< Revelation 4 >

1 After these things I, [John], saw [in the vision that] there was a door open in heaven. The one whose voice was like [SIM] a [loud] trumpet, the one [who had spoken to me] previously, said [to me], “Come up here! I will show you events that must happen later.”
Emva kwalokhu ngakhangela, ngabona umnyango phambi kwami uvulekile ezulwini. Ilizwi engangilizwe kuqala lingikhulumisa kungathi licilongo lathi, “Woza lapha ngikutshengise okuzakwenzakala emva kwalokhu.”
2 Immediately I experienced that [God’s] Spirit [was specially controlling me]. There was a throne there in heaven, and on the throne someone was sitting [and ruling].
Khonokho nje ngahle ngehlelwa nguMoya, kwathi phambi kwami ngabona isihlalo sobukhosi ezulwini kulomuntu owayehlezi kuso.
3 He [shone] like [SIM] a [brilliant crystalline] jasper [jewel] and like a [brilliant red] carnelian [jewel]. Around the throne was a rainbow that [shone like a brilliant green] emerald [jewel].
Lowo owayehlezi lapho wayefana lejaspa lekhaneliya. Umchilowamakhosikazi owawufana le-emeralidi wawuzingeleze isihlalo sobukhosi.
4 Around the throne there were 24 other thrones. On these thrones 24 elders were [sitting]. They were wearing [pure] white garments and had golden crowns on their heads.
Kwakulezinye izihlalo zobukhosi ezingamatshumi amabili lane ezazizingelezele isihlalo sobukhosi leso, kuzo kuhlezi abadala abangamatshumi amabili lane. Babegqoke okumhlophe njalo belemiqhele yegolide emakhanda abo.
5 From the throne there came lightning and rumblings and thundering. Seven torches of fire were burning in front of the throne. Those [represent] the Spirit of God, who has all kinds of [power] (OR, who is [also] symbolized as seven spirits).
Esihlalweni sobukhosi kwaba lokuphazima kombane, lokundindizela kanye lokukhwaza kwezulu. Phambi kwesihlalo sobukhosi kwakuvutha izibane eziyisikhombisa. Lezi zazingomoya abayisikhombisa bakaNkulunkulu.
6 In front of the throne [there was what looked] like an ocean [made of] glass. It was [clear], like crystal. On each of the four sides of the throne there was a living [creature]. Each one was covered with eyes in front and behind.
Phambi kwesihlalo futhi kwakulokungani lulwandle lwengilazi, kucwebezela njengelitshe elikhazimulayo. Phakathi, emaceleni wonke esihlalo sobukhosi, kwakulezidalwa ezine eziphilayo, zilamehlo phambili langemuva.
7 The first living [creature] was like a lion. The second living [creature] was like an ox. The third living [creature] had a face like a man's face. The fourth living creature was like an eagle that was flying.
Isidalwa sakuqala esiphilayo sasinjengesilwane, esesibili sinjengenkabi, esesithathu sasilobuso obunjengobomuntu, esesine sasinjengokhozi oluphaphayo.
8 Each of the four living [creatures] had six wings. They were covered with eyes, all around [their bodies] and under [their wings]. Day and night they continually [LIT] sing: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty One. He is the one who has always existed, who exists now, and who will always exist.
Esinye lesinye salezozidalwa eziphilayo sasilempiko eziyisithupha njalo sigcwele amehlo amacele wonke, kanye langaphansi kwempiko. Emini lebusuku kazizange zithule ukuthi:
9 The living [creatures praise], honor [DOU], and thank the one who sits on the throne, the one who lives forever. (aiōn g165)
Kuthi lapho izidalwa eziphilayo zimdumisa, zimhlonipha njalo zimbonga lowo ohlezi esihlalweni sobukhosi njalo ophila kuze kube nininini, (aiōn g165)
10 Whenever they do that, the 24 elders (prostrate themselves/kneel down) before the one who sits on the throne, and they worship him, the one who lives forever. They lay their crowns in front of the throne and sing: (aiōn g165)
abadala abangamatshumi amabili lane bawela phansi phambi kwakhe ohlezi esihlalweni sobukhosi, bamkhonza yena ophila kuze kube nininini. Babeka imiqhele yabo phambi kwesihlalo sobukhosi bathi: (aiōn g165)
11 Our(exc) Lord and God, you are worthy that all beings praise you, you are worthy that all beings honor you, and you are worthy that all beings acknowledge that you are the powerful one, because you alone created all things. Moreover, because you planned that they should exist, you created them, and so they exist.
“Ufanele, Nkosi yethu loNkulunkulu wethu, ukwamukela udumo lenhlonipho kanye lamandla, ngoba wena wadala izinto zonke, njalo zadalwa ngentando yakho, njalo zilabo ubukhona bazo.”

< Revelation 4 >