< Romans 6 >

1 Someone might [RHQ] say [in reply to what I have written] that [since God acted kindly toward us] in a way we did not deserve [because we sinned], perhaps we should continue to sin in order that he may continue to act even more kindly toward us [and keep on forgiving us]! [RHQ]
quid ergo dicemus permanebimus in peccato ut gratia abundet
2 [I would reply], No, certainly not! We [ought to consider that] our sinful desires [MET] [cannot make us do what they want us to do], [just like we cannot make] a corpse do what we want it to do. So it is not right that we continue to sin! [RHQ]
absit qui enim mortui sumus peccato quomodo adhuc vivemus in illo
3 When we were baptized {[asked someone to] baptize us} in order to show that we have a relationship with (OR, are united to) Jesus Christ, our [being baptized was to declare that it was as though] we died with Christ. ([I want] you to remember that!/Do you not know that?) [RHQ]
an ignoratis quia quicumque baptizati sumus in Christo Iesu in morte ipsius baptizati sumus
4 So, when we were baptized {someone baptized us}, [it was as though] we were buried with Christ. [We were baptized] in order to indicate that [we would not let our sinful desires make us do what they want us to do, just like people cannot make] a corpse [do what they want it to] do [MET]. We [were baptized] to [signify that we would] continually conduct our lives in a new way, just like Christ was caused to live again in a new way by the great [power] of [God his] Father.
consepulti enim sumus cum illo per baptismum in mortem ut quomodo surrexit Christus a mortuis per gloriam Patris ita et nos in novitate vitae ambulemus
5 Because of our close relationship with Christ, we have [separated ourselves from the former way in which we conducted our lives], just like he [was separated from his physical life when he] died [MET]. But God will also certainly [enable us to live in a new way, just like he] enabled Christ to live again.
si enim conplantati facti sumus similitudini mortis eius simul et resurrectionis erimus
6 We must keep remembering that when Christ died on the cross [MET], [it was as though] our sinful nature [died with him. It has] lost its power to make us do what it wants us to do [MET]. That happened in order that we would not do the sinful [things that our bodies] [MET], which desire to sin, want us to do, and in order that we would no longer have to sin [MET], as slaves [have to do what their masters want].
hoc scientes quia vetus homo noster simul crucifixus est ut destruatur corpus peccati ut ultra non serviamus peccato
7 [We are, as it were, freed] {[free]} [from] sinful [desires] [MET] [controlling us, just like] those who have died are free [from anything controlling them].
qui enim mortuus est iustificatus est a peccato
8 Since [it is as though] we died with Christ, we believe that we will continue to live with him.
si autem mortui sumus cum Christo credimus quia simul etiam vivemus cum Christo
9 We know that since [God] enabled Christ to live again after he died, Christ will never die again. Nothing will ever be able to make him die again [PRS].
scientes quod Christus surgens ex mortuis iam non moritur mors illi ultra non dominabitur
10 When he died, he died once for [people] who had sinned, and he will never die again; but in regard to his living [again now], he lives in order to [serve/honor] God.
quod enim mortuus est peccato mortuus est semel quod autem vivit vivit Deo
11 Similarly, you must consider that [it is as though] you have become [unable to do what your] sinful [desires] [MET] want, as a corpse [is not able to do what anyone wants it to do]. You must also consider that because of your relationship to Christ Jesus you are living [in a new way] in order to [serve/honor] God.
ita et vos existimate vos mortuos quidem esse peccato viventes autem Deo in Christo Iesu
12 So, do not let the [desire to] sin [PRS] control your bodies [MET] with the result that you do the sinful things that you desire to do. [Remember that] your bodies will surely die, [but your spirits will never die].
non ergo regnet peccatum in vestro mortali corpore ut oboediatis concupiscentiis eius
13 Do not let any of your body parts do wicked things, as [you did] [MET] [when you were spiritually] dead. Instead, present yourselves to God as people who are alive [spiritually]. Present all your body parts to God, [to allow him] to use them to [do] righteous things.
sed neque exhibeatis membra vestra arma iniquitatis peccato sed exhibete vos Deo tamquam ex mortuis viventes et membra vestra arma iustitiae Deo
14 Do not let a [desire to] sin control you [PRS]. The laws [that God gave Moses] did not enable you [to stop sinning]. But [now] God controls you and kindly helps you [not to sin].
peccatum enim vobis non dominabitur non enim sub lege estis sed sub gratia
15 [I suppose that certain people might think about what I have just said and they might] say [RHQ], “[You say that] the laws [God gave Moses] did not [enable us to stop sinning, but that God is now] treating us kindly in ways we do not deserve. ([That seems to mean that God permits] us to continue sinning./[Does that mean that God permits] us to continue sinning?) [RHQ]” My reply to that is no, we should certainly not continue [sinning]
quid ergo peccavimus quoniam non sumus sub lege sed sub gratia absit
16 [Slaves] have to obey [what their masters command] [MET] [them to do]. (I want you to remember this./Do you not know this?) [RHQ] Similarly, if you present yourselves to someone [in order to] obey him, you will be the slaves [MET] of the person you obey. Similarly, [if you have yielded yourselves to do the] sinful things [you desire], you are slaves of your sinful desires [PRS], and you will be eternally separated from God. [If you have yielded yourselves] to obey [God], you are slaves of God and you need to [live] righteously.
nescitis quoniam cui exhibetis vos servos ad oboediendum servi estis eius cui oboeditis sive peccati sive oboeditionis ad iustitiam
17 You were once slaves [to] your sinful [desires]. But you began to sincerely obey the new teaching [MET] that you were taught {that [people] taught you}. I thank God for that.
gratias autem Deo quod fuistis servi peccati oboedistis autem ex corde in eam formam doctrinae in qua traditi estis
18 [I] also [thank God that] you have been freed {[that] he has freed you} from [being controlled by a desire to] sin, and that you have become [as though you were] slaves [MET] to [living] righteously [MET].
liberati autem a peccato servi facti estis iustitiae
19 I am illustrating what I say [by talking about slavery] because your human nature prevents you from understanding [spiritual truth] easily. [In the past] you willingly did the immoral and unlawful things that [your minds compelled] your bodies to do [MET], [just like] slaves [do what their masters compel them to do]. As a result, you did even more unlawful things. Now, [you need to] willingly allow [your minds to compel] your bodies to [act] righteously [MET], in order that you will behave in a holy/pure way.
humanum dico propter infirmitatem carnis vestrae sicut enim exhibuistis membra vestra servire inmunditiae et iniquitati ad iniquitatem ita nunc exhibete membra vestra servire iustitiae in sanctificationem
20 When you were [like] slaves [because your sinful desires compelled you to do] sinful things [MET], you were not [concerned about behaving] righteously [MET].
cum enim servi essetis peccati liberi fuistis iustitiae
21 Nevertheless, [doing] those things resulted in your being separated from God, so you did not benefit at all from [doing] the [sinful] things that you are now ashamed of. [RHQ]
quem ergo fructum habuistis tunc in quibus nunc erubescitis nam finis illorum mors est
22 But you have been freed {[God] has freed you} from [letting the desire to] sin control you. You have become [as though you are] [MET] the slaves of God. So now the result is that God has caused you to completely belong to him and, as a result, you will live eternally. (aiōnios g166)
nunc vero liberati a peccato servi autem facti Deo habetis fructum vestrum in sanctificationem finem vero vitam aeternam (aiōnios g166)
23 [What people receive for] sinning [is that they are] eternally separated from God. That is [like] wages that [people receive] [MET]. But what God gives us is a gift. What he gives us is that we live eternally because of [our relationship with] (OR, because [we are united to]) Christ Jesus our Lord. (aiōnios g166)
stipendia enim peccati mors gratia autem Dei vita aeterna in Christo Iesu Domino nostro (aiōnios g166)

< Romans 6 >