< Psalms 9 >

1 Yahweh, I will praise you with all of my inner being. I will tell [others] about all the wonderful things that you have done.
[Laayaeh neh aka mawt ham David kah tingtoenglung] BOEIPA te ka lungbuei boeih neh ka uem vetih, namah kah khobaerhambae te boeih ka doek ni.
2 I will sing to celebrate what you [MTY], who are much greater than all other gods, [have done].
Namah dongah ka kohoe vetih sundaep ni, Na ming Khohni te ka tingtoeng ni.
3 When my enemies realize [that you are very powerful], they stumble, and then they are killed.
Ka thunkha rhoek loh ha loe uh vaengah a hnuk la paloe uh tih na hmai ah milh uh.
4 You sat on your throne to judge people, and you have judged fairly/justly concerning me.
Ka hamsum nan khueh dongah ka dumlai khaw ngolkhoel dongah na ngol thil tih duengnah neh lai nan tloek.
5 You rebuked the [people of other] nations and you have gotten rid of the wicked people; you have erased their names forever.
Namtom rhoek khaw na tluung tih halang te na milh sak. A ming te kumhal duela na phae yoeyah.
6 Our enemies have disappeared; you destroyed their cities, and people do not even remember them any more.
Thunkha te a yoeyah la imrhong cung uh. Khopuei rhoek khaw na phuk tih amih kah poekkoepnah khaw bing coeng.
7 But Yahweh rules forever. He judges [people while he sits] on his throne to judge people,
Tedae BOEIPA tah kumhal duela ngol ham amah kah laitloeknah ngolkhoel te a rhoekbah coeng.
8 and he will judge [all the people in] [SYN] the world justly; he will judge the people [of all nations] fairly [DOU].
Te dongah lunglai he duengnah neh lai a tloek vetih, namtu rhoek ham vanatnah neh lai a tloek ni.
9 Yahweh will be a refuge for those who are oppressed; [yes, he will be like] a shelter for them when they have trouble.
Te phoeiah BOEIPA tah hlanghnaep pahnap aka yook ham mueirhih tue vaengkah imsang la om.
10 Those who know Yahweh [MTY] trust in him; he never abandons those who come to him ([for help/to worship him]).
Nang aka tlap tah BOEIPA loh na hnoo pawt dongah nang ming aka ming tah namah dongah pangtung ni.
11 Yahweh rules from Zion [Hill]; praise him while you sing to him. Tell [the people of all] the nations the [marvelous] things that he has done.
Zion ah aka ngol BOEIPA te tingtoeng uh lamtah, a bibi te pilnam rhoek taengah puen pa uh.
12 He does not forget [to punish] those who have murdered others; and he will not ignore people who are crying because they are suffering.
Amih taengah thii phu aka suk loh, mangdaeng kodo kah pangngawlnah te a poek tih hnilh pawh.
13 Yahweh, be merciful to me! Look at the ways that my enemies have injured me. Do not allow me to die [because of these injuries].
Aw BOEIPA kai n'rhen lah. Ka lunguet taengkah phacipphabaem he ham hmu lamtah dueknah vongka lamkah kai he m'pomsang lah.
14 I want to live in order that I can praise you at the gates of Jerusalem [MTY] and to rejoice because you rescued me.
Te daengah ni Zion nu kah vongka ah nang koehnah boeih a doek uh vetih, namah kah khangnah dongah ka omngaih eh.
15 [It is as though] the [wicked people of many] nations have dug a pit for me to fall into [MET], but they have fallen into that same pit. [It is as if] they spread out a net to catch me [MET], but their feet have been caught in that same net.
Namtom rhoek loh amamih kah vaam a saii uh khuila amamih buek uh tih a dongrhui a thing uh dongah a kho man.
16 Because of what you have done, people know that you decide matters [fairly/justly], but [you allow] wicked people to be trapped by the same evil things that they themselves do.
Halang te amah kut kah bisai loh a hlaeh daengah ni, BOEIPA loh a tiktamnah a saii te a ming. Phungding ol (Selah)
17 Wicked people will all [die and] be buried in their graves, and [their spirits] will go to be with all those who have (forgotten about/rejected) you. (Sheol h7585)
Pathen aka hnilh namtom boeih neh halang rhoek te Saelkhui la voei uh ni. (Sheol h7585)
18 But you will not forget those who are needy/poor; what they confidently expect will certainly happen.
Tedae khodaeng te yoeyah la hnilh pawt vetih mangdaeng kodo kah ngaiuepnah khaw a yoeyah la pat mahpawh.
19 Yahweh, arise and judge the [wicked] people of the nations; do not allow them to think that [because they are strong] they will never be punished.
Aw BOEIPA thoo lah, hlanghing loh n'tanglue thil boel saeh. Namtom he namah hmuh ah laitloek pah lah.
20 Yahweh, teach them to be terrified about you. Cause them to know that they are merely human beings.
Aw BOEIPA amih te mueipuelnah na khueh daengah ni amih te hlanghing la namtom loh a ming uh eh. (Selah)

< Psalms 9 >