< Hebrews 10 >

1 The Law, though able to foreshadow the Better System which was coming, never had its actual substance. Its priests, with those sacrifices which they offer continuously year after year, can never make those who come to worship perfect.
La Ley, que tiene [la ]sombra de los bienes futuros, no la misma imagen de las cosas, nunca puede perfeccionar a los que se acercan por medio de los mismos sacrificios que se ofrecen continuamente cada año.
2 Otherwise, would not the offering of these sacrifices have been abandoned, as the worshipers, having been once purified, would have had their consciences clear from sins?
Si así fuera, ¿no habrían dejado de ofrecerse, después de ser purificados una vez, por ya no estar conscientes de haber pecado?
3 But, on the contrary, these sacrifices recall their sins to mind year after year.
Pero con [los sacrificios] hay un recuerdo de pecados cada año,
4 For the blood of bulls and goats is powerless to remove sins.
porque es imposible que [la] sangre de toros y machos cabríos borre pecados.
5 That is why, when he was coming into the world, the Christ declared — ‘Sacrifice and offering thou dost not desire, but thou dost provide for me a body;
Por tanto [Cristo], al entrar en el mundo, dice: Sacrificio y ofrenda no quisiste, Pero me preparaste cuerpo.
6 Thou dost take no pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin.
Holocaustos y [sacrificios] por [los ]pecados no te deleitaron.
7 So I said, “See, I have come’ (as is written of me in the pages of the Book), “To do thy will, O God.”’
Entonces dije: Aquí vengo, oh Dios, para hacer tu voluntad, Como en la cabecilla de un rollo fue escrito acerca de Mí.
8 First come the words — ‘Thou dost not desire, nor dost thou take pleasure in, sacrifices, offerings, burnt offerings, and sacrifices for sin’ (offerings regularly made under the Law),
Dijo antes: Sacrificios, ofrendas y holocaustos por [el ]pecado, ofrecidos según [la] Ley, no quisiste ni te agradaron.
9 and then there is added — ‘See, I have come to do thy will.’ The former sacrifices are set aside to be replaced by the latter.
Entonces dijo: Aquí estoy. Vengo para hacer tu voluntad. Él quita lo primero para establecer lo segundo.
10 And it is in the fulfilment of the will of God that we have been purified by the sacrifice, once and for all, of the body of Jesus Christ.
Según esta voluntad fuimos santificados una vez por todas mediante la ofrenda del cuerpo de Jesucristo.
11 Every other priest stands day after day at his ministrations, and offers the same sacrifices over and over again — sacrifices that can never take sins away.
Todo sacerdote ciertamente está en pie cada día, ministra y ofrece muchas veces los mismos sacrificios que nunca pueden remover pecados.
12 But, this priest, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins, which should serve for all time, ‘took his seat at the right hand of God,’
Pero Éste, después de ofrecer un solo sacrificio para siempre por [los] pecados, se sentó a [la ]derecha de Dios,
13 and has since then been waiting ‘for his enemies to be put as a stool for his feet.’
y desde entonces espera hasta que sus enemigos sean puestos como tarima de sus pies.
14 By a single offering he has made perfect for all time those who are being purified.
Porque [Cristo] perfeccionó para siempre a los santificados con una sola ofrenda.
15 We have also the testimony of the Holy Spirit. For, after saying —
El Espíritu Santo también testifica, porque después de decir:
16 ‘“This is the Covenant that I will make with them After those days,” says the Lord; “I will impress my laws on their hearts, And will inscribe them on their minds,”’
Este es el Pacto que haré con ellos después de aquellos días, dice el Señor: pondré mis Leyes en sus corazones, y las escribiré en sus mentes,
17 then we have — ‘And their sins and their iniquities I will no longer remember.’
añade: Nunca más me acordaré de sus pecados ni de sus iniquidades.
18 And, when these are forgiven, there is no further need of an offering for sin.
Donde hay perdón, ya no hay ofrenda por el pecado.
19 Therefore, Brothers, since we may enter the Sanctuary with confidence, in virtue of the blood of Jesus,
Así que, hermanos, puesto que tenemos confianza para entrar al Lugar Santísimo por la sangre de Jesús,
20 by the way which he inaugurated for us — a new and living way, a way through the Sanctuary Curtain (that is, his human nature);
la cual nos inauguró un camino nuevo y vivo, por medio de la cortina, es decir, de su cuerpo,
21 and, since we have in him ‘a great priest set over the House of God,’
y [el] gran Sacerdote sobre la Casa de Dios,
22 let us draw near to God in all sincerity of heart and in perfect faith, with our hearts purified by the sprinkled blood from all consciousness of wrong, and with our bodies washed with pure water.
y que fuimos purificados de mala conciencia y nos lavamos los cuerpos con agua pura, acerquémonos con corazón verdadero, en plena certidumbre de fe.
23 Let us maintain the confession of our hope unshaken, for he who has given us his promise will not fail us.
Sostengamos firme la confesión de nuestra esperanza sin fluctuar, porque el que prometió es fiel.
24 Let us vie with one another in a rivalry of love and noble actions.
Considerémonos los unos a los otros para estimularnos al amor y las buenas obras,
25 And let us not, as some do, cease to meet together; but, on the contrary, let us encourage one another, and all the more, now that you see the Day drawing near.
sin dejar de congregarnos, como algunos acostumbran, sino exhortémonos, y tanto más cuando ven que el día se acerca.
26 Remember, if we sin wilfully after we have gained a full knowledge of the Truth, there can be no further sacrifice for sin;
Porque si continuamos voluntariamente en el pecado, después de recibir el conocimiento de la verdad, ya no queda sacrificio por [los] pecados,
27 there is only a fearful anticipation of judgment, and a burning indignation which will destroy all opponents.
sino una horrenda espera de juicio y ardor de fuego que devora a los adversarios.
28 When a man disregarded the Law of Moses, he was, on the evidence of two or three witnesses, put to death without pity.
Por el testimonio de dos o tres testigos, el que viola [la] Ley de Moisés muere sin compasión.
29 How much worse then, think you, will be the punishment deserved by those who have trampled underfoot the Son of God, who have treated the blood that rendered the Covenant valid — the very blood by which they were purified — as of no account, and who have outraged the Spirit of Love?
¿Cuánto castigo peor merece el que pisotea al Hijo de Dios, tiene como impura la sangre del Pacto por la cual fue santificado y afrenta al Espíritu de la gracia?
30 We know who it was that said — ‘It is for me to avenge, I will requite’; and again — ‘The Lord will judge his people.’
Porque conocemos al que dijo: Mía es [la] venganza. Yo pagaré. Y otra vez: [El] Señor juzgará a su pueblo.
31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.
¡Horrenda cosa es caer en [las] manos del Dios vivo!
32 Call to mind those early days in which, after you had received the Light, you patiently underwent a long and painful conflict.
Pero recuerden los días pasados en los cuales, después de ser iluminados, soportaron una gran lucha de padecimientos.
33 Sometimes, in consequence of the taunts and injuries heaped upon you, you became a public spectacle; and sometimes you suffered through having shown yourselves to be the friends of men who were in the very position in which you had been.
Al ser sometidos a reproches y aflicciones, ciertamente fueron compañeros de los maltratados.
34 For you not only sympathised with those who were in prison, but you even took the confiscation of your possessions joyfully, knowing, as you did, that you had in yourselves a greater possession and a lasting one.
Porque se compadecieron de los presos y sufrieron con gozo el despojo de sus bienes, pues saben que tienen una herencia mejor y perdurable en los cielos.
35 Do not, therefore, abandon the confidence that you have gained, for it has a great reward awaiting it.
Por tanto no pierdan su confianza pues tienen una gran recompensa.
36 You still have need of patient endurance, in order that, when you have done God’s will, you may obtain the fulfilment of his promise.
Porque es necesaria la paciencia, para que, después de hacer la voluntad de Dios, obtengan la promesa.
37 ‘For there is indeed but a very little while Ere He who is coming will have come, without delay;
Porque aún un poco, y el que viene vendrá, y no tardará.
38 And through faith the Righteous man shall find his Life, But, if a man draws back, my heart can find no pleasure in him.’
Pero el justo vivirá por fe. Y si retrocede, mi alma no se deleitará en él.
39 But we do not belong to those who draw back, to their Ruin, but to those who have faith, to the saving of their souls.
Pero nosotros no somos de los que retroceden para destrucción, sino de los que tienen fe para [la] preservación del alma.

< Hebrews 10 >