< Revelation 3 >

1 “Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Sardis [city]: ‘I am saying these things [to you. I am] the one who can give [to people] all the power of God’s Spirit (OR, in whom is the Spirit of God who has all kinds of power; OR, [who has God’s Spirit, who is symbolized as] seven spirits), and [I am the one] who has the seven stars. I know everything that you have done. You [(pl)] appear to be alive [spiritually], but [you are so weak spiritually it is as though] you are dead [MET].
“E para o anjo da assembléia em Sardis escreva: “Aquele que tem os sete Espíritos de Deus e as sete estrelas diz estas coisas”: “Sei que seus trabalhos, que você tem a reputação de estar vivo, mas que está morto”.
2 [Become aware of your spiritual need as though you were] awaking [from sleep] [MET], and strengthen [yourself spiritually, because you are so useless that you are like someone who is] about to die [MET]. [You must do this] because I know that my God considers that nothing that you do is satisfactory.
Acorde e fortaleça as coisas que restam, que você estava prestes a jogar fora, pois não encontrei nenhuma obra sua aperfeiçoada diante de meu Deus”.
3 So then, keep remembering [God’s message, what] you accepted when you heard it. Obey it continually, and turn away from your sinful behavior. If [you do not become aware of your spiritual need and turn away from your] [MET] [sinful behavior], I will come to you [when you are not expecting me], as a thief [comes] [SIM]. You will never know at what time I will come to [judge] you.
Lembre-se, portanto, de como você recebeu e ouviu. Guardai-a e arrependei-vos. Se, portanto, você não vai assistir, eu virei como um ladrão e você não saberá a que hora eu virei sobre você.
4 Nevertheless, [there] in Sardis you have a few members who [have not been doing what is wrong. It is as though they] have not soiled their garments [MET]. As a result, because they are worthy [to live with me], they will live with me [and will be pure in every way] [MET], [like people who are dressed] in [pure] white [clothing].
No entanto, você tem alguns nomes em Sardis que não contaminaram suas vestes. Eles caminharão comigo vestidos de branco, pois são dignos.
5 Everyone who conquers [Satan] I will dress in these same white garments [MET] (OR, will be [pure in every way as though they are] dressed in these white garments), and I will never erase their names from the book [that contains the names of the people who have eternal] life. Instead, as my Father and his angels are listening, I will acknowledge that they [MTY] [belong to me].
Aquele que vencer será vestido de branco, e eu de modo algum riscarei seu nome do livro da vida, e confessarei seu nome diante de meu Pai, e diante de seus anjos.
6 Everyone who wants to understand [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations.’”
Aquele que tem ouvidos, que ouça o que o Espírito diz às assembléias.
7 “Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Philadelphia [city]: ‘I am saying these things [to you. I am] God’s Holy One, the True One. [Just like King] David had authority [MTY] [to allow people to enter the ancient city of Jerusalem, so I have the authority to allow people to enter] my kingdom. [I am] the one who opens [doors] so that no one can close them, and who closes doors so that no one can open them.
“Para o anjo da assembléia na Filadélfia escreva: “Quem é santo, quem é verdadeiro, quem tem a chave de David, quem abre e ninguém pode fechar, e quem fecha e ninguém abre, diz estas coisas”:
8 I know everything you have done. Be aware that I have opened a door before you, a door that no one can close. [I know that although] there are not [many believers] (OR, much [spiritual] strength) [MTY] [in your congregation], you have obeyed what I say, and you have not denied [that you believe in] me [MTY].
“Conheço suas obras (eis que lhe coloquei diante de uma porta aberta, que ninguém pode fechar), que você tem um pouco de poder, e mantive minha palavra, e não neguei meu nome.
9 [I am aware that] some of your people meet together with those who [follow/worship] Satan. They claim to be Jews, but I know that they are not true Jews. They are lying. I will cause them to come to you and to bow down [humbly] at your feet and to acknowledge that I love you.
Eis que eu faço parte da sinagoga de Satanás, daqueles que se dizem judeus, e não o são, mas mentem, eu os farei vir e adorar diante de seus pés, e saber que eu os amei.
10 Because you have paid attention to the message to endure patiently [when you suffered], I will keep you [safe from those who will try to harm you spiritually] during the period/time that is about to come. At that time [God will cause rebellious people] on the earth to suffer, in order that I can determine [whether they will turn away from their sins or not].
Como vocês mantiveram minha ordem de resistir, eu também os manterei afastados da hora de testes que está por vir no mundo inteiro, para testar aqueles que habitam sobre a terra.
11 I am coming soon. [So] continue believe firmly the [message] that you have received, in order that no one may cause you to lose the reward [that God has reserved for] you.
Eu estou chegando rapidamente! Segure firmemente o que você tem, para que ninguém pegue sua coroa.
12 I will make everyone who conquers [Satan secure]. They will stand in the temple of my God, [they will stand firm like] [MET] pillars, and they will remain there forever. I will mark them with the name of my God, [showing that they belong to him. I will also mark them] with the name of the city of my God, [showing that they will live there. That city is] the New Jerusalem, the city that my God will cause to descend down from heaven. [I will also mark them] with my new name, [showing that they belong to me].
Aquele que vencer, farei dele um pilar no templo de meu Deus, e ele não sairá mais dali. Escreverei sobre ele o nome do meu Deus e o nome da cidade do meu Deus, a nova Jerusalém, que desce do céu, do meu Deus, e meu próprio novo nome.
13 Everyone who wants to understand [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations.’”
Aquele que tem ouvidos, que ouça o que o Espírito diz às assembléias.
14 “Write [this message] to the leader [MET] of the congregation in Laodicea [city: ‘I] am saying these things [to you. I am] the one who (guarantees [everything that God’s promises/] that [he] will do [all that he has promised]) [MET]. I am the one who testifies [about God] reliably and accurately. I am the one who God used to create [everything].
“Para o anjo da assembléia em Laodicéia escreva: “O Amém, a testemunha fiel e verdadeira, o início da criação de Deus, diz estas coisas”:
15 I know everything that you have done: You [neither deny that you trust in me nor love/obey me zealously/wholeheartedly. You are like water that is] neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot!
“Sei que seus trabalhos, que você não é nem frio nem quente. Desejo que você seja frio ou quente”.
16 Because you are neither enthusiastic about me nor concerned about your lack of spiritual growth [MET], I am about to [reject] you [MET], [as if] I were spitting [lukewarm water] out of my mouth.
Então, porque você é morno, e nem quente nem frio, eu o vomitarei da minha boca”.
17 You are saying, “[Because we have all that we need spiritually], we are [like] rich [people who] have acquired a lot of wealth. We lack nothing!” But you do not realize that you are [lacking in so many ways spiritually that you are like] [MET] people who are very wretched and pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.
Porque dizes: 'Sou rico, e enriquecido, e não preciso de nada', e não sabes que és o miserável, miserável, pobre, cego, e nu;
18 I advise you [to obtain from me all that you need spiritually, as though you were] buying from me gold that has been refined by fire {that fire has refined}, in order that you may be [truly] rich [MET] [spiritually. Let me make you righteous, as though you were] [MET] buying from me white garments in order that you might wear clothes instead of being naked and ashamed. [Let me help you to perceive spiritual things, as though] [MET] you were buying from me eye salve to put in your eyes in order that you might see.
aconselho-te a comprar de mim ouro refinado pelo fogo, para que te tornes rico; e roupas brancas, para que te vistas, e para que a vergonha de tua nudez não seja revelada; e salva os olhos para ungir os olhos, para que possas ver.
19 [Since] I rebuke and correct all those whom I affectionately love, earnestly stop your sinful behavior.
Por muitos que eu amo, eu reprovo e castigo. Seja zeloso, portanto, e arrependa-se.
20 Be aware that [I invite each one of you to respond to me] as though [MET] I [was] standing [waiting] at [your] door and knocking. I will come to all those who hear my voice and respond to me, and I [will fellowship] with them [as friends do when they] eat together [MET].
Eis que estou à porta e bato à porta. Se alguém ouvir minha voz e abrir a porta, entrarei em sua casa e jantarei com ele, e ele comigo.
21 I will permit everyone who conquers [Satan] to sit [and rule] with me on my throne, just like I conquered [Satan] and now sit [and rule] beside my Father on his throne.
Aquele que vencer, eu lhe darei para sentar-se comigo no meu trono, assim como eu também venci e sentei-me com meu Pai em seu trono.
22 Everyone who wants to understand [MTY] must listen carefully to the message that [God’s] Spirit speaks to the congregations.’”
Aquele que tem ouvidos, que ouça o que o Espírito diz às assembléias”.

< Revelation 3 >