< Song of Solomon 7 >

1 You who are the daughter of a prince/king, you have lovely feet in your sandals. Your curved hips/thighs are like [SIM] jewels that have been made by a (skilled craftsman/man who shapes jewels very well).
Douytir of the prince, thi goyngis ben ful faire in schoon; the ioyncturis of thi heppis ben as brochis, that ben maad bi the hond of a crafti man.
2 Your navel is [like] [MET] a round bowl that is always full of wine mixed [with spices]. Your waist is [like] [SIM] a mound/bundle of wheat with lilies [growing] around it.
Thi nawle is as a round cuppe, and wel formed, that hath neuere nede to drynkis; thi wombe is as an heep of whete, biset aboute with lilies.
3 Your breasts are as [as beautiful] as [SIM] two (fawns/young gazelles).
Thi twei teetis ben as twei kidis, twynnes of a capret.
4 Your neck is like [SIM] a tower [made of] ivory. Your eyes [sparkle/shine like] [MET] the pools in Heshbon [city], near the Bath-Rabbim gate. Your nose is [is as lovely] as [SIM] the tower of Lebanon which faces toward Damascus.
Thi necke is as a tour of yuer; thin iyen ben as cisternes in Esebon, that ben in the yate of the douyter of multitude; thi nose is as the tour of Liban, that biholdith ayens Damask.
5 Your head is [majestic] like [SIM] Carmel Mountain. Your long hair is shiny [SIM] and black; [it is as though] I, your king, am captured by your tresses.
Thin heed is as Carmele; and the heeres of thin heed ben as the kyngis purpur, ioyned to trowyis.
6 You whom I love, who have many charming features that attract me, are very beautiful and pleasant/pleasing.
Dereworthe spousesse, thou art ful fair, and ful schappli in delices.
7 You are stately like [SIM] a palm tree, and your breasts are like [SIM] clusters/bunches of dates/fruit.
Thi stature is licned to a palm tree, and thi tetis to clustris of grapis.
8 I said [to myself], “I will climb that palm tree and take hold of those clusters of dates.” To me, your breasts are like clusters of grapes [that I can feel] and your breath is like the sweet fragrance of apples
I seide, Y schal stie in to a palm tree, and Y schal take the fruytis therof. And thi tetis schulen be as the clustris of grapis of a vyner; and the odour of thi mouth as the odour of pumgranatis;
9 and your kisses are like very good wine. My kisses [MTY] go to the one who loves me and flow [like wine] over his lips and his teeth.
thi throte schal be as beste wyn. Worthi to my derlyng for to drynke, and to hise lippis and teeth to chewe.
10 I belong to the man who loves me, and he desires me.
Y schal cleue by loue to my derlyng, and his turnyng schal be to me.
11 You who love me, let’s go to the countryside, and sleep among the henna bushes (OR, in one of the villages).
Come thou, my derlyng, go we out in to the feeld; dwelle we togidere in townes.
12 And let’s go early to the vineyards to see if the grapevines have budded and if there are blossoms on them that have opened, and to see if the pomegranate [trees] are blooming, and there I will make love to you.
Ryse we eerli to the vyner; se we, if the vyner hath flourid, if the flouris bryngen forth fruytis, if pumgranatis han flourid; there I schal yyue to thee my tetis.
13 The mandrakes/love-apples are producing a fragrant odor, and we are surrounded by delightful [pleasures] [MET, EUP], new ones and old ones, pleasures that I have been saving to give to you, who love me.
Mandrogoris han youe her odour in oure yatis; my derlyng, Y haue kept to thee alle applis, new and elde.

< Song of Solomon 7 >