< Ruth 3 >

1 One day, Naomi said to Ruth, “My daughter, I think that I should [RHQ] try to arrange for you to have a husband [MTY] who will (take care of/provide for) you.
Y Noemí, su suegra, le dijo: Hija mía, ¿no te voy a buscar un lugar de descanso donde puedas sentirte cómoda?
2 Boaz, the man with whose [servant] girls you have been [gathering grain], is a close relative [of our dead husbands]. Listen [carefully]. Tonight he will be at the ground where [the barley has] been threshed. He will be separating the barley grain from the chaff.
Y ahora, ¿mira no es Booz, nuestro pariente, con cuyas siervas estuviste trabajando? Mira, esta noche él va a la era para aventar la cebada.
3 Bathe yourself and put on some perfume. Put on your [best] clothes. Then go down to the ground where they have threshed [the grain]. But do not let Boaz know that you are there while he is eating [supper] and drinking.
Así que toma un baño y, después de frotar tu cuerpo con perfume, ponte tu mejor bata y baja al piso de grano; pero no dejes que te vea hasta que haya llegado al final de su comida.
4 [When he has finished eating], notice where he lies down to sleep. Then [when he is asleep], take the blanket off his feet and lie [close to his feet]. [When he wakes up], he will tell you what to do.”
Pero cuídate, cuando él vaya a descansar, a que tomes nota del lugar donde está durmiendo, y entres allí, y, descubriendo sus pies, tome tu lugar junto a él; y él dirá lo que debes hacer.
5 Ruth replied, “I will do everything that you have told me [to do].”
Y ella dijo: Haré todo lo que me digas.
6 So she went down to the ground where they had threshed [the barley grain]. There she did everything that her mother-in-law had told her [to do].
Entonces ella bajó al piso de grano e hizo todo lo que su suegra le había dicho.
7 When Boaz finished eating [supper] and drinking [wine], he felt happy. Then he went over to the far end of the pile of grain. He lay down [and went to sleep]. Then Ruth approached him quietly. She took the blanket off his feet and lay down [there].
Cuando Booz comió y bebió, y se alegró su corazón, fue a descansar al final de la masa de grano; Entonces ella vino suavemente y, descubriendo sus pies, se fue a descansar.
8 In the middle of the night, he suddenly awoke. He sat up and saw that a woman was lying at his feet.
Ahora, en medio de la noche, el hombre despertándose de su sueño con miedo, y levantándose, vio a una mujer estirada a sus pies.
9 He asked her, “Who are you?” She replied, “I am your servant, Ruth. Since you are the one who has a responsibility to take care of [someone like me whose dead husband was] your close relative, spread the corner of your cloak over my [feet to show that you will marry me].”
Y él dijo: ¿Quién eres? Y ella, respondiendo, dijo: Soy tu sirvienta Rut: quiero que extienda sobre mí su manto, porque es un pariente cercano.
10 Boaz replied, “Young lady, I hope that Yahweh will (bless/be kind to) you! You have acted kindly [toward your mother-in-law], and now you are acting even more kindly [toward me by wanting to marry me, instead of wanting to marry a young man]. You have not looked for either a rich young man or a poor young man, [to marry him].
Y él dijo: Que el Señor te dé su bendición, hija mía: incluso mejor que lo que hiciste al principio es este último acto bondadoso que has hecho al no perseguir a los jóvenes, con o sin riqueza.
11 Now, young lady, I will do everything you ask. Don’t worry [that people in this town might think I am doing wrong by marrying you because you are a woman from Moab]. All the people in this town know that you are an honorable woman.
Y ahora, hija mía, no tengas miedo; Haré por ti lo que digas, porque está claro para todos los habitantes de mi pueblo que eres una mujer virtuosa.
12 But [there is one problem]. Although it is true that I am a close relative [of your mother-in-law’s dead husband], there is another man who is a closer relative [than I am], and therefore he should be the one to [marry you and] take care of you.
Ahora es cierto que soy un pariente cercano: pero hay un pariente más cercano que yo.
13 You stay here for the rest of this night. Tomorrow morning [I will tell this man about you]. If he says that he will [marry you and] take care of you, fine, [we will] let him do that. But if he is not willing [to do that], I solemnly promise that as surely as Yahweh lives, I will [marry you and] take care of you. So lie/sleep here until it is morning.”
Toma tu descanso aquí esta noche; y en la mañana, si él quiere cumplir con sus deberes de pariente, muy bien, que lo haga; pero si no lo hace, entonces, por el Señor vivo, yo mismo lo haré.
14 So she lay at his feet until morning. But she got up and left before it was light enough that people would be able to recognize her, because Boaz said, “I do not want anyone to know that a woman was here.”
Y ella descansó a sus pies hasta la mañana, y se levantó antes de que una persona pudiera reconocer a otra, todavía seguía muy oscuro. Y él dijo: Que nadie sepa que la mujer llegó al granero.
15 He also said to her, “Bring to me your cloak and spread it out.” When she did that, he poured into it six measures/24 liters/50 pounds of barley, and put in on her back. Then he (OR, she) went back to the town.
Y él dijo: Toma tu túnica, extendiéndola en tus manos; y ella lo hizo, y él tomó seis medidas de grano y las puso en ella, y se la dio a ella para que la tomara; y ella volvió a la pueblo.
16 When Ruth arrived home, her mother-in-law asked her, “My daughter, how did (things go/Boaz act toward you)?” Then Ruth told her everything that Boaz had done for her [and said to her].
Y cuando ella volvió, su suegra le dijo: ¿Cómo te fue, hija mía? Y ella le contó todo lo que el hombre le había hecho.
17 She also said [to Naomi], “He gave me all this barley, saying ‘I do not want you to return to your mother-in-law empty-handed.’”
Y ella dijo: Él me dio estas seis medidas de grano, diciendo: No vuelvas con tu suegra sin nada en tus manos.
18 Then Naomi said, “My daughter, just wait until we see what happens. [I am sure that] Boaz will take care of [LIT] the matter [of your marriage]. [LIT]”
Entonces ella dijo: No hagas nada ahora, hija mía, hasta que veas lo que vendrá de esto; porque el hombre no descansará hasta que haya hecho pasar esto.

< Ruth 3 >