< Romans 16 >

1 [By means of this letter] I am introducing and recommending to you our fellow believer Phoebe, [who will be taking this letter to you]. She is a deacon in the congregation in Cenchrea [city].
Doporučuji vám sestru Fébu, obětavou služebnici Kenchrejského křesťanského sboru. Ochotně pomáhala mně i jiným.
2 [I request that] you receive her because of her relationship with the Lord. [You should do that because] those who are God’s people ought to receive [their fellow believers]. [I am also requesting] that you help her [by giving her] [EUP] whatever she needs, because she has helped many people, including me.
Jestli se na vás obrátí, udělejte pro ni všechno, co budete moci, jak se na křesťany sluší.
3 Tell Priscilla and [her husband] Aquila that I (send greetings to/am thinking fondly of) them. They worked with me for Christ Jesus,
Pozdravujte Prisku a Akvilu, kteří pro mne v Kristových službách riskovali život; nejen já, ale všichni křesťané jsou jim za to dlužníky.
4 and they were even willing to die [IDM] in order [to save] my life. It is not only I who thank them [for helping me], but the people in all [HYP] the non-Jewish congregations also [thank them for saving my life].
5 Also tell the congregation [that meets] in their house that I (send my greetings to/am thinking fondly of) them. Tell my dear friend Epaenetus the same thing. He is the first man in Asia [province] who [believed] in Christ.
Také všem věřícím, kteří se u nich scházejí, posílám srdečný pozdrav. Obzvlášť zdravím Epaineta, prvního asijského křesťana,
6 Tell Mary, who has worked hard [for Christ] in order to [help] you, that I (send my greetings to/am thinking fondly of) her.
a Marii, která tolik pro vás udělala.
7 Tell the same thing to Andronicus and [his wife] Junia (OR, and [his sister] Junia) who are my fellow Jews and who were also [previously] in prison with me. They are well-known/respected (OR, respected by the) apostles, and they became Christians before I did.
Pozdravujte mé krajany a bývalé spoluvězně Andronika a Junia, vynikající muže mezi apoštoly, kteří se stali křesťany dříve než já.
8 I also send my greetings to Ampliatus, who is a dear friend because of his relationship with the Lord.
Dále pozdravujte Ampliáta, Urbana, Stachyna a Apella. Také všechny od Aristobulů a Narcisů, Herodiona, Tryfainu, Tryfosu a Persidu. A ovšem Rufa a jeho matku – měla mě jako vlastního. A ještě Asynkrita, Flegonta, Herma, Patrobu, Hermeu a ostatní tamější bratry, Filologa, Julii, Nerea a jeho sestru, Olympa a všechny křesťany u nich. Pozdravte je ode mne bratrským polibkem. Taky ode všech křesťanských sborů a skupin vyřizuji pozdravy.
9 I also send my greetings to Urbanus, who works for Christ with us, and to my dear friend Stachys.
10 I also send my greetings to Apelles, whom Christ has approved [because Apelles successfully endured trials]. Tell the [believers] who [live in the house] of Aristobulus that I send my greetings to them.
11 Also tell Herodion, who is my fellow Jew, that I send my greetings to him. Tell the same thing to those who [live in the house] of Narcissus who belong to the Lord.
12 Tell the same thing to Tryphaena and [her sister] Tryphosa, who work hard for the Lord. I also send my greetings to Persis. [We all] love her and she has worked very hard for the Lord.
13 Tell Rufus, who is an outstanding Christian, that I send my greetings to him. [Tell the same thing to] his mother, [who has treated me as though] I [were her son] [MET].
14 Tell Asyncritus and Phlegon and Hermes and Patrobas and Hermas and the fellow believers who [meet] with them that I am sending my greetings to them.
15 I also send my greetings to Philologus, to [his wife] Julia (OR, [his sister] Julia), to Nereus and his sister, and to Olympas, and to all God’s people who [meet] with them.
16 Greet one another affectionately, but in a pure way, [when you gather together]. The [believers in] all the Christian congregations [HYP] [in this area (send their] greetings to/say they are thinking fondly of) you.
17 My fellow believers, I exhort you that you beware of those people who are causing divisions among you and who cause people to turn away [from God] [MTY] [because they teach things that] are contrary to the message [about Christ] that you have learned (OR, that others taught you). Keep away from such people!
Jedno bych vám ještě rád položil na srdce: dejte si pozor na ty, kdo vyvolávají spory a svádějí vás z cesty, kterou jste nastoupili.
18 They do not serve our Lord Christ! On the contrary, they only want to satisfy their own desires [MTY]! Also, by all the eloquent things that they say [DOU] they deceive those people who do not realize [that their teaching is false].
Takoví kážou ne proto, aby sloužili Kristu, ale pro svůj vlastní prospěch. Vyhýbejte se jim. Bezelstného člověka snadno zmatou líbivými řečmi.
19 [Believers] everywhere know that you have paid attention to [the good message about Christ], with the result that I rejoice about you. But I also want you to be wise, [with the result that you do] what is good. I also want you to avoid doing what is evil.
O vaší víře všude slyším jen to nejlepší a mám z toho radost. Přeji vám moudrost v konání dobra a zlo ať se vás ani nedotkne.
20 [If you avoid people who teach what is false], what will [soon happen] [MET] [will be as though] God, who causes us to be peaceful, will be crushing Satan under your feet! [I pray that] our Lord Jesus will continue to act kindly towards you.
Bůh, dárce pokoje, už brzo rozdrtí satana u vašich nohou. Náš Pán Ježíš Kristus ať vás obdaří svou milostí.
21 Timothy, who works with me, and Lucius and Jason and Sosipater, who are my fellow Jews, [want you to know that they are] (sending their greetings to/thinking fondly of) you.
Pozdravuje vás můj spolupracovník Timoteus a přátelé Lucius, Jáson a Sozipater.
22 I, Tertius, [one who belongs to] the Lord, [also want you to know] that I am (sending my greetings to/thinking fondly of) you. [I am writing this letter as Paul tells me what to write for him].
I já, písař tohoto listu, Tercius, připojuji svůj pozdrav.
23 I, [Paul], am staying in the house of Gaius, and the whole congregation [here meets] in his house. He [also wants you to know] that he is (sending his greetings to/thinking fondly of) you. Erastus, the treasurer of [this] city, also [wants you to know that] he is (sending his greetings to/thinking fondly of) you. Our fellow believer Quartus also (sends his greetings to you./says he is thinking fondly of you.)
Také Gaius, náš hostitel, vás pozdravuje a rovněž vás zdraví správce městské pokladny Erastus a bratr Kvartus.
25 As [I] proclaim [the good message about] Jesus Christ, [I tell about God], the one who is able to strengthen you [spiritually]. I also proclaim the [truth] that was not revealed {which [God] did not reveal} in all previous ages/times (aiōnios g166)
Bůh vám může dát schopnost žít podle slov, která jsem vám zvěstoval. Byly vám zjeveny jeho dávné plány, dlouho skryté, (aiōnios g166)
26 but which has now been {which [he] has now} revealed. [I, along with others, have proclaimed] what the prophets wrote [about Christ]. We are doing what the eternal God commanded [us(exc)/me to do]. We want [people in] all ethnic groups to know [Christ] so that they can believe [in him] and obey [him]. (aiōnios g166)
ale nyní objasněné proroctvími, abyste je vírou poslušně přijali a podle nich žili. (aiōnios g166)
27 [I desire that by] Jesus Christ [enabling us, we] will forever praise the one who alone is God, who alone is [truly] wise. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
Nade vše moudrému Bohu věčná sláva za Ježíše Krista. Váš Pavel (aiōn g165)

< Romans 16 >