< Romans 4 >

1 Abraham is the [revered] ancestor of us [Jews]. So think about what we can conclude [from what happened to Abraham about how God can erase the record of our sins]. [RHQ]
Que dirons-nous donc d'Abraham notre ancêtre selon la chair?
2 If it was because of Abraham’s doing [good] things that the record of his sins was erased {that [God] erased the record of his sins}, Abraham could then have been able to boast [about that to people], but he would not have [had any basis to] boast to God [about it].
Car si Abraham a été justifié en conséquence des œuvres, il a de quoi s'enorgueillir, mais non pas relativement à Dieu.
3 [Remember that] in the Scriptures it is written {someone wrote} [PRS] that Abraham believed what God [promised] [RHQ], and as a result the record of his sins was erased {[God] erased the record of his sins}.
En effet que dit l'écriture? « Or Abraham crut à Dieu, et cela lui fut compté pour justice. »
4 If we receive wages for work that we do, those wages are not considered to be a gift. Instead, they [are considered] to be what we have earned. [Similarly, if God erases the record of our sins because we did things to earn God’s favor], we would not consider that [God’s erasing the record of our sin] was [a gift. Instead, we would consider it as what we had earned].
Mais pour celui qui accomplit des œuvres, son salaire ne lui est pas compté à titre de grâce, mais de dette,
5 But suppose that we do not do things [to gain God’s acceptance]. Suppose that we instead trust [in God], who erases the record of sins of wicked people. Then the erasing of the record of our sins because of our trusting [in Christ] is considered to be a gift to us, [not something that we earned].
tandis que pour celui qui n'accomplit pas d'œuvres, mais qui croit en Celui qui justifie l'impie, sa foi lui est comptée pour justice.
6 Similarly, it is as David wrote [in the Psalms] about people being happy whose record of sins God has erased even though they have not done things [to earn it. David wrote]:
C'est de même aussi que David parle de la béatitude de l'homme auquel Dieu attribue la justice sans les œuvres;
7 [God] is pleased with people whose sins have been {whose sins [he] has} forgiven, and whose sins he [has decided] to forget [DOU].
« Heureux ceux dont les crimes ont été pardonnés et dont les péchés ont été couverts!
8 [God] causes to be happy the people whose sins he no longer keeps a record of.
Heureux l'homme auquel le Seigneur n'imputera certainement pas son péché! »
9 As for our being happy [because God has erased the record of our sins], (it is not something that [only] we Jews [can experience]./is it [MTY] something that [only] we Jews [can experience]?) [RHQ] [No, it is] also something that non-Jews [can experience] [MTY]. [What is written in the Scriptures], that it was because Abraham trusted [in God] that the record of his sins was erased {[God] erased the record of his sins}, [also shows that this is true].
Est-ce que cette béatitude n'a donc trait qu'à la circoncision, ou bien également à l'incirconcision? Nous disons en effet: La foi a été comptée à Abraham pour justice.
10 ([Think about] when [God erased the record of Abraham’s sins]./When did [God erase the record of Abraham’s sins]?) [RHQ] (Consider whether [it happened] after someone circumcised [Abraham to mark him as one who belonged to God], or before someone circumcised him./[Did it happen] after [Abraham was] circumcised [to be marked as one who belonged to God], or before he was circumcised?) [RHQ] It happened before he was circumcised, not after he was circumcised.
Comment donc lui a-t-elle été comptée pour telle? Est-ce quand il était circoncis ou incirconcis? Ce n'est pas quand il eut été circoncis, mais lorsqu'il était incirconcis.
11 [Many years later, God commanded that] Abraham [be] circumcised. Abraham’s accepting that ritual simply showed [that he knew that God had accepted him]. [He knew that God] had [erased the record of his sins] because he trusted [in God] while he was still, [in effect, a non-Jew because] he had not been circumcised. [So we can understand that] Abraham became (a spiritual ancestor/like an ancestor) to [all] of us whose record of sins has been erased {whose sins [God] has erased the record of} because we believe [in God’s promise, even though some of us] are not circumcised.
Et il reçut le signe de la circoncision comme un sceau de la justice de la foi qu'il avait eue quand il était incirconcis, afin d'être le père de tous ceux qui croient, quoiqu'incirconcis, de sorte que la justice leur est attribuée;
12 Likewise, Abraham is the [spiritual] ancestor of all us Jews who are not merely circumcised but who, more importantly, [believe in God’s promise] as our ancestor Abraham did, even before he was circumcised.
et afin d'être aussi le père de la circoncision, pour ceux qui non seulement sont circoncis, mais qui marchent sur les traces de la foi qu'a eue, quand il était incirconcis, notre père Abraham.
13 God promised Abraham and his descendants that they would receive [the blessings that he promised to give to the people in] the world. But when he promised that, it was not because Abraham [obeyed] the laws [that God later gave to Moses]. Instead, it was because Abraham believed [that God would do what he promised that he would do]. As a result, God erased the record of his sins.
En effet, ce n'est pas par la loi qu'a été faite à Abraham ou à sa postérité, la promesse qu'il serait héritier du monde, mais c'est par la justice de la foi;
14 If [we think that] it is those who [obey God’s] laws who will receive [what he has promised], it is useless [for us to trust in him. And what he] promised is worthless. [Remember that] it is [stated] in God’s law [PRS] [that] he will punish [people who do not perfectly obey them], and remember that wherever [MTY] laws exist, [people] disobey them [LIT].
car, si ce sont ceux qui relèvent de la loi qui sont héritiers, la foi est mise à néant et la promesse abolie;
en effet la loi produit la colère, mais là où n'est pas là loi il n'y a pas non plus de transgression;
16 So it is because [we] trust [in God that we will receive the things that he has promised]. [It is not because we perfectly obey God’s laws. He wants] (to [erase the record of our sins/to declare us no longer guilty]) without our earning it. As a result, what God now promises, he guarantees to give to all people who are [Abraham’s spiritual] descendants. [He promises to do that not only for us Jewish believers], who [have] God’s laws [and trust in him as Abraham did], but also for those [non-Jews who do not have God’s laws but] who trust [in him] as Abraham did. Abraham is the [spiritual] ancestor of all of us [believers].
c'est pourquoi cela vient de la foi, afin que ce soit à titre de grâce, en sorte que la promesse est irréfragable pour toute la postérité, non seulement pour celle qui relève de la loi, mais encore pour celle qui se rattache à la foi d'Abraham qui est notre père à tous
17 What is written {What [Moses] wrote} [in the Scriptures about what God promised Abraham shows that this is true]. [God said to him], “It is in order that you [(sg)] may be the ancestor of many ethnic groups that I have chosen you.” Romans 4:17b-22 God [guaranteed that he would give Abraham many descendants]. Abraham confidently believed that God [would do that],
(selon qu'il est écrit: « Car J'ai fait de toi le père de plusieurs nations »), devant Celui auquel il a cru, le Dieu qui vivifie les morts, et qui évoque comme si elles existaient les choses qui n'existent point.
18 even though there was no physical reason for him to hope [that he would have descendants, because he and his wife were too old to bear children]. But God is the one who causes dead people to live again, and who talks about things that do not yet exist as already existing. [God said to Abraham], “You will have so many descendants that they will be [as impossible to count as the stars].” And Abraham believed that, and he believed that he would become the ancestor of many ethnic groups.
Il a, contre toute espérance, cru avec espérance, en sorte qu'il est devenu le père de plusieurs nations, selon cette parole: Telle sera ta postérité, »
19 He did not doubt [that God would do what he promised], even though he knew that his body was already [as incapable of begetting children as if he were] dead [MET] because he was about 100 years old. And [even though he realized that] Sarah had never been able to become pregnant [IDM],
et il a vu, sans faiblir dans sa foi, la caducité de son propre corps, âgé qu'il était d'environ cent ans, et celle des organes de Sarra;
20 he did not doubt at all that God [would do what he had] promised. Instead, he trusted [in God] more/very strongly, and he thanked God [for what God was going to do].
mais, relativement à la promesse de Dieu, il n'hésita point par incrédulité; il fut au contraire fortifié par la foi, rendant gloire à Dieu,
21 He was also convinced {very sure} that the thing that God promised, God was able to do.
et étant convaincu que ce qu'il promet, Il peut aussi l'accomplir.
22 And that is the reason that the record of his sins was erased {[God] erased the record of his sins}.
C'est pourquoi cela lui a été compté pour justice.
23 The words [in the Scriptures], “The record of his sins was erased {[God] erased the record of his sins},” are not only about Abraham.
Or ce n'est pas à cause de lui seul qu'il est écrit que « cela lui a été compté, »
24 They were also written {[They] also wrote that} for us whose record of sins would be erased {[God] would erase}. They were written {[They] wrote it} for us who believe [God], the one who caused our Lord Jesus to become alive again after he died.
mais c'est aussi à cause de nous, auxquels cela doit être compté, pour autant que nous croyons en Celui qui a ressuscité d'entre les morts Jésus notre Seigneur,
25 Jesus allowed [men] to execute [MTY] him so that [God could forgive] our evil deeds. And [God] caused Jesus to live again because [God wanted to show that because of the death of Jesus he was able to] erase the record of our sins.
lequel a été livré pour nos fautes, et qui est ressuscité pour notre justification.

< Romans 4 >