< Romans 12 >

1 My fellow believers, since God has acted mercifully [toward you] in so many ways, I appeal to [all of] you that you present yourselves [SYN] [to him by making yourselves like] holy sacrifices [MET]. [Make yourselves sacrifices] that he is pleased with, sacrifices that are living/alive, [not ones that are dead/killed. Since God has done so much for you/us], this is the [only] appropriate way to serve him.
he bhrātara īśvarasya kṛpayāhaṁ yuṣmān vinaye yūyaṁ svaṁ svaṁ śarīraṁ sajīvaṁ pavitraṁ grāhyaṁ balim īśvaramuddiśya samutsṛjata, eṣā sevā yuṣmākaṁ yogyā|
2 Do not let anything non-Christian determine how you should act. Instead, let God change your [way of life] by making your way of thinking new, in order that you may know what he wants you to do. That is, you will know what is good, and you will know what pleases [God], and you will know how to be all that he wants you to be. (aiōn g165)
aparaṁ yūyaṁ sāṁsārikā iva mācarata, kintu svaṁ svaṁ svabhāvaṁ parāvartya nūtanācāriṇo bhavata, tata īśvarasya nideśaḥ kīdṛg uttamo grahaṇīyaḥ sampūrṇaśceti yuṣmābhiranubhāviṣyate| (aiōn g165)
3 Because God has kindly appointed me [to be his apostle], which I did not deserve, I say this to every one of you: Do not think about yourselves more highly than what is right for you to think! Instead, think [about yourselves] in a sensible way that [corresponds to the abilities] that God has given you [because] you trust [in Christ].
kaścidapi jano yogyatvādadhikaṁ svaṁ na manyatāṁ kintu īśvaro yasmai pratyayasya yatparimāṇam adadāt sa tadanusārato yogyarūpaṁ svaṁ manutām, īśvarād anugrahaṁ prāptaḥ san yuṣmākam ekaikaṁ janam ityājñāpayāmi|
4 Although a person has one body, it consists of many parts. All of the parts are needed for [the body], but they do not all function the same way.
yato yadvadasmākam ekasmin śarīre bahūnyaṅgāni santi kintu sarvveṣāmaṅgānāṁ kāryyaṁ samānaṁ nahi;
5 Similarly we, [although we are] many, are [united into] one group because of our relationship with Christ, and we belong to one another. [So no one should act as though he] is needed by God more [than others are!]
tadvadasmākaṁ bahutve'pi sarvve vayaṁ khrīṣṭe ekaśarīrāḥ parasparam aṅgapratyaṅgatvena bhavāmaḥ|
6 [Instead], since each one of us can do various things that differ according to the abilities that [God has] given to us, [we should do them diligently and cheerfully]! Those whom [God has enabled] to speak messages from him [should speak] what corresponds to what they believe [God told them].
asmād īśvarānugraheṇa viśeṣaṁ viśeṣaṁ dānam asmāsu prāpteṣu satsu kopi yadi bhaviṣyadvākyaṁ vadati tarhi pratyayasya parimāṇānusārataḥ sa tad vadatu;
7 [Those whom God has enabled] to serve [others] should do that. [Those whom God has enabled] to teach [his truth] should do that.
yadvā yadi kaścit sevanakārī bhavati tarhi sa tatsevanaṁ karotu; athavā yadi kaścid adhyāpayitā bhavati tarhi so'dhyāpayatu;
8 Those [whom God has enabled to] encourage/exhort [his people] should do that. Those who share [their goods/money with others] should do it sincerely/generously. Those who lead [the congregation] should do it wholeheartedly. Those who help the needy should do it cheerfully.
tathā ya upadeṣṭā bhavati sa upadiśatu yaśca dātā sa saralatayā dadātu yastvadhipatiḥ sa yatnenādhipatitvaṁ karotu yaśca dayāluḥ sa hṛṣṭamanasā dayatām|
9 Love others sincerely! Hate what is evil! Continue to eagerly do what [God considers to be] good!
aparañca yuṣmākaṁ prema kāpaṭyavarjitaṁ bhavatu yad abhadraṁ tad ṛtīyadhvaṁ yacca bhadraṁ tasmin anurajyadhvam|
10 Love one another as members of the same family do; and, you should be (the first ones/eager) to honor each other!
aparaṁ bhrātṛtvapremnā parasparaṁ prīyadhvaṁ samādarād eko'parajanaṁ śreṣṭhaṁ jānīdhvam|
11 Do not be lazy. [Instead], be eager [to serve the Lord] God!
tathā kāryye nirālasyā manasi ca sodyogāḥ santaḥ prabhuṁ sevadhvam|
12 Rejoice because you are confidently awaiting [what God will do for you]! When you suffer, be patient! Keep praying and never give up!
aparaṁ pratyāśāyām ānanditā duḥkhasamaye ca dhairyyayuktā bhavata; prārthanāyāṁ satataṁ pravarttadhvaṁ|
13 If any of God’s people lacks anything, share with them [what you have]! Readily take care of [travelers who need a place to stay]!
pavitrāṇāṁ dīnatāṁ dūrīkurudhvam atithisevāyām anurajyadhvam|
14 [Ask God to] be kind to those who (persecute you/cause you to suffer) [because you believe in Jesus! Ask him to] be kind to them; do not [ask him to] cause bad things to happen to them.
ye janā yuṣmān tāḍayanti tān āśiṣaṁ vadata śāpam adattvā daddhvamāśiṣam|
15 If someone is joyful, you should rejoice also! If someone is sad, you should also be sad!
ye janā ānandanti taiḥ sārddham ānandata ye ca rudanti taiḥ saha rudita|
16 Desire for others what you desire for yourselves (OR, Live harmoniously with each other)! Do not do things because you want to be [famous]! Instead, be content to do [tasks that others consider that only] unimportant people do (OR, [to associate with unimportant] people). Do not consider yourselves wise.
aparañca yuṣmākaṁ manasāṁ parasparam ekobhāvo bhavatu; aparam uccapadam anākāṅkṣya nīcalokaiḥ sahāpi mārdavam ācarata; svān jñānino na manyadhvaṁ|
17 Do not do something evil to anyone [who has done] something evil to you. Act in a way that all people will recognize as good!
parasmād apakāraṁ prāpyāpi paraṁ nāpakuruta| sarvveṣāṁ dṛṣṭito yat karmmottamaṁ tadeva kuruta|
18 Live peacefully with other people whenever it is possible, to the extent that you [can influence the situation].
yadi bhavituṁ śakyate tarhi yathāśakti sarvvalokaiḥ saha nirvvirodhena kālaṁ yāpayata|
19 [My fellow believers] whom I love, do not do something evil in return when people do something evil to you! Instead, allow [God] to punish them [MTY], because it is {someone has} written [in the Scriptures that] the Lord [said], “‘It is my responsibility to take revenge; I am the one who will punish [people who do something something evil to you] [DOU],’ says the Lord.”
he priyabandhavaḥ, kasmaicid apakārasya samucitaṁ daṇḍaṁ svayaṁ na daddhvaṁ, kintvīśvarīyakrodhāya sthānaṁ datta yato likhitamāste parameśvaraḥ kathayati, dānaṁ phalasya matkarmma sūcitaṁ pradadāmyahaṁ|
20 Instead of [doing something evil to those who have done something evil to you], [do as the Scriptures teach]: “If your [(sg)] enemies are hungry, feed them! If they are thirsty, give them something to drink! By doing that, you [(sg)] will cause them to feel ashamed [and perhaps they will change their attitude toward you] [IDM].”
itikāraṇād ripu ryadi kṣudhārttaste tarhi taṁ tvaṁ prabhojaya| tathā yadi tṛṣārttaḥ syāt tarhi taṁ paripāyaya| tena tvaṁ mastake tasya jvaladagniṁ nidhāsyasi|
21 Do not let evil [things that others have done to you] overcome you [(sg) by making you do evil things to them!] [PRS] Instead, overcome the evil [things that they have done] by [doing] good [deeds to them]!
kukriyayā parājitā na santa uttamakriyayā kukriyāṁ parājayata|

< Romans 12 >