< Revelation 5 >

1 I saw that there was a scroll in the right hand of the one who was sitting on the throne. The scroll was written on its outside as well as on its inside, and it was sealed {Someone had written on the outside as well as on the inside of the scroll and sealed it} with seven seals.
Tu jsem uviděl, že onen sedící na trůnu má v pravé ruce svitek popsaný z obou stran, zapečetěný sedmi pečetěmi.
2 I saw a strong angel who was announcing in a loud voice, “(The person who is worthy to break the seals of the scroll and then to open it should come to do it!/Who is worthy to break the seals of the scroll and then to open it?)” [RHQ]
Jeden mocný anděl zvolal silným hlasem: „Kdo může rozlomit tyto pečetě a rozvinout ten svitek?“
3 But no created being in heaven nor any created being on the earth nor any created being under the earth was able to open the scroll and see what was written on it.
Nikde se však nikdo nenašel, kdo by to mohl učinit a přečíst. To mě zarmoutilo, že jsem až plakal.
4 I cried loudly because there was no one worthy to do that.
5 But one of the elders said to me, “Do not cry any longer! Look, the one who is called the Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Messiah who is the descendant of King David, has overcome Satan! As a result, he is worthy to break the seven seals on the scroll and open it!”
Ale jeden z těch starců mě potěšil: „Neplač! Ježíš, Lev z Judova kmene, Davidův potomek zvítězil! On proto může rozlomit ty pečetě a svitek rozvinout.“
6 Then I saw Jesus, the one who is like a [MET] sacrificial lamb, standing there. He stood near the throne, in the midst of the four living creatures and the elders. It appeared that he had been killed {that people had killed him}, but he was alive again. He had seven horns [on his head], and he had seven eyes that symbolize the Spirit of God who has all kinds of power (OR, who is also symbolized as seven spirits). [He] sends [God’s] Spirit out into all the earth.
Setřel jsem slzy a vidím, že v kruhu starců, mezi čtyřmi bytostmi u trůnu, stojí Beránek, s jizvami po smrtelných ranách. Na hlavě má znamení plnosti síly a vševědoucnosti Božího Ducha.
7 He came and took the scroll from the right hand of the one who sits on the throne.
Beránek přistoupil až k sedícímu na trůnu a z jeho pravice přijal ten svitek.
8 When he took the scroll, the four living [creatures] and the 24 elders (prostrated themselves/knelt down) before [Jesus], the [one who is like a] lamb, [to worship him]. They each had a harp, and they had golden bowls full of incense that [represents] the prayers of God’s people.
Jakmile se to stalo, ty čtyři bytosti a dvacet čtyři starci se mu hluboce uklonili. Každý z nich měl harfu a zlatou nádobu z níž jako vonný dým vystupovaly modlitby věřících.
9 The living [creatures] and the elders sang a new song. They sang: You are worthy to receive the scroll and to open its seals, because you were killed, and because you redeemed/bought people for God from every tribe, language [MTY], people-group, and nation with the blood that flowed from your body when you died.
Začali zpívat novou píseň: „Ty jediný jsi hoden vzít tento zápis a rozlomit pečetě! Vždyť jsi položil svůj život a z otroctví hříchu jsi Bohu vykoupil svou krví lidi všech kmenů, jazyků, tříd i národů.
10 You have caused them to become a people over whom our God rules, and to become priests who serve him, and they will rule on [MTY] the earth.
Udělal jsi je Božími králi a knězi na zemi.“
11 As I [continued to] look, I heard the voices of many angels around the throne and around the living [creatures] and the elders. There were millions of them, a [crowd so large that no one could count them].
Tu se k nim připojil obrovský zástup andělů, kteří obklopovali Boží trůn. Byly jich statisíce.
12 They were singing in a loud voice: “The one who is like a lamb was killed {whom his enemies killed} but he became alive again. He is worthy that all created beings acknowledge that he is infinitely powerful, infinitely rich, infinitely wise, and infinitely strong! He is worthy of being honored and praised by all created beings!”
Volali: „Obětovanému Beránkovi patří všechna moc, bohatství, moudrost i síla, čest, sláva i dík.“
13 I also heard every creature that is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the ocean, every creature in all those places, saying (OR, singing): “We must forever praise and honor the one who sits on the throne and the one who is like a lamb, May they reign with complete power forever!” (aiōn g165)
A všechno tvorstvo v nebi, na zemi, v hlubinách, v mořích – prostě celý vesmír se rozezvučel: „Bohu na trůnu a Beránkovi díky, čest, sláva a moc na věky věků!“ (aiōn g165)
14 The four living [creatures] said, “(Amen!/May it be so!)” Then the elders prostrated themselves and worshipped [God and Jesus].
Čtyři bytosti kolem trůnu uzavřely chvalozpěvy společným „Amen!“A čtyřiadvacet starců se hluboce poklonilo.

< Revelation 5 >