuti Ireeza hapanga isepiso kwa Abrahama, aba nkoki chakwe mwine, mukuchokuti kana abali kuola kunkoka chazumwi yomuhita.
14 His words were — ‘I will assuredly bless thee and increase thy numbers.’
Chati, “Muniwole kukufuyola, imi muni kwinjise chabungi.”
15 And so, after patiently waiting, Abraham obtained the fulfilment of God’s promise.
Cheyinzila, Abrahama abawani chabasepiswe kumasule akulindila ninkulo inde.
16 Men, of course, swear by what is greater than themselves, and with them an oath is accepted as putting a matter beyond all dispute.
Mukuti bantu bankoka chozumwi mukulwana kubahita. Kuma manimani azumwi ni zumwi kwiza kukawuhana, kuli sumina kutenda kaku bonisana.
17 And therefore God, in his desire to show, with unmistakable plainness, to those who were to enter on the enjoyment of what he had promised, the unchangeableness of his purpose, bound himself with an oath.
Linu Ireeza haliketela kubonisa kabungi kubayola insepiso inamazimo amutendo usenazintu zisa chichululwa, aba zuzilizi chakukonkeleza.
18 For he intended us to find great encouragement in these two unchangeable things, which make it impossible for God to prove false — we, I mean, who fled for safety where we might lay hold on the hope set before us.
Abapangi bulyo kuti zintu zobele zisa chichululwa-kakuyoleki kuti Ireeza achenge -Iswe, abo tubatilili kumatililo, twina ku inguzu zakukozana chakuondisa chesepo ibabikwa habusu bwetu.
19 This hope is a very anchor for our souls, secure and strong, and it ‘reaches into the Sanctuary that lies behind the Curtain,’
Twina iyi insepo itokomelwe imi isepahala ikwete ihuho zetu, insepo injila mukati kachibaka china kumasule yesila.
20 where Jesus, our Forerunner, has entered on our behalf, after being made for all time a High Priest of the order of Melchizedek. (aiōn g165)
Jesu abanjili mukati kechina chibaka natiya habusu bwetu, chasanduka kuba muprisita mukulwana kuyakusamani kuzwa kumusebelezo wa Meluchizendeki. (aiōn g165)

< Hebrews 6 >