< 1 Timothy 5 >

1 Do not reprimand an older man, but plead with him as if he were your father. Treat the young men as brothers,
No reprendas al anciano, sino exhórtalo como a un padre, a los más jóvenes, como a hermanos,
2 the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters — with all purity.
a las ancianas, como a madres, a las más jóvenes, como a hermanas, con toda pureza.
3 Show consideration for widows — I mean those who are really widowed.
Honra a [las ]viudas, las realmente viudas.
4 but, if a widow has children or grand-children, let them learn to show proper regard for the members of their own family first, and to make some return to their parents; for that is pleasing in God’s sight.
Si alguna viuda tiene hijos o nietos, aprendan primero a mostrar piedad hacia su propia familia, y a dar recompensa a los progenitores, porque esto es agradable delante de Dios.
5 As for the woman who is really widowed and left quite alone, her hopes are fixed on God, and she devotes herself to prayers and supplications night and day.
Sin embargo, [honra a] la que es realmente viuda y quedó sola, [que] fijó su esperanza en Dios, y persevera en las súplicas y en las conversaciones con Dios de noche y de día.
6 But the life of a widow who is devoted to pleasure is a living death.
Pero la que vive entregada a los placeres vanos, aunque vive, murió.
7 Those are the points on which you should dwell, that there may be no call for your censure.
Manda también estas cosas para que sean irreprochables,
8 Any one who fails to provide for his own relations, and especially for those under his own roof, has disowned the Faith, and is worse than an unbeliever.
porque si alguno no provee para los suyos, y especialmente para los de su familia, negó la fe y es peor que un incrédulo.
9 A widow, when her name is added to the list, should not be less than sixty years old; she should have been a faithful wife,
Sea incluida en la lista [la] viuda no menor de 60 años que fue esposa de un solo esposo,
10 and be well spoken of for her kind actions. She should have brought up children, have shown hospitality to strangers, have washed the feet of her fellow Christians, have relieved those who were in distress, and devoted herself to every kind of good action.
aprobada en buenas obras: si crió hijos, si mostró hospitalidad, si lavó [los ]pies de santos, si socorrió a afligidos y si siguió de cerca toda buena obra.
11 But you should exclude the younger widows from the list; for, when they grow restive under the yoke of the Christ, they want to marry,
Pero no incluyas viudas más jóvenes porque cuando sean impulsadas por deseos que están en conflicto con el afecto a Cristo, quieren casarse
12 and so they bring condemnation upon themselves for having broken their previous promise.
y tienen acusación. Quebrantaron la primera promesa.
13 And not only that, but they learn to be idle as they go about from house to house. Nor are they merely idle, but they also become gossips and busy-bodies, and talk of what they ought not.
Al mismo tiempo también aprenden a ser ociosas y vagan de casa en casa. Y no solo ociosas, sino también chismosas y entremetidas, pues hablan las cosas que no deben.
14 Therefore I advise young widows to marry, bear children, and attend to their homes, and so avoid giving the enemy an opportunity for scandal.
Por tanto deseo que las más jóvenes se casen, críen hijos, manejen sus casas y no den al adversario ocasión de reproche.
15 There are some who have already left us, to follow Satan.
Porque algunas ya se extraviaron tras Satanás.
16 Any Christian woman, who has relations who are widows, ought to relieve them and not allow them to become a burden to the Church, so that the Church may relieve those widows who are really widowed.
Si algún creyente tiene viudas, manténgalas, y no se cargue a la iglesia, a fin de que ayude a las que realmente son viudas.
17 Those Officers of the Church who fill their office well should be held deserving of especial consideration, particularly those whose work lies in preaching and teaching.
Los ancianos que gobiernan bien sean considerados dignos de doble honor, especialmente los que trabajan arduamente en predicación y enseñanza.
18 The words of Scripture are — ‘Thou shalt not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain.’ and again — ‘The worker is worth his wages.’
Porque la Escritura dice: No pondrás bozal al buey que trilla. Y: Digno es el trabajador de su pago.
19 Do not receive a charge against an Officer of the Church, unless it is supported by two or three witnesses;
Contra un anciano no aceptes acusación, excepto delante de dos o tres testigos.
20 but rebuke offenders publicly, so that others may take warning.
Reprende delante de todos a los que pecan, para que también los demás tengan temor.
21 I charge you solemnly, before God and Christ Jesus and the Chosen Angels, to carry out these directions, unswayed by prejudice, never acting with partiality.
Declaro solemnemente delante de Dios, de Cristo Jesús y de los ángeles escogidos que observes estas cosas sin prejuicio, sin hacer acepción de personas.
22 Never ordain any one hastily, and take no part in the wrong-doing of others. Keep your life pure.
No impongas [las ]manos a alguno apresuradamente, ni participes en pecados ajenos. Consérvate puro.
23 Do not continue to drink water only, but take a little wine on account of the weakness of your stomach, and your frequent ailments.
Ya no bebas agua, sino toma un poco de vino por causa de tus frecuentes enfermedades del estómago.
24 There are some men whose sins are conspicuous and lead on to judgment, while there are others whose sins dog their steps.
Los pecados de algunos hombres son evidentes antes que lleguen al juicio, pero a otros [los pecados los] siguen.
25 In the same way noble deeds become conspicuous, and those which are otherwise cannot be concealed.
Del mismo modo las buenas obras son evidentes, y las malas no se pueden esconder.

< 1 Timothy 5 >