< Song of Solomon 7 >

1 You who are the daughter of a prince/king, you have lovely feet in your sandals. Your curved hips/thighs are like [SIM] jewels that have been made by a (skilled craftsman/man who shapes jewels very well).
Na kho te hlangcong canu kah khokhom neh sawtthen tangkik. Na phai dongkah phaibong khaw kutthai kut kah bibi neh himbai bangla om.
2 Your navel is [like] [MET] a round bowl that is always full of wine mixed [with spices]. Your waist is [like] [SIM] a mound/bundle of wheat with lilies [growing] around it.
Na yenrhui te kueluek baeldung bangla homtui long khaw vaitah pawh. Na bungko te khaw tuilipai loh cang hlom neh a ven.
3 Your breasts are as [as beautiful] as [SIM] two (fawns/young gazelles).
Na rhangsuk rhoi tah sakhi rhuinu caphae ca rhoi van pawn ni.
4 Your neck is like [SIM] a tower [made of] ivory. Your eyes [sparkle/shine like] [MET] the pools in Heshbon [city], near the Bath-Rabbim gate. Your nose is [is as lovely] as [SIM] the tower of Lebanon which faces toward Damascus.
Na rhawn tah rhaltoeng vueino van pawn ni. Na mik tah Bathrabbim vongka kah Heshbon tuibuem van pawn ni. Na hnarhong tah Damasku rhaldan aka tawt Lebanon rhaltoengim van pawn ni.
5 Your head is [majestic] like [SIM] Carmel Mountain. Your long hair is shiny [SIM] and black; [it is as though] I, your king, am captured by your tresses.
Na sokah na lu tah Karmel tlang van pawn ni. Na lu samloeng tah manghai sammuei, daidi samdueng van pawn ni.
6 You whom I love, who have many charming features that attract me, are very beautiful and pleasant/pleasing.
Lungnah, omthenbawnnah neh sawtthen tangkik tih hmae tangkik.
7 You are stately like [SIM] a palm tree, and your breasts are like [SIM] clusters/bunches of dates/fruit.
Na sang loh rhophoe a puet tih na rhangsuk loh thaihsu coeng he.
8 I said [to myself], “I will climb that palm tree and take hold of those clusters of dates.” To me, your breasts are like clusters of grapes [that I can feel] and your breath is like the sweet fragrance of apples
“Rhophoe dongah ka yoeng saeh lamtah a koi te ka hlan eh,’ ka ti. Na rhangsuk tah misur thaihsu bangla om laeh saeh. Na hnarhong hmueih tah thaihthawn van pawn ni.
9 and your kisses are like very good wine. My kisses [MTY] go to the one who loves me and flow [like wine] over his lips and his teeth.
Na ka tah misurtui then van pawn ni. Oila Kamah hlo taengah caeh vaengah no neh lai khaw vanat la khuep uh.
10 I belong to the man who loves me, and he desires me.
Kamah he kamah hlo kah coeng tih a lungdueknah tah kamah ham saeh.
11 You who love me, let’s go to the countryside, and sleep among the henna bushes (OR, in one of the villages).
Kamah hlo aw halo lamtah pong la cet lah sih, vangca ah khaw rhaeh mai sih.
12 And let’s go early to the vineyards to see if the grapevines have budded and if there are blossoms on them that have opened, and to see if the pomegranate [trees] are blooming, and there I will make love to you.
Thoo sih, misurdum te so sih. Misur khaw a cuen khaming, thaihmoe loh culh tih tale khaw khooi coeng. Teah te kamah hlo te nang taengah kam pae eh.
13 The mandrakes/love-apples are producing a fragrant odor, and we are surrounded by delightful [pleasures] [MET, EUP], new ones and old ones, pleasures that I have been saving to give to you, who love me.
Hloih he a bo rhim. Tedae mah kah thohka ah cangtham he a rhuem a thai la cungkuem tih ka hlo nang ham ka khoem.

< Song of Solomon 7 >