< Psalms 92 >

1 Yahweh, it is good for people to thank you and to sing to praise you [MTY] who are greater than any other god.
MAULEG para umannae grasias si Jeova ya umacanta y alabansa sija gui naanmo, O Jago, Gueftaquilo:
2 It is good to proclaim every morning that you faithfully love us, and each night [to sing songs that] declare that you always do what you have promised to do,
Para infamamanue ni y minauleg güinaeyamo gui egaan yan y minagajetmo cada puenge.
3 accompanied by [musicians playing] harps that have ten strings, and by the sounds made by a lyre.
Gui dandan ni y dies cuetdasña; yan gui guitala; yan gui atpa yan y mames na inagang.
4 Yahweh, you have caused me to be glad; I sing joyfully because of what you [SYN] have done.
Sa jago, Jeova, unnamagofyo nu y chechomo: ya bae junagana pot y checho y canaemo.
5 Yahweh, the things that you do are great! But it is difficult for us to understand [all] that you think.
O Jeova, namandinangculo sija y chechomo! yan jinasomo mansentadong:
6 There are things [that you do] that foolish people cannot know about, things that stupid people cannot understand.
Sa y taotao ni y aguaguat ti jatungo: ni y caduco ti jatutungo este.
7 They do not understand that although the number of wicked [people] increases [like blades of] grass do [SIM], and they prosper, they will be completely destroyed.
Anae y manaelaye lachog taegüije y chaguan, yan anae todo y chumogüe y tinaelaye manlajyan: ayo mina ufanmayulang para taejinecog:
8 But Yahweh, you [will] exalted/be honored/rule) forever.
Lao jago, O Jeova, para taejinecog gagaegue y tinaquilo.
9 Yahweh, your enemies will [certainly] die, and those who do wicked things will be defeated/scattered.
Sa, estagüe, y enimigumo, O Jeova, sa, estagüe, y enimigumo na ufanmalingo; yan todo y chumochogüe y tinaelaye ufanmachalapon.
10 But you have caused me to be as strong [MTY] as [SIM] a wild ox; you have caused me to be very joyful [MTY].
Lao y canggelonjo, jago munacajulo taegüije y canggelon y titogcha na nubiyo: ya mapalaeyo ni y lañan nuebo.
11 I [SYN] have seen you defeat my enemies; d I have heard those evil men wail/scream while they were being slaughtered.
Sa y atadogcoja lumie y güinaeyaco gui enimigujo sija yan y talangajoja jumungog y güinaeyaco ni chumogüe y taelaye ni y mangajulo contra guajo.
12 But righteous [people] will prosper like [SIM] palm trees that grow well, or like [SIM] cedar [trees] that grow in Lebanon.
Sa y tinas lâlâ taegüije y trongcon palma: lumadangculo güe taegüije y trongcon sedro gui Libano.
13 [They are like the trees] that grow near the temple of Yahweh [in Jerusalem], those trees that are close to the courtyard of the temple of our God.
Ayo sija y manmatanme gui guima Jeova, manlâlâ gui jalom y sagan y Yuusta.
14 [Even] when righteous people become old, they do many things [IDM] [that please God]. They remain strong and full of energy, [like trees that] [MET] remain full of sap.
Sigueja di manmanogcha asta que manbijo: manmesgo yan manbetde.
15 That shows that Yahweh is just; he is [like a huge] rock [under which I am safe/protected], and he never does anything that is wicked/wrong.
Para ufanmamanue na si Jeova goftunas: güiya y achojo ya taya tinaelaye guiya güiya.

< Psalms 92 >