< Romans 14 >

1 Accept those who are not sure [whether God will permit them to do certain things some people think are wrong]. But [when you accept them], do not argue with them about what they think/their opinions.
Étiqadi ajizlarni qobul qilinglar, lékin ular bilen pikirde talash-tartish qilmanglar.
2 Some people believe that they may eat all [kinds of food]. Others believe [that God does not want them to eat certain things, so they] believe that they may not eat meat.
Birsi herqandaq yémeklikni yéyishke bolidighinigha ishinidu; lékin yene étiqadi ajiz birsi peqet köktatlarnila yeydu.
3 Anyone who [thinks that it is all right to] eat [all kinds of food] must not despise those who [think it is] not [all right to] eat [all kinds of food]. Anyone who [thinks it is] not [all right to] eat [all kinds of food] must not (condemn/say that [God] will punish) those who [think that it is all right to] eat [all kinds of food], because God himself has accepted those people.
Herqandaq yémekliklerni yeydighan kishi yémeydighan kishini kemsitmisun; hemde [bezi nersini] yémeydighan kishi herqandaq yémekliklerni yeydighan kishi üstidin höküm qilmisun. Chünki Xuda uni qobul qilghan.
4 [God is the master of us all, so] ([he is the one who will decide whether those people have done wrong!/who are you to decide whether they have done wrong]?) [RHQ] [Therefore], you have no right [RHQ] to condemn those who eat everything, because they are [also God’s servants! And just like] it is the servants’ own master who accepts or condemns [MTY] his servants, [it is God who accepts or condemns us]. And [believers] will be accepted [by] the Lord {[the Lord] will accept [believers]} [regardless of whether they eat meat or not], because he is able to keep them [trusting in him].
Bashqa birsining xizmetkari üstidin höküm qilghuchi sen kim iding? Xizmetkarning tik turushi yaki yiqilip kétishige peqetla öz xojayini mes’uldur. Hemde [shu xizmetkarmu] tik turidighan qilinidu — chünki [xujayini] Reb uni tik turghuzushqa qadirdur.
5 Some people regard certain days as [holy] and think that the other [days] are not [holy]. Other people regard all days as [equally suitable for worshipping God]. Each person should be fully convinced [about such matters], thinking and deciding for himself [and not for others].
Melum birsi melum bir künni yene bir kündin üstün köridu, yene birsi hemme künni oxshash dep qaraydu. Herkim özining közqarishigha toluq ishenchi bolsun.
6 As for those who believe that they should worship on [a certain] day [of the week], it is to [honor] the Lord [that they worship on that day]. And as for those who [think that it is all right to] eat [all kinds of food], it is to [honor] the Lord [that they eat those foods], as is clear from their thanking God [for the food that they eat]. As for those who abstain from [eating certain kinds of] food, it is to [honor] the Lord that they do not eat [those foods], and they also thank God [for the food that they do eat. So doing either of those things is not wrong in itself].
Melum künni qedirleydighan kishi buning bilen Rebbining hörmitide uni qedirleydu. Bir nersini yeydighan kishimu Rebbining hörmitide yeydu, chünki u öz rizqi üchün Xudagha teshekkür éytidu. Melum nersini yémeydighan kishi yémeydighanliqi bilen özining Rebbining hörmitide yémeydu, umu shundaqla Xudagha teshekkür éytidu.
7 None of us should live [merely] to [please] ourselves, and none of us [should choose when or how we will] die, [merely] to [please] ourselves.
Chünki héchqaysimiz özimiz üchün yashimaymiz we héchqaysimiz özimiz üchün ölmeymiz;
8 While we live, it is the Lord whom we belong to [and should be trying to please, and not just ourselves]. And when we die, it is the Lord whom we should [be trying to please]. So, while we live and also when we die, we should be trying to please the Lord to whom we belong, [not just ourselves],
Belki eger yashisaq, Rebbimiz üchün yashaymiz; ölsek, Rebbimiz üchün ölimiz. Shuning üchün yashisaqmu, ölsekmu Rebbimizge mensupturmiz.
9 because the very purpose for which Christ died and became alive again is that he might be Lord whom all people should try to please, both of those who have already died and of those who are still living.
Chünki Mesihning ölüshi we tirilishi del shu meqset bilen boldiki, Uning ölüklerning hem tiriklerning Rebbi bolushi üchündur.
10 (It is disgraceful that you [who practice certain religious regulations] say that God will punish your fellow believers [who do not practice those regulations]!/Why do you [who practice certain religious regulations] say God will punish your fellow believers [who do not practice such regulations]?) [RHQ] [I say this because the time will come when] all of us will stand before God in order that he will say whether or not he approves [MTY] [of what we have done]. So you [who do not practice such regulations], (should not despise your fellow believers [who practice them]!/why do you despise your fellow believers [who practice them]?) [RHQ]
Undaqta, sen néme üchün qérindishing üstidin höküm qilisen? Yaki néme üchün qérindishingni mensitmeysen? Chünki hemmimiz Xudaning soraq texti aldida turishimiz kérek bolidu.
11 [We know this] because it is written {[a prophet/Isaiah] wrote} [what God has said]: Everyone will bow down before me! That is as [certain as the fact that] I live [IDM]! Everyone [SYN] will acknowledge [that because I am] God, I have the [right to judge and punish people.]
Chünki [muqeddes yazmilarda] éytilghinidek: — «Perwerdigar deyduki: — Öz hayatim bilen qesem ichimenki, Manga barliq tizlar pükülidu, Barliq tillar Méni étirap qilip medhiye oquydu».
12 So [it is clear that] it is God who will decide [whether or not he approves of] what each of us has done.
Shunga, herbirimiz Xuda aldida özimiz toghruluq hésab bérimiz.
13 Since [it is God who will judge everyone], we must stop saying that [God should] punish some of our fellow believers! Instead, you/we should decide that you/we will not do anything that would [be an example that might cause] fellow believers to stop trusting in God [DOU].
Shuning üchün, bir-birimizning üstidin höküm qilghuchi ikkinchi biri bolmayli. Buning ornigha shundaq höküm-qarargha kélinglarki, herqandaq qérindashqa gunahqa yiqitidighan bir nersini yaki tuzaqni qoymasliq kérek.
14 I am absolutely certain [DOU] because of [my close relationship with] (OR, [my belonging to]) the Lord Jesus that there is nothing that by itself is wrong [to eat]. But if people think it is wrong to eat something, then to them it is wrong to eat it. [So you should not encourage them to eat it].
Rebbimiz Eysada bolghanliqimdin shuninggha qet’iy ishendürülüp bilimenki, herqandaq nerse özlikidin haram emestur; lékin bir nersini haram dep qarighan kishi üchün, u uninggha haramdur.
15 If you [eat] food [MET] that anyone for whom Christ died [thinks that it is wrong to eat, that person might be encouraged] {[you might be encouraging that person]} [to do something that he believes is wrong. As a result, you might cause that] fellow believer [to stop trusting in God]. In that way he would be ruined [spiritually] just because you have stopped behaving as one who loves [others should behave]!
Eger yémekliking tüpeylidin qérindishingni azabqa qoyghan bolsang, méhir-muhebbet yolida mangmighan bolisen. Mesih uning üchün Öz jénini pida qilip ölgen, bu [qérindishingni] yémekliking bilen nabut qilma!
16 Similarly, do not [do something that you think is] good if, [as a result, your fellow believer would sin and then] others would speak evil [of you who say that you are Christians].
Emdi siler yaxshi dep qarighan ishlarning yaman déyilishige sewebchi bolup qalmanglar.
17 Letting God rule our lives [MET] does not mean [that we must obey regulations about] eating or drinking [something]! Instead, [it means we must] live righteously, [act] peacefully [towards others], and be joyful by [the power of] the Holy Spirit.
Chünki Xudaning padishahliqi yémek-ichmekte emes, belki Muqeddes Rohta bolghan heqqaniyliq, inaqliq-xatirjemlik we shadliqtidur.
18 Those who serve Christ [by acting] in such ways please God, and others will also respect them.
Bularda yashap Mesihke xizmet qilghuchi kishi Xudani xursen qilidu we insanlarning teriplishige sazawer bolidu.
19 So we should always eagerly try to [live in a way that will cause] peace [among fellow Christians], and we should try to do what will help each other to mature [spiritually].
Shuning üchün özimizni inaqliqni ilgiri süridighan we bir-birimizning étiqadini qurup chiqidighan ishlargha atayli.
20 Do not destroy what God has done [in the life of any believer] just because of [your eating certain kinds of] food [MET] [which that person considers wrong to eat! God] permits us to eat every [kind of food]. But if, by your eating [certain kinds of food], you encourage another person to sin [by doing what he believes is wrong], you are doing wrong.
Yémeklikni dep Xudaning ejrini nabut qilmanglar. Hemme nerse derweqe halaldur; biraq birsi yégini bilen [étiqadida] putlashsa, u uninggha yaman hésablinidu.
21 It is good neither to eat meat nor to drink wine, nor [to do anything else at any time if it] will cause one of your fellow believers to stop trusting in God.
Shuning üchün gösh yéyish, sharab ichish, shundaqla bashqa herqandaq ishlarni qilishing qérindishingni gunahqa téyilduridighan, azabqa qoyidighan yaki uni ajizlashturidighan bolsa, bularni qilmighining tüzük.
22 Let God tell you [what things are right for you to do, but do not try to force others to accept what you believe. God is] pleased with those who do what they know is right and as a result do not feel guilty [concerning what they have done], [because they have done only] those things that they believe are right.
Séning [melum bir ishni qilishqa] ishenching barmu? Emdi bu ishench Xuda bilen séning arangdiki ishtur. Özi qiliwatqan ishni toghra dep qarighan, shuningdin wijdanimu eyibke buyrulmighan kishi némidégen bextlik-he!
23 But some believers are not certain [that God will approve of their eating a certain kind of food]. So if they eat it, [they think that God will punish] them. And they [truly] will be punished {[God truly] will punish them}, because [they have done things that they] believe [are not right]. Those who do anything without being certain [that God considers it to be right] are sinning.
Lékin [yémekliktin] gumanlinip turup yene shuni yégen kishi eyibke buyrulidu, chünki buni ishench bilen yémigen. Ishenchtin bolmighan herqandaq ish gunahtur.

< Romans 14 >