< Romans 5 >

1 Because we trusted [in Christ], the record of our sins has been erased {[God] has erased the record of our sins}. So we [now] have a peaceful relationship with God because of our trust in what our Lord Jesus Christ [has done for us].
Shunga étiqad bilen heqqaniy qilin’ghan ikenmiz, Rebbimiz Eysa Mesih arqiliq Xuda bilen inaq munasiwette bolimiz.
2 Because of [what] Christ [has done], God has also enabled us to begin experiencing his continually acting toward us in ways that we do not deserve. Also, we rejoice because we are confidently expecting that God [will gladly show] us how great he is.
U arqiliq étiqad yolida bizni ching turghuzidighan bu méhir-shepqitining ichige kirish hoquqigha muyesser bolduq, shuningdek Xudaning shan-sheripige baghlighan ümidimizdin shad-xuram bolimiz.
3 We rejoice even when we suffer [as a result of our trusting in Christ], because we know that when we are suffering, the result is that we learn to endure things [patiently].
Shundaq bolupla qalmay, müshkül ehwallar ichide shadlinimiz; chünki müshküllük sewrchanliqni, sewrchanliq chidamliqni, chidamliq ümidni élip kélidu, dep bilimiz.
4 And [we know] that when we endure things [patiently], the result is that [God] approves [of us]. And when we [know that God] approves [of us], the result is that we confidently expect [that he will do great things for us].
5 And we are very confident [PRS] that we will receive the things that we wait expectantly [for], because God loves us very much. His Holy Spirit, who has been {whom [he] has} given to us, [causes] us to understand how much God loves us.
We bu ümid bizni yerge qaritip qoymaydu, chünki bizge ata qilin’ghan Muqeddes Roh arqiliq Xudaning méhir-muhebbiti alliburun qelbimizge quyulup éship tashti.
6 When we were unable [to save ourselves], it was Christ who, at the time [that God chose], died on behalf of [us] ungodly [people].
Chünki biz peqet amalsiz qalghinimizda, Mesih biz ixlassizlar üchün [Xuda] békitken waqitta özini pida qildi.
7 Rarely would anyone die on behalf of another person, [even if] that person were righteous, although someone might be courageous enough to die on behalf of a truly good person person.
Birsining heqqaniy adem üchün jénini pida qilishi nahayiti az uchraydighan ish; bezide yaxshi adem üchün birsi pida bolushqa jür’et qilishimu mumkin;
8 Nevertheless, as for God, the way he showed us that he loves us is that Christ died on our behalf while we were still rebelling against God.
lékin Xuda Öz méhri-muhebbitini bizge shuningda körsitiduki, biz téxi gunahkar waqtimizda, Mesih biz üchün jénini pida qildi.
9 The record of our sins has been erased {[God] has erased the record of our sins} because of [what Christ accomplished when] his blood [MTY] [flowed when he died]. So it is even more certain that we will be saved by Christ {that Christ will save us} from God’s punishing us [eternally] [MTY].
Hazir biz Uning qéni bilen heqqaniy qilin’ghan ikenmiz, emdi U arqiliq [kélidighan] ghezeptin qutulushimiz téximu jezmendur.
10 Even when we were acting hostilely towards God, he enabled us to have a peaceful relationship with him as a result of his Son dying [for us]. So it is even more certain that we will be saved {Christ will be able to save us} [from God’s punishing us] [MTY] because Christ is alive [again] and because [God] has enabled us to have a peaceful relationship [with himself].
Chünki burun Xudagha düshmen bolghan bolsaqmu, Oghlining ölümi arqiliq bizni Uning bilen inaqlashturghan yerde, Uning bilen inaqlashturulghandin kéyin, emdi [Oghlining] hayati arqiliq biz téximu qutuldurulmamduq?!
11 And that’s not all! Now we also rejoice about [the things that] God [has done for us] because of our Lord Jesus Christ [dying for us] and enabling us to have a peaceful relationship with God.
Buning bilenla qalmay, hazir biz Rebbimiz Eysa Mesih arqiliq Xuda bilen inaqlashturulduq, U arqiliqmu Xudaning Özidin shadlinimiz.
12 [What you can learn from what I have written so far is as follows]: All people are sinful [PRS], and that is the result of [Adam, the first] man whom [God created, sinning long ago]. Adam died [PRS] because he sinned. So, all people [who have lived since then] die, because [it is as though] all people sinned [when Adam sinned].
Shuningdek, gunahning dunyagha kirishi birla adem arqiliq boldi, ölümning dunyagha kirishi gunah arqiliq boldi; shuning bilen gunah arqiliq ölüm hemme ademge tarqaldi; chünki hemme adem gunah sadir qildi
13 [People in] [MTY] the world sinned before [God gave his] laws [to Moses]. But people are not considered [by God] {[God] does not consider people} to be guilty for their sins if there is no law [stating that what they did was sinful].
(chünki Tewrat qanunidin ilgirimu gunah dunyada bar idi, elwette; halbuki, qanun bolmisa gunahning hésabi élinmaydu.
14 But [we know] that from [the time when] Adam [lived] until [the time when] Moses [lived], all people sinned, and they died [as a consequence] [PRS, MET]. Even people who sinned differently from the way Adam [sinned, died]. [Adam’s sin] affected [all people], just like what [Christ did], the one who came later, can affect all people.
Shundaqtimu, ölüm Adem’ata waqtidin Musa peyghember waqtighiche insanlarghimu höküm sürdi; ular gerche Adem’atining sadir qilghan itaetsizlikidek gunah sadir qilmighan bolsimu, bu insanlarmu ölüm hökümidin xaliy bolmidi). Adem’atining özi — kéyin kélidighan Mesihning bir bésharetlik ülgsidur;’
15 But [the results of God’s erasing the record of our sins as] a gift to us are not like [the results of Adam’s] sinning. The result of one man, [Adam], sinning was that many/all people have died. But [it is certain], [however], that many people have abundantly experienced God’s acting kindly toward them in a way they did not deserve. [It is also certain] that they have experienced God’s erasing the record of their sins as the result of one man, Jesus Christ, acting kindly toward them/towards them in a way they did not deserve.
halbuki, [Xudaning] shapaetlik sowghiti Adem’atining itaetsizlikining pütünley eksidur. Chünki birla ademning itaetsizliki bilen nurghun adem ölgen bolsa, emdi Xudaning méhir-shepqiti we shuningdek birla adem, yeni Eysa Mesihning méhir-shepqiti arqiliq kelgen sowghat éship-téship turghachqa, nurghun ademge yetküzülüp téximu zor netije hasil qildi!
16 And [there is another way in which God’s] freely [erasing the record of our sins] is not like [the results of Adam’s] sinning. One person, [Adam, sinned]. As a result, God declared that all people deserve to be punished. Many people sinned. But what God did was that he erased the record of their sins without their earning it.
Shu shapaetlik sowghatning netijisi bolsa, shu bir ademning gunahining aqiwitige pütünley oxshimaydu. Chünki bir ademning bir qétim ötküzgen itaetsizlikidin chiqarghan höküm insanlarni gunahkar dep békitken bolsimu, emma shu shapaetlik sowghat bolsa köpligen kishilerning nurghun itaetsizlikliridin «heqqaniy qilinish»qa élip baridu.
17 All people die [MET, PRS] because of what one man, [Adam], did. But now many of us experience that God has abundantly acted towards us in ways we did not deserve, and we experience that he has erased the record of our sins without our earning it. It is also very certain that we will rule [with Christ] (OR, share [the glory] of Christ’s being king), [in heaven. This will happen] because of [what] one man, Jesus Christ, [did for us].
Emdi bir ademning itaetsizliki tüpeylidin, ene shu bir adem arqiliq ölüm hökümran bolghan yerde, [Xudaning] mol méhir-shepqitini, shundaqla heqqaniyliq bolghan shapaetlik sowghitini qobul qilghanlar bir adem, yeni shu Eysa Mesih arqiliq hayatta shunche ghalibane hökümranliq qilghuchilar bolmamdu!
18 So, [because one man, Adam], disobeyed [God’s law], that resulted in all people deserving to be punished {that God punish them}. Similarly, because one man, [Jesus], acted righteously [by obeying God when he died], the result was that God is [able to erase the record of] all people’s sins and [enable them to] live eternally.
Shunga, bir qétimliq itaetsizlik tüpeylidin barliq insanlar gunahning jazasigha mehkum qilin’ghan bolsa, oxshashla bir qétimliq heqqaniy emel bilen hayatliq élip kélidighan heqqaniyliq pütkül insanlargha yetküzülgen.
19 It was because one person, [Adam], disobeyed [God] that many/all people became sinners. Similarly, it is because one person, [Jesus], obeyed [God when he died] that the record of many people’s sins will be erased {that [he] will erase the record of many people’s sins}.
Bir ademning bir qétimliq itaetsizliki arqiliq nurghun kishiler derweqe gunahkar qilinip békitilgendek, bir ademning bir qétimliq itaetmenliki bilenmu nurghun kishiler heqqaniy qilinip békitilidu.
20 [God gave] [PRS] his laws [to Moses] [PRS] in order that [people might realize] how greatly they had sinned; but as people sinned more, God continued to act even more kindly toward them, in a way that they did not deserve.
Emdi Tewrat qanuni insanning itaetsizlikliri köprek ashkarlinip bilinsun dep kirgüzülgenidi. Lékin gunah qeyerde köpeygen bolsa, [Xudaning] méhir-shepqitimu shu yerde téximu éship tashti.
21 He did that in order that just like people everywhere inevitably sin, [which results in their] dying [MET, PRS], people everywhere might inevitably experience God’s acting kindly towards them in a way they do not deserve [MET, PRS] by [erasing the record of their sins]. [The result is that people can] live eternally because of what Jesus Christ our Lord [did for them]. (aiōnios g166)
Shuningdek, gunah [insaniyetning] üstidin hökümranliq qilip [ularni] ölümge élip barghinidek, [Xudaning] méhir-shepqiti heqqaniyliqqa asaslinip hökümranliq qilip, insanni Rebbimiz Eysa Mesih arqiliq menggülük hayatliqqa érishtüridu. (aiōnios g166)

< Romans 5 >