< Revelation 10 >

1 [In the vision] I saw another mighty angel that was coming down out of heaven. A cloud [surrounded him]. There was a rainbow over his head. His face [shone] [SIM] like the sun. His legs looked like pillars of fire.
Andin kéyin, ershtin chüshüwatqan yene bir küchlük perishtini kördüm. U bir parche bulut bilen yépin’ghan bolup, béshining üstide bir hesen-hüsen bar idi. Chirayi quyashqa, putliri ot tüwrükke oxshaytti;
2 He had in his hand a small scroll that was open. He set his right foot on the ocean and his left foot on the land.
qolida bir kichik échiqliq oram yazma bar idi. U ong putini déngiz üstige, sol putini quruqluqqa qoyup turup,
3 He shouted something with a loud voice, a voice like the roar of a lion. When he shouted this, it thundered seven [times], speaking [words that I could understand].
shirning hörkirishige oxshash qattiq awaz bilen warqiridi. U warqirighanda, yette güldürmama öz awazlirini anglitip söz qildi.
4 When it thundered [like that], I was about to write [the words that I] heard, but a voice from heaven said to me, “Keep secret what the thunder said! Do not write it down!”
Yette güldürmama söz qilghanda, dégenlirini xatiriliwalmaqchi bolup turattim. Biraq asmandin: — «Yette güldürmamining éytqanlirini möhürlep, ularni xatirilime» dégen awazni anglidim.
5 Then the angel whom I had seen standing on the ocean and the land raised his right hand toward heaven,
Déngiz hem quruqluqning üstide turghan, men körgen u perishte ong qolini asman’gha kötürüp,
6 and he asked the one who lives forever, the one who created heaven and everything that is in it, [who created] the earth and everything that is in it, and [who created] the ocean and everything that is in it, to affirm that what he said was true. [He said that he] would surely no longer delay [what he had planned to do]. (aiōn g165)
asmanlar hem ularda bolghanlarning hemmisini, yer-zémin hem uningda bolghanlarning hemmisini, déngiz hem uningda bolghan hemmisini Yaratquchi, yeni ebedil’ebedgiche hayat Yashighuchi bilen qesem qilip: — Waqit yene keynige sürülmeydu; (aiōn g165)
7 He said that when the time [came] for the seventh angel to blow his trumpet, [he] would complete what God had secretly planned, just like he announced [long ago] to his servants, the prophets.
belki yettinchi perishte kanay chélish aldida, yeni awazi anglinish aldidiki künlerde, Xudaning Öz qul-xizmetkarliri bolghan peyghemberlerge xush xewirini yetküzginidek Uning siri tügellinip, emelge ashidu, — dédi.
8 The one whose voice I had heard from heaven spoke to me again. He said, “Go and take the open scroll from the hand of the angel who is standing on the ocean and on the land.”
Men asmandin anglighan awaz manga yene sözlep: — Bérip, déngiz hem quruqluqning üstide turghan perishtining qolidiki échiqliq oram yazmini alghin, dédi.
9 So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. In your mouth it will [taste] sweet like honey, but it will make your stomach bitter.”
Men bérip, perishtining kichik oram yazmini manga bérishini soridim. U manga: — Buni élip ye! Ashqaziningni zerdab qilidu, biraq aghzing heseldek tatliq bolidu, dédi.
10 I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. In my mouth it [tasted] sweet like honey, but when I had eaten it, [it] made my stomach turn sour.
Men shuning bilen kichik oram yazmini perishtining qolidin élip yédim; derweqe aghzimgha heseldek tatliq tétidi, lékin yégendin kéyin ashqazinim zördab boldi.
11 The one whose [voice spoke from heaven said to me], “You must (prophesy again/proclaim again what I will reveal to you) about many people-[groups], many nations, [speakers of] many languages [MTY], and many kings.”
Shuning bilen manga: — Sen köp milletler, eller we her xil tillarda sözlishidighanlar we padishahlar toghrisidiki wehiy-bésharetlerni yene jakarlishing lazim, déyildi.

< Revelation 10 >