< Psalms 93 >

1 Yahweh, you are the King! You are majestic, and the power that you have is [like] [MET] a robe that a king wears. You put the world firmly in place, and it will never be moved/shaken.
E kingi ana a Ihowa; he kororia tona kakahu; he kakahu to Ihowa, he mea whitiki ia ki te kaha: kua u hoki te ao, te taea te nekeneke.
2 You ruled as king a very long time ago; you have always existed.
No mua iho tou torona i whakapumautia ai: nonamata riro koe.
3 Yahweh, [when you created the world, you separated] the water from [the chaotic mass and formed oceans], and the waves of the waters [of those oceans] still roar,
Ko nga roma, e Ihowa, kua ara, nga roma nei, kua ara to ratou reo; ka ara nga ngaru o nga roma.
4 [but] you are greater than the roar of those oceans, more powerful than the ocean waves! You are Yahweh, the one who is greater than any other god!
I runga ake i nga reo o nga wai maha, i nga tuatea nunui o te moana, ko Ihowa i runga, te mea kaha.
5 Yahweh, your laws never change, and your temple has always been holy/sacred. And that will be true forever.
Pono atu au whakaaturanga: he huatau te tapu mo tou whare, e Ihowa, mo ake tonu atu.

< Psalms 93 >