< Zechariah 13 >

1 At that time [it will be as though] [MET] there will be a fountain from which water flows continually to cleanse the descendants [MTY] of [King] David and [all] the [other] people in Jerusalem from the guilt of the sins that they have committed, [especially] from becoming unacceptable to me [by worshiping idols].
In that dai an open welle schal be to the hous of Dauid, and to men dwellynge at Jerusalem, in to waischyng a wey of a synful man, and of womman defoulid in vnclene blood.
2 The Commander of the armies of angels says, “At that time, I will prevent [people from even mentioning] the names of the idols in their country, and no one will remember them any more. I will also expel from the land all the people who falsely claim that they are prophets [DOU].
And it schal be, in that dai, seith the Lord of oostis, Y schal distrie names of idols fro `the lond, and thei schulen no more be `thouyt on; and Y schal take awei fro erthe false profetis, and an vnclene spirit.
3 If someone continues to prophesy [falsely], his parents must say to him, ‘You have told lies saying that Yahweh [MTY] gave those messages to you, so you must be executed.’ [So] if someone prophesies [like that], his own father and mother must stab him [and kill him].
And it schal be, whanne ony man schal profesie ouer, his fadir and modir that gendriden hym, schulen seie to hym, Thou schalt not lyue, for thou hast spoke leesyng in the name of the Lord; and his fadir and his modir, gendreris of hym, schulen `togidere fitche hym, whanne he hath profesied.
4 At that time, the false prophets will be ashamed [that they claimed to have received messages from me in] their visions and prophesies [that they told to people]. They will no [longer] deceive people by wearing the clothes [that prophets usually wear], clothes made of [animals’] hair.
And it schal be, in that dai profetis schulen be confoundid, ech of his visioun, whanne he schal profesie; nether thei schulen be hilid with mentil of sak, that thei lie;
5 [So] each of them will say, ‘I am not [really] a prophet; I am a farmer, and I have been a farmer on my land ever since I was a boy!’
but `thei schulen seie, Y am not a profete; Y am a man `erthe tiliere, for Adam is myn ensaumple fro my yongthe.
6 But someone, [seeing the wounds on one of those prophet’s bodies, will suspect that he injured himself during rituals to worship idols, and he] will ask ‘Why are those wounds on your body?’ And he [will lie, saying] ‘I was injured [when I was] at my friend’s house.’”
And it schal be seid to hym, What ben these woundis in the myddil of thin hondis? And he schal seie, With these Y was woundid in the hous of hem that louyden me.
7 The Commander of the armies of angels says, “[My] sword [APO] must strike [the one who is like] [MET] my shepherd, the man who is (my companion/very (close/dear) to me). When the shepherd is killed, [those who are like] [MET] his sheep will scatter. [And those who are like] [MET] my little sheep will [also] be attacked [IDM].”
Swerd, be thou reisid on my scheepherde, and on a man cleuynge to me, seith the Lord of oostis; smyte thou the scheepherde, and scheep of the floc schulen be scaterid. And Y schal turne myn hond to the litle.
8 Yahweh [also] says, “Two-thirds [of the people in Judah] will die [DOU]. [Only] one-third [of the people in Judah] will remain alive.
And twei partis schulen be in ech lond, seith the Lord, and thei schulen be scaterid, and schulen faile, and the thridde part schal be left in it.
9 And I will test the ones that remain alive [by causing them to experience great difficulties, to find out if they will continue to worship me]. I will purify them like [MET] a man purifies gold or silver by putting it into a [very hot] fire. [Then] my people will call to me [MTY] [for help], and I will answer them. I will say [to them], ‘You are my people,’ and they will say, ‘Yahweh is our God.’”
And Y schal lede the thridde part bi fier, and Y schal brenne hem, as siluer is brent, and Y schal preue hem, as gold is preuyd. He schal clepe to help my name, and Y schal graciously here him; and Y schal seie, Thou art my puple, and he schal seie, Thou art my Lord God.

< Zechariah 13 >